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All Hail The Queen(Chrysalis) Thread


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I wanted to dedicate a thread to my favorite character of all time in the show. 






Those are my three characters from MLP. I know my #1 is a villain, but she's just so damned awesome and in my eyes she's the villain who should represent the entire show. I know people love Nightmare Moon, Sombra, Discord or Tirek. But Chrysalis accelerated my interest to keep watching the show. I figure we can say what we love, or hate about Chrysalis. Every character has their flaws. Anything you want to see? If the changelings ever come back.

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As much as I loved her in A Canterlot Wedding, actually examining her actions reveals she has no idea what she's doing!
The most generous interpretation that actually makes any sense requires three major assumptions.

1. Chrysalis did no research into who she would be impersonating, because she doesn't know a thing about who Cadence is!

2. Chrysalis really really wanted to marry Shining Armor, maybe she likes him?

3. Chrysalis REALLY hates Canterlot, and wants it destroyed despite having many reasons not to.


But still, she's so freakin badass!

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My friend, even though I prefer Sombra, I share your enthusiasm for Chrysalis. However, as this technically overlaps with the fan club in regards to adoration and discussion for the character, I'll have to lock this thread and link you to the club itself. In the club you can discuss anything in regards to the character, and I encourage you to do so as you have the enthusiasm!


Queen Chrysalis Fan Club


Thank you and have a good day! :)

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