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Pony portraits! (Sometimes takes requests :D)


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Hey everyone!

This is a thread were I post my solo pony portraits, I really hope you enjoy them!

On occasion I will be open to requests when I feel in the mood! The title will change when this happens just so you know :) so keep an eye on it.

Here are some examples of my work

Thanks for checking this thread out, I hope to hear from some of you guys soon B)





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Hi! :lol:

I'm interested in your portrait making skills, and I decided to request one.




I'm looking forward to what you can do!

P.S: Can you keep the fang? Thank you.

P.S.S: His Cutie Mark is a winged pencil. Just in case.

P.S.S.S: Welcome to the Forums! :3

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Would you be able to my OC Brechard? Is this a free thing? Cause there's nothing about any prices. If you need and details, just ask. Also don't have to do shoes as it makes it more complicated.



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Hey there! I'm hoping you could make a portrait for my oc? :3 If you require a description or anything else, I'd be happy to provide it. ^^ Welcome to the forums. Cheers!




Oh my! What a cute OC, it'll be a pleasure to draw her and don't worry a description isn't needed


Hi! :lol:

I'm interested in your portrait making skills, and I decided to request one.




I'm looking forward to what you can do!

P.S: Can you keep the fang? Thank you.

P.S.S: His Cutie Mark is a winged pencil. Just in case.

P.S.S.S: Welcome to the Forums! :3

Sure I'll be happy to draw your oc! Though the image isn't loading for me :/ I've tried a couple of times now, do you think you could link me to a picture of him online some where?

and thank you for the welcome



Would you be able to my OC Brechard? Is this a free thing? Cause there's nothing about any prices. If you need and details, just ask. Also don't have to do shoes as it makes it more complicated.




These are requests so they're 100% free :D

Don't worry I don't need any more details, als oI will probably leave the shoes out haha

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These are request so yep they're free Don't worry I don't need any more details, als oI will probably leave the shoes out haha
Yeah, i'm like a noob with this stuff. Didn't know they be free. And okie, yeah, just leave the shoes out. 
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Yeah, i'm like a noob with this stuff. Didn't know they be free.


no worries, commissions are the things that cost money ;)

Anyway I hope you like your request when it's done.

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no worries, commissions are the things that cost money ;)

Anyway I hope you like your request when it's done.

I probably will like it, since art is awesome.

Also okay, i'll try to remember that.

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Hi guys! So you're three requests are finished :D I really hope you like them








I know they're not the most refined drawings, but please remember that these are just fun free pictures! (let me know what you think :))

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Hi guys! So you're three requests are finished :D I really hope you like them

I know they're not the most refined drawings, but please remember that these are just fun free pictures! (let me know what you think :))

Thanks a lot. Is awesome drawing.

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Very Nice! 


Would you mind terribly drawing my OC?  :please:

This is her: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140513195426/mlp/images/3/35/FANMADE_Bluelighting%27s_OC.png


Sorry! As it says in my original post I only had three slots open for requests today u__u


as much as I'd like to draw everyones oc's all the time, it's not very practical haha, but I will keep your pony in mind next time I feel like drawing free art in the future :smug:

Thanks a lot. Is awesome drawing.

thanks for thanking me I guess :D

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Oh my god that is so awesome I can't even.

But seriously, thank you! :3

yay I'm happy you like it :D


Well done, stunning work! Thanks so much! <3

Aww thank you :3 I really adore you oc's design she was fun to draw (they all were to be honest)



Oooh, do you think you can do two oc's together?

As I said in my original post I only planned on doing 3 requests (for now) and it's one pony per request :U


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Can we trade? ;u;b


that's my fc drawn by me c:


OH MY! You're art is insanely cute!

Part of my wants to do a trade but I honestly have no clue what I'd ask for you to draw, since I don't have an oc (yet) I'll think about it !



Hm..... alright, if possible, you can do my oc Nescau?


Maybe sleeping



Um I'm sorry like I said before I was only taking three requests today...so requests are closed now


(However I did write something about commissions on my reply to you, which I deleted soon after because I didn't want to sound pushy. Are you responding to my previous suggestion that you commission me for a drawing? :mustache: )

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Um I'm sorry like I said before I was only taking three requests today...so requests are closed now


If I may recommend, I think you should change the thread's name to "Pony portraits!(requests closed)". This way, people won't request, since they really don't seem to read the OP. :l

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If I may recommend, I think you should change the thread's name to "Pony portraits!(requests closed)". This way, people won't request, since they really don't seem to read the OP. :l


My thoughts exactly! oh and it makes me extremely happy to see you use your request as an icon <3 that's super flattering!





Commissions? I never purchased one before.

OFC, I live in different country, so my money is very expensive and different.




Or I did understand it wrong? 


Nevermind haha, it's probably more trouble then its worth.


Requests on her are now closed, however If I open them again I will keep your oc in mind.

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