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Foe Sibling Survival Rp

The Pixelated Pony

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/142513-foe-sibling-survivors-space-for-one/?p=4229050

Riley awoke it was Saturday her favourite day. She opened up her bedroom door and walked into her brother's room. "Hey Chicken" she said sitting on the end of the bed "how are you doing? " The clock next to his bed read 6:00 am October 23 and underneath the year was 2077 she yawned and lay down next to him

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  On 2015-11-23 at 12:02 PM, The Pixelated Pony said:
The clock next to his bed read 6:00 am October 23 and underneath the year was 2077 she yawned and lay down next to him

"I'm alright Ri" Chicken whispered smiling slowly while holding her close. His eyes dead shot from lack of sleep. He hasn't slept since he heard the vault's doors locked.

"I can't stop thinking about mom and dad" Chicken cried softly as he held back his fears.

the conscience that he's held for so long has been silent since they've been here.

He thought as he stared at the ceiling.

"I-I want to save them" 

Edited by Vulcan


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  On 2015-11-23 at 12:25 PM, Vulcan said:

"I'm alright Ri" Chicken whispered smiling slowly while holding her close. His eyes dead shot from lack of sleep. He hasn't slept since he heard the vault's doors locked.

"I can't stop thinking about mom and dad" Chicken cried softly as he held back his fears.

the conscience that he's held for so long has been silent since they've been here.

He thought as he stared at the ceiling.

"I-I want to save them"


"Save them? What do you mean? Mom's only in the kitchen and dad's still asleep " Riley stroked his mane. Their mom soon walked in "Riley? What did you do to him?!" She sat down next to him and held him close. "It's okay dear you'll be fine whatever she did I'm sure she's sorry for it. Riley go finish making breakfast " Riley stood up and walked off turning the TV on as she went

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"Oh! Sorry Ri!" Chicken cries realizing it was just a dream. 

"Guess I had too much Cola last night" He smiled as his sister left the room.

"Wow, it's early!" His grin widening. "I hope she makes pancakes" Chicken exclaims his stomach grumbled as he got off his bed.

Edited by Vulcan


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  On 2015-11-23 at 1:12 PM, Vulcan said:

"Oh! Sorry Ri!" Chicken cries realizing it was just a dream. 

"Guess I had too much Cola last night" He smiled as his sister left the room.

"Wow, it's early!" His grin widening. "I hope she makes pancakes" Chicken exclaims his stomach grumbled as he got off his bed.

Riley looked at her mom's recipe book it had a book mark on the pancake page as most of the family liked them. She opened the cupboard and began to mix the ingredients. the news was on in the background "and in other news the Equestrian army have put the warning out for high potential of nuclear war. Vault-tec warn that a failure to apply for a space in one of their Vaults may result in loss of life. We'll be back after these messages" an advertisement for vault-tec came on.

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@@The Pixelated Pony


"Man, today's gonna be great day, I can feel it" Chicken thought as he stretched his wings, the sun's rays glaring through his bedroom window, "I-is that?" He exclaimed excitedly as his snout wafted the scent in the air, he swore he could smell pancakes being made in the kitchen.

"Ri!, You makin' pancakes?" he called as walked towards the kitchen.


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  On 2015-11-23 at 1:52 PM, Vulcan said:

@@The Pixelated Pony


"Man, today's gonna be great day, I can feel it" Chicken thought as he stretched his wings, the sun's rays glaring through his bedroom window, "I-is that?" He exclaimed excitedly as his snout wafted the scent in the air, he swore he could smell pancakes being made in the kitchen.

"Ri!, You makin' pancakes?" he called as walked towards the kitchen.

"What do you think Chick? " Riley called back "I'll never call you that again okay? I felt like trying it out because you keep calling me Ri " there was a ring at the door "Chick? Sorry. Can you answer that? Must be somepony important if their coming by at this time"

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"Chick? Oh my,and I thought it was bad they named me Chicken!" Chicken laughed as he walked towards the fridge.

