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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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My niece requested that I make a MLP - FIM Fan Fiction, so I put all my projects aside and got right to work. Well, everyone, you'll all be the first to see the completed works. I will post the Prologue tonight and pieces of each chapter every following day. I hope you enjoy this as I did creating it.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~






In the land of Equestria, all the ponies live happily throughout the land under the guidance of Princess Celestia. Long ago, Princess Celestia governed the land with her sister Princes Luna. However, jealousy and spite changed the once fair princess of the night to go against her duties to the ponies of the land and follow a far more selfish desire. The desire of dominance at the sake of the happiness of all Equestria. With no other options, the benevolent Princess was forced to act and confront her younger sister, now the evil Night Mare Moon! Using the Elements of Harmony, She banished her sister into the very moon she refused to let rest. Taking responsibility for the actions that governed the sisters to go down different paths, Princess Celestia took reign of both the sun and moon to bring night and day to the people.


However, on the longest day of the thousandth year, Night Mare Moon escaped her lunar confinement with the help of the very stars themselves and tried to bring forth Eternal Night. In an act of bravery and duty, a student of Princess Celestia by the name of Twilight Sparkle, who had been researching the events leading to the crisis went forth to find the Elements of Harmony and with the help of her new found friends Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Together, they defeated the malicious Night Mare Moon, once again returning her back into Princess Luna.. Order was then returned to Equestria and everypony continued happily. Since then, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have had many new adventures and mishaps, side by side.


However, they did not expect that somepony would stumble into their lives and kick off their latest adventure.








Ponyville, in the land of Equestria. It is a simple, peace filled village that was no stranger to amazing merry-go's of mishap and misadventures which never failed to bring those who would avoid everypony and bring them to new found friendships. However, the story does not take place here... Well, not yet anyway. This story begins a little way away by the sea. It was unusual for anything to ever wash up on shore other than the odd seaweed covered piece of wood. Today, however, was not one of those days. A slumped over colt wearing a heavy cloth over his head and body had found his way onto the sandy shores. Slowly, he opened his eyes and coughed hard as he recovered from his washing up on the beach. Looking around weakly, he asked, “Wh-where... Am... Where am I? Am I alive?”


He stumbled to his feet and quickly fell over. He looked down and stared at his hooves blankly. Sighing, he placed one hoof on his head and said, “I won't learn anything here. Where am I? Where did I come from? Maybe somepony around here might know.” Taking a quick glance in the sea, he looked at his silver pony form and said, “I wonder where the closest town is?” Noticing the road a little way ahead of him, he moved along at a slow trot.


And now we turn to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle was in the library with her baby dragon companion Spike. Applejack was on the ranch harvesting the apples that her family were famous for. Rarity was in her home trying to find a fashion breakthrough, Rainbow Dash was moving through the sky at an alarming pace that, quite frankly, made her friends a little worried when she descended to ground level. Pinkie Pie was hopping around the whole village in her usual upbeat fashion thinking of her next party. Finally there was Fluttershy. None of her friends had seen her all day for some reason. Nopony thought too much about the absence, but they did wonder where she headed the minute the sun rose.


The truth was, there was a small trail she knew of that led to the sea. She had stumbled upon it recently and would go daily to see the water breaking on the shore. This was also the same path the mysterious colt had found and the two of them were blindly heading towards each other for an encounter that would not go well for their easily startled nerves. Fluttershy trotted along humming a cheerful tune with her head up and a smile on her face. No more than thirty yards away, the mysterious colt traveled with his head low and his cloak impairing his vision of anything higher than his nose. As they neared each other on the forested path, they remained oblivious of each others presence... even when they were right in front of each other. Seconds later, the two of them collided with a mighty crash! Slowly, Fluttershy got to her feet saying quietly, “Ouch...”

v~Sat. April 21~v

The colt lay there completely dazed and unable to do much more than let out an awkward groan. After a short moment, their eyes locked, eyes wide and alert. They stared at each other longest of moments, taking in the face of the one the collided into. Their faces turned red and. calm, then in a sudden reaction befitting the two strangers, leaped into the air letting out a loud scream of shock and surprise as they ducked behind the first obstacle they could find. Fluttershy and the colt yelled, “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!” After a moment of awkward silence, they opened one eye and again in unison said, “You're not mad?” Shuffling awkwardly, they then muttered, “Well, I'm not mad. Are you hurt... or anything... if not, that's good...” About that moment, they realized they they had just mirrored each other for the past two minutes and started laughing awkwardly.


