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private 1x1 RP with SapphireSnow

Love Doctor Blaze

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Morning saw Crescendo's eyes light up with excitement as the garden came into view. She remembered her eyes lighting up like that the first year she had been assigned the garden. She adored coming here during the day and seeing the ponies stroll casually through the garden, watching them look at it in awe. 

When he looked back at her, he had a look on his face she had yet to see. It puzzled her. 


"Is something wrong?" she asked him as they came to the entrance of the garden. She wondered maybe if she looked off, her mane out of place or something on her coat. 


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Morning saw Crescendo's eyes light up with excitement as the garden came into view. She remembered her eyes lighting up like that the first year she had been assigned the garden. She adored coming here during the day and seeing the ponies stroll casually through the garden, watching them look at it in awe. 

When he looked back at her, he had a look on his face she had yet to see. It puzzled her. 


"Is something wrong?" she asked him as they came to the entrance of the garden. She wondered maybe if she looked off, her mane out of place or something on her coat.


Crescendo shook his head "uh, no. My god..." Muttered Crescendo. He has never done that before! He put on a smile "Just saw the definetion of perfection" said Crescendo under his breath, and quickly followed Morning Glory inside the garden. This mare was doing strange things to his mind...

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"Yes, the garden does tend to have that effect on people." she stated brightly, oblivious to what he meant.


"How many times have you visited? They have a special section closer to the castle that's only open on the Gala's night, however that part needs to be maintained year round, so only maintenance is allowed back, maybe we could visit---" Morning realized she was rambling and quickly silenced herself. 


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"Yes, the garden does tend to have that effect on people." she stated brightly, oblivious to what he meant.


"How many times have you visited? They have a special section closer to the castle that's only open on the Gala's night, however that part needs to be maintained year round, so only maintenance is allowed back, maybe we could visit---" Morning realized she was rambling and quickly silenced herself.


Crescendo quickly regained his composure, and threw up his goofy smile "Hmm... How about you decide? I haven't seen a lot since i mainly meditate around here, and my eyes are closed during meditation soo... Yeah." Said Crescendo sheepishly. He noticed a few exotix birds flying around, and let out a geniune smile

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Morning's eyes followed the birds as they flew over, then glanced to Crescendo. 


"Perhaps, let's just begin down this path. I usually take this one in the mornings and it leads around the complete garden."


"Do you like animals?" She asked, noticing his interest he took in the birds. She pointed out a couple of colorful looking birds in the tree. "Those are lovebirds, they're my favorite... The yellow ones are exceptionally pretty.


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Morning's eyes followed the birds as they flew over, then glanced to Crescendo. 


"Perhaps, let's just begin down this path. I usually take this one in the mornings and it leads around the complete garden."


"Do you like animals?" She asked, noticing his interest he took in the birds. She pointed out a couple of colorful looking birds in the tree. "Those are lovebirds, they're my favorite... The yellow ones are exceptionally pretty."


Crescendo nodded "Yes, i do indeed like animals but birds are definetly my favorite." A parrot landed on his horn, and Crescendo let out a chuckle "I've actually considered to get a pet, but i don't know if i have the patience for one" Said And moved the parrot from his horn ø, to his back. He then began scratching it under it's chin

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"No patience for one? You don't seem like the type of pony that would have a short temper." She looked at the beautiful bird that had landed on his horn. She smiled softly when it jumped to his back. He seemed to have not only a way with ponies, but with animals as well. He seemed kind hearted and genuine, she couldn't imagine him otherwise. 


But then again, she had to bring herself back to reality. She had known him for an hour, tops. The truth of it was she really didn't know him, his flaws, his weaknesses, all of that was learned with time. Her smile faltered at the thoughts.  


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"No patience for one? You don't seem like the type of pony that would have a short temper." She looked at the beautiful bird that had landed on his horn. She smiled softly when it jumped to his back. He seemed to have not only a way with ponies, but with animals as well. He seemed kind hearted and genuine, she couldn't imagine him otherwise. 


But then again, she had to bring herself back to reality. She had known him for an hour, tops. The truth of it was she really didn't know him, his flaws, his weaknesses, all of that was learned with time. Her smile faltered at the thoughts.


