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private A one on one Sapphire (me) and Jonagold (Flutterfly)

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Sapphire was on guard yet again, her sister was off doing the fun stuff here and there but she got the guard duty, guess she gets the perks of the job then so there she was standing outside the entrance to the wing were Twlight was staying so no pony would come in who did not have permission. i'm so bored wish someone would come down here so I could do something. 

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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Hoofsteps resonated as Jonagold walked down the hall, deep in thought. He almost didn't notice the mare standing in front of a doorway. He didn't recognize her. Maybe she was just lost. "Excuse me, are you looking for something? I don't think I've seen you around here." Jonagold asked, trying not to be pushy.

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"hmph another civilian, move along royal guards and VIP's only." ​please stay and talk to me you are the first pony I have seen in hours!  Sapphire's face did not match her words or the way she said them, she almost gave him puppy eyes. She kept her eyes on him the first moving thing in ages had walked in and she did not him to leave, alought she could not say so. 

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Jonagold was about to just move along like he was told to, but something stopped him. He could see it in her face. He knew she didn't want him to leave, but she told him to anyways. He stopped after a few steps and turned back to face the mare. "Are you sure about that? I could always stay for a while." He felt her pain. He had felt it 100 times before. She needed some interaction with other ponies.

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She looked at him funny, he will actually stay, yay. She stepped forward to him, her manner was still grim and stiff like before. She then raised her hoof to the side of her mouth and leant towards him almost whispering, "yes please stay I'm so bored here, my name is Sapphire by the way." She then returned to her position looking grimly at the wall behind him, but gave him a subtle wink for him to stay.  

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He was beginning to understand what Sapphire was doing, and gave her a smile. "The name is Jonagold," he said. "I assume that you're here with Twilight Sparkle. It's not everyday that a princess comes along. I was just a foal when Celestia last visited." He again reminisced and again got lost in thought, only to snap back when he remembered that Sapphire needed some company.

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"Yes that is correct there pony, um Jonagold I mean." ​yay he really is staying hooray, Sapphire's outward mannerisms did not change and neither did her voice both were quite grim, apart for what she then said. "I should be off duty in half and hour or so hopefully." again she then firmed back up and looked back to the wall, I will buy him dinner for this.

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Jonagold gave a small chuckle at Sapphire's actions. He knew guards were trained to never lose focus, but he didn't know the extent of their skill. "A half hour, eh? I suppose I can stick around until then, Sapphire." It's not like he had anything better to do. He was off for the day, but he wasn't about to tell Sapphire that the only reason he is staying is for lack of anything else to do.

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Sapphire was not sure what to say or do now that he was staying, being on duty she wasn't even meant to speak to him so she was a little confused. She stood there looking at the wall trying to think of what to say to him. She spoke again in her firm guard tone "sit down and make yourself comfortable there civilian Twilight will see you soon." She gave him an obvious wink, an excuse for him to stay there and talk to her.

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Jonagold was flustered. He didn't want to see the princess. What if he messed up somehow. It was then that he noticed Sapphire winking and he calmed down. He chuckled at how worked up he got over something that wouldn't even happen. He set his saddlebags down like she had said. "So have you actually met the princess, or are they just making you stand guard for her?" he asked out of mild curiosity.

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Sapphire kept looking at the wall, i'll talk to him but anyone else comes along i can shutup, "yes I have seen the Princess we are on first name terms with one another quite a normal pony really she loves to read." the way Sapphire was talking was rather confusing she was talking as it was her self but still had her 'on duty' voice on so would of been a bit weird. "In fact me and my sister used to live with her for a short time until we got our own home in Ponyville." 

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Jonagold tried to mask his surprise. The pony in front of him was a friend of the princess. He almost felt the need to bow to such an important pony, but he got the feeling that would make the situation awkward. "Oh really! I never imagined that you would be so close to Princess Twilight Sparkle! What an honor." There he went making the situation awkward again.