Fluttershy said shyly, “What's your name?” The colt replied, “I... I'm... His voice trailed off as he finished his answer. The timid pony said, “Hi, Starburst... I'm...” This time, Fluttershy trailed off and the colt replied, “Nice to meet you, Fluttershy. Do you know where I am?” The question caught her completely off guard. It was very unlikely anypony could be this close to Ponyville and NOT know where they were. She looked at him and asked, “You don't know?” Starburst shook his head and replied, “Not really. All I remember is waking up from a long swim.” Smiling shyly, Fluttershy said, “I guess you don't want to see the Sea then.” The two laughed at the obvious answer. Starburst pulled a piece of seaweed out from his hood and said, “No. Not for a while. Is there a town nearby? I'm a little lost.” With that question, Fluttershy knew for certain that this colt was from far away. Perhaps even beyond the horizon the sea drifted into.


Smiling, the pony said, “Ponyville is the closest to here. Do you want me to show you where it is?” Starburst smiled and said, “I'd like that.” As they walked to the village, Fluttershy smiled and said, “I can't wait to introduce you to my other friends.” Laughing awkwardly, he said, “They're not going to scream and run away, are they? I don't thing I could handle that again.” The two laughed and continued along the trail.


Over in Ponyville, Applejack was pounding on the library door. Twilight Sparkle had once again locked herself inside to research something that her friends thought... As well as Princess Celestia, who agreed in a formal letter, was just over thinking things that were not worth getting her hooves in a hustle. Spike was running around the library trying to find books that related to the young scholar pony's restless need for answers. Spike turned to her and said, “Twilight, I don't think there's anything strange about a shooting star.” Twilight sparkle turned to him and said in her usual scholar-ish fashion, “A shooting star, no. But this one Exploded before falling into the sea. That's... well, That's just plain strange. Anypony can see that.” Spike said in a tone of surrender, “I don't.” Twilight used her magic to take the book that Spike was holding before he could let go and the two flew in front of the researching pony. The book hovered as she looked at it while Spike crashed into the ground.


Applejack finally managed to force the door open, which had been blocked by a bookshelf, of all things. Looking at Twilight, she said, “Well, golly, Twilight. Why'd you go and lock yourself up in here?” Twilight shifted through the book and said, “Sorry, Applejack. I noticed something last night and it's got me worried. I'm just trying to...” They were interrupted as Spike belched out a scroll with the royal seal on it. Turning to Twilight Sparkle, he said, “You got mail.” The two ponies looked at him with an expression that clearly stated he should have worded that differently. Sighing, Twilight said, “Who's it from, Spike?” Looking at it, he said, “It's from Princess Celestia!”


v~Sun. April 22 2012~v



The two ponies crowded him eager to see what it said. Clearing his voice, Spike said, “To my dearest student. I noticed something early last night that has made me very concerned. I ask that if you see any unusual colts bearing a red star on their head and matching crescent moon on their nose to inform me immediately. This is not a matter to be alarmed, but it is im... impa... iiiiimmmmmm....” Twilight Sparkle and Applejack rolled their eyes and said, “Imperative?” Smiling, Spike said, “Yeah! That. It is im...pe..relative that you inform me right away. This is a.... personal matter? What does she mean by that?” Twilight shook her head and said, “I don't know, But something tells me this is bigger then she's telling us.”


At the entrance to Ponyville, Fluttershy and Starburst had finally arrived, however, the colt looked like he was about to pass out from the walk. Pinkie Pie headed towards them and Fluttershy said in her usual silent joy, “Here's one of my friends now! Oh Pinkie Pie!!!” The pink pony hopped towards them when she noticed Starburst. Letting out a loud scream, she bolted. Starburst, on the other hand, had taken refuge behind one of the fencepost. Fluttershy looked at him and let out a giggle. “Don't worry, silly. She's just excited.” Starburst said in a terrified voice, “And I'm scared. I hope the others aren't so jumpy.” Fluttershy had to think about that one for a minute. The look of an idea crossed her face and she said, “I know! I'll introduce you to Twilight. She never screams... unless she's upset. I don't think she's upset though.” Starburst came out from behind the post, shaking like a leaf in the wind. Fluttershy smiled and said, “I think she's in the library. I'll show you.”