Crescendo shook his head "Oh no, i'm not short tempered. What i meant is that i might not have the patience to teach it tricks, or teach it to behave properly. But then again, i haven't backed down from something because i thought i lagged the patience..." Crescendo started to consider getting himself a pet now. He realized that he COULD get a pet, it couldn't be that hard. His eyes lit with excitement "You know what miss Glory, after our little walk, i'm going for a pet" Said Crescendo with determination in his voice

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Morning blinked a few times, shocked, but happily so. 


"Would you mind terribly if I come with you? I'd love to see what type of pet you pick out-- Oh this is very exciting." She said with a skip in her step. "Are you going to get a bird? Since you do favor birds." she speculated. 


"I've always wanted a pet, but it simply doesn't fit my schedule, so I have to make due without one." 


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Morning blinked a few times, shocked, but happily so. 


"Would you mind terribly if I come with you? I'd love to see what type of pet you pick out-- Oh this is very exciting." She said with a skip in her step. "Are you going to get a bird? Since you do favor birds." she speculated. 


"I've always wanted a pet, but it simply doesn't fit my schedule, so I have to make due without one."


Crescendo smiled at her excited tone "Nope i don't mind at all. In fact, i would love it if you came along, and yes my pet is indeed going to be a bird" Said Crescendo matching her excited tone. This was so exciting! He has never had a pet before, so this was much definetly a challenge

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"Do you have a specific species in mind? There are all types.. Some birds even have special speaking capabilities, or like Princess Celestia's pet, it's a phoenix, they reincarnate from the ashes. Owls tend to be quite intelligent, but may pose a problem due to the fact they're nocturnal.. " Morning had to cut herself off again, this time she was embarrassed. 


"Or you could just.. you know.. Get whatever you like." She stated, ending her rambling. 


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"Do you have a specific species in mind? There are all types.. Some birds even have special speaking capabilities, or like Princess Celestia's pet, it's a phoenix, they reincarnate from the ashes. Owls tend to be quite intelligent, but may pose a problem due to the fact they're nocturnal.. " Morning had to cut herself off again, this time she was embarrassed. 


"Or you could just.. you know.. Get whatever you like." She stated, ending her rambling.


Crescendo chuckled and softly hoofed her in the shoulder "You are both beautiful AND adorable? If you keep going, i might have to go out with you" Said Crescendo with a laugh. He then thought about what she said "Well to be honest, i don't really which bird i'll pick. I guess i'll just have to wait and see"

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Morning's ears went down and cheeks turned a bright red, eyes wide. She had not expected that, it made her stomach fill with butterflies. No pony had ever said that to her before, she never had anyone show interest in her like that-- She wasn't sure what to say about it.


"Y-yeah, w-wait and see.." She said stumbling over her words. 


She glanced around the garden, to see where they ended up. She noticed they were close to the morning glories, which gave her relief. A distraction. 


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Morning's ears went down and cheeks turned a bright red, eyes wide. She had not expected that, it made her stomach fill with butterflies. No pony had ever said that to her before, she never had anyone show interest in her like that-- She wasn't sure what to say about it.


"Y-yeah, w-wait and see.." She said stumbling over her words. 


She glanced around the garden, to see where they ended up. She noticed they were close to the morning glories, which gave her relief. A distraction.


Crescendo saw that his playfull behaviour has left her quite flustered, so he decided to cut down on the compliments a bit. He noticed the morning glories, and his eyes immediatly widened from their beauty. Kinda like a certain other Morning Glory thought Crescendo, but he didn't say that to her

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Morning trot lightly over to the bloomed flowers, most were still in full bloom, but some had already begun to fold up into themselves. 


"I'm glad we made it in time.." She said softly, as if the flowers would be disturbed by her speaking in a regular tone. 


Out of the corner of her eye, a tiny, unbloomed flower caught her eye. Her jaw dropped in shock as she hurried over to it.


"Oh no! This little bud is early-- I wasn't expecting it until next month, I must have missed it this morning.." She nudged the bud with her horn. "I don't think it's too late to bloom it, better late than never I suppose... Would you like to watch?" She offered, glancing behind her. 


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Morning trot lightly over to the bloomed flowers, most were still in full bloom, but some had already begun to fold up into themselves. 


"I'm glad we made it in time.." She said softly, as if the flowers would be disturbed by her speaking in a regular tone. 


Out of the corner of her eye, a tiny, unbloomed flower caught her eye. Her jaw dropped in shock as she hurried over to it.


"Oh no! This little bud is early-- I wasn't expecting it until next month, I must have missed it this morning.." She nudged the bud with her horn. "I don't think it's too late to bloom it, better late than never I suppose... Would you like to watch?" She offered, glancing behind her.


