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private 1x1 RP with SapphireSnow

Love Doctor Blaze

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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/143384-1x1-rp/



Crescendo Star walked through the busy streets of Canterlot. The autumn breeze sent a chill down his spine “Wow, it sure is cold today. I could really go for a hot chocolate,” Said the giant yellow stallion, as he looked around for the nearest café. After a 20 minute search, he found a café called “Cloud warmer” He walked up to the said building “That sounds like quite the cozy place, I wonder if they serve hot beverages there” Said Crescendo and walked inside. He looked around for a seat, but could unfortunately not find one. He was about to walk out the building, until he saw a lone mare sitting by a table. Seeing that there was some space for him, Crescendo approached her. “Excuse me miss, but do you mind if I sit here?” Asked Crescendo with a polite smile 

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Morning Glory had finished waking the flowers for the morning just shy of an hour ago. She was sipping on some hot tea when she was approached by an unfamiliar stallion. She set her tea cup lightly on the table as she responded: "I wouldn't mind some company, feel free." 


She smiled a bit as he chose his seat. "This cafe tends to be crowded at this time of time, it's quite popular among the early risers such as myself, but I haven't seen you in here before."


She spent every morning in this cafe and was quite familiar with the customers, but seeing him here was a first. 


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Crescendo took a seat and nodded "I can definitely see how crowded it is, kind of surprised to see so many early risers" Said Crescendo and ordered a hot chocolate when the waiter approached. “I don’t normally go to café’s after my morning run, so I bet that’s why we haven’t met before” Said Crescendo, as he looked around the room for his beloved hot chocolate, but to his relief it came to him rather soon. He thanked the waiter, and took a sip of the hot liquid “Ahhh, this establishment sure knows it’s drinks” Said Crescendo with a look of pure bliss on his face, his eyes suddenly widened “Oh my, I totally forgot to introduce myself! My name is Crescendo Star, what’s your name miss?” 

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"Most ponies here are talent based early risers and will clear out within the next 15 minutes." she explained. Most ponies here ran businesses that opened early which in turn made them rise to get an early start. She knew most ponies in town, what their job was, where their business was, their routines... She was very observant and picked up things over her many years of living here. 


"This cafe is well known for their quality drinks." she tacked on when he mentioned his hot chocolate.


"My name is Morning Glory, it's a pleasure to meet you Crescendo." Morning smiled and brought the tea cup to her lips again, taking another sip. He seemed very refined, she liked it.. A different kind of refined than you would usually find coming from a Canterlot pony. He was kind, very polite. 


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Crescendo smiled in understanding "Ah, that does make sense, but I’m however not needed at the hospital today, so I’m free to do whatever” Said Crescendo, and took another sip of the delicious drink. He noticed how this mare was very well mannered, and she was not snobby at all, which is quite rare in Canterlot these days. He tried her name “Morning Glory… That’s quite the beautiful name, and it suits you rather well,” Said Crescendo

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"Thank you," She said, somewhat shyly as he complimented her on her name. 


"You work in the hospital then?" she questioned. Was he a doctor? She had yet to become friends with a doctor pony, that would be most interesting. "What is your position?" 


Her interest with him had piqued, she hoped she wasn't coming off as too intrusive on his life, they did, after all, only just meet. 



Edited by SapphireSnow


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Crescendo smiled and nodded “Yes I do work in a hospital, but I’m however not a doctor. I am a phycologist.” Said Crescendo “Phycologist’s usually have their own ‘building’ where they help ponies, but I chose to work at the hospital instead since it’s way easier for ponies to find me that way” Explained Crescendo as he finished up his drink “What about you? What is your occupation in this big city?” Asked Crescendo genuinely curious 

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"Psychology seems just as interesting as being a surgeon or regular doctor." she stated. It fascinated her to learn about other ponies talents. Each one seemed so unique, and no other pony was as good at that special talent than the one who matched their cutie mark to it.  


"I wouldn't really call what I do an... occupation.. per say." She said, somewhat quietly. Her job wasn't one you'd generally hear about, it was very odd and sometimes it embarrassed Morning to get too in depth with it. "I don't work in any building nor office. I tend to the park and gardens in the area, helping flowers bloom with magic." 


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"Psychology seems just as interesting as being a surgeon or regular doctor." she stated. It fascinated her to learn about other ponies talents. Each one seemed so unique, and no other pony was as good at that special talent than the one who matched their cutie mark to it.