Meanwhile, in the library, Applejack said, “Well, I'm sure that if it's a personal problem, we shouldn't get too worried about it, right?” Sighing, Twilight said, “Night Mare Moon returning after a thousand years was a personal problem too. Remember?” Applejack was about to comment about the two situations being different when Rarity's voice came from outside, saying in terror, “This is an absolute Disaster!” The two ponies went to the door to see what the commotion was about when they saw Rarity had just moved in at full force on the apparently fashion impaired Starburst. “This look!” She said in horror. “No. It will absolutely NOT do. A hooded cape? That is SO last century. You need to let people see your face. And the color. It's completely horrid!” Twilight Sparkle eased the overeager Rarity to the side and said, “Hey Fluttershy. Who's your friend?” Smiling, she said, “Go on. They're friends.” She looked at the colt and saw that he stood there shivering in terror with bugged out eyes. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy all stood there for a moment before the timid pony said, “Oh yeah... He's not so good with other ponies...”


Spike looked at the colt and said, “Hey, Twilight! You should take a look at this.” Pulling the hood back, he revealed that on Starburst's forehead was a golden star and a crescent moon near the nose. Applejack looked at Twilight and said, “By golly, Twilight. That sounds like those marks in the letter. But these ones are the wrong color.” Starburst started coming out of his daze and Applejack laughed. “You're more timid than Fluttershy. You always like that Pardner?” The colt said awkwardly, “Only around people I don't know...” Looking at him, Fluttershy said, “I just remembered. I never asked where you're from.” The colt thought for a minute and said, “Uh... I don't know... I guess really far away. I honestly can't remember.” This answer only brought more confused looks. Sighing, he said, “I don't have any memories before today.” Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to take the answer, but Twilight decided certainly look convinced.

Edited by Starbolt

Smile and things will turn out fine. If it doesn't, then smile anyway and show them you're the bigger Pony.

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I wouldn't be surprised if hasbro used this for an episode. good work. ;)


Thanks. I'm actually a member of a writing team oriented towards fan made projects. I've kind of been doing this for the better part of 6 years. Glad you like this. I appreciate the sentiment.


v~Mon. April 23, 2011 ~v


Thinking for a moment, Fluttershy said, “I just remembered. He doesn't have a place to stay while he's here.” Smiling, Applejack said, “Now don't you worry, sugar cube. He can share a room with my brother Macintosh. They'll get along as good as caramel and apples.” Starburst said timidly, “Thank you. If there's any way I can thank you...” Applejack laughed and said, “I'll see to it my brother leaves you some chores then.” The group then headed to the ranch Applejack called home. It was already dark out, and it looked like the friends Starburst had made were keeping something from him. It took everything he had not to ask. He was sure there was a good reason for it, but the silence just made him more curious. Once well onto the property, lights lit up the entire ranch and all the ponies of Ponyville yelled, “SURPRISE!!!” Starburst went rigid for a brief moment before completely passing out. Pinkie Pie yelled, “Yay! He's so happy he fainted!” It took everything Twilight AppleJack and Rarity had to contain their laughter. Fluttershy, on the other hand was prodding him with a nearby stick to see if he'd respond.


With the party going on, minus one unconscious Starburst, Twilight Sparkle sneaked away to the library. Once she was sure no one would disturb her, she said, “Spike. I want you to write a letter for me.” As she recited the strange colt, his appearance and refusal to directly answer questions, she asked for a reply with instructions.


That night, Spike and Twilight drifted to sleep waiting for instructions that would not come until a visit in the morning.


~Chapter 1 Fin.~

v~Tues. April 24, 2012~v


When morning came, Twilight was up and headed for Happy Acres to try and get the mysterious Starburst to answer the questions she had for him... And there were a lot of them. When she reached the farm, Spike said, “Hey, Twilight! Look over there.” Looking in the direction the baby dragon pointed, she noticed that the royal carriage was parked to the side of the farm. Twilight went into a gallop to the farm and was met by royal knights. Looking at them she said, “I'm sorry. I really need to get inside and see Princess Celestia. Can I get by?” The knights looked at each other for a moment then stepped aside. Twilight quickly thanked them and entered. Immediately, the smell of something sweet filled her nose, and it sounded like there was a huge commotion in the kitchen while Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat casually in the dining room.


Noticing her student, Princess Celestia smiled and said, “Why, hello Twilight. I received your letter and thought I should drop in and meet this mystery Colt you told me about.” Twilight nodded and said, “What did you find out?” Letting out a carefree laugh, the princess said, “He doesn't like being talked to while cooking.” Twilight Sparkle tilted her head and said blankly, “Huh?” Applejack came out of the kitchen with a platter of pancakes that smelled sweet and had a hint of apples lingering from them. Twilight smiled and said, “Wow! What are those?” Applejack placed the platter in from of the royal guests and said, “Apple Griddle Cakes. Starburst made them.” Smiling, Princess Celestia asked, “When can we meet this young mare?” Applejack laughed awkwardly and said, “Well, y'see, he said he ain't leaving the kitchen till everypony has been served.”


