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Bronies' Article Project - Need Help!


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Hi everypony.


I'm Marlyly a french brony (I allready presented myself) and I nead all the help I can get.


Here is the deal, my school forced me to create a blog, not that i'm complaining I even kinda like it.

As a subject I chose "the drawing on the internet", I'm not talking about everything on the web, more the artist I like.


Here it is if you want to watch: http://dessindunet.blogs.ipag.fr/


And the brony community is full of awesome artists.


So I decided to make an article about MLP and the brony community just before the royal weeding.

It is practicaly done.


But I want to be sure it is perfect so I translated it in english and I want you to give your opinion.

The article is compose of 5 parts:




video and animations



I'll also write a conclusion after the weeding and a credit (I quoted a lot of artists)


The oppening is translated and I corrected it again and again to be sure that you can read it (i'll put it as an attached file).


I nead you to give your opinion, tell me if I made some mistakes (not with the translation, but if i wrote something wrong about the bronies).


The show, and all the fans of it, are very dear to me and I want my article to be perfect.


So if you want to help me here are some instructions and important stuff:


- You can post your coments on the blog or at the "contact me" section of my blog:



- Dont be a parasprite, I apreciate every comment except this nasty kind.


- Dont tell me "you should realy talk about (....) he is awesome" unless he, or she, is realy the most famous of all. The rules of my blog is that it's about my taste and experiences at first.

Of course you can try and i'll pay attention it's not like it will be the only article about ponies.


-Dont be mad about my english, I did the best i can with this article thrust me.


-Dont care about the size of the illustrations, they are just here so you can see what i'm talking about. Same for the videos, I'll probably only put the link to it.


-I give only the first article for the moment, the others are translated but i's not good enough. I hope I'll have the time to look at it again.


-If I see that you like my article I might post the translation too, so if you want to help me make it sound like real english you can, but for now on it's not the main point.


-If you decide to look at it please do it quick, i nead to post on friday if I want it to be before the weeding. Sory to say that but this blog, and this articles, represents a loot of work for me, and I dont want it to finish with an epic fail.



So, thanks you all for your attention.

As a project which nead colaboration I hope it will fit in this part of the blog.

EDIT: a moderator puted it in a more appropriate place, thanks you.


I realy realy hope you will help me.


EDIT: the other articles are now in my google account: atranchon@gmail.com (i have no idea how it works)



AJ: He neads help !!!

me: Tout de suite !!!

intro traduction.docx

Edited by marlyly
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o/ Fellow French brony. ( Je viens du hexagone moi aussi. )


So I read the article you wrote. ( I assume that is not the final layout. ) It does resume rather briefly the history of the fanbase, but I think you did not explain enough on why we watch it. You did state some implicit things, but they are just that, implicit and should be explicit. There are a lot of reasons why someone would want to be part of our epic community and adding in some quotes from various members would probably make it more appealing, and likable.

I love you! <3

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Thanks you Neikos, I didn't expect someone to answer so briefly.


Well of course I'm not writing a lot because it's only the introduction.

The others parts: "drawing, video, tumblr", are here to show that the community is very productive and interesting, even for someone who dont like especialy ponies but who like art or having fun.


The last part "references" is about the references in the show (the star wars' for example) and the interaction between the bronies and the producers. I'm writing about Derpy, Tara Strong and her Twilightlicious, the allmighty Lauren Faust.


The articles are not ment to explain why we watch MLP but at first to describe the show and her comunity.

I keep the conclusion for later and I'm sure it will be like:

"I showed you that it's more than a little girl's show, and you probably guessed it when you were reading what i wrote"


I also intend to make a "hors série" article where i'll put bronies' stuff which has nothing to deal with drawing. I allready know there will be music, and adding quotation or portrait of famous bronies could be a nice thing to add to this part.


I also forgot to precise that I must use my school's server for my blog, which mean i'm limited with the pictures I post. That's why my article aren't realy long. They are also short because I want peoples to watch by themselves, that's my blog's objective, help to discover, not spoiling everything.


Once again thank you.


ps: do you think I should post the other parts now even it they are not nicely translated?

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That depends completely on you, if you feel comfortable with releasing something that is not done or polished. You can PM me them as well if you prefer that.

I love you! <3

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That depends completely on you, if you feel comfortable with releasing something that is not done or polished. You can PM me them as well if you prefer that.


Now that I think about it, i'll try to make a better translation before to send them.

They will be here tomorrow.


Here I've got a big problem, the articles are all translated but I cant put them, they are too heavy (only 7.99 mb left when i nead like 15).

If someone knows a way for me to post them please say it.


You can also ask me to send the files ocf, there's not a lot of peoples interested so it will work.

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When dealing with things like that I love using google docs, it also allows others to leave comments on your text which is quite useful

I love you! <3

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