DamienTrivahn 50 January 5, 2015 #1 Share January 5, 2015 (edited) OOC Thread I was once the best thief in all of Ponyville, I could break into anypony's house and fence their belongings within the span of a night and not get caught. But that all had changed, when the temptation to break into the Captain of the Guard's house became too hard to resist. I was just about to climb out of the window that I had climbed through in his manor, when I accidentally tripped over the hem of the rug and landed with a loud crash. "Buck" i cursed under my breath, hoping that either nopony was home or that they were all heavy sleepers, but i was out of luck, the Captain was staring down at me, a rather perplexed look on his face. Edited January 6, 2015 by DamienTrivahn (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 5, 2015 #2 Share January 5, 2015 The Royal Guard captain had been in his study making preparations for an upcoming field exercise when he heard a thud in the parlor. He silently opened and shut the door and entered the parlor, his sabre at his side at a horns reach and walked over to the form on his floor, which he found to be a mare. He looked down at the mare for a moment, surprised that she had had the unmitigated gaw to break into his home of all places. When the mare looked up at him, he couldn't get the surprise of of his face. "Well, miss, you know that this is private property, don't you? And that breaking and enter in is a criminal act? Typically, trying to top a pony lands your flank in prison. However, trying to rob somepony like me, that's something else all together. I like your spunk. I assume you don't want to wind up in a cell, so how about a little.... Community service, instead", the captain as he moved aside to allow the mare to get up. "Here's the deal. You can go to prison and serve out your sentence or.. You can repay your debt to the military by putting your skills to use for us. What do you say"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 5, 2015 Author #3 Share January 5, 2015 I looked up at the captain, "I..." I try to say as I blush, "you finally caught me sir, and given that I would not like life in the cells, I will take you up on the offer to join the military, but does this also mean that I will get a house, food and clothes? Like, will i finally be able to be off of the streets?" I ask as I get up, hoping the answers will be yes. As i got up, I took a look around the parlor, noticing how nice it was. For once, appreciating the environment around me. "Nice house sir, kind of reminds me of my..." I shudder "parents' house" 1 (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 5, 2015 #4 Share January 5, 2015 The captain nodded at the mare's questions as she rose. "Yes, you will no longer live life in the streets, life in the military means guaranteed shelter and warm clothes, as well as three square meals a day. But a house, not parse. Where you will stay like all other recruits will a bunker. You will have a bank and a trunk all your own. But military life isn't exactly easy". The stallion went into his kitchen to find a drunk and something to eat, returning and giving the glass and plate tithe mare. "Here, it's obvious you need a meal before you get shipped off to your new life, though it doesn't seem your old own was treating you very well, so this might be a nice change for you...as for my house, it's a perk of hard work and determination, shows your parents had a set of oriented spirits of they worked hard and made thier mark in a home like this", he said with a small smile of sympathy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 6, 2015 Author #5 Share January 6, 2015 I take the meal and nod in appreciation but shudder at the mention of my parents, "Not exactly sir, my parents weren't exactly hard working, just stingy. You see, they did work hard at first, but once they became wealthy enough, they got lazy, mean and selfish. You can smush up Prince Blue Blood, Fancy Pants, Fleur De-Lis and Filthy Rich into one pony, then put that pony into my parents and you still wouldnt be mean and selfish enough." I say as I begin to eat my meal, "and no, life on the street was harsh, i ran away from home a few years ago, because of two reasons. One, my parents wanted me to marry for wealth, not out of love. And two, there was this homeless colt, he lost his parents to the war, and my parents not only refused to help him, but they forbade me to help him as well. He died the next day of starvation" i say as I sigh (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 6, 2015 #6 Share January 6, 2015 "I see. Well, then I apologize but I did not know how your parents were. If they were truly that horrid, then I understand why you ran away from home. As for the young colt, I'm ashamed to say I'm a bit of a darwinist myself, so I'm not certain if I would have help him either", the captain add the sourly. "Know this. You head to the military training camp tomorrow, you leave your love behind and name will become nothing more than a number, you will no longer be you, for quite a while. That is the way of military training. We break you down, then build you back up stronger ". The old captain wasn't much for conversation, but he did his best for the moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #7 Share January 7, 2015 I nodded, "Honestly sir, i wasn't expecting the military to be easy. But it can't be as bad as being in the streets, having to steal simply to have enough for food, seeing little colts and fillies in the rain, lost and alone, and most importantly, having