Princess Luna said awkwardly, “Even though we asked to speak to him?” Applejack sighed. “That's right, your highness. He says that just makes breakfast even more important.” Princess Celestia smiled and said, “Well, breakfast IS important. I'm sure he just want's to help out.” Twilight sighed and said, “Or have an excuse to avoid everypony.” The princesses looked at her and Applejack said, “Oh yeah! I completely forgot he don't do well around others.” Twilight explained his rather jumpy nature and Princess Celestia nodded. “I see. Perhaps he might not be who I thought then.” This comment caught Twilight's attention. “Why? Who do you think he is?” At that moment, Starburst came out of the kitchen. Upon seeing him, Princess Celestia stood up in shock. Twilight looked at her and said, “What's wrong?”


The princess trotted over to him and looked at the markings on his head. After a moment, she said, “This is very unusual. The color...” Looking at his flank, she continued, “And no cutie mark?” With that, she went into a moment of thought. Twilight Sparkle was now more confused than ever, but didn't push for an explanation. Finally, the princess said, “Starburst. Do you know who I am, or where you come from?” Starburst shook his head and said timidly, “No, your highness. I don't. I'm really sorry.” Gently, the princess said, “Try. Concentrate and see if you remember anything.” Starburst lowered his head and said shyly, “All... Alright... I'll try.” He closed his eyes and started thinking hard. A sudden image flashed into his mind of him with a black body, and his markings, but they were dark red. In a burst of fear and pain, he let out a horrified yell and fell to the ground, holding his head.

  • Brohoof 1

Smile and things will turn out fine. If it doesn't, then smile anyway and show them you're the bigger Pony.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting this stuff I always like to read it :)

Keep on posting...


You got it. I'm glad you enjoy reading this. It was fun to make.


v~Wed. April 25, 2012~v


Princess Celestia looked at him and said, “Did you remember anything, Starburst?” Shaking his head, he said, “No. I'm sorry. I can't remember anything.” Twilight knew he was hiding something, and despite her compassionate expression, she knew the princess was thinking the same thing, but wasn't going to push the matter. A gentle knocking sound turned everyone's attention to the door. Rainbow Dash stood there and said, “Hey everyone. I thought we agreed that we were all going to Canterlot early so that we can get good seats to see the Wonderbolts today.” Twilight's expression filled with shock as she realized she had completely forgotten the trip to see the Wonderbolts at the Grand Galloping Gala. “And...” She continued, “Fluttershy was asking if we could bring some Starburst pony along. Who IS this Starburst guy anyway?” The awkward colt looked at her and said awkwardly, “Um... Well... That would be... me... Starburst...”


Laughing, Rainbow Dash said, “Holy Smokes! He's just as timid as Fluttershy!” Applejack laughed and replied, “He passed out at his own surprise party.” Everyone laughed while Starburst looked around awkwardly. Turning to Twilight, Rainbow asked, “Well, should we bring him along?” Princess Celestia cut in and said, “I think that would be good for him. I'm sure he would love to go and make some friends.” Applejack smiled and said, “Well, then it's decided. Come on, slowpoke. Let's get hustling or we're all going to be late.” Princess Celestia turned to Twilight Sparkle and said, “Twilight. Please come here for a moment.” Nodding, the young pony did as asked. The princess looked to see if Starburst was still in the room. Once she saw he had left, she said, “Twilight, I have an important task for you.” Twilight looked at her teacher with a confused look on her face.


Smiling, Princess Celestia said, “I'd like you to try and treat the young colt as you would any of your friends. I can say for certain that he is not dangerous.” Twilight nodded and said, “Oh. Okay. Well, I'm sure he'll love watching the Wonderbolts. Even Fluttershy is excited about going.” The princess smiled and said, “I'll make sure there's an extra ticket for him once you all arrive at the Gala as well.” Twilight nodded and said, “Alright.” Giggling, she added, “though I honestly can't picture him being much of a social pony.” With that, she trotted out the door, but not without hearing Princess Luna ask, “Sister, does this mean he's not a Knight Star?” As Twilight rushed to meet her friends, she couldn't help but wonder what Princess Luna meant by the last comment she heard. She knew that she was going to have to look into Knight Star's once she got a bit of free time.


