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Ask Wind Chaser

Wind Chaser

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post-18984-0-09505300-1417211903.gif you  manage yourself to open the cell, it is old and the lock can be easly opened with some force, when you out you see there's a pony with dark armor, is the guard of the dungeon, he see you and is comming very fast what do?



A) try to fight him


B ) run for your life


C) try to talk to him first
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If Ray-Ray comes 'round these parts looking for me, you don't go dropping a dime. Do yous?



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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I am having so much fun with these random Impractical Jokers quotes :P



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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(I'm having so much fun with these questions from the member Sweetie Drops :P)

"If everyone in the world but you was a baby, what would you do? :squee: "

Kill myself.


Seriously, what is it with all these baby questions? Did Sweetie Drops come up with all of them?

  • Brohoof 2
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Kill myself.

Seriously, what is it with all these baby questions? Did Sweetie Drops come up with all of them?

Yup. :P There are loads more where that one came from ;)


"If I turned into a baby, what would you do with me? :squee: "

Edited by SparklingSwirls


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What, with that random Impractical Jokers gif at the bottom? :P



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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Chatterbox: Mr. Wing Chaser, what was your reaction when you saw Twilight becoming Twilicorn?

I'm sorry if I come off as rude, but I think you might be the third person to confuse the "Wind" in my name for "Wing". :derp:


But that is a very interesting question. To this day I still think back to that debate. When it first came out, I didn't really think much of it, preferring to see how it was actually handled in the show before giving a judgement, thus I prefer to debate it much more now than back between Seasons 3 and 4, now that we have a full season of information on this.


Overall, I'd have to say my feelings on Twilicorn are very mixed, still to this day, from both a meta and in-universe perspective. It's a great direction for the show to be taking and to raise the stakes, and it gives a nice feeling of closure to a very important character arc. It's great to see MLP make a potentially risky change to the status quo when that of a winning formula is so second nature that most of MLP's competing shows willingly choose to stagnate and run themselves dry of ideas rather than to experiment and grow. The show is growing with its audience, and it's great to see a show to which so many are committed preserve its quality by doing so.


However, the possibility of fans of the show being "left behind" by the transformation was discussed a long time ago, and I felt as if I was one of the many who felt a bit left out by the transformation. I would have approved of it much more had it been closer to the definitive end of the show. In addition, I related more to this character when she was the humble little student expanding her horizons. Sure, she's the same character at heart, but now she has a title and a position of power, and wings to give her a more imposing physical presence to boot. No longer is she in that same position of learning, hoping, and aspiring. She's still learning, but she is in this new position where much of her aspirations have now been thoroughly fulfilled. She is living the dream, and for people like me who couldn't even imagine living the dream, that widens the gulf where I used to identify with this character even more than I do now. It has driven me to accuse the show of being dangerously idealistic at times by the relative non-presence of more relatable characters to people like me who do not have the privileges Twilight does, despite any personal effort on their part.


That is part of the reason why my OC is what he is -- an adult blank flank who did not get the kind of upbringing Twilight did, who feels distanced and disillusioned with society, and who has no grasp of his talents or desires. He is basically the opposite of what Twilight is, with one exception; he also has that firm belief that friendship will pull him out of the tough times. I created a character to be more relatable to the underdogs, those of us who can't really find our way in life, those of us still drifting and chasing the wind rather than making it (the name Wind Chaser also has that symbolic in-universe meaning referencing other Pegasi's ability to make and control the winds).


The whole meta issue created by Twilight's ascension goes without mentioning that the change was also problematic for the slice-of-life episodes in Season 4, where she was treated nonchalantly for the most part, and at times her new status was outright ignored.


Despite this, I do admire how she was built up to this payoff. Unlike most other media portraying successful characters who earn their happy endings, Twilight did not get here purely on her own devices. She had the faith of Princess Celestia and the help of her friends to get there, which itself sends a message stronger than any potential negative or mixed messages that could come out of this. That is a more universal message that should become more prevalent when applied properly.


I hope you enjoyed this almost mini-blog on this issue. :)


I'll go into your thread and ask you about this before the next question. ;)

Edited by Wind Chaser
  • Brohoof 1
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i would like to know about your reaction whe you see Flash Sentry and the relationship with Twilight

The relationship does not offend me the same way it does to others, but it does feel very awkward, very forced, and too much like transparent pandering to the target demographic for the Equestria Girls movies.


Flash Sentry is pretty much supposed to be the idealistic perfect guy, and the problem is that he is lacking in personality. He needs to be developed as an independent character with his own strengths, weaknesses, and flaws. That is not what he is in his current state. In his current state, he can only be used as an accessory to be used as a plot device and to spruce up the image of the movie when needed, which really is as thin as you can go with such a character.


Add to this the unclear canonicity of the EqG movies to the show and that just makes it even more complicated.


So, Flash Sentry is a bit of a problem, but not as big as many make it out to be.

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