to fight every day just to survive." I say, stretching my legs, "and to be fair, I can understand why you wouldn't of helped the colt, with your beliefs and all, but my parents were just selfish snobs" I say, sitting down and yawning. (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #8 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) The captain nodded and the mess she had made she snagged the rug. "Report to camp at 0400 hours tomorrow... That means 4 o'clock by the way. You're going to be in a group of special cases, thieves, hoodlums, ex-cons and other troublemakers that society doesn't have the patience for anymore", he said before sending her on her way and going back to his study. The next morning - When Titania reached the camp nine other Ponies had already lines up for orientation ration and statistics. A orange Pegasus who was as dirty as a rat, but clearly not off the streets. Just a tumbler, by the name of Thunder Crash. A slender stallion with cold calculating eyes, a criminal named Cash Flow. A petite Blue mare who stood off to the side, clearly not caring enough to acknowledge any pony or the sergeants order to line up. And six other Ponies stood in line, some giddy, some terrified. One just lazily watched the clouds pass by. Edited January 7, 2015 by Cerebrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #9 Share January 7, 2015 Titania lines up, being the 'smartest' looking of everypony there. She does notice the light blue mare but tries not to pay much attention to her. She wanted to made the most of her new life, the second chance she thought she would never have. She had actually gotten there at about half past three, so that she could be a little more prepared. "where is he?" she asks herself, looking everywhere for the Captain. (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #10 Share January 7, 2015 A burly brown stallion marches up in full armor and flowers Dien the line of Ponies. "All right, then.. You've all been briefed by our gracious captain I presume. If not, too bad. Let's get right down to it. You are now my maggots for me to mold as I see fit.. You best get it line", he said directing the order to the Blue mare who just glowered back before deciding to play along for a few. "All right we will have a series of basic physical tests. They will determine your banking and who gets the worst chores. Number one bunks with number 10,2 with 9, so on and so on. The lower number get the bottom bunks while the good scorers get the top bunk the prize I'd you will. This is to push you to try to increase your ranking and earn the prize. I can already tell who will be low ranking... By the way. You don't way until everypony has finished the tests. And if you havnt figured it out, I am Iron Hammer, the meanest Sargeant in the army. You're going to hate training with me, I promise ". After he finished she'd his rant, the Ponies were instructed on to a fixed circular course. You will run twenty laps then got to the field in the center. Fifty push-ups, then we'll wall climb. No wings, no magic. Only hooves", he finished as the Ponies lined up for the test. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #11 Share January 7, 2015 I nod and salute him "Sir, yes sir" I say enthusiastically. I look at the others in the line, they didn't look fit for duty, but mind you, I wasn't really either. But I was glad for this second chance, then suddenly my glance fell on the light blue mare again "She really doesn't want to be here" I think to myself and shake my head. I take a look at the drill sergeant "he's right, life won't be easy" (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #12 Share January 7, 2015 At the sound of the whistle the omits started running thier laps, the ones placed for crimes involving computers and data falling behind due to a lack of physical activity while the more hostile recruits like the orange stallion and the blue mare took an early lead since they spent most of thier time fighting other Ponies just for the fun of it. Storm's attitude might be lacking, but physically there was no besting her. She quickly took the number one spot whole most the recruits were still on laps, much to the disdain of the Sargeant. They inherently hated each other, her just hating authority and he hating her father for his way of doing things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #13 Share January 7, 2015 I found it easy to keep up to the blue mare, but she was still quicker than I was. I was mostly physically fit from all my running from the law and stallions trying to take advantage of me on the streets. Then there was the quickness to my steps as I ran, due to the fact that it was part of my stealth talents. I take a quick look behind myself, and shake my head as I see the other recruits either fighting each other, or falling behind. "Such a pity, some of them could turn out alright" I say to myself. (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #14 Share January 7, 2015 The Sargent just ticked off names from his list as the recruits finishes and marked thier bunks before ordering them to line up once more and listing where they would be at night. "All night now that we have fished out all of the mistakes, you can go to mess hall.... After you go eat you slop you will shower and report back to me for armor fitting", he said as he pointed them towards the mess gall for breakfast. As they walked, the same Ponies that had been fighting during the exercise began brawling again, Storm Storm merely hovering above them to avoid getting tangling