The others were waiting at the exit of Ponyville as Twilight approached. Applejack called, “Hurry up, slowpoke! Starburst looks like he's about to run and hide again.” Twilight picked up her pace and reached her friends. Smiling, she said, “Well, we're all here, so let's go.” As the group headed off, a lone figure stood in the shadow of one of the houses. “Well, well... Brother.” The shadowy figure said coldly, red eyes revealing piercing hatred. “New friends, huh? Perhaps I should tag along as well. Wouldn't want anything... Unfortunate... to happen.” Letting out a bone chilling laugh, the unknown colt vanished completely into the shadows he was hiding.


v~Thurs. April 26, 2012~v


As the group headed towards Canterlot via chariot that Princess Luna had waiting for them just down the hill from Ponyville, Starburst looked around nervously. He looked far more jumpy than usual... And THAT was saying something. Fluttershy looked at him and asked, “What's wrong, Starburst? If you don't like dancing, they have a beautiful garden there you can go to instead.” Shaking his head, Starburst said, “That's not it... I mean, Yes. It is... But it's something else too.” The look on Fluttershy's face showed that he had completely lost her with his answer. Looking around, he said, “I felt something. It was familiar, but strange. Like I knew what it was, but didn't either.” Fluttershy moved her face right into his and looked at him intently. Starburst's face turned bright red as he asked, “Uh... What is it?” Moving her head back, she said, “You didn't sleep well, did you?” A dumb look crossed the colt's face and he replied, “No. Not really.” Rainbow Dash, and Rarity, who were also in the same chariot couldn't contain their laughter.


Reamembering how little sleep he had gotten, especially with the conditions of his arrival he realized that it was very possible the strain was making him imagine things. Twilight called from the other chariot, “Hey everyone! We're almost there!” Starburst looked down at the magnificent city with wide eyes. “Wow! This place is amazing!” Twilight called over, “It's the capital city of Equestria. I used to live here.” Starburst leaned over the back of the chariot and said, “This is amazing!” Everyone noticed that his normal timid nature had decreased slightly as he became more of a fawn in a candy apple store. When the chariots landed, Starburst jumped out and looked around excitedly. Applejack laughed and said, “I was like him my first time in Canterlot as well.” Laughing, Rarity added, “We all were, I believe.” Twilight walked over to Starburst and said, “What do you think? Great place, huh?”


Starburst quickly became withdrawn and said, “Yeah... it... it is.” Rainbow Dash zipped around, shouting, “Come ON, guys! We're going to be LATE!” Twilight Sparkle said, “You all go ahead without me. I need to check something.” Applejack laughed sarcastically and said, “You mean you're heading to the library, right?” Laughing awkwardly, she said, “I shouldn't be too long. I promise I'll be there in time to catch the Wonderbolts.” The group shrugged and headed off. Starburst stayed briefly, then looked in the direction of the others with a worried expression before heading after them.


Once at the library, Twilight said, “Quick. Spike. Help me find anything you can on Knight Stars.” Spike looked at her confused. “Knight Stars? What are they?” Twilight sighed and said, “If I knew, I wouldn't be looking them up.” Standing there for a brief moment, The dragon said, “Oh. Right.” Spike looked on the many shelves and he pulled out a large scroll. “I found a list of constellations. Is that it?” Sighing, Twilight said, “I'm thinking something a little more Knight, and a little less night-time.” Spike scratched his head and went back to looking. After a few moments, Spike said, “I found something.” Twilight smiled and used her magic to bring the book to her, Spike still holding firmly. She sighed and said, “Legend of the Constellations? I thought...” Spike said, “Look at the index.” Turning the pages, Twilight said, “Knight Stars, see Stellar Bodies.” Flipping the pages, she read aloud, “Knight stars are the guardians of a specific constellation. In the event of failing to protect their stars, they are cast down to the planet.”


“Spike! This is just a ponytale. Stars don't turn into ponies when the fall from the sky. That's impossible.” Spike shrugged and said, “Don't blame me. I just got you the book you wanted.” Sighing, Twilight said, “Well, It doesn't look like there's anything useful here. I have to get back to the others before they get worried.” The two of them headed to where the Wonderbolts were going to perform. Once they arrived, Twilight joined her friends and said, “Did I miss anything?” Rainbow Dash was too excited to answer, so Rarity replied, “Not yet. They are just finishing getting ready for the show.”


