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private Unstopable duo 1x1 with Gloomfury

Love Doctor Blaze

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Jack was resting in her shack, On an old couch she found a while back. She was lucky enough to get home, blind as she was. She was also able to slam her door in her new partner's face before he left. With brought a smile to her face. She was working with the guy, she didn't have to like him too.


Though she couldn't help but think he was kinda good looking.


And thinking like that just made her hate him even more. 

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G.M stood at their meeting spot. He was looking around, trying to see if he could spot her. She should be easy to spot! She is the only cute girl in this damn place! He sat down and let out a sigh. This was going to take some time. He took out his old hunting knife, and started twirling it around his finger to ease his boredom

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Not too long after Jack mad her way towards the meeting spot. She had her bag filled with what she needed, her revolver was in a holster on her side, her shotgun and  sniper rifle both were on her back. They may seem heavy but she was so use to lifting things heavier then her that she didn't really feel the weight. 


She also had her boombox strapped to her bag, playing a song the she walked to the beat with.  She was wearing her normal cloths but he hair was tied up in a ponytail this time. She was also smoking a old pipe that was clinched in her teeth, leaving a trail of smoke as she walked.


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G.M shook his head "You sure make things interesting... Anyways here. Your glasses are fixed, and i enchanted the glass to be more durable" He looked at the boombox "You sure it's a good idea to bring that to a stealth mission? Or you know what, never mind. I think shit will get much more fun if we blast some rock from that thing while we're going apeshit" He took out a cigar, and lighted it on fire "Let's go fuck up some freaks?"

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"That's the plan. And thanks." She put her glasses back on and gave a reveled sigh. "At least I'm not blind anymore." She looked back at GM and took the pipe out her mouth. "So where are we going? And why dose this place need to be wiped out?" She said before taking another few puffs from the pipe. 

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He took out a map and pointed at some place with a lot of mountains "We are going right there. And why you ask? Well, that information was classified, but not that i gave a shit. It was an easy job, for a ton of cash, so i took it." He folded the map back, and returned it to his pocket that was hidden behind the trench coat 

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"I have many reason why to ask what's the specifics are. For one, maybe the place it up the neck in radiation. OR maybe there are crazy gene spliced monsters that can hunt us down like a cat dose with mice. But since I'm a sniper I'm going to far away where it's nice and safe so forget what I just said and good luck to you." She didn't really give much reaction after that. 

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G.M simply shrugged "I don't really care to be honest. I have no fear of death... I guess that's why i'm always in the middle of the fight every damn time. But dome people value their life more i suppose" He started walking ahead "Let's just move. The earlier the job is done, the earlier we get the pay"

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"Fine." Jack followed GM. Keeping a few paces between them as she took up the rear. She didn't feel like talking much as they walked. Like he said, she just wanted to get the job done, get payed, and to get away from him as soon as she could. As she walked she flipped though her boombox till a song she liked popped on.




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G.M didn't really listen to the song that was blasted from the boombox. He was lost in thought, from what he said earlier Hmm... How much do i even value my life? I guess that i don't want to die, but i'm definetly not afraid to die. Guess we'll see how much i value it in the upcoming fight. He looked at the mountain terrain around him "We should arrive in 5 minutes or so, have your weapon ready" He pulled out boom, and held it at ready 

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"Ten steps ahead of ya, shithead." She said before cocking her shot gun.  She turned the boombox down and walked up next to him. "I'm gonna look around a bit with my glasses off. Make sure I don't run into anything." She took her glasses off and started looking around, Thinking they might run in to hostiles. 

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G.M performed a mock salute and aimed at the mountains, looking for weird creatures to stick their head out, and secretly hoping they would, so he had an excuse to use this bad boy. Unfortunately for G.M, there was nothing he could blow up "You are pretty much set from this side miss pissed off"

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"Pretty much miss prick-sack." She said before she kicked his butt to make him move so she could set up on a near by hill. "Go be suicidal . I'll make sure no one kills you. I'm saving that pleasure for myself." She tossed him a military grade walky-talky. "Encase you start pissing yourself." Then she was off.


She took her rifle off her back and started putting it together. Once it was assembled she placed a soft mat on the ground and lied on her stomach. She started scouting the area with her eyes while her finger rest on the trigger for when she was ready to fire.

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G.M laughed "You are an entertaining one indeed! Perhaps i'll appoint you for more missions in the future, i could use some entertainment" He caught the walkie, and put it away in his coat, he then pulled out his other shot gun, and started walking ahead "I'll be off then. Just cover my back, and i'll make sure nothing gets past me"

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Jack didn't say anything else do him. She just kept looking over the area. She was still smoking her pipe, she used the smoke to tell which way the wind is blowing so she could calculate a better shot.  That, and she wasn't smoking tobacco. So she was having a pretty good time. But she was still focused. 


The pot helped her control her eyes better as well.

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The first mutated monsters started popping their head up, and G.M started raining hell on them. Explosions could be heard throug out the whole mountains side. He also spotted 10 or so