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open Zomponypocalypse!

Doctor Whooves™

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"Well, I have a knife."


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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Silver Moon sits on edge of roof thinking she`s safe up there .. " I guess thats how world ends...." She turns around and sees some

zomponys coming at her . " What the.... How did they get up there? " Silver gets up really fast and searches for way off the roof . " Way I came up here.... Well , blocked . " She pulls out a deagle and starts shooting all the zomponys that got on roof as this is the only way to get out of there alive ... unless she find`s a rope. " 3 down 2 to go... Crap... out of ammo... Only way left now? Find a rope...." Silver starts searching for rope as two left zomponys are getting closer to her..


She starts yelling " Anypony alive !? If yes then I need some help! "


Hearing no pony Silver Moon decides to jump off the roof. Luckily she falls into garbage pile.. "Sweet Celestia! I`m still alive.... Smelly but soft landing...eh.." She gets up and starts searching for any pony that is not a zombie...On her way out of that garbage pile she finds a barett 50 with some clips full of ammo . " Who would leave that there? And why..? Well no time to wonder about that .... "

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um thats a little disturbing but can these things die if we kill the body oh and chilly do you need a weapon i have two handgus a deagle and a magnum

Edited by rainbowdash1

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I'll take a handgun... I promise to be careful, I suggest you stay away from where I'm pointing.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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Josh is stuck in Ponyville, and several zombies are closing in. However, he pulls out his dad's air rifle and blows the limbs off of several zomponies, racing like a madman for the entrance to Ponyville. He quickly shouts at the top of his lungs, "Need some help over here!"

Edited by rainbowdash4ever
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"I- if y- you say so."


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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"Jeez, and all I wanted to do today was to go to the library." lamented Draw Toonz as he drew a couple of axes on his paper pad. Both the pad and the mechanical pencil were suspended in the air in front of him. "Never thought I'd have to use the spell I learned this way, but if I learned anything from video games, it's that green, rotting ponies mean living dead. And there is no reasoning with zomponies when they want to eat you, which is all the time."


With a small burst of greenish light from Draw's horn, two well-sized battle axes flew off the pad. Draw then added a levitation spell to the axes and swung them at the heads of two advancing zomponies. "HA HA, perfect! That's the power of imagination - and magic - for you!" Draw exclaimed. The now-headless zomponies trudged onward to their target. "Wait, what? Hangon, is it going to be like that?"


Draw, still levitating his conjured axe-sketches, severed several legs off each zompony. They fell, obviously, without any support for their bodies. The zompony pair then became immobile, and ceased the gurgling noises that had still managed to escape their exposed throats prior.


With a satisfied grunt, Draw removed the spells on the axes, causing them to revert back to their paper form. "Figures, this is just like 'Dead Space'...except for the spike-limbs and, oh yeah, space." Replacing the pad and pencil in his saddle bags, he decided it would be best to look for other survivors.



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my roleplay char is at http.mlpforums/rainbowzoom




*is surrounded by 100 zombies but gets away and trys to find more ponys*

"hmmm i wonder are there others or am i the only pony left in pony vile"

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''Wait! I see a pony about to get served as a zompony's blood and fleash sandwitch! -he points down at the pony down at ponyville getting swarmed by almost 100 zomponies and gasps as he escapes the swarm- ''He need our help!''

Edited by DashXSoarin5764
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Draw trotted along without any major encounters for about 5 minutes, not seeing anypony else. "Okay so neither Twi nor Spike were in the library," he said to nopony in particular. "Must be some Elements of Harmony business with the Princess over the zompony thing. Drat what am I supposed to do now?"


Suddenly, Draw spotted a gray earth-pony mare with a purple and pink mane/tail carrying what looked like two pistols. "Okay, either the zomponies have weaponized and become more pretty, or that's another survivor." he said to himself before actually calling out to the mare. "Hey! Your obviously not a zompony, right!?"



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Sees a pony shouting to twilight but is not sure she is alive. ''Hey Dash look....there is a survivor!'' He flaps his grey wings whie holding a M16 in his hoofs.

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He nods. ''Should we go down to help him?'' He flies in front of RD's face.

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He flies down fast with no sound and hits the ground quietly. He ran behind a bush pointing the gun at Draw. (btw i look like the pony on the left of my proflie pic with a brown cloud and red rain comin out as my cutie mark)

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