The group stood there eagerly. Starburst looked around while eating a snow cone, trying to take in every sight he could before the show started. Suddenly, his head began to hurt. Bending over in pain, he groaned, “Not again...” The others looked at him confused. Fluttershy said timidly, “You should eat that slower so you don't get a headache... I mean... if you want to...” The cold and dark voice said, “Well, well, brother. You want to see the Wonderbolts, huh? Well, It would be a shame if something were to happen.” The haunting laughter echoed in his head as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.


It wasn't until Spike said, “Look at that cloud. It's moving really fast!.” At that very moment, Starburst got the first of his memories back... but this memory was one that filled him with fear.


~Chapter 2 Fin~

v~Fri. April 27, 29012~v






Starburst said in shock, “No... Not him.” The Wonderbolts could be seen in the distance heading towards the audience at a remarkable rate. Twilight looked at him and said, “What is it? You look like you just had a nightmare.” Starburst yelled, “We have to stop the Wonderbolts! Fast! They're flying into a trap!” The tone of his voice told the group that he was not joking around. Rainbow Dash said, “I'll go and stop them before they get here.” With that, she took off and flew as fast as her wings could carry her. The voice hit him again, saying, “Well now, brother. Stopping the Wonderbolts before their little surprise? That's not playing by the rules. Maybe I'll just have to entertain myself with your friends.” Starburst yelled, “You want to fight someone, than stop hiding and face me!”


A large bolt of lightning hit the ground at the bottom of the stands. Everypony in the audience had started to seek shelter as Starburst and Twilight rushed down to the ground. Once they got there, a colt looking exactly like Starburst stood there. However, this colt was as black as the night sky and the markings that were the same as Starburst's, were a dark red, and almost as chilling as his red eyes. Starburst yelled, “Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Laughing, the cold voice said, “I just want to ply with my little brother. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?”


Starburst yelled, “I'm not going to play your games! Especially not with some stranger claiming to be my brother.” Sighing, the dark colt said, “Too bad. I figured a nice simple game would be fun for our little reunion. Like, for example...” Glaring evilly at Starburst, he concluded, “Catch.” With that, a bolt of purple lightning hit the young colt and sent him flying into the stands. Twilight yelled, “Starburst!” Turning to the attacker, she said, “Who are you? What do you want?” Laughing, the evil double said, “Me? I'm that wimp's brother, Eclipse. As for what I want? I want him to be miserable. To make his every day a nightmare and watch him suffer!”


Twilight prepared to use her magic on the attacker as she said, “Why do you want to do that? If your his brother, why do you want him to suffer so badly?” Eclipse let out a snort and said, “You want to know why? Ask my goody-two-hooves wimp of a brother. While you're at it, Be sure to tell him I'll be back to play some more.” With a cold, haunting laugh, Eclipse turned into a dark cloud vanished. Applejack stood over Starburst trying to get him to wake up. Twilight looked to the sky and said, “Who is Eclipse, and why does he hate Starburst so much? If they're brothers, then why?” Rainbow Dash landed and said, “Wow. That was one crazy storm. What did I miss?” Turning, Rainbow saw that Starburst was unconscious. “Hey! What happened to him?” Twilight said, “Some Colt called Eclipse. He says they're brothers, but it looks like he really wanted to make him suffer.” Applejack said, “He's not looking too good, gals. I reckon we should get him to a hospital.”

v~Sat. April 28, 2012~v


A little while later, the group was at a nearby hospital in the waiting room waiting for news on their new friend. The doctor came out and was almost trampled by the group trying to find out how he was doing. The doctor, who had managed to get a little breathing room, cleared her throat and said, “The colt you brought in is resting at the moment. He has a few injuries, but nothing serious. He'll be just fine if he takes it easy for a few days.” Twilight looked at the doctor and asked, “Is it alright if we see him?” Nodding, she replied, “I don't see a problem, but try not to do anything that might get him worked up. The stress might not be good for him at the moment.”


The six friends walked in and saw Starburst lying in one of the medical beds. The group tried to think of the best way to start a conversation when Pinkie Pie suddenly said, “Hey! Hey Starburst! Did you know there's a huge sale on snow cones just next door? I know you Just LOVE those. And you always eat them really fast and get a headache and then you're all like 'Oogh...'” Starburst looked at her for a moment with a rather unusual expression, then broke into a soft laugh. “Maybe I'm going to need to get a cone once I get out of here.” The others felt a little more relieved now that he didn't look so depressed. Twilight looked at him and asked, “Who was that Colt who attacked you?” Starburst shook his head. “I don't know. I don't remember him at all... Except that he calls himself Eclipse. I have no idea where I met him or why he looks like me.”