"Just lemme grab a drink" He smiled sneakily taking a bottle from the freezer, the words "Pinkacola" advetised on it's glass.

"I know it's bad to drink it this early in the morning but what's the worst that could happen?" he whispered softly to himself , taking a swig of the drink as he walked towards the door to open it. "Good Morning" Chicken greeted , welcoming their visitor. "Are you lookin' for anyone?"


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  On 2015-11-23 at 2:23 PM, Vulcan said:

"Chick? Oh my,and I thought it was bad they named me Chicken!" Chicken laughed as he walked towards the fridge.

"Just lemme grab a drink" He smiled sneakily taking a bottle from the freezer, the words "Pinkacola" advetised on it's glass.

"I know it's bad to drink it this early in the morning but what's the worst that could happen?" he whispered softly to himself , taking a swig of the drink as he walked towards the door to open it. "Good Morning" Chicken greeted , welcoming their visitor. "Are you lookin' for anyone?"

" why yes. I'm looking for a Ryan. I have confirmation that he is the father of this family? Do you mind if I come in? " the representative adjusted their tie and fixed their hat.the TV had gone back to the news and was now talking about the weather in the surrounding areas

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"Dad! There's a lady at the door!" Chicken yelled noticing his guest, "Oh right! Come in!" he welcomed his guest into the the house. "My little sister's making pancakes, you can have some if you'd like" Chicken offered smiling a warm grin towards his guest. as he led her her into their home.


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"Thank-you" the rep walked into the house and Chicken's shouting woke up Ryan. He walked into the room and began to talk with the rep. After an hour of talking (and pancakes) the rep left after having Ryan sign a paper. "What was that about dad?" Riley said giving her dad a plate of pancakes. Not wanting to worry her he said "nothing sweetie... " and then whispered to Chicken "can we talk in private please? I don't want to worry Riley"

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"Riley c-could you give us a minute, I gotta talk to dad about the dallas deadclaws game tomorrow" He whispered to his sister masking his worry as best he could. Chicken waited till his sister had left till he looked at his dad with a worrying glare 

"D-Dad? What's going on?! I know that face! it's the face you gave Riley when you told her her pet hamster went to live with the jeffersons!, What's happening?! why was that lady here?! what was that paper?!"


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  On 2015-11-23 at 3:27 PM, Vulcan said:

"Riley c-could you give us a minute, I gotta talk to dad about the dallas deadclaws game tomorrow" He whispered to his sister masking his worry as best he could. Chicken waited till his sister had left till he looked at his dad with a worrying glare 

"D-Dad? What's going on?! I know that face! it's the face you gave Riley when you told her her pet hamster went to live with the jeffersons!, What's happening?! why was that lady here?! what was that paper?!"

" well... That mare was from a company named Vault-tec. Now as it's been all over the news you should probably know about this but... " the conversation was cut short by a breaking news bulletin "Hello... My fellow equestrians it has just been confirmed that we have reports of blinding flashes being followed by explosions... Wait a minute we... We seem to have lost contact... Please stand by... *ehem* we have confirmed reports of umm... Nuclear detonation in manehatten and ponyvania. Oh celestia..."

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Chicken stared into the screen in disbelief, it was as if the house of cards that built his life had suddenly toppled.

His knees began to shake with fear as he heard those words..."Nuclear detonation"...He knew what that had meant as he stared at his dad with terror in his eyes "D-Dad, what are we going to do?"


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"We have to get to the vault. RILEY, MIA! WE NEED TO GO NOW!!!! "The two mares ran into the living room " dad? What's going on? " Riley said nervous "there's no time to explain we need to get to the vault! " Ryan and Mia ran outside. Mia pulled Riley onto her back as she was still tired

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Chicken hurriedly took the earthquake preparedness kit from under the kitchen counter and placed some of Riley's pancakes in his mouth as he ran towards his parents. There was a different feeling in the air as he left the house. as if the world around him had changed all at once.


