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private You Make My Heart Skip a Beat | 1 x 1, GentlemanBlaze


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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix shrugged. "Sure! Sounds good. My originals have sort of been gathering dust, yea." she chuckled, before tossing the can. "Cool cool. Nothing worse than an unresponsive or bored crowd. I mean, you give them everything, and they just sort of barely dance, all lazy and stuff." she sighed, pulling a face of disgust. "We need to get the crowd moving if we want this to go down at all. Can't have ponies leaving."

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix shrugged. "Sure! Sounds good. My originals have sort of been gathering dust, yea." she chuckled, before tossing the can. "Cool cool. Nothing worse than an unresponsive or bored crowd. I mean, you give them everything, and they just sort of barely dance, all lazy and stuff." she sighed, pulling a face of disgust. "We need to get the crowd moving if we want this to go down at all. Can't have ponies leaving."

Blaze nodded "Exactly. I had some of those ponies on my first concert. It pissed me off so bad... Ever since i've made sure to keep the crowd hyped through out the concerts. But since you are coming as well, i bet that a shit ton of ponies will gather simply for curiosity and the love for our music." He got up, and walked towards his closet "The concert starts in a hour, you need to get ready"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just sighed, shaking her head. "I can't understand them - why go to a party if you're not prepared to enjoy it? And really? I... I don't think I'd make too much of a difference." she shrugged, before freezing at what he next said. "Uh... Get... Ready? Can't I just go like... This?" she asked hesitantly, using a hoof to gesture to herself.

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix just sighed, shaking her head. "I can't understand them - why go to a party if you're not prepared to enjoy it? And really? I... I don't think I'd make too much of a difference." she shrugged, before freezing at what he next said. "Uh... Get... Ready? Can't I just go like... This?" she asked hesitantly, using a hoof to gesture to herself.

Blaze took on a blie tuxedo to maych his eyes, and combed his mane to his usual fiery hairstyle. He looked over at her and stared at her with judging eyes. After a bit he shook his head "Nope. Get over here, i'll fix you up" Said Blaze "Oh and don't worry, i'm not trying to put you into a stylish dress or something. I've found out a comfortable and appealing style for you"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just sighed, having somewhat predicted his answer earlier. She glanced at the door, contemplating whether she could get out in time, before realising that she had no-one to save her either way. Resigned to her fate, she simply walked forward, taking off her headphones with her magic and placing them onto the bed. "Alright. Do your worst."

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Blaze took out a mane comp, and spun it around on his hoof expertly "Alrighty!" He carefully brushed her mane to the side, gently straightening it out to make sure he caused no discomfort. He however maintained her puffiness as well, since it was kind of characteristic. He then pulled out a sweater that had a colorfull equalizer "Done! That wasn't so bad, right?" Asked Blaze hopefully. As much as he loved fashion, he didn't want to cause discomfort 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix grimace a little at the feeling of a mane brush. She tended to dislike her mane getting touched, but she had a feeling she didn't really have a choice in this matter anymore. She donned the sweater, somewhat awkward at the sudden restricted movement of... Well, clothing. "Hmm..." Remix hummed, glancing down at herself and touching her mane a little, "Sure! I can work with this. I mean, the sweater matches my hair and stuff, so s'all good."

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Blaze clapped his hooves together "Excellent! Now my dear" He plugged in his headphones to his phone and pointed dramatically at the door "IT'S SHOWTIME!" Shouted Blaze as he went out the door "God i have always wanted to say that" Said Blaze with a short chuckle 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just chuckled along with him, before following out the door and shutting it behind her. She slipped her own headphones on, seeing him do the same, and started up the playlist that she always listened to before any event. "Oh. Wait. Do you know where it is because... I have forgotten."