Twilight smiled and said, “Well, I don't think he's going to be back anytime soon. Still, do you think you can try and remember anything?” Starburst shook his head and replied, “I've been trying to remember since he attacked, but I just keep drawing a blank. He just doesn't seem like anypony I'd know.” Fluttershy said, “You were really brave out there. I'm glad nobody got badly hurt.” Smiling, Starburst replied, “I should be the one saying that. Even when Eclipse attacked, you all tried to get everypony out safely and didn't even think about if you'd get hurt yourselves.” Smiling, Twilight said, “That's because we're friends, and we'll look out for each other. That includes you too, Starburst. So don't go running into something like that on your own again. We all stick together.”


Smiling, Starburst replied, “I'll be more careful next time. I guess I wasn't thinking straight. I need to start thinking less about the answers I want and more on how my friends feel.” A voice came from the entrance, “Spoken like a true friend.” Everypony turned to see Princess Celestia standing there. Starburst looked at her for a moment and said while thinking hard, “You're... You're, Um... Princess...” The Princess replied, “Princess Celestia.” Nodding, Starburst said, “Yeah. Princess Celestia. Sorry. That hit I took scrambled my brain.” The princess laughed and said, “I heard about what happened earlier and came as soon as I learned where you all were. You were all extremely brave. Do any of you know who attacked the show?” Twilight nodded and said, “He called himself Eclipse. He looked a lot like Starburst, too, but a lot more evil.” Princess Celestia nodded and said, “I see. And his markings. Were they, by any chance, red?” Applejack replied, “It's the strangest darned thing. They were the spittin' image of each other, but he looked more like an evil shadow than lil' ol' Starburst. And the red markings were the exact same, 'cept for they were facing the other way.”



v~Sun. April 29, 2012~v


Princess Celestia nodded and said, “I see. That is very helpful. If you all get some time later, I would like you all to come to visit me at the palace. We have a great deal to discuss.” Twilight nodded and said, “Of course. But we can't leave Starburst until we know he's alright.” Smiling, Princess Celestia replied, “Of course. I was actually hoping he could join you, since what I'd like to discuss involves him as well.” Starburst looked upset and said, “Looks like we're going to miss the gala. I'm sorry.” Pinkie Pie said in her usual cheery voice, “We can do both! Then we can talk and dance at the same time!” Starburst went rigid and stammered, “D-d-d-dance? But I have four left hooves!” Pinkie quickly said, “Really? I only see two! OH! I know! Stand more to the right, then they'll be even... But not too far or you'll have four RIGHT hooves... and that wouldn't be good either.” Starburst said awkwardly, “Did she get into the Apple Cider again? Everyone laughed at the fact that the day's incident didn't seem to change the colt's nature in the slightest.


Rarity nodded and added, “And you simply have to do something about your absolutely dreary appearance. You have nothing to wear, your eyes are saggy and your mane is completely frazzled!” Starburst said quietly, “It's not my fault I was hit by lightning... Oh... Wait... It kinda was...” Everyone laughed and Applejack said, “Yep. Same ol' Starburst.” Rarity said, “The doctor says he needs to stay here overnight. We should let him get some rest.” As they headed to the exit of the hospital, Fluttershy said timidly, “Um... I was wondering... If it's alright with all of you... If maybe someone should stay with him... but if not, I'll understand...” The group smiled. Twilight said, “Well, I think that might be a good idea. As far as anypony knows, he's never been in a hospital before. So, who's going to stay behind and keep an eye on him?”


Rainbow Dash said, “Well, I think Fluttershy should.” Fluttershy suddenly went red and stammered, “What?” Smiling, Rainbow said, “Well, you were the first friend he made, so he'd be more comfortable around you. Also, the way you both talk is like some kind of code only you two understand!” Applejack added, “She's right you know... Uh, 'Bout the whole friend thing, I mean.” Twilight said, “If you don't want to, we won't force you, Fluttershy. I'm sure Spike would be willing to keep an eye on him instead.” Fluttershy said something too quietly to be heard by the pony ear and skittered back into the hospital as red as an apple. Rainbow Dash said, “I don't know. I think they're perfect for each other.” The others groaned and Twilight said, “Cut it out, Dash. Let's get to the library. There's some guest rooms we can stay at there.”


