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private You Make My Heart Skip a Beat | 1 x 1, GentlemanBlaze


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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix frowned at his question, her confusion only amplified by how serious he was. "Me? No, I mean... Why? I've had some upsets, but never to the point of an all out brawl." she said, moving to take a seat next to him while sipping at her drink. "I don't normally get drunk, and I've learned to avoid ponies when they get a bit high strung."

Blaze smiled "Thank god... When you are in the DJ branch like us, ponies will start going apeshit over you. Some will get over obsessed, and some are jealous of your money. Just saying that there is a chance you'll get jumped in the street, either for for money or because someone wants to touch you." He drank the whole champagne "And it's probably a good idea to keep your distance from drunk ponies, wish i thought like that when i was younger"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix tilted her head, listening to his words. "Wow. Uh, thanks for the warning. I don't think I'm rich nor popular enough for that, though." she joked, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. "I didn't figure that one out on my own - Jazzy warned me as soon as I said I wanted to become a DJ. Besides, she's normally there at the club to keep an eye on things, but she had to do some things at home and couldn't make it." she said, her tone turning more somber as she gazed at her hooves, her loneliness evident.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix tilted her head, listening to his words. "Wow. Uh, thanks for the warning. I don't think I'm rich nor popular enough for that, though." she joked, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. "I didn't figure that one out on my own - Jazzy warned me as soon as I said I wanted to become a DJ. Besides, she's normally there at the club to keep an eye on things, but she had to do some things at home and couldn't make it." she said, her tone turning more somber as she gazed at her hooves, her loneliness evident.

Blaze sighed "Well, this event today is a big one. So i'm sure you'll get a massive popularity spike, and with popularity comes fans, and with fans comes money. So i'm just giving ya a little heads up" He noticed her somber tone "You don't have many friends, do you?"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just chuckled, unsure whether that would be a positive or a negative thing. "Me? Oh, I have lots of friends, just not many really close ones." she explained, gesturing with her hooves a little. "Jazzy and I, we basically met when we were both struggling a lot to find ourselves, and we've been inseparable ever since." she continued, getting a little misty-eyed at the end. "Sorry, sorry. I always seem to get a bit emotional when I talk about her."

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just chuckled, unsure whether that would be a positive or a negative thing. "Me? Oh, I have lots of friends, just not many really close ones." she explained, gesturing with her hooves a little. "Jazzy and I, we basically met when we were both struggling a lot to find ourselves, and we've been inseparable ever since." she continued, getting a little misty-eyed at the end. "Sorry, sorry. I always seem to get a bit emotional when I talk about her."

Blaze shook his head "There is a difference between friends and someone you know. For example us right now. We are simply aquintances, but we are not friends. A friend will rush to their friends side if something happens. A friend will fully support their friend even if they do something stupid" He walked up to her, and put a hoof on his shoulder. He took off his shades, revealing his ocean blue eyes "But cheer up. In due time, we'll probably be friends as well"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix nodded, mulling over his words. "True, true." she said, smiling at him. She jumped a little at the contact, mildly shocked and somewhat confused as to what he was doing, and leaned back a little when he took off his shades. "Yea, sure! That'd be neat. As long as you don't try to dress me up, we'll be fine." she said, awkwardly chuckling as she nudged his hoof of her shoulder and shuffled away from him ever so slightly. 

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Blazes eyes twitched slightly at that comment "Yeah haha..." Said Blaze with a strained voice. This was hard! He shook his head, and walked up to the DJ equipment "Well, we came here to showcase our work. So how about i put on something i made a while back?" He selected the song from his records, and booted up the DJ set.



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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix grinned, pretty much able to tell what was going through his head. She began to bop her head to the track, tapping her hooves along. "Sounds good. Geddit? Sound!" she exclaimed over the music, laughing at her own joke before downing the rest of her drink and lobbing it into the nearby trashcan. "Man, this is really nice. We might mesh really well - I have a similar taste to you." she said, speaking louder than usual to be heard.

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Blaze grinned "Glad to hear! I'm unfortunately not a good singer, but there is nothing a bit of effects can't change!" Shouted Blaze and laughed. He stopped the music and poured himself some more liquor, this time deciding on some wine. He took out a bottle "Ohh, an Amarone, eh? Those are pretty rare in these parts" He took a sip "Hmm... This is a vintage as well! Man i like this hotel... Anyways, i believe it's your turn to fire up some beats. Show me what you've got" Said Blaze as he drank more of his expensive wine 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix shrugged, grinning. "True! When you're in the club, most ponies don't care, especially when they're wasted." she laughed, lowering her voice as the music was switched off. "Geez, you know your wine." she said, scrunching her nose a little and poking her tongue out. "Oh! My tracks? Hm... Let's see what I brought." she mumbled to herself, standing up and walking over to the equipment as she pulled out a track.


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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix shrugged, grinning. "True! When you're in the club, most ponies don't care, especially when they're wasted." she laughed, lowering her voice as the music was switched off. "Geez, you know your wine." she said, scrunching her nose a little and poking her tongue out. "Oh! My tracks? Hm... Let's see what I brought." she mumbled to herself, standing up and walking over to the equipment as she pulled out a track.