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Blaze nodded "Yeah, it should be somewhere over there" Said Blaze as he waved his hoof towards the general direction. He took out his car keys, and opened the blue range rover. He got in and opened the door to the passenger seat "Hop in, we don't want to be late, now do we?" 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix breathed a sigh of relief. "Welp, it's good at least one of us remembers things so very clearly and perfectly." she joked, before climbing into the car with mild awkwardness, unsure of where to put her hooves. "Hm... I've never really been... In a car before." she said, deciding to warn him in advance.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix breathed a sigh of relief. "Welp, it's good at least one of us remembers things so very clearly and perfectly." she joked, before climbing into the car with mild awkwardness, unsure of where to put her hooves. "Hm... I've never really been... In a car before." she said, deciding to warn him in advance.

Blaze shook his hood dismissevely "It's a giant stage, we can't really miss it" His eyebrow went up at her second remark "Really? Never? Welp, guess i'll give you a ride you'll never forget" With those words he stomped on the accelerator and the car came to life. It took off with a crazy burst of speed, and Blaze laughed

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@Love Doctor Blaze


"True that." Remix nodded slowly, before shaking her head. "Nah. No real need when you can walk to and from anyw-" Her words cut off with a yelp as the car rocketed to life, lurching forward. Clutching the seatbelt for dear life, the unicorn's eyes grew wide as speech died on her lips.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


"True that." Remix nodded slowly, before shaking her head. "Nah. No real need when you can walk to and from anyw-" Her words cut off with a yelp as the car rocketed to life, lurching forward. Clutching the seatbelt for dear life, the unicorn's eyes grew wide as speech died on her lips.

Blaze laughed at Remix as the car slowed down to a normal speed "Oh man, that was rich! I need to install a camera in here so i can capture ponies faces when i do that." He turned to the right and started driving towards the stage. He looked over at Remix, since she hasn't said anything yet "Hey, you alright?" Asked Blaze, feeling slightly guilty

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just huffed, crossing her arms childishly and focusing on the scenery flying by. "Psht I'm fine no need to worry bout lil old me." she snarked, sarcasm seeping through as she placed her headphones derisively over her ears. She turned on some soothing music in a bid to calm down her rapidly beating heart.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just huffed, crossing her arms childishly and focusing on the scenery flying by. "Psht I'm fine no need to worry bout lil old me." she snarked, sarcasm seeping through as she placed her headphones derisively over her ears. She turned on some soothing music in a bid to calm down her rapidly beating heart.

Blaze laughed as she dazed off to the world of music "You are precious indeed" He muttered. Truth be told, he has actually met her before in college, and she was also his first crush. Kind of sad and good that she doesn't remember him, he is a completely different person after all. But perhaps the song he was going to play, will spark a memory. He parked outside the stage, and poked her in the nose "We are he beauty, get out and let's give them the show they came to see!"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix heard him mumble something, but, deciding he maybe wanted to keep it private, didn't push it, and settled into a comfortable silence. She crinkled her nose with a smile when he poked it, before leaping out and striking fabulous pose and crumpling into giggles. "I was born ready."

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix heard him mumble something, but, deciding he maybe wanted to keep it private, didn't push it, and settled into a comfortable silence. She crinkled her nose with a smile when he poked it, before leaping out and striking fabulous pose and crumpling into giggles. "I was born ready."

Blaze smirked "If that's the case" He spread his wings and took flight, while gaining height he grabbed Remix "Let's bail before the papparazi swarms us" Shouted Blaze as he flew towards the stage. He landed with Remix next to the DJ stand, and the crowd went wild. Looks like the show has already started. He threw his phone to Remix, and grabbed the mic "Put russian roulette on, and try to mimic the things i'm doing."

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix squealed as she was lifted into the air, laughing loudly as she spiraled upwards. "Aye aye, cap'n!" she shouted up to him, making a rough salute. She landed neatly on her feet when she was dropped, and posed dramatically once more as the crowd cheered. Instantly a rush of adrenaline pounded through her, and she felt her breath get swept away with the hype. "I gotchu, bro!" she said, grinning as she spun the disc and slipped it onto her own stand.

