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Love is Insane (Private 1X1)

Dapper Charmer

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"Come have a seat," said Hooligan happily, "they'll be ready in a minute." Hooligan smiled as he went back to cooking the waffles. Hooligan finished the last batch of his patented blueberry-choco-waffles and put them on the plate. He took the plate and placed it on the table. "dig in," he said as he sat down across from Dark Shine.

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"Blue berries, your starting to use my weaknesses aren't you?" She chuckles a bit as she eats the waffles "They taste great" I'm glad that you are happy, tell Hooligan that Spirit wishes him a good day. "Spirit is being nice again and says that she wishes you a good day" Dark always wondered why these passed few months, or possibly years, she acted as if everything was fine the morning after a very bad night with her.

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"Well Spirit, thank you," said Hooligan as he began to eat his breakfast. "Here that Bedlam, Spirit wishes us a good day." Hooligan waited for Bedlam to say something snarky like 'I'm not death I heard' but instead there was silence, (that's odd,) Hooligan thought to himself, (he's probably sleeping in,) Hooligan looked back up at Dark Shine, "tell Spirit I wish both of you a good day too. And I'm sure if Bedlam was awake he'd wish you one too."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

I heard, you don't have to say a thing. Dark shuts her figurative mouth "I had a dream last night...I want to go find my father again, before anything happens" Dark looked sad and looks down "The dream made me realize that things would be great with you but I can't lose him, he's the only family I have left" Spirit would say something but stopped herself

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"We'd better get going then," said Hooligan as he got up from the table, "the sooner we find your father the better."

"What are you doing," asked an angry Bedlam, "we can't just go looking for her father."

"you're awake then," replied Hooligan, "and I don't care what you say, I'm gonna help Dark Shine find her father." Hooligan turned to Dark Shine, " that is of course if you'd like some help finding your father."

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"I'd love that" Are you absolutely sure that he should get involved? I mean your other friends never get this close. Spirit was hoping this was going where she thought. Absolutely, I mean you can read my thoughts cant you? Yes I can.


"I think we should go to the inn around here, he's not the soberest pony and I'm sure that he has a room. If not there then somepony should know where he went"

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"Sounds like a plan to me," said Hooligan happily.

"I don't know," said Bedlam.

(What are you talking about,) Hooligan thought to himself.

"I'm just saying why are we helping her? She hasn't really given you anything except her company. All i'm saying is how do you know she's not using you."

Hooligan ignored Bedlam and turned to Dark Shine, "how about we get going?"

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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"Yeah lets go" Dark finished the pancakes and went to the door "Also those potions that I brought are in that room, your free to have them...its mostly things that enhance food and I think it works on pickles" She said with a smile and walked out the door. I can't believe were going throw with this...for your father I mean. We both know how you feel so stop saying the obvious, also I've had a question about why you suddenly stop being mean to me every morning or so. I think I said something about corruption.  Dark didn't really by that

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Hooligan smiled as he followed Dark Shine out the door. And his smile would have continued if not for Bedlam.

"She's using you bro," said Bedlam, "once she finds her father she's not gonna want anything to do with you."

(You should just shut up,) Hooligan thought to Bedlam, (you know I don't by any of that for a second)

Hooligan looked at Dark Shine, "so how long until we get to this tavin?" he asked politely.

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"As long as he stays with his tradition of places to go in a town then not to long, I was traveling with him for quite a while before a mared up and decided to go on my own...I think he does it because of what happened to my mother" Spirit stayed silent, she knew that speaking my make it worst so she just waited for Hooligans cue

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"I'm sorry about what happened to your mother," said Hooligan comfortingly, " it must have been hard for you to loose her." Hooligan turned a way from Dark Shine and sighed, "I know it was hard for me to loose mine. Funny thing about parents, they seem to stop loving you when you turn intona freak." Bedlam usually would've spoken up but he knew this was a difficult subject so he stayed quiet.

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"You know what I think? I think they were terrible parents, why would you stop loving them after what they turn into...as long as it doesn't hurt anypony then they should be however they want because they are still family, and family sticks together" Dark realized she was doing her unintentional emotional speech thing again but like always, she believed in it and wouldn't take it back "I think were getting close"

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Hooligan gave a small smile, "thanks Dark Shine," he said happily, "you really know just what to say."

After a bit of walking Hooligan soon saw a tavern in the distance. He stopped and turned to Dark Shine, "Is that the place you think your father might be?" Hooligan asked as he pointed to the tavern in the distance.

