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private You Make My Heart Skip a Beat | 1 x 1, GentlemanBlaze


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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix was just getting into it when the sound was amplified once more. She stumbled again, but, unable to catch herself, fell to the ground with a laugh as the crowd went wild. She yelped as the drop completely shattered the stage, managing to cling to the mixing table so as not to get buried. Some of the ponies managed to clamber over the security fences with concern on their faces, helping her up as she climbed gingerly off the wood pile. "Phew. That was... Something." she murmured, shaking her head a little to clear the ringing. "By the way, has anyone seen Blaze? The other DJ? You know, romance guru, stupid hair?" she asked, glancing around.

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The ponies all shook their heads.


Blaze opened his eyes, but everything was dark. His back was killing him too, and he was pretty sure his left wing was broken. "Bloody hell" Muttered the downed DJ. He started kicking the wood, and had to groan in pain when it hurt, but he didn't stop. Blaze knew he couldn't kick himself out, but he hoped that would serve enough for ponies to notice him 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix frowned, humming to herself as she looked around before she heard a couple of thuds from behind her. She whirled around in time to see a plank of wood slide down the side, and a couple of pieces shift from the now consistent kicking. "Oi, I think he's under there. Help me out here guys!" she called, rushing over and beginning to lift away pieces with her magic. A couple of other ponies joined her, pulling away pieces and searching for the pegasus underneath.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix frowned, humming to herself as she looked around before she heard a couple of thuds from behind her. She whirled around in time to see a plank of wood slide down the side, and a couple of pieces shift from the now consistent kicking. "Oi, I think he's under there. Help me out here guys!" she called, rushing over and beginning to lift away pieces with her magic. A couple of other ponies joined her, pulling away pieces and searching for the pegasus underneath.

Blaze heard some muffled voices over him, meaning that they knew where he was. He could also feel the planks getting slightly lighter. Blaze had to hold in a groan when he kicked the planks again with even more force, and just as ponies started to put more strength in to it, Blaze kicked with all his might making the planks fly off. He let out a sigh of relief, which quickly turned in to a wince because of his injuries. He didn't have the strength to get up, so he just kind of stayed there

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix had just placed down another piece when another kick resounded, and she frowned as the kicks increased in force before she realised what he was trying to do. "Everypony, duck!" she exclaimed, hitting the ground herself just as the rest of the planks flew off due to Blaze's kicks. She clambered to her hooves, and, seeing Blaze lying in a nest of splintered wood, quickly called over some ponies to help lift him out. "Gently does it - I'm pretty sure he's injured."

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix had just placed down another piece when another kick resounded, and she frowned as the kicks increased in force before she realised what he was trying to do. "Everypony, duck!" she exclaimed, hitting the ground herself just as the rest of the planks flew off due to Blaze's kicks. She clambered to her hooves, and, seeing Blaze lying in a nest of splintered wood, quickly called over some ponies to help lift him out. "Gently does it - I'm pretty sure he's injured."

Blaze just kind of stared up into space. He could feel that his wing wasn't even intact with the bone anymore. His back was However the most scary thing. What if he couldn't move again? His life would be over! He was gently moved out of the hole and unto a cloud on ground. Blaze looked at remix, and motioned for her to get to whispering distance

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@Love Doctor Blaze


"Alright, nice job guys. Has somepony called an ambulance yet? You have? Cool." she said rapidly, her thoughts whirling. She approached Blaze slowly, coming to a stop near his side. "You'll be alright, just breathe." she said, smiling a little before noticing his gesture and leaning in, tilting her ear towards him.

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Blaze hid a smirk under his muzzle, and when she was within range, he lunged forward and pecked her on the cheek. What he didn't realize, is that the momentum carried him forward, thus making him fall on top of Remix. Putting them in a pretty awkward spot. Blaze, who was on top stared down at her, and offered a sheepish smile "Uhm... I love you?" Said the DJ awkwardly 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix yelped when he kissed her cheek, barreling backwards and landing on her backside with a thud. She was just about to get up when he fell on top of her, and, with a somewhat disappointed sigh, she signaled for one of the nearby unicorns to lift him off. Standing once he was hovering away, she looked him dead in the eye, her next words quiet and slightly sad. "You... Couldn't have waited? Maybe when you were better? We've known each other for what, a day? Love doesn't happen that fast!" she yelled, her voice raising in volume. "Also, who the buck kisses someone like that?"

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Blaze who was lifted away, looked down with an expression that looked liked crushed dreams.  "Heh... It's these situations that i often call 'My reckless behaviour' But this time around... I regret nothing." He tried to lean slightly back, and looked up at the beautifull night sky "Two years ago, this was my dream... To kiss the mare that i had a crush on in the moonlight" He looked her straight in the eyes "As for who kisses someone like that? Ha, that would be a very desperat, lovestruck stallion" 

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix sighed, turning away. "I just... Reckless? That doesn't even cut it. Desperate? Maybe. You're hurt, maybe you're not thinking straight, now just really isn't the time." she murmured, as the distant sirens of the ambulance drifted to her ears. "The ambulance is coming."

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix sighed, turning away. "I just... Reckless? That doesn't even cut it. Desperate? Maybe. You're hurt, maybe you're not thinking straight, now just really isn't the time." she murmured, as the distant sirens of the ambulance drifted to her ears. "The ambulance is coming."

Blaze sighed. Hurt evinent in his eyes "Yeah... That's probably why.... Just a good nights sleep" He held back a tear "And i'll forget everything" The ambulance arrived, and Blaze was lifted inside "The contract is on the table in the hotel room. Let the manager know it was a job well done and... Thanks Remix... For the concert, it was fun... Oh an-" His words weren't heard as the doors to the ambulance closed

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix nodded, still facing away from him. "Okay. No worries." she replied, watching out of the corner of her eye as he was lifted into the van. "Rest up, I'll come check on you tomorrow." she called, sighing as the ambulance doors closed and he was driven off. With a sigh, she turned to all the other ponies and plastered a shaky smile onto her face. "Okay ponies! That's... A rather abrupt end to our performance, but I hope you enjoy the rest of your evenings!" she said, the ponies beginning to disperse and some ponies in uniform started to tape off the stage. Guess I need some time to mull it over.


((OOC: Want to time skip?))

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