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Blaze grinned, he loved a partner that caught on quick. He grabbed the mic "YO WHAT'S UP SPECTRUM CITY!?" A wild cheer was his response "GLAD TO HEAR YOU'RE ALRIGHT." He pointed his wing at Remix "TODAY I HAVE BROUGHT SOME ASSISTANCE, GIVE REMIX BLITZ SOME WARM APPLAUSE!" The ponies stomped and cheered at her. "SO, LET'S START OUT WITH A FAN FAVORITE!" He signaled for Remix to start, and started singing

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix couldn't stop the stupid grin that slipped across her lips - Blaze sure as hell knew how to get a crowd going. She rolled her eyes at his use of the word assistance, smirking as she pulled her own mic towards her. "Excuse you sir I am the star of this show, I'll have you know." she joked, laughing and waving a hoof as the ponies cheered. Catching the signal, she tossed the disc on, easily keeping in time with Blaze.

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix couldn't stop the stupid grin that slipped across her lips - Blaze sure as hell knew how to get a crowd going. She rolled her eyes at his use of the word assistance, smirking as she pulled her own mic towards her. "Excuse you sir I am the star of this show, I'll have you know." she joked, laughing and waving a hoof as the ponies cheered. Catching the signal, she tossed the disc on, easily keeping in time with Blaze.
The drop neared and Blaze bolted towards the dj stand, covered in sweat and his former well groomed mane messy as hell. A gunshot came, and the beat dropped. He assisted Remix by adding his glitched voice in so she could control the drop.


Thebsong came to an end, and the crowd screamed in approval, most of it was directed towards Remix since she was the main DJ. Blaze grabbed the mic "HAHA, THANK YOU. NEXT BEAT IS A LITTLE STORY OF YOURS TRULY IN COLLEGE YEARS" Here is hoping she will remember, though i doubt she will, thought Blaze


He got ready and fired up the beat, singing while playing. This was the only mixtape he could both sing and dance in


The first drop approached, and he made sure to bass boost it, earning a crazy roar from the crowd


"And everytime he saw this girl his face would turn bright red" Sang Blaze while looking at her

(OOC: Search for pong dance)

Edited by Love Doctor Blaze
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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix danced along to the drop, humming so as not to disrupt his singing and waving her hoof to keep the crowd going. At the end of the song, she stepped away and bowed, grinning and grabbing her mic. "You guys are sick!" she called, earning cheers back from the ponies. 


College years? she couldn't help but furrow her brow a little at his words, somewhat wondering why they seemed familiar. She let him start, listening to get a feel for the song before joining in with some small effects here and there. She got more and more into the song, feeling it was something she'd known long ago. Even so, she couldn't quite place it, and pretty much missed his stare as she focused on working the crowd.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix danced along to the drop, humming so as not to disrupt his singing and waving her hoof to keep the crowd going. At the end of the song, she stepped away and bowed, grinning and grabbing her mic. "You guys are sick!" she called, earning cheers back from the ponies. 


College years? she couldn't help but furrow her brow a little at his words, somewhat wondering why they seemed familiar. She let him start, listening to get a feel for the song before joining in with some small effects here and there. She got more and more into the song, feeling it was something she'd known long ago. Even so, she couldn't quite place it, and pretty much missed his stare as she focused on working the crowd.

Blaze finished the song, and was met with applause. However he didn't really care too much, he was more sad about the fact that he wasn't a regognizable factor in her college years. He put on a forced smile, he would have to resort to make himself look like his younger self. He brushed his mane to the side, put on some thick glasses and made a goody smile. If this didn't do it, then nothing would. He looked at Remix "Does this outfit spark any memory? Perhaps of the song i just played?"

Edited by Love Doctor Blaze
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@Love Doctor Blaze 


Remix snorted, trying to bite back a laugh, before exploding into giggles. She had no idea why he was going so far, but she just shook her head, shrugging. "If you're trying to jog my memory I'm going to warn you now - it's the worst. Either way, do it after the concert." she whispered to him, smiling as she turned back to her table. "Yo yo YO everyone! Hope you're enjoying the night?" she shouted, and was met with raucous applause. "That's great to hear! I'm going to pop something else on, so get ready and get down!" she continued, flipping a disk onto the stand. Just before she started, she leaned out of range of her mic, whispering to Blaze. "I'm giving you this song to regroup - you're acting sort of weird."

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