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private Meeting the Cursed [1x1 with mindfracture] (IC RP )


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He sees me with bite marks on my neck and a mare walking away swaying her flank I rub the mark never mind I just got the cash I say a distant look in my eyes as I put the bits Ibto your bag why don't you explore for a bit I'll get us the afternoon tickets and I'll see you at the station

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"Um, sure." Well he didn't exactly know what to do. He'd never had so much freedom in his life. Exploration seemed like such a foreign concept to him now. He just walked around and didn't really do much, trying to keep a low profile. The staff must have already noticed his absence by now. The police would have been notified. He was essentially a wanted escapee.


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i hum as i rub the bite mark just hope she wasnt a vampire i say as i walk away still rubbing the spot and i walk out to the trainstation and wait hoping the mare doesnt find me again as i try keep a low profile hiding myself and from the mare proving to be difficult 

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Starchase was getting bored. The town was very small and did not really have much for him to see. It was actually getting rather depressing for him. Being bored usually led to thinking and thinking led to unhappy thoughts. And those led to... somewhere he didn't want to be.


Eventually he headed to the train station.

Edited by Swinton


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"I'm not sure about this." For one, he's not of legal drinking age in most parts of Equstria. Secondly, he'd never actually hit on a mare before. The school he attended was exclusively for males. It's female counterpart was down the road but they never got together except for school functions or tournaments. Add in raging hormones... "Ah, screw it, let's go in."


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I chuckle and walk in apple cider and an apple juice I call andi grab them and sip the cider and hoof yiu the apple juice and I walk ti a table in the corner and I sit down and look over at the crowd hmmm I point as a very drunk mare I want yiu to walk over to her and tell her that you really like her mane and that her eyes are entrancing then ask her if she wants to come over to our table

I chuckle and walk in apple cider and an apple juice I call andi grab them and sip the cider and hoof yiu the apple juice and I walk ti a table in the corner and I sit down and look over at the crowd hmmm I point as a very drunk mare I want yiu to walk over to her and tell her that you really like her mane and that her eyes are entrancing then ask her if she wants to come over to our table

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"Er, sure. But isn't that kind of taking advantage of her?" Starchase hesitantly walked over to the mare and approached the wobbly mare. "Miss, I couldn't help but notice you have extraordinarily beautiful eyes that are a striking match for your luxurious mane. May I have the pleasure of your company at our table?"


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She giggles sure little guy she walks over with you and as you sit down she sits in your lap as she kisses yiu softly as yiu taste it's not alcahol but non alcoholic drink on her breath she giggles again I'm silent strike marrow she says nodding at me I chuckle she is actiouly an assassin I use to work with she kisses your cheek he was pretty good too

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Starchase felt really really awkward with a mare in his lap. He'd never really talked to a mare before this and now he had one in his lap. She's wasn't heavy or anything. In fact it felt somewhat pleasant. He blushed under her attention, turning a light shade of red. "Nice to meet you, I'm Starchase."


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"I would prefer to think he is acting out of the latter--oh! Please don't do tha-" He squirmed beneath her. He felt tempted to shove her off his lap and onto the floor. But being the gentlecolt he was, he didn't. Instead, he asked nicely. "Could you please get off me?"


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i wouldnt stop her in the middle of her fun i say and take a sip of my cider she grins its too bad your so young i would have liked to see how big you are she says licking her lips as she rubs his cutiemarks in slow circles i lean over and whisper in his ear just let her watch you squirm under her she does enjoy this kind of thing wouldnt want to upset a assassin would you i ask as i take the knife out of her mane the huge knife nearly classed as a machete and move it away from her 

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"Perhaps another few years," He tried to not let it get to him. When I'm mentally prepared for this type of trauma he thought to himself. He drank his juice slowly, trying not to choke himself. "So what brings you to this part of town, Miss?" He tried to think of anything else but the feeling he was getting from her using him as a sort of beanbag chair.


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"I like to think of myself as priceles--Shouldn't we be going by now?" He asked, actively trying to get free from the possibly psychotic mare. It wouldn't be his first encounter with a foal fiddler (it's in the Ask Starchase thread). But he sure as hell didn't want to be caught like this again, assassin or no assassin. 


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I guess we had better alright silent leave him alone yiu have had your fun vesidW your contract just left she bolts off your lap and runs for it as I stand up come on then train should be there already I say as you see the arrival time on your ticket says two minutes ago

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"Thank Celestia!" He sighed in relief. He sits up and straighten himself up before leaving, his face still flushed and bothered as though he had been out jogging. "Do you know a lot of ponies like that?" He asked as they boarded their train. He hoped not. He desperately hoped not.


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no she is probably the only pony i could trust and she doesnt even know my secret cause im sure i would have my head mounted on a stake if she knew i say as i walk to a chair only to be thrown out of it by a griffon this is our booth snarls the griffon oh uh sorry i say and sit in a different seat but the griffons friend throws me out of that one too as starchase sees the anger flash across my face but i force it down sorry i say and stand up and move to the end of the cart and sit in a seat and adjust my cloak and hood making sure they are still keeping me hidden starchase sees my eyes glowing a scary red as i watch the griffons they look at me for some reason looking angry because i didnt try picking a fight with them 

Edited by mindfracture
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"You okay?" Starchase tries to peek under the hood, genuinely concerned. "Don't let it get to you, they're just a bunch of uncivilized feather face. We've got better things to do anyway. So where we actually heading?" He asks as he absent mindedly scribbled into a notebook.


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"Wake up, we're in Canterlot already." Starchase looked out the window to a familiar sight he'd been to a billion times, with his loving parents. "I know where we can stay tonight." He sighs heavily, his eyes far away. The trains pulls to a halt and they disembark.


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i wake up "huh what" i say and shake my head "what do you mean you know where we can stay?" i ask as i rub my eyes and stand up as i stretch myself out stiff from sleeping on the train as i disembark with him "just lead the way" i say as i stand behind him "i feel like i have a hangover" i say as i follow behind starchase 

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"We can stay at our place. I don't think anypony will be there anyway." He took him through the alleyways to avoid unwanted attention. Ponies there could be very judgemental. They found themselves at a very big house sitting above a little hill overlooking the city with its own privacy. Starchase dug out the key from his bag and opened the door.


The place was lavishly decorated with art. Paintings, canvases and the sort. It had two stories with a roof observation deck. Despite its size, it only had a living room, 2 bedrooms, 4 toilets, an office and a huge backyard with a studio.


"You can stay in my room." Starchase said as he crashed onto the sofa. "You can have your own grand tour, I'm just gonna be here. Yell if you need me."


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i walk off and after a bit starchase hears a yelp come from the stairs and as he gets up he sees me impaled on the broken hat rack my cloak lifted off me by the wooden pole going through my chest as starchase sees im covered in scales and i have dragon like wings and a long dragon like tail my eyes looking like a dragons too my tongue flickering in and out as blood starts to pool around the base of the hat rack i cough up some blood as i look at starchase and he sees there was a lose board on the step and i slipped over the rail and onto the rack

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Starchase got up to see what the fuzz was about.


"Oh buck. Don't die on me." Starchase screams as he sees the bloody sight. He kneels down beside him. He panics not knowing what to do. He starts crying like a little foal. "I'm so close. Don't leave me. I don't want to be alone..."


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