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School Camping Trip! (RP)

Rainbow Eclipse

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 *later around the camp fire*"about earlyer i had a time like yours where I did not want to make new friend but Destiny you need to get out there or it will just get worse...and I know about that all right?" chain said saying the truth and recalling memories (I know I have poor gramer)

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(OOC: Just practice. It's easy :) )

Soprano was reading his Japanese book. He was bored. Nothing else was happening. "Does anyone want a quick Japanese lesson?" Soprano asked, knowing the answer would be no. He trained to teach Japanese, yet no pony was interested at all.

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Destiny was listening to him somewhat, but she knew that he didn't understand her.


No matter what, she just doesn't care about school or her schoolmates. Plus, she's a introvert who doesn't talk to anypony in large groups, and gets fidgety around a group. If someone tries to assign her a partner or group, she runs away or hides.


She swore when he tries to partner her up, she's running deep into the forest.

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"oh and I forgot to give you a partner Destin...y? oh no she is runing off! I have to get here soprano ceep boing the other students I will go get her!" chain said galoping to the forest to where she went "why would she do...she is going throw what I have gone throw I cant let here to do that! it will be horible..."

Edited by yoshikupo
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Oh, the camp fire, What a wonderful time for pranks. Storm had been working out of sight all day, constructing a mask out of weeds and leaves. It wasn't scary, just unusual to see. It might have scared someone who was easily frightened. Right now, he laid behind the others in the shadows, being sure to stay out of the light.

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Destiny galloped as fast as she could into the forest.


She wasn't getting a partner, period.


She panted as she galloped, trying to lose the teacher running after her.


She remembered how she begged her parents to not send her, but they did anyway, saying "You'll have fun, and you'll get to know your schoolmates." She didn't want that!

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"destiny stop runing!" chain said "wait...what if I made you a propisiton!" chain yelled at her "come on please stop this I want to help you! please I...just want to help you from being like me before please..." chain said starting to cry "please...I want to help ponys not hurt them...please"

chain said siting down crying

Edited by yoshikupo
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Destiny heard him stop and start crying. She stopped for a moment but continued running. She wanted to stop and ask if he was ok, but she didn't want to go back to camp.


You don't know me, she thought to herself.


She kept galloping deeper into the forest, and she wasn't going to stop for anypony.

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"why a filly? I have to go get her" he started to walk where she was going "she has to know what has happened" chain was thinking of what happened...and what happened to his only friend "friendship is magic" chain said smileing with a tear going down his cheek "I have to let her know that"

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Soprano heard that Destiny had run away, but he had to keep this group under control. "Just ignore them. Now, repeat after me: 私、僕、あなた." Soprano said, noticing Storm pulling a prank, so he made a prank to get him back. "Storm's waiting for the perfect moment to scare us. Let's get him back!" Soprano whispered to the group.


(OOC: I see you're working on your grammar and spelling, yoshikupo ;))

Edited by SopranoAurora
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Destiny stopped to catch her breath between a large bush and a tree. She didn't want the teacher to catch up to her.


She knew something like this would happen, she had deja vu the moment she started running.


She wasn't going to put it in her notebook though, no time.


She got up and continued to run deeper into the forest.

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As Soprano was planning to get him back, he heard Destiny. He had to see what was wrong with her. They had a fair bit in common; they were both introverts, and hated to be popular. "I need to go see if Destiny's OK. You kids, BEHAVE!" Soprano yelled, while trying to find Destiny. He flew up into the air to try to find her from above.

Edited by SopranoAurora
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Destiny was panting, she was running out of energy.


She found a giant tree with the bottom hollowed out.


She squeezed into the tiny, cramped space to catch her breath. She was on the verge of tears, but she kept herself from crying. She thought it would just make her look weak if somepony actually found her and saw her crying.

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Soprano saw Destiny hide near a tree, and he started to go down to see if she was ok or not. He had brought a first aid kit and some cookies, just incase. He had baked the cookies himself; he was interested in baking. As he landed on the ground, he saw Destiny hiding in a tree. "Hello?" Soprano said, trying to be conforting. "It's ok, i'm not here to tell you off or chase you. I just want to talk. Please don't run."

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Destiny looked up at him from her little hole.


"Uh, I can't exactly run anywhere," she said quietly. She didn't want to come out of her little hole, it was better than camping with a partner to her.


She felt a tear slip down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. She wasn't going to bust out crying in front of him.

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"Oh. Well, don't.. ehm... knock me out and run!" Soprano joked, trying to raise the mood. "I have cookies if you're hungry." Soprano said, holding out a tray of cookies. "I know i'm not allowed to give food to you kids, but who cares? Just don't tell anypony!" Soprano said. "So, what's wrong? Why did you run away from the group?"

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Destiny stayed silent. She never wanted to talk about it.


Everypony always asked her "What's wrong?" when she gets fidgety. She never answered them, because a large group always crowds around and asks her what's wrong.


She never liked partners, or groups. Because she could never speak up, she was an introvert, and they just don't understand her.


All these thoughts go through her head, but she never tells anypony.

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"Why are you silent? Don't you trust me?" Soprano said, trying to get a single friend here. Most of the other kids were normally stuck up, or just a jerk, plain and simple. He saw Destiny's notebook on the ground. "What's that notebook for? It looks interesting. Cookie?"

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Destiny saw what he was looking at and quickly picked it up. It must of fell out of her saddlebag when she was squeezing into her hiding spot.


"It's nothing really," she said. She didn't want to explain.


He'd think I'm a weirdo if I tried to explain that to him, she thought to herself.

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"I have weird things like that, as well." Soprano said, opening his saddlebag. "For example, I always carry this doohickey around with me. I got it from a friend that lived in another dimension, filled with humans. I went there once, and even showed the humans around Equestria when I was little. But, alas, no pony believes me." Soprano said, starting to cry a bit. "I also carry this around, a bottle of Spectra (liquid rainbow)." You can have it, if you like."

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Destiny didn't really know what he meant by "humans" but, she thought it was probably something like aliens.


"No, you keep it," she said.


She thought she was the only weird pony. She thought for a moment and put the notebook down and slid it in front of him.


"You can read it, if you want," she said quietly.

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Soprano had a quick flick though it, noticing that Destiny might have a power related to her name. "So.. you can predict ponies futures? That's cool!" Soprano said, impressed. "I don't really have any powers like that, but I wish I did!" Soprano said, telling the truth.

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"You probably think I'm weird as well," Destiny said sullenly.


She's never told anypony about it except Skyla and him.


"Please don't tell anypony," she said. "I don't want anymore attention than I already have."


She took the notebook back and put it in her saddlebag.

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"Weird? I think it's cool!" Soprano said. "And don't worry; I won't tell anyone. ehm, I mean anypony. Sorry." Soprano said. "I just don't understand why people, ehm, ponies think you're weird! You have a talent!" Soprano said, mixing up human terms and pony terms. "Come on, why don't we head back to camp? I'm making hot chocolates!" Soprano was hiding something. He didn't anyone to know about the Human Mirror incident.

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"Well, nopony knows, I didn't tell anypony," she said.


"And I don't think it's a talent, it's more of a curse. I don't know why or when it happens."



She considered going back to camp for a moment. "I guess.. But where am I supposed to sleep?" she said.


She squeezed out from her hole and stood up.

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