Blaze was sitting with his head leaned back, and eyes closed. He was concentrating on her style, analyzing her pace and skill. Once the song was done, Blaze silently applauded "Very good! I'm sure that this concert we are putting on, wil be pretty sweet." He walked over to the equipment, and pulled out some headphones "Now Remix Blitz. Can you sing?"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix waited somewhat nervously for the song to end, breathing a sigh of relief when he approved of it. "Thanks! Glad you like it, and I'm sure it will!" His next statement had her laughing nervously, and shaking her head. "Oh, I've... Uh, I've never tried. I just... I dunno. Jazzy has some great vocals, so I've never found the need to."

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix waited somewhat nervously for the song to end, breathing a sigh of relief when he approved of it. "Thanks! Glad you like it, and I'm sure it will!" His next statement had her laughing nervously, and shaking her head. "Oh, I've... Uh, I've never tried. I just... I dunno. Jazzy has some great vocals, so I've never found the need to."

Blaze sighed and shook his head "I know Jazzy is an important person for you, but i'm asking about YOU. Don't compare yourself, but let's give it a shot! I've been dying to create this song, but i don't know any female singers, so how about it?" Asked Blaze and plugked in his headphones. He then took out a microphone and hoofed it to her.


(Search Samsara for the song)

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix nodded after a little bit of thought, smiling a little awkwardly as she caught the microphone. "Hehe, sorry, I'm not too used to being away from her for ages. And uh... Sure. I can give it my best shot." she stammered out, running a hoof through her mane. "Do I just... Start singing?"

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Blaze nodded "Yeah in a second. You need the lyrics first of course, or else you wouldn't be able to sing" He searched at his well organized desk, and found it in no time "Here, the melody is easy to sing along to." He whent back to his equipment "NOW you can sing" With these words said, Blaze booted up the equipment and started playing 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix laughed awkwardly, the nerves clearly showing. "Oh, heh of course." she mumbled, before taking the sheets when he handed them to her. She quietly mumbled the notes to herself under her breath, hoping she had it in the right key, before bopping her head along to the music. Taking a deep breath, she started to sing. Her first couple of notes were shaky, but she soon let go, just going with it. In no way was she the voice of angels, but she was still pretty good none the less.

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Blazes heart pounded in his chest. The thrill of making new music. The challenge, the intensity. That's what he lived for! The drop approached, and after he heard Remix whisper "Samsara" Seductively in the microphone, Blaze whent apeshit. His heart beats doubled, and he couldn't help but laugh from pure joy at the thrill he was experiencing 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix couldn't help but laugh along with him, enjoying herself immensely. She loved the beat, and the song, and the atmosphere was almost electric. The drop made her want to dance, which, knowing the creator, was probably the intention. However, she restrained herself for the simple reason that she would probably be required to continue singing.

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Blaze calmed down somewhat after the drop, his heart was still poudning though, which made him keep the face of pure ectasy. Before he knew it, the second drop was already upon him, and he whent into a fury of scratching and keeping the constant high base beat going 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix went back to singing, and, when the second drop hit, just let everything go. She began spinning around the room, dancing and crowing with glee as she watched Blaze work his magic. She could almost taste how well this would go in the club, and it was making her unbelievably happy.

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The song ended, and Blaze was left a panting mess. He was sweaty and his once near mane was a total mess. His eye was twitching as he stumbled towards the fridge. He pulled out a bottle of vodka, and threw an ice cold mountain dew towards Remix. "That... Has gotta be the most intense song i've ever created in my life." He drank from the bottle, and his face converted into the discuss at the bitter cheap vodka, and held his hoof out for a brohoof 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix breathed a sigh as the song ended, somewhat panting from the dancing. Jeez, he looks much worse off than me though. she thought, eyeing the staggering of Blaze. She swiftly caught the Mountain Dew with a nod, smiling as she cracked it open. "It sure felt it." she mumbled between sips, brohoofing him with a grin.

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After Blaze calmed down, and caught his breath. He swiftly fixed his mane, and flopped down on the couch "I think that we are going to create some DJ revolutionary songs in the future Remix." He drank more of the alcholic beverage, and placed it on the table. He didn't want to get drunk after all

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix adjusted the headphones still hanging around her neck, downing the rest of the drink in one gulp. "Yea, totally! But for now, we should probably be thinking about the current festival coming up. Do you want to do some original stuff, or just pop out some mixes?" she asked, tilting her head a little.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix adjusted the headphones still hanging around her neck, downing the rest of the drink in one gulp. "Yea, totally! But for now, we should probably be thinking about the current festival coming up. Do you want to do some original stuff, or just pop out some mixes?" she asked, tilting her head a little.

Blqze put a hoof to his chin "How about we go 50/50? I bet you have some original pieces as well. After the party has been fired up with the hard hitting originals, we start playing mixes and more chill songs. Out highest priority is to start out with a bang, that's where we get the crowd on our side"

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