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Second Crossing (1x1 between Rainbow Eclipse and Comet Starflash)

Rainbow Eclipse

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@@Comet Starflash,


OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/106617-second-crossing-ooc/


Anala trotted through the dark streets of Manehattan, being wary of the dangers that could lurk within. She was resisting being fooled by how nice the city looked during the night, as it was also quite dangerous.


She felt tiny droplets of liquid drop onto her and trickle down her body. Darnit. Rain.


She then heard a rumble in the sky. Thunder and lightning was going to start sometime soon.


There wasn't time to make it back to her apartment. She looked to her left to see that looming warehouse she had been curious about for a while.


She had once tried venturing into it as a filly, but the ponies inside chased her off. It also didn't help that she had had quite a reputation back then for being a "troublemaker".


However, by the present day, the company owning the warehouse had gone bankrupt. Anala hadn't bothered trying to enter the warehouse nowadays; she often had other things to do.


She decided that the warehouse would be the best means of shelter for now, so she hurriedly galloped into it.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun had just finished helping out in an arrest, being undercover and acting as a fake buyer of illegal products. He noticed the rain hitting the glass roof of the abandoned factory, and decided it would be best to stay inside until the rain stopped, or at least died down. The other officers had left, along with the smugglers in hoofcuffs. There was nothing to do, nothing to see. Just an empty factory, maybe some hidden cool stuff around. But nothing obvious. He sat down on a box, against the wall and relaxed. It was all over, and his nerves were no longer on edge. His adrenaline had calmed down, and he felt tired. He closed his eyes, but remained alert to his surroundings.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala had been sitting behind a box when she heard hoofsteps.


'Dang. Maybe that pony won't notice me, and if they do, I can explain everything.'


She couldn't resist bobbing her head up just a little to take a peek while hoping not to be noticed. She was relieved to see that the pony, who she now knew to be a stallion, had sat down and closed his eyes. But relief turned to shock when she recognized him. He was a blue Pegasus, with a red-and-yellow mane and tail, and he had a few white freckles. Sun Stream.


They had met previously, and it hadn't necessarily been good. Sun had caught Anala in the act of using her friend Riley for her own ends so that she didn't have to pay for lunch. Anala had still gotten off scot-free thanks to how naive the red stallion was, but she was quite certain that Sun had a rather low opinion of her.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun was aware of another pony's presence.


"If you've come for the deal, you're too late. Everypony has already been arrested. Would you like to join them? Abandoned though this place may be, it is still private land. And as such you are trespassing."


He opened his eyes, but a horrified look washed over his face.


"Anala... I assume you came here to lie, and have others mindlessly give their money to you?"


He said, standing up and staring at her with strong intimidation.

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@@Comet Starflash,




'Okay, Anala, just play it cool. The last thing you wanna do is get arrested for something, whatever that may be.'


"No," she replied, "I just came 'cause I didn't want to get struck by lightning." She was starting to feel guilty about the whole incident back when the two of them first encountered.


"Anyway... what's this about ponies being arrested? And deals being made?" she asked, intrigued. "I watch cop shows every now and then."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun seemed reluctant to tell her anything. It was all police matters. But he came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to leave anytime soon. When they first met, she was persistent, she wouldn't stop trying to trick the young Riley into buying her lunch.


"There was a deal. We had been on their case for months. Five hundred thousand bits worth of crystal hoof.


He wasn't prepared to say anymore than that. At least not with a pony he didn't trust as far as he could throw.

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun was sure that all of the illegal substances were taken care of and confiscated. If anything there were old nik-naks to be found. Sun soon followed up the stairs, and stood on his hind legs leaning against a concrete column.


"See anything you like?"


He asked, watching her snoop around the building.


"If you find something, you can keep it. It's the factory owner's fault for leaving it here."

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala looked at Sun. "Wow, you're being pretty nice, Sunny," she commented. "I bet there's plenty of cool stuff waiting to be found." She rummaged through a box and pulled out a small, purple rectangular object with a screen on the front.


"This must be one of those GameColt Advances," she observed, rotating the device. "When I was a filly, most kids, including myself and Riley, only had the regular GameColt."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"as long as you aren't being selfish, or breaking any laws, I'm fine. But when you mooch from others, and take advantage of their obvious love of you, I can't stand it. He never did anything wrong."


Sun looked around and searched a box of his own. He found small plastic boxes, smaller than the Gamecolts.


"Game cartridges over here."


He picked a few up, observing their names and pictures, before throwing them back into the box.

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@@Comet Starflash,


"Yeah, you're right. I gotta work on that."