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She now turned to him and changed to her normal voice, "of course I am I guard her and she has only a few guards in her detachment. Anyway Celestia and Luna are on first name basis with most of their guards too, do you think that they don't notice us?" She then looked back to the wall stern faced again.

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"Er, um, I guess I kind of did. I'm sorry." He had developed the skill of making things awkward of the years, but clearly not for fixing his mistakes. As an attempt to change the subject, he stuttered a bit as he thought of what to say. He finally said, "What about that weather today? The pegasi sure did a good job."

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"they are doing so although I haven't been outside today, so i'll take your word for it then Jonagold, hmm I like that name." She then looked at her watch on her left hoof, good ten or so minutes hopefully "so you know I'm a guard from Ponyville what do you do for your bits?" Her voice was now her own she had dropped her 'guard' voice and was talking naturally but her stance was still quite stiff. 

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"I'm actually studying audiology, so no bits there yet. I work a few small jobs whenever ponies need help with something to pay my way, and between you and me, I'm a bit of a musician." He didn't like to admit that he was practically broke, but he didn't see any reason to lie to Sapphire. She had been honest with him, so he should do the same.

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"sound techy hey you sound like you're in the same line of work a Vinyl Scratch, she does that kind of thing back home in Ponyville, heck maybe you have heard of her second coolest pony I know after Rainbow Dash, she is awesome and the Element of Loyalty too." Sapphire's face lit up talking about home she missed it every day she was away from it, and emotional softy really.  

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Of course Jonagold had heard of Vinyl Scratch. He looked up to and aspired to be like Vinyl Scratch. He didn't want to make the conversation awkward again, so he simply responded with, "I've heard about her from time to time. We do a lot of the same things, but I would be the pony who made sure her equipment worked, and her show went well." He didn't know a lot about Ponyville, but he could tell she was enjoying remembering home so he continued talking. "I've heard of Rainbow Dash. Didn't she perform the sonic rainboom?"

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"yeah she's done it like 4 times now I mean no pony, well pegasus had ever done it or a least not in our lifetimes anyway." She looked at her watch again  "oh good I should be relieved in a few moments so we can get out of here, where is a nice place to eat around here I'm buying." She kept her stance until somepony said she was to me relieved, any moment now (next post of mine)

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"Oh, thank you! There is a new McHayburger nearby, and it has great reviews so far." Jonagold could feel that he was getting hungry. He was on his way to get a meal when he met Sapphire. It wasn't everyday that a pony offered to get someone else a meal. He only hoped that he didn't cause any trouble for Sapphire by being there while she was on duty.

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As Jonagold finished talking a colt walked up to them in a police uniform, "I'm here you relieve you ma'am." "Thanks for that have fun." Sapphire then darted into the room she was guarding and took off all her gear except a small pouch and her sword and sheath, then came back out. Sapphire's attitude stance and voice were now completely normal and friendly, she looked at him "so where is the shop then lead the way i am very hungry."  

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"I know the feeling. It's right this way," Jonagold said as he started on his way to the restaurant. He didn't have a lot of friends, but he could tell that this was the start of a good friendship. He began to whistle a tune as he walked, and thought back to where the restaurant was.

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As they both walked down a street towards the restaurant, "what brought you to the wing I was guarding actually? it's just nopony who was not supposed to be there had come there all except for you actually." Sapphire did not pay heed to her own question she was but making small talk on the way to there destination. 

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"I was on my way home from the store so I could start on preparing my meal. Luckily I came across you first," he said with a chuckle. "You said you and your sister lived with the princess. Who is your sister?" he asked. He stumbled on a rock, but pretended that nothing had happened, though he was pretty sure that everyone around saw him.

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"you ok there clumsy? Anyway my sister is called Emerald, Emerald Bolt she my commander and the head of Twilight's guard detail, very important pony she's with her right now I believe actually." they kept moving along, "so where is this place then we have been walking a while now."  

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