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@@Dapper Charmer,

"Yeah, that's the place" She walked into it, the bartender knew what was going down so he might as well speed up the processes "Anypony know where Ellie went? He has somepony to see" "Thank you" Dark waited for somepony to speak up then a stallion how looked quite drunk approached "I may have seen him...but I think I'll need sometime to remember, why don't you spend that time with me and ditch crazy smile here?" "Or you could not try this harassment as we both can cast powerful magic, if your to drunk to remember then you should know I'm the Dark unicorn" Dark normally got ponies to back off from that and being feared by bad ponies didn't bother her "Uh...I think h-he said s-something about his original home" He said with obvious fear "Had to be in Rainbow Falls didn't he?"

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Hooligan turned to Dark Shine and gave a shrug, "it's as good a place as any to look for him," Hooligan said casually.

"I have an idea," said Bedlam mockingly, "how bout we just give up."

"We're not giving up after one try Bedlam. Don't be stupid." Hooligan walked up to the door and waited for Dark Shine, "after you."

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You know, I am fine with Hooligan but...Bedlam may be a different problem, we have no idea what he says to him. Maybe he's just a prankster? Or maybe he's to corrupt already, I'll keep listening. Dark walked throw the door Hooligan opened "Looks like we have to get a train...if you want to know more about the place were headed then just ask ok?" She hoped he said something as she started walking.

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"Thank you for your offer," said Hooligan happily as he walked beside Dark Shine, "but I actually have been their before. I tried out the the Equestrian games."

"He didn't get in," said Bedlam.

"Yeah, I didn't really pass the psychic evaluation." Hooligan stopped, "now that I think about it. If you want to save on train fair I could teleport us both to Rainbow Falls."

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I think I can understand why the psychic evaluation went bad, not that at hate him but still. Then hooligan stopped and talked about teleportation "You sure you can take that strain? I mean it is a place you know so it won't take nearly as much magic but teleporting two ponies that far?" Dark thought "I could chip in some magic as well I guess, even if my memory is fuzzy about that place"

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"I thank you for your offer to help Dark Shine but I won't need it," Hooligan said with a smile, "you may find this hard to believe but having a fractured mind is not always a bad thing. For example my broken phycy allows me to understand the precise nature of how teleportation works." Hooligan held out his hoof, "do when your ready to go just grab my hoof."

Edited by Dappers Duck Army
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What, how does that work? Your father spent years and he couldn't understand it at all but this stallion just starts to know it from an accident?! Well...ok, Ellie did say it was a jumbled mess that you basically had to narrow down just to make a path. I guess he can make his own path easier from his own jumbled mess of a mind...also you addressed Ellie by name, never thought I would see the day. Shut up. You know I find if humorous that you say shut up to your daughter.


Dark grabs Hooligan's hoof "I'm ready"

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Hooligan smiled and teleported Dark Shine and himself to Rainbow Falls. "See nothing to it," he said to Dark Shine as he let go of her hoof.

"Speak for yourself," said Bedlam," I feel like I'm gonna puke."

"You know if you want Dark Shine I could try and explain how teleportation works to you. After we find your father of course."

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"I know how it works, I just don't practice it that much since I normally need to be alive for some days of my life" Dark joked then looked around "They just had that exchange thing here like a week ago...the ponies didn't really like my potions but when one tries it, so do others" She says looking at the tents "The house is up on the top of the mountain, we built stairs to it so ponies knew where to go when giving us mail or something...that and it was a shop as well for mystic artifacts but about a few years before I turned into an adult, they didn't have anything left that was truly remarkable so we moved to ponyville and Spirit opened a bar that is now my home" She explained finding the stairs "This is where I grew up...and this is where my dad will be"

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"Then we need to get up there," Hooligan said to Dark Shine as he followed her up the stairs.

"I still don't know about this," Bedlam said monotonely, "it feels like a trap to me."

"Don't be stupid Bedlam. Why would this be a trap?"

Bedlam said nothing. Hooligan rolled his eyes as he got to the front door. "Anyone home," he said as he knocked on the door.

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Nopony answered the door. Dark sighed and pulled out a key from a invisible box next to the door "Good, its still here" She unlocked the door to see the slightly dusty old shop with some outdated potions on shelves and some stairs leading to the bedrooms "Well, he's not here so he must be in one of the bedrooms" She walked up the stairs and passed a bottle, a bottle used to make potions, on the way. There was an eerie silence and most of the optimism in Dark was being used up in her mind as she tried to stay positive of what happened to her dad. She heard something, a creek, not from her but from the parents room. She opened the door to see a seemingly drunk Ellie. Dark and Spirit in her mind sighed in relief "Dad get up, you had me worried" "Uhhh" Is the only response given

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Hooligan followed Dark Shine through the house until they came to a bedroom. Inside was Dark Shine's father, who looked to be drunk. "Good news is we found him," said Hooligan happily, "told you we'd find him Bedlam."

"What ever," said an annoyed Bedlam.

Hooligan turned to Ellie, "uhh you okay Ellie?"

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