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private Meeting the Cursed [1x1 with mindfracture] (IC RP )


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OOC http://mlpforums.com/topic/119112-1x1-with-mindfracture/?p=3412902


It was a windy autumn evening. The dry leaves blew in the wind and crunched underhoof as Starchase strolled around the school grounds.


A rustling in the bushes attracted him. He curiously peeked into the thick hedge. A squirrel? A fallen bird?


A pair of green eyes greeted him. It was no woodland creature. He stood there,paralyzed.

Edited by Swinton


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i walk nervously down the path towards the school glad that its late afternoon as i hide my face and body inside the cloak as i walk looking left and right and constantly checking to see if my cloak is hiding my body fully my tongue flicking in and out in the afternoon air

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He ran. Faster than the wind, he intended to run back to his dorm and maybe report it to the house master. He ran blindly until he crashed into a cloaked pony. (You)


"Sorry" He apologized as he brushed himself off. "Who are you?!" He questioned, rather alarmed, there usually weren't many strangers on campus.


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"You're not from here." He stated it as a fact. "You shouldn't be here." He stared at the stranger, not sure what to do.


"You can't stay out here, you'll get caught. Some of the greatest minds of Equestrian attend here. But they're all in extra classes. So the close should be clear." Starchase took the lead, motioning the stranger to follow.


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"Dorm. Nobody's about at this time, French classes." Starchase replied in a hushed tone. They passed through the garden and cut though a small alley leading to a back door of a red brick building. He swipes his card and holds the door open with his magic for the stranger. They dart into his room, the one in the corner.


He locks the door. "I need you to take me out of here or I can and will shout for the house master."


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you see the flash of steel and the feeling of a cold and sharp knife pressed to your throat if i were you i wouldnt be threatening me i warn but supose i get you out of here whats in it for me cause this seems like its a lot in your favor i say as you see the glint of my white fangs as i smile 

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"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Lessons end exactly ten minutes from now. The hallways will be flooded with ponies. Do you think nobody's going to notice you? Security increases during free moving hours. I don't know how you got in, but you won't be getting out." Starchase was actually more excited than scared. The adrenaline was getting to him. "And we can pass by the kitchen if you want."


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I nod I have gotten out of a changeling hive before I'm sure I can escape this place I say as I sheath the knife the soonest they would know would be the blood comeing from under your door and I will have already made it off campus with all the food I want so I'll ask again what do yiu have to offer me I say moving to leave

Edited by mindfracture
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"Well it really depends on what you want." Star chase rolled his eyes like it was something super obvious. "Bits? Gems? You know you broke into one of the most expensive boarding schools in the whole of Equestria right? You're not the first to threaten my life. So. Name. Your. Price. "

Edited by Swinton


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Hmmm what do I want that is yet to be discovered however I believe I could use a companion for the meantime so you had better know how to fight and we are going to the closest town first for a rest then we will move onto the next town till we arrive at canterlot I have some business there

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"Sure, if it's what you want." Starchase smirked. He had actually planned on running away ages ago but couldn't find the right time. He produced a bag under his bed filled with the bare necessities, it was nearly empty. "We still need to pass the kitchen. Mind's well have a bite."


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I lick my lips sounds like a plan I say as I stand up I take the bag from you and put it on my back I'll meet you in the kitchen my eyes glow red and a chilling feeling passes through him and he feels he us alone in the room a small mark on the floor where I was standing

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"Well, see you then." He shrugged to the empty space. Putting on his winter blazer, he trotted out like he would everyday to dinner hall. Nobody questioned him. He nipped into the kitchen and hid in the cupboard, stuffing himself with the goods and sweets, waiting for a certain someone to appear.


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I appear in the kitchen and he smells death and decay as I appear not seeing how I appear I look around for the chef or a waiter who would spot me and alert anypony else as I start grabbing food and stuffing it into the bag only grabbing stuff that will last as I look around for you

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"Great, you showed up, let's go!" He said, gagging on the smell. So they escaped through the delivery door and did a straight sprint into the woods. The school had held classes and activities in the area so Starchase was well aquaintes with the place. He took them north, not stopping till he was damn sure nobody could track them.


"I think we're save for now." He huffed as they came to a halt. "Apple?" Starchase offered him one as he munched on one himself.


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Nah I'm good thanks I look at the sun and hum annoyed we need to get to the town within two hours and you see sundown is in three hours I don't wabt to be caught in the dark with you so I will have to take us there myself but you have to keep your eyes closed for the entire time or it could send you crazy or it might just strip your sanity till your suicidal or it will melt your eyes do you wish to travel my way theb hold onto me otherwise I'll meet you there

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"Well I am suicidal but that other stuff doesn't exactly sound pleasant." Finishing his apple,he buried it in a shallow hole. He took out a handkerchief and blindfolded himself, making sure he couldn't see. "So are you some sort of werepony?" He asked as they walked.


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"Wow, how'd you do that? You're amazing!" He blinked and adjusted his eyes to the light. But sundown was coming. "I think we'd better find a place to stay the night. It's getting late."


In truth, he had never been out this late without his parents and it made him somewhat scared.


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I chuckle and as I trot into town and find the closest hotel and I walk in and walk up to the counter two rooms please the stallion nods and gives me two keys I walk up the stairs to the rooms makeing sure he is with me and I unlock his room and walk in and i sniff aroubd the room and look under the bed and in the closet alright it's safe good night and watch out for changelings they sometimes feed off of ponies while they sleep I say and give him the key and walk out and over to my room and walk in good night I call and close and lock the door

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Starchase locked the door,insuring it was properly bolted. He wasn't afraid of no changelings. Just...wary. At least he was out of the woods. Away from school. It was progress none the less. He had been planning for weeks but he never thought it would come to fruitation.


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In the morning he wakes up to knocking on his door come on its time to wake up I got us a small jobs get some bits so we could take the train to the next town we have to help the guards run a test invasion we will be sneeking through the city with the goal of getting to the castle

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A low drawn out groan came from the door like a monster moaning from the shadows. Starchase pried his eyes open and forced himself to get out of the warm comfy bed. He brushed his teeth and took a quick refreshing shower before he headed out to meet up.


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