"I wouldn't really call what I do an... occupation.. per say." She said, somewhat quietly. Her job wasn't one you'd generally hear about, it was very odd and sometimes it embarrassed Morning to get too in depth with it. "I don't work in any building nor office. I tend to the park and gardens in the area, helping flowers bloom with magic."

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Crescendo nodded "Yeah i take great pleasure in helping ponies out with their mental issues, wether it being a big or a small problem" Said Crescendo with a smile, he noticed her sudden quiter tone, but decided to act like he didn't notice "Make flowers bloom with magic? Wow, that's the most unique talent i've ever heard about" Said Crescendo fascinated "How does it work?"

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A light blush showed up on Morning's cheeks accompanied by surprise when he actually showed interest in her talent. 


"I'm assigned certain hours of the day by Princess Celestia.." she started.


"During those hours, I'm expected to travel to all of the local gardens and parks, locating all of the correct species of flowers, and waking them. All it takes is a light brush of magic over the petals. Sometimes I even sprinkle morning dew on the morning glories." 


"It's quite boring to hear about, I know..." she finished, taking the last sip of her tea. 


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A light blush showed up on Morning's cheeks accompanied by surprise when he actually showed interest in her talent. 


"I'm assigned certain hours of the day by Princess Celestia.." she started.


"During those hours, I'm expected to travel to all of the local gardens and parks, locating all of the correct species of flowers, and waking them. All it takes is a light brush of magic over the petals. Sometimes I even sprinkle morning dew on the morning glories." 


"It's quite boring to hear about, I know..." she finished, taking the last sip of her tea.


Crescendo could tell that this mare was not too happy about her special talent, so now was the time for a usage of his special talent. He got up from his seat, and walked over to her. He draped his hoof around her and pulled her in for a hug "Hey now, don't say things like that about your talent. If anything you should be proud. I mean that talent is super cool and unique, and it's also really cool that Celestia assigns you. I don't think that Celestia would assign you, if she thought that you wheren't special" Said Crescendo with a gentle tone

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Morning was caught off guard when Crescendo pulled her into a hug. The words he spoke comforted her, like they were perfectly picked out for that very purpose. Morning offered a small smile. Perhaps he was right. After all, it's not like she didn't enjoy her talent, she actually loved it. It was peaceful and serene in the early hours and warm and buzzing in the late evenings. 


Morning Glory looked at him, really looked at him, and thanked him. She put as much sincerity into those two words as she could. 


"You know.. You must be really amazing at your talent." she pointed out. "You must help a lot of ponies, many who are very lucky to have you." 


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Morning was caught off guard when Crescendo pulled her into a hug. The words he spoke comforted her, like they were perfectly picked out for that very purpose. Morning offered a small smile. Perhaps he was right. After all, it's not like she didn't enjoy her talent, she actually loved it. It was peaceful and serene in the early hours and warm and buzzing in the late evenings. 


Morning Glory looked at him, really looked at him, and thanked him. She put as much sincerity into those two words as she could. 


"You know.. You must be really amazing at your talent." she pointed out. "You must help a lot of ponies, many who are very lucky to have you."


Crescendo blushed slightly, not many ponies thank him that much. "Wow... Uhh, thank you for the kind words. But like i said, i enjoy helping ponies with problems" Said Crescendo with his signature goofy smile. "Aww, you look much better with a smile. I think i might just become a comedian to constantly keep you smiling"

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Morning laughed lightly at his joke. During their close conversation, she failed to notice most of the cafe had emptied, just like both of their cups. When it did catch her noticed, she said:


"We've spent a bit of time in this tiny cafe, you don't have any plans today do you? I don't want you to end up late on my behalf." 


She hoped he had nothing planned, she enjoyed his company, and didn't want it to end quite yet, but knew every pony had their duties.   


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Morning laughed lightly at his joke. During their close conversation, she failed to notice most of the cafe had emptied, just like both of their cups. When it did catch her noticed, she said:


"We've spent a bit of time in this tiny cafe, you don't have any plans today do you? I don't want you to end up late on my behalf." 


She hoped he had nothing planned, she enjoyed his company, and didn't want it to end quite yet, but knew every pony had their duties.


Crescendo's goofy smile only got bigger when she laughed. Laughter was one of his favorite sounds. "No, i don't have any plans today. Or i was going to train martial arts since i had nothing to do today. But seeing that i bumped into a mare, that has the most beautiful smile in the world... I think i'll stay" Said Crescendo with a smile

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Morning felt her smile grow a bit wider as he said he had no other plans. It made her happier than expected. 


She gave him an incredulous look at that last comment. "The most beautiful smile? " she questioned him. Surely he was just being overly kind or flirtatious. There were many mares on a higher level than her with outstanding smiles amongst other eye catching visuals. 