She went over to the box of cartridges and inspected the labels. Super Ponio Bros., Zeldock, Maretroid...


Just then, her belly rumbled. "Maybe there are some snacks lying around?" She opened a bunch of boxes before opening one filled with candy bars. She happily took one, unwrapped it, and took a bite out of it.


"Oh, man, this is good!" she said through a mouthful. "Why haven't these been released?" She looked at the wrapper, and got to read 'Side effects may include...' before she felt her ruml inflating to nearly twice its normal size.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun continued to look through the box, checking what games there were.


"Hey, I found a classic! It's..."


Sun had turned to her, but seen a rather odd sight. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.


"Are you eer... Are you ok? You look... Different..."


He said, obviously knowing what was different, but not saying what.

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun was pushed aside by the mare, dropping the cartridge into the box, and camouflaged itself with the others.


"Yoy need a bumper sticker... 'WIDE LOAD' It should say. Damn it, I dropped the game..."


His eyes kept flicking back to her flank. 'Geeze, what did they put in that candy?' He thought.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala was nearly tempted to slap Sun in the face repeatedly in reaction to his bumper sticker comment.


"Might be some experiment gone wrong," she suggested. She rummaged through the candy bars again, looking at the various side effects. 'Shrinks consumer down to a hundreth of their normal size', 'Inverses the consumer's colours'...


She shrugged and closed the box.


"Maybe you'll find a candy bar you like," she commented to Sun.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"It might help you to look better, but with my perfect completion? I'm too good lookimg as it is. You go ahead and eat up, maybe stuffing your face will make you thinner, or make you selfless for once! Naa, I'm hoping too much. That'll never happen."


Sun chuckled, looking into the window and seeing his reflection. He turned his head either side and winked at himself.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala shot a nasty glare at Sun."I'll have you know that I personally taught Riley archery when we were kids," she snapped at him. "What's more, he couldn't fly back then, so he had to sit on my back." Was Sun trying to provoke her or something? Because she felt like she was going to snap at any moment.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"Alright, I get it. You keft a bad first impression when we first met. I think you need to learn how to take a joke..."


Sun looked at her, with a confident look on his face.


"You might want to calm down... I am armed, so for your own safety, don't piss me off."


Sun winked at her, as a sign that he was joking. He looked around in some of the other boxes, seeing weird and wonderful plastics of all colours.


"I'd say this place was a game company. And the nerds needed their weird sugar supplies."

Edited by Comet Starflash
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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala smiled. She was beginning to warm up to Sun Stream. Perhaps they'd come out of the warehouse as friends.


Just then, a devious thought entered her mind. While Sun's attention was fixated on the equipment, she went back to the box of candy bars. She found two that were not listed to have any side effects. She kept one of them, and unwrapped the other, throwing the bar aside. She opened one of the shrinking candy bars, put the bar inside the non-side-effect wrapper, and walked back to Sun Stream.


She fiddled around with the unwrappped candy bar, making it look as if she had opened it just then. "Here," she said, giving the bar to Stream. "It's normal. Look at the wrapper if you don't believe me."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun looked at the wrapper, and saw that it was regular.


"That's very kind of you. But, I've rejoined the force, so I have to watch what I eat. You said you was hungry, why don't you have it? It would be a shame to waste it now that it's open."


Sun stood there and stared at her. He was waiting for her to eat the bar herself.

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"You're acting mighty kind tonight... A little too kind... If this bar is fine, then taste it. And hide the evidence better next time. Leaving the actual bar on the floor."


Sun had seen the bar left on the floor, and just generally knew she was acting like herself. It didn't take him long to know what somepony is like, and she definitely was acting herself. Her troublesome trickster self.


"I'd rather not get a fat ass, much like you."

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala mentally facehoofed when Sun pointed out the bar on the floor, but went red in the face at Sun's 'fat ass' comment. "Th-that only happened because I bit into a bar with side effects!" she protested. "Nopony could have expected to be stuck with these ugly muffin tops!"

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse

"And you tried to pull that trick on me. Trying to fool a detective isn't easy, especially when he has been one for a long time. Don't take the fat ass comment personally. Just expect your trickster plans to backfire with a kick. Lighten up, try and have some fun without others ending up in misery."

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala rolled her eyes. "Fine," she muttered. She planned to wait for him to fall asleep and then she would put a crushed candy bar in his mouth.


It was at that very moment that she felt her rump changing once more. "If that grows even bigger..." However, it did not. It shrank until it was back to its normal size, to which Anala let out a sigh of relief.

OCs: RileyAnala

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