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Second Crossing (1x1 between Rainbow Eclipse and Comet Starflash)

Rainbow Eclipse

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Rainbow Eclipse,

(Sorry I haven't posted in the previous month, I was a bit preoccupied and I slowly lost touch with the roleplaying me. But I want to get back into it now.)


Sun smirked.


"You'd like to see me drink to that, wouldn't you? Sadly, I'll have to disappoint you. I almost did, but my mom kinda threw me out of the pool, so I had to go to the bathroom. I have never vomited in public. If I keep drinkin' I might for the first time."

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala couldn't resist a snicker at Sun's story.


In response to his challenge, "Nope, I haven't done that."


She skimmed her mind, looking for things to say, when she thought of an easy way to do it: reverse the roles in situations she had been in.


"Never have I ever woken up sitting on someone's face."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"No ma'am, I have not. I think you would be better saying all the goody goody stuff you haven't done, because chances are that I have done them. Anyways, my challenge still stands. I have never been to hospital for a pathetic reason like a cold or something. In fact I think the only times I have been to hospital was when some speed demon ran me over, and when I got shot... I tell you what, that piece of advice comes free, along with a one-time offer. If you say something I have done, I'll drink two shots instead of one."

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun was shocked. He had never expected to get annoyed at anything he said. He just asumwd that she would have done a few bad things that he had never done.


"Eer, ma'am? Ma- Anala?"


Too late. She had already gone. He drank his shot and sat down, dropping the glass on the floor. The shot glasses were pretty sturdy, so his one didn't break. He headed upstairs to do the hardest thing for him. Apologise.

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@@Comet Starflash,


In the room she had headed off to, Anala was pacing up and down, ranting to herself.


"Oh, and I suppose the fact that you're a cop makes you a perfect person without flaws, eh?! And I'm a despicable pony who always takes from the world?! Just because you saw me doing it ONE BUCKING TIME?! I can't even play a simple game with Sun without him making jokes that I'm a bad person! I make ONE bucking morality mistake and he's pointing swords at me!"


She threw a heavy box through the window, shattering it, and continued screaming.


"I play one STUPID trick for the expense of a measly few STUPID Bits at the expense of my STUPID friend, and that automatically makes me a parasite, does it?! Well, let me tell you, I go through a lot just to save the feelings of that OBSESSIVE pony who doesn't even care about his own well-being, because what LITTLE intelligence he has, in the STEAMING PILE OF MANURE he has for a brain, is clouded by his constant thoughts about me! If I disappeared out of his sight for a DAY, he'd be brain-dead! If I went up to him and said, 'Hey, Riley, can I have your life savings, your house, and all of your possessions?' he'd just GIVE EVERYTHING STRAIGHT TO ME MINDLESSLY!"


As she continued to ramble, she lit some matches and threw them at a stack of boxes, lighting them on fire.


She snapped out of Psycho Mode, and gaped as she looked around. "Man, I lost my mind there for a second..." she said, placing a hoof to her head.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun saw it all. He had no idea. He knew that all of it was true, making the assumptions about her personality, that just because he was a cop doesn't mean he was flawless. He aproached her, undetected, and placed a hoof on her shoulder, staring at the fire rather calmly.


"I-I'm never any good at apologies, but here goes... I... I'm sorry for doing all those things you said, truly I am. I never meant to hurt you, but I always seem to hurt people. Push them away. I need to learn to let go of the past, I know I do. But no matter how hard I try I never can..."


He took his hoof off of Anala's shoulder, and turned his focus from the flames, which seemed to be quite contained, to her.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala violently shoved Sun's hoof away, but listened to everything that he said. She sighed. "It's okay."


She emptied the contents of a bunch of water bottles into a bucket, and threw that over the small fire.


"Look, I have outbursts quite a lot. Ever since I was a filly. Most of them are short-lived, but that one... oh boy, I sure hope nopony was filming that one..."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"Everyone needs to do something to cope with their emotions. You can't just bottle them up and expect to live a happy life. You wanna know how I deal with mine? I go down to the shooting range."


Sun placed multiple cans, bottles and jars on top of a crate and came back to Anala. He took out his gun and handed it to her.


"Now do you know how to operate a firearm? I can teach you if you don't."