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They arrived at the vault to see the representative being denied access to the vault. They were stopped by some ponies in armour. "Exuse me but we only have room for two more..." One of them said. Mia lifted Riley off her back and placed her on the ground "we'll stay out here... You two have more to live for..." Riley began crying "no...no you can't mom please..." She turned to the pony in armour "please. I don't want my mom to die!"

"Sorry ma'am only room for two..." He said opening the gate for them to go through.

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"Clarence" He thought as he walked slowly towards the gate, tears streaming down towards his chin. "If there was ever a time I needed you to threaten me into protecting my family this would be it" but his mind was silent as if it knew there was nothing to be done.


"CLARENCE!" He yelled but his mind remained silent, "YOU'RE USELESS!" He cried out as he turned around ready to run towards his parents. "STOP" a familliar voice rang through his subconscious before he could take a single step. "HONOR THEIR SACRIFICE AND PROTECT THINE SISTER" Towered the voice, his tone much more caring and sorrowful than Chicken was used to. He turned back around and looked at his sister with tears in her eyes begging for her mother's safety. "Okay" He whispered his face held a serious expression as he gripped her sister's hand and walked through the gate not looking back. 

"Let's go Riley"


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"Chicken please... Don't let them die! " Riley was crying even more as they were dragged into a tunnel a giant gear like door with a big 222 printed on it rolled open. And then there was a loud BOOM from outside of the tunnel and the vault staff dragged the two of them into the vault. "Mom! Dad! Nooooo!!!" Riley screamed turning back as the door closed behind them

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"There's nothing we can do" said Chicken as the vault staff dragged him into the vault , his voice becoming more monotone as he hid his grief. The sound of the explosion still rang through his mind but he had to stay calm...for her... "what's going to happen to us" he nervously thought maintaining composure as best he could.

Edited by Vulcan


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"No. This this isn't happening this can't be real this " Riley suddenly felt like her legs couldn't hold her "why? This shouldn't be happening. "


Some of the staff came over to them and helped Riley up. "C'mon Missy we need to get any radiation that you may have picked up during the explosion off of you" the staff began to take the two of them deeper into the vault

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Chicken followed the medical staff through the Vault, the metal floor banged softly as they're hooves walked across it's surface. He flipped his bag to his front and grabbed another bottle of "pinkacola" from it's front pocket as he continued through the vault. 

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"Just step in here and place any breakable items into this box" a stallion in a white labcoat came around with a box letting ponies place their belongings inside.among the contents were, a silver locket,some cigarettes and even a couple of guns! Riley wimpered upon seeing the weapons. She wondered who the locket belonged to.

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"Breakable items?!" Chicken thought staring into the box wondering why anypony thought guns and cigarettes were breakable items. He opened his bright orange bag and checked inside. "A medicine kit, a pair of hand-cranked flash lights, a plastic water purifying bottle, a small yellow radio, some food rations and a small blue box"


"I don't think I have any breakables , sir" He spoke , staring at the stallion. 

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  On 2015-11-24 at 12:28 PM, Vulcan said:

"Breakable items?!" Chicken thought staring into the box wondering why anypony thought guns and cigarettes were breakable items. He opened the bright orange bag and checked inside. "A medicine kit, a pair of hand-cranked flash lights, a plastic water purifying bottle, a small yellow radio, some food rations and a small blue box"


"I don't think I have any breakables , sir" He spoke , staring at the stallion.


"Well okay then. " he turned to Riley "how about you miss?" Riley shook her head "no side" she replied


The stallion walked up to a control console which listed the pods 1:Steven Buckingham 2:Mary Buckingham 3:Riley 4:Chicken Scratch 5:Jason Filliad 6:Emily Filliad. Then a mechanical voice said "closing pods 1,3 and 5" the pods sealed and Riley began to hyperventilate

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