Crescendo sat down, and smiled at her "Go ahead, i'm quite interested in seeing how your magic works. Because like i said earlier today, your talent is quite interesting" Said Crescendo with an en couraging smile. He waited patiently for Morning Glory to do her magic

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She smiled at him then dedicated her complete focus to the small bud. Her horn started to glow and shimmer a lovely shade of lavender. She gentled unfolded the petals using her magic, careful to place each one in it's rightful position. When she finished the process, completeing it in under 2 minutes, she looked at her work. 


"A Venice Mallow..." she stated quietly.


She blinked a few times, breaking herself from her flower trance as she smiled sheepishly. 


"Well that's how it's done.." 


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She smiled at him then dedicated her complete focus to the small bud. Her horn started to glow and shimmer a lovely shade of lavender. She gentled unfolded the petals using her magic, careful to place each one in it's rightful position. When she finished the process, completeing it in under 2 minutes, she looked at her work. 


"A Venice Mallow..." she stated quietly.


She blinked a few times, breaking herself from her flower trance as she smiled sheepishly. 


"Well that's how it's done.."


Crescendo hoof stomped softly as a sign of applause. He then approached the flower and gazed at it's beauty "You put a lot of effort into this don't you? Because it sure looks like it, and my god are these flowers beautiful, kinda reminds me of you" Crescendo was too busy admiring the flowers to notice his compliment slipping out

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Morning Glory shyly covered her face with her mane as he admired the flowers. The butterflies were in her stomach again, and she had a smile on her lips. 


"Thank you.. I do try to make them look their best.." She mumbled quietly as she kicked her hoof shyly against the ground. 




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Morning Glory shyly covered her face with her mane as he admired the flowers. The butterflies were in her stomach again, and she had a smile on her lips. 


"Thank you.. I do try to make them look their best.." She mumbled quietly as she kicked her hoof shyly against the ground. 




Crescendo was tempted to pick one off the ground, but figured that it would ruin the precious flower. He looked concerned at Morning "You alright? You seem kinda flustered" Said Crescendo and walked up to her again. The flowers suddenly uninteresting, as Crescendo was worried for her

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"I'm alright, I just.. " She looked at him. "Do you mean those things or.. Are you just being kind?" She was curious, she wanted to know his thoughts in depth. 


"It's just.. No pony has ever said those things before, so it makes me wonder, why are you saying them?" She shrugged lightly. "Maybe I'm thinking too in depth about it. I tend to over think things.. I suppose you can disregard this if that's the case."


She begun walked back the way they came, towards the entrance. 


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"I'm alright, I just.. " She looked at him. "Do you mean those things or.. Are you just being kind?" She was curious, she wanted to know his thoughts in depth. 


"It's just.. No pony has ever said those things before, so it makes me wonder, why are you saying them?" She shrugged lightly. "Maybe I'm thinking too in depth about it. I tend to over think things.. I suppose you can disregard this if that's the case."


She begun walked back the way they came, towards the entrance.


Crescendo laughs nervously "He-he well, i tend to speak my mind a lot of the time, since i'm no good at hiding emotions and thoughts, and uh... Actually here is the short version, yes i meant every word, because like i said earlier why would i lie?" Said Crescendo, deciding to keep on telling the truth

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Morning Glory shrugged lightly again, thinking she wouldn't complicate things, and just move on to a lighter topic.


"So, shall we go pick out the perfect pet for you? I know a pet shop that specializes in birds, I'll take you to it." She smiled as she lead the way out of the garden, one of the benefits of having worked in a place for so long, it was a maze to others, but to her, it was simple navigation. 

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Crescendo nodded, his smile growing slightly at the mention of finaly getting a bet "Follow the way miss Glory, i shall follow you as your bodyguard and scare away all the evil" Said Crescendo, while performing some kicks and punches in the air, with his goofy smile present as always 

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Morning laughed lightly at his actions. 


"Yes, I have nothing to be afraid of with you around, do I?" She said with a smile that reached her eyes. 


Morning led them out of the garden without a hitch. She proceeded down the cobblestone streets, making her way easily through vendors and taking a shortcut or two through an alley way. Eventually she brought them to the entrance of the pet shop. From the outside, you could hear various animal noises, from birds to dogs, this shop had it all. 


"Are you ready?" she asked, grabbing onto the door handle with her magic as she opened it, letting both of them in. 




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