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"That little button just above the trigger, that's your safety. I'd advise that you don't touch that until I tell you to. The trigger, I'm sure you know, fires it. Take this magazine and slot that into the underside of the grip until it clicks, pull this top piece around the barrel back until that clicks, and then push it back. The two sights on the top line up to be your target. Now when you are ready, switch off the safety, aim and fire. And be sure to hold on to rhe gun tightly"


Sun stepped out of the way, and stood behind her, watching to see how well she did.

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@@Comet Starflash,


'Wow, that went well.'


Anala followed Sun's instructions carefully and wisely. When she was ready, she aimed the gun at a large can, and pulled the trigger.


Never having fired a gun before (but she did see it happen a lot in cop shows), she felt a pang in her stomach at the loud *BANG!* noise. She opened her eyes to see that she had made a hole in the can, somewhere around the top middle.


"I guess I have a good aim from all the arrows I've shot," she concluded.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"That's very good. However you're aiming a bit high. Your accuracy is very good, but I can see the archer's aim. The bullet will go much further without aiming up than the bow, so just try, at least from this distance, to point directly at the targets rather than just above it. Very good... Very good indeed..."


Sun stood back and observed the can roll along the floor.

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala smiled at Sun's compliments. She aimed for a can that had a series of circle shapes on it, sort of like an archery board, cocked the gun, and prepared to take another shot.




Anala put the gun in safety mode and looked at the can. The bullethole was practically in dead center.


"I may have a good sense of aim, but... wow. Just wow. How many ponies can shoot a gun perfectly after one or two shots?"


She peered at Sun's cutie mark. It seemed like a ray of light. "What does your cutie mark mean, Sun?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Sun looked back at his cutie mark, then back at Anala.


"My cutie mark? My cutie mark appeared after I realised I was good at helping ponies. Or at least trying all I could to help ponies. Where I grew up, it was rough. Everypony needed as much help as they could get, and I gave it to them. Recently I took a big group of cops down there, it took at little while, but we got rid of all the gangs there. It should be safer, and once we make sure it will be safer, we will set up a regional headquarters there and open up the borders again."

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"I think so. Well, either that or I'm a sun god and I don't know it yet... I doubt that, we already have one of those."


Sun sat down on a nearby crate and sighed happily.


"I'm just lucky that I get to do what I love... I think the alcohol has made it through... And you? Your cutie mark is? I'm assuming that it has some kind of deeper meaning that what it looks."

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@@Comet Starflash,


Anala looked at her flank. A symbol of a bow and arrow.


"Well, yeah, anypony with half a brain could tell that I'm good with a bow and arrow, but here's another thing."


"At Riley's cute-ceañera when we were kids, he decided to talk to me about my cutie mark, which I had before we met. He told me, 'You've proven more than enough times that you're legendary with a bow and arrow, but you know what else I think it means? You shoot true and straight. When you want something, or have a goal to achieve, you put all your energy and focus into it. That's what I admire about you.'"


She smiled. "He was a sweet boy."


While she knew that Riley had flaws, just like everypony in the world, she had magnified them grossly in her rage-fuelled rant. Deep down, Riley was a bright pony whose eccentric nature enabled him to think outside the box and see things in a different way than most ponies did.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"I suppose we all have that side to us that no one else knows. Except for the few gifted ones, who's talent is showing others what they are truly capable of doing, and bringing out that side that most of us should show more often. Riley has that gift. Although it may seem as though undeeneath that skull there's more skull, he truly has the gift to be smarter than all of us sometimes."


Sun stood up slowly, and trotted back over next to Anala.


"I guess the shooting not only dampens your frustration, but also opens you up. And I thank you for sharing with me."

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"I'm a detective. It's my job to be an expert on the psychology of everypony's mind. I take what I've witnessed, and your information, and puece it all together. It doesn't work all the time, but it has in this instance. But you must always remember, there is more to everypony than meets the eye. There is certainly more to you than I first thought."

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@@Comet Starflash,


"I guess that makes sense," said Anala. "And thank you for seeing that there's more to me than you first saw."


She pondered for a second. "As a cop, do you patrol here in Manehattan? If so, do you see Riley going about his life? His job at Manehattan Novelty Store, or in the arcade, or generally just hanging out with his buddies...?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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