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Morning felt her smile grow a bit wider as he said he had no other plans. It made her happier than expected. 


She gave him an incredulous look at that last comment. "The most beautiful smile? " she questioned him. Surely he was just being overly kind or flirtatious. There were many mares on a higher level than her with outstanding smiles amongst other eye catching visuals.


Crescendo laughed "Yeah, i have absolutely no reason to lie" Said Crescendo, which was true. Crescendo geniuenly thought that she had a beautiful smile. He adjusted his tie "So want to head out for a walk? All this sitting has made my legs stiff" Said Crescendo as he stretched out his massive hindquarters, this might have been uncivilized to do, but his legs where aching!

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Morning covered her mouth with her hoof, muffling a laugh at the motion. He was so different from the regular ponies, it was a breath of fresh air... Speaking of which...


"Yes I'd love to go for a walk." She stood in one movement, leaving a few bits on the table as a tip. "Do you have a destination in mind?" 


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Morning covered her mouth with her hoof, muffling a laugh at the motion. He was so different from the regular ponies, it was a breath of fresh air... Speaking of which...


"Yes I'd love to go for a walk." She stood in one movement, leaving a few bits on the table as a tip. "Do you have a destination in mind?"


Crescendo thought for a bit "How about the royal gardens? It's such an amazing place, with beautiful and exocting flowers from all over Equesttia" Said Crescendo "And i would really like to see some of your work" He pulled out a few bits from his pocket, to pay for the tasty drink

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Her eyes lit up at his suggestion. "The Royal Gardens would be perfect, it's one of my favorite places to visit. In fact, the morning glories I woke this morning will still be in bloom for another 30 minutes, we'll have plenty of time to see them." She had an upbeat chip to her voice as she spoke about it. 


She walked to the door, waiting for him to follow her. 


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Her eyes lit up at his suggestion. "The Royal Gardens would be perfect, it's one of my favorite places to visit. In fact, the morning glories I woke this morning will still be in bloom for another 30 minutes, we'll have plenty of time to see them." She had an upbeat chip to her voice as she spoke about it. 


She walked to the door, waiting for him to follow her.


Crescendo smiled at her enthutiasm, and followed her out the door "The royal gardens is also one of my favorite places. I often visit to meditate and do strength excersizes there. Mainly because it's so nice and peace, plus there are rarely any ponies there since only a few are actually allowed in there"

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Morning nodded in agreement as they walked. "It would be the perfect place to do peaceful things like that." 


"Since you're right, most ponies aren't granted access to the gardens, how did you come across gaining the approval?" 


She hoped that question wasn't too personal, maybe she should have rephrased it differently.. Worst he could say is that he'd rather not say. 


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Morning nodded in agreement as they walked. "It would be the perfect place to do peaceful things like that." 


"Since you're right, most ponies aren't granted access to the gardens, how did you come across gaining the approval?" 


She hoped that question wasn't too personal, maybe she should have rephrased it differently.. Worst he could say is that he'd rather not say.


Crescendo was a bit hesitant on telling her, but he decided that he might as well "Well... My parents Carmen and Bella Star, are kind of famous so i asked them to get me a pass to the royal garden. So with them being high up in the society and stuff, i got a pass in no time" Said Crescendo. Hoping that his rich family wouldn't affect her thought on him

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Morning's steps faltered momentarily, but she quickly caught back up. She recognized the names, she had no idea he was related to them.. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She smiled happily.


"Well it's fortunate you're able to have such access, I'm sure many ponies are envious." The latter statement was based on experience, the friends she lost because of the places she was allowed to go. Jealousy got the better of them.. She shook her head at the thought, hoping Crescendo didn't notice. 


"You seem to have found your own place in the world, rather than follow after your parents. I admire that." 


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Morning's steps faltered momentarily, but she quickly caught back up. She recognized the names, she had no idea he was related to them.. But the more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She smiled happily.


"Well it's fortunate you're able to have such access, I'm sure many ponies are envious." The latter statement was based on experience, the friends she lost because of the places she was allowed to go. Jealousy got the better of them.. She shook her head at the thought, hoping Crescendo didn't notice. 


"You seem to have found your own place in the world, rather than follow after your parents. I admire that."


Crescendo smiled "Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me" Said Crescendo. He saw the royal garden up ahead, he couldn't wait! He looked back at Morning Glory, and couldn't help but notice how strikingly good she looked as the morning rays seemed to make her shine. It took a lot of self control to not drop his jaw

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