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private 1x1 RP with SapphireSnow

Love Doctor Blaze

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Ahh, the sound of laughter. The smile of ponies. That's basicly the reason to why he keeps going, a smile means the world to him. He nodded and enetered the pet store. His nostrills where immediatly assaulted by the various smells that a pet store had to offer. He looked around and noticed that this shop had a whole lot of brids. "Hmm... I wonder if they have a phoenix" Mused Crescendo 

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There was a giant list posted on the wall. Morning pointed it out to him. It was titled: Species We Sell:


She gestured to the subtitle "Birds".


"I suppose you could look here." She went down the list to the P's, looking for phoenix. 


"Parakeet, Parrotlet, Phoenix, Pigeon, Pionus-- Ah Phoenix!" She smiled and turned to him.

"It's on the list."


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Crescendo clapped his hooves together "Excellent! Let's look for it!" Said Crescendo and walked around the shop, looking for what would hopefully be his future companion. Unbeknownst to him, the said phoenix was spying on him behind some flowers. Crescendo looked around confused "Where on earth could such a creature hide?"

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Parts of the shop were much like a jungle, set up to the birds natural habitat, so it was quite the challenge to located any specific animal. 

Morning walked around cautiously, being careful not to scare the lesser birds. She wondered where the shop keeper was, shouldn't they be tending the shop? She was familiar with the owner, but she was no where in sight. Perhaps if she went to the front desk..


Morning Glory made her way to the front. She saw a small bell that said "Ring Me for Service". 


Ah.. she thought to herself. Morning tapped the bell lightly as a small but sharp sounding ding filled the air. Some birds ruffled their feathers at the sound, one dog barked. 


"Ah my dear Glory, how have you been? It's been ages since you visited!" A quaint looking older mare with glasses stepped out from what seemed like thin air. She had a short white mane, tied up in a tight bun atop her head, her tail with streaks of the lightest blue. 


"LadyBell~" Morning said in return, giving her a slight bow of her head. "My friend and I, well mostly him.. He's looking to buy a pet. A phoenix, do you have any he could look at?" She asked hopefully. 


LadyBell's glasses moved to the very tip of her nose. "A phoenix? Those are mighty birds, they need proper care and maintenance."  she began to lecture. 


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Crescendo was only half listening to the shop owner. He was too busy looking for the majestic bird. The book detailed that it would only come forward, if it thinks that it's owner is worthy... Hmmm, how could he prove himself? He wasn't some mighty hero, or a goddess like Celestia...



The phoenix was circling the newcomers, it had a look of curiosity on it's face as it observed them 

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Morning took the lecture while Crescendo did his own thing, she figured she could catch him up later, she'd let him enjoy looking around a bit more.

She smiled and nodded at all the rights times in reply to LadyBell. She actually learned a thing or two about phoenix. 


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Morning took the lecture while Crescendo did his own thing, she figured she could catch him up later, she'd let him enjoy looking around a bit more.


She smiled and nodded at all the rights times in reply to LadyBell. She actually learned a thing or two about phoenix.


Crescendo looked around with a sharp eye. He was considering to use magic to find it, but he decided against it. He was going to show that bird that he was worthy! He found a feather laying on a little pot. It was a phoenix's feather! Did that mean he was close? Now he was more excited then ever. He took the feather, and put it in his mane.


The phoenix continued to watch this weird stallion with amusement.

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Morning was watching him out of the corner of her eye. She knew that listening to LadyBell was optional, now she was droning on about the dogs and how they tore the hay bales to shreds. Morning had to hide a laugh at that story. 


Crescendo was wondering around-- He picked up something.. Red? A feather? She cocked her head curiously, turning more towards the shop than to LadyBell who continued to drone on without notice. 


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Morning was watching him out of the corner of her eye. She knew that listening to LadyBell was optional, now she was droning on about the dogs and how they tore the hay bales to shreds. Morning had to hide a laugh at that story.


Crescendo was wondering around-- He picked up something.. Red? A feather? She cocked her head curiously, turning more towards the shop than to LadyBell who continued to drone on without notice.

Crescendo decided to venture further into the rainforesr decorated store. He had the feather, now to find the bird itself... Crescendo looked around for 10 minutes, until he saw an orange silhouette sitting in a tree. He crouched low and admired the bird from a distance, hoping that it wouldn't notice him.


The phoenix could have flown away from this weird pony long ago, but decided to stay out of curiosity to what he would do. No costumer has ever been doing weird stuff like this before

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