in their fight as a few soldiers cane and separated the fighters and escorted them to breakfast. Storm took her breakfast and took a spot as far from the others as possible, and as close to the exit as possible, wanting to slip out quickly without being bothered. She still hadn't noticed any of the other recruits and at the moment really didn't care to. If one s p ke to her she'd respond but that was about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #15 Share January 7, 2015 I quickly go to get my breakfast, and find a seat. I look around, there were the new 'recruits' the ones who were fighting had a contingent of guards watching over them, the more computer tech ones were at the one table and discussing hacks and the such, and then I noticed that the blue mare was missing. I shrug it off and continue looking around with a sigh. "s..so many stallions" I whisper to myself and shrink in my chair, trying not to be noticed. (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #16 Share January 7, 2015 One if the brawlers flashed a glance toward Titania and got up to go talk to her only to be pushed back back to his seat by a solar shaft, which was good for her since his intentions were anything except pure. Storm was escorted back into the mess gall after being chewed out for leaving early a small spark of electricity dancing between her hooves barely visible as she retook her seat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #17 Share January 7, 2015 I sigh and finishesmy breakfast. I continue to sit at my table, my head down and trying not to be noticed. I was shy, I really didn't want to be noticed, especially by the stallions who looked like they would try to take advantage of me, I sigh again. "well this is great T, first day to your new life and you have all this to deal with...almost like being on the streets again" (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #18 Share January 7, 2015 Storm was already irritated when she saw the stallion trying to mess with the other mare, so she deciding now might s fine time to pick a fight. She kicked the metal table, sending the lightning from her hoof into the hoof of the offensive stallion throwing back a bit into the gaurds who thought he was trying to cause more trouble and pushed back into his seat. She was nessacarily trying to help Titania any more than just hurt the stallion because he annoyed her, but if the means achieve the end then so be it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #19 Share January 7, 2015 I squeak and hide behind my mane, and shrinks even further into my chair. But as the blue mare starts the fight, I couldn't help but stare at her, she was actually quite good looking. But she was also fast and strong, I shake my head and try to think of other things, though it was proving difficult to do. (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 7, 2015 #20 Share January 7, 2015 (edited) Before Storm could really get a good fight going the stallion was once again pushed to his seat. "Pity, he might want been fun, at least more fun than doing nothing, that is", she grumbled before sparking a small lightning bolt from her hoof to her table and controlling it's direction with her wings, tilting them here and there to turn the bolts trajectory, sufficiently entertained as she could be as of right now. She caught a glance of the mare staring at her and glared back before returning her attention to her lightning game. Her lightning was now clearly visible but norther the recruits or guards moved to do anything about it, understandably since most Ponies can't just flick lightning bolt from their hooves and thats not something most Ponies want to pick a fight with. Or maybe it was just the fact that the her father, the previous commandant of the Royal Guard had taught her how to fight and therefore she was quite possibly the best fighter there, when her Storm abilities and training are considered. However, fighting smart, not so much. She was more the type to punch then think about punching. Edited January 7, 2015 by Cerebrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DamienTrivahn 50 January 7, 2015 Author #21 Share January 7, 2015 I squeak again and glance away shyly with a sigh. I think about getting seconds of breakfast, if it was allowed. I get up to go to the serving table, and notice a couple of the stallion recruits staring at me, a few of them even whistle at me. One of the more seasoned recruits gets up and uses his tail to spank me on the flank. I blush and try to get away."hey cutie, what are you doing here in the guard? You belong somewhere else...say...my bed" he chuckles, trying to pull me in for a kiss. (Signature made by me, vectors found on google) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dusk shade 205 January 8, 2015 #22 Share January 8, 2015 (edited) Again. Another perfect opportunity to hit somepony and call it a righteous act. Of course Storm took the opportunity and walked to the group before slamming his head into the table. "If we're gonna have fun let's include the whole group. So... Which wants to join thier buddy with thier face through a steel table", she asked gleefully. She took an unfortunate joy in hurting others and riling others up so the guard made her feel right at home. However, with a windigo in her head, the constant tension leant she was viable to lose control at even a small problem, which only meant more trouble. Edited January 8, 2015 by Cerebrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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