As night fell on Canterlot, Fluttershy sat there beside Starburst and asked, “Are you feeling better?” Laughing awkwardly, he replied, “My hooves are still a little tingly, but I should be alright.” Looking at the ceiling, he said distantly, “ I can't believe that Eclipse was going to hurt all those ponies, just to get to me. I wonder what I did to make him so mad. And why does he call me Brother? I've never met him... I think...” Fluttershy said, “Maybe he's mistaking you for somepony else. I mean, he seems awfully angry for some reason. Maybe there's a reason for it. All we have to do it get him to talk about it, then maybe we can prove you're not who he thinks you are.” Starburst nodded and said, “I Hope you're right, because he sure seems convinced that I did something. I mean, what if I get my memory back and learn that I really did do something to make him mad. Then what should I do?”



v~Mon. April 30, 2012~v


Fluttershy smiled and said, “You can try apologizing. That usually helps.” Starburst looked out the window and said, “It does? Would it be enough for whatever I might have done to him? I'm worried that I might put you all in danger and...” Turning to Fluttershy to continue his sentence, he noticed that she had fallen asleep. Slowly, and with a fair amount of pain showing on his face, he got up, grabbed one of the blankets off a shelf in the room, trotted it over to the slumbering Fluttershy and gently placed it over her. Looking at her, he let out a smile and said, “I think you might have the right idea. Sleep now, think later. Good night, Fluttershy.” The colt limped back over to his bed and lay down to sleep. It wasn't a restful one, but he'd have plenty of time to think when he was rested. He remembered that plans made while tired are usually bad ones.


In the shadows outside the hospital, the sinister red eyes of the mysterious Eclipse glared coldly at the sleeping ponies. With an evil snort, Eclipse said, “Well, you're friends seem to be giving you more strength that I happen to care for. And I'm afraid that any strength that gives you a chance to win is not allowed. After all, dear brother... My game... MY rules.” Laughing coldly, the shadowy figure melted into the ground and dissappeared.


~Chapter 3 Fin.~

v~Sun. May 6, 2012~v



When morning came, Twilight and the others entered the hospital and saw Fluttershy sleeping quietly, but Starburst was nowhere to be found. Alarmed, Twilight nudged Fluttershy awake and asked, “Where's Starburst?” Fluttershy yawned and said quietly, “He said he needed to do something.” Again, she let out a small yawn as she said while drifting back to sleep, “He said he'd be right back.” Twilight turned to the others and said, “We have to go look for him! Who knows what might happen if...” Spike cut her off, pointing to the window and saying, “There he is.” The group ran over and looked outside to see Starburst was looking at the flowers. Normally all the flowers were in full bloom at this time of year, but these ones didn't look the least bit healthy.


Everypony save for the slumbering Fluttershy ran out and saw the colt looking at the lifeless flowers. He looked at the sun and his silver mane started to glow. Lowering his head to the flowers, he exhaled and to everyone's surprise began to bloom. The glow slowly left his mane and the entire garden had filled with beautifully bloomed flowers of various shapes and sizes. Twilight looked at him and asked in a daze, “Starburst. How did you do that? Looking at the others blankly, he said, “I'm not entirely sure. All I know is I had this strange, but familiar thought that if I stood in the sun and let the warmth fill me, I could make those flowers bloom. It was almost like remembering.”


Rarity said in surprise, “I think you did more than remember. Look!” Everypony's attention turned to the colt's head, now with a silver horn resting on it. Looking at everypony's expression, he asked in awkward confusion, “What? It there something on my face?” Twilight shook her head and asked, “When did you become a unicorn?” Laughing, Starbusrt said, “Oh come on, Twilgiht. You have to be born one. You can't just change what you are overnigh... Seeing his reflection in a nearby window, he jumped and shouted, “Holy Applecakes!” Blankly, he concluded, “This is just weird...” Pinkie Pie Hopped around, saying, “Starburst is a unicorn! Starburst is a unicorn!” Starburst headed into the hospital and said, “If you need me, I'm going back to sleep so I can wake up...”


Applejack looked at Twilight and said, “I think we should go see Princess Celestia and let Starburst try and sort things out.” Rarity shook her head and replied, “But she said he should come too.” Twilight nodded and said, “Yeah, you're probably right. Let's wait for him to figure things out.” While everypony was out in the garden, Eclipse appeared beside Fluttershy in the hospital and said quietly, “You will be the first fawn in my little game. Upon hearing my true name, you will be trapped by my power. Feed my strength and bring my foolish brother to his knees.” Whispering in her ear, he let out a soft laugh and disappeared.

Edited by Starbolt

Smile and things will turn out fine. If it doesn't, then smile anyway and show them you're the bigger Pony.

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