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Academy Secrets (1x1 between Damien and Zero)


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I was once the best thief in all of Ponyville, I could break into anypony's house and fence their belongings within the span of a night and not get caught. But that all had changed, when the temptation to break into the Captain of the Guard's house became too hard to resist. 


I was just about to climb out of the window that I had climbed through in his manor, when I accidentally tripped over the hem of the rug and landed with a loud crash. "Buck" i cursed under my breath, hoping that either nopony was home or that they were all heavy sleepers, but i was out of luck, the Captain was staring down at me, a rather perplexed look on his face.

Edited by DamienTrivahn



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The captain was figuring out plans and seeing the list of new recruits he would be getting till he heard a loud noise. Leaving his study he headed and saw the pony. "Well well...a thief trying to fence stuff from my home..." The captain said using magic to keep the thief restrained and unable to escape

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I looked at him with a bewildered look on my face. "I...I..." i sigh "well Captain, you finally caught me, but please...I can't go to the cells.." I start to plead, tears in my eyes. I hang my head "and so ends the career of the best thief in Ponyville, just know..i didn't want to thieve, but you don't know what living on the streets will do to a pony, a mare especially"



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"I guess I could sympathize with you" The captain said. "You'll do Coummunity Service training as a recruit" The captain if you don't like that then you can go ahead and live in cells for the remainder of your life" The captain said. "Your choice of either becoming a recruit and working off all that you stole...or straight to jail"

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I look at the Captain and think hard, in the cells I would be belittled, I wouldn't be comfortable, I would be treated as dirt. I look at him then shyly smiles "I...I'll join the guard. Anything to get off the streets and stay out of the cells" I say, as I push all the things I had stolen from him towards him.



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"You'll start tomorrow morning then" The captain said as he took the stolen goods and put them away. "You might be of better use then being a thief" The captain said releasing the restraints from now on tomorrow you'll be sleeping in the barracks like all the other recruits" The captain said

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i look at the Captain and nod "y..yes sir" I say, as i get up and stretch. "I..I won't let you down, I promise" I say, looking around the place, parts of it reminded of my 'parents' house back in Canterlot, so much so it sent shivers down my spine. "Sir, just one question. I won't be the only mare there, will i?" I ask, feeling a little bit nervous



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"No you will be with other mares also" The captain answered. "6:00 is when I expect you to be at the camp in the morning..." He said. "Now get out before I change my mind" The captain said. "I have to put all the stuff back that you tried stealing from my home...maybe with your stealth you can train for the special ops contingency" The captain said

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I wipe the sweat away "t..that's good and yes sir" I say, running out his manor. I was crying, half because I was ecstatic to be off of the streets, but also kind of frightened. This is a whole new life for me, and it wasn't going to be easy. I knew I was kind of good looking, so what would the stallion guards think? Would I just be eyecandy?



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Next morning the captain went to the training grounds where one of his recruits were already up. "Up earlier then usual Equinox how are you" The captain said. "Been up because I couldn't really sleep" Equinox said. "Well we'll be getting a new recruit today she should be here soon actually" The captain said

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I was a bit bleary eyed from lack of sleep but I managed to get to the barracks an hour before six. I see the captain, and i do my best to salute, "Sir, I made it" I say, then see the other pony, "Hello" i say, not quite sure what to make of the other pony. I still maintain my composure, mostly.



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Equinox this is the new recruit Titania" The captain said. " Oh...well it's nice to meet you Titania" Equinox said. "You both are here earlier then expected" The captain said. " Equinox show her around I need to get stuff ready" He said. "Yes sir" Equinox said saluting.

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I nod "Couldn't sleep sir" I try to smile, "Umm, Equinox is it? i was wondering if... you could please show me to the mare's room? I kind of need to clean up" I say blushing a bit, as my fur coat, mane and tail were rather messy from living on the streets. I was kind of embarassed to turn up to my first day of training like this but I had no choice



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" Oh sure it's this way" Equinox said as he walked her to the mares room. "So what made you decide to join the guards" Equinox asked not know that Titania used to be a thief. " Or do you plan on joing special Ops like I am" Equinox asked. "Then again if you don't want to tell me that's ok...I'm probably sounding nosey now huh?"

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"Well uh.." I blush a little bit, "he caught me breaking into his house last night, you see...i used to be the best thief in Ponyville, but I got...caught by a rug" I chuckle a little "and no i don't mean the captain" a small smile crosses my muzzle as I go into the mare's room. About ten minutes later, I come back out, all fresh and clean, the water clinging to my coat, mane and tail, sparkling in the sun light.



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" Oh.." Equinox said before she went it. He waited for her and yawned. "I should have gotten s-" He stopped as soon as he saw Titania. "Well...you look nice" Equinox said. " Also if any of the ponies hit on you do what the other mares do and ignore them" Equinox said. "Anyways what do you want to see? The training field, barracks lunch hall" Equinox asked

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I blush a little "Well, it can't be any worse when stallions would try to do while I was on the street. So how about this tour?" I continue to blush, little did I know it, but I was starting to notice small details, like that Equinox was kind of cute. "I guess we'll be getting my armor and stuff too?" I ask, trying to break the silence



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"I guess living on the streets was a pain then" Equinox said. "Oh yes the tour right" He said as he continued walking. "Your stuff? Well I think it is distributed for each training session so you won't be getting it right away yet" Equinox said before opening a door. "Through here is the training grounds for the main troops that guard and defend Canterlot and most training here is defense and close combat" Equinox said

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I nod "That's pretty cool, and yes, it was very tough indeed. Always having to watch my back, break into ponies houses or pick pocket and fence their belongings as quickly as possible, mind you my talents helped with that a great deal. But you know, I know that life in the guard isn't going to be easy, but it sure beats living on the streets, and as soon as I can get my own house, it's going to be big so I can shelter the little ones who are lost and alone"



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"Heh nothing in life is easy" Equinox said. "There is various other places for different training sessions but those are explained by the instructors" Equinox said. "Come let's head to the armory " He said smiling. " Sorry if this seems boring I try to make It seem interesting" Equinox sais

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I blush a little "Oh, sorry i did get a bit distracted" I say as i follow him "But the captain said I might be get into the Spec Ops contingent." I say, trying hard to not notice the way he walked with a bit of a sway. "It was quite nice of the Captain to give me this second chance though"



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"It's okay" He said. "Hey if you do get into the Spec Ops Contingent that be great since I'm in that " Equinox said. "Anyways here is the armory. Various weapon ranging from daggers to swords, spears, and other thing" Equinox said. "Not allowed in here after 9:00 p.m and only allowed to enter at the start of the day"  Equinox explained

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I nod "Okay gotcha, and yeah, it would be pretty cool. He said I should put my talents to good use." I kind of smile "well that makes sense, what if some of the recruits were bad....we're in the guard for the wrong reasons" I say, and for some reason, couldn't help looking at Equinox, realizing that he was kind of cute.



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"Don't worry these doors are locked at times and even so as soon as a weapon leaves the room there is a magic tracker on it so incase a weapon goes missing or is stolen it will be easy to find" Equinox said looking at Titania and smiling. "She's cute..." Equinox thought as he turned to walking as he felt himself blushing a bit. "A-anyways it's almost about time for breakfast" Equinox said

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I nod again then notice Equinox smiling, and I blush "I...If I may say, you have a wonderfully beautiful smile" I smile back, and then, at the mention of breakfast, my stomach growls, and my blush deepens, "O..oh I'm sorry, I haven't eaten in days" I blush as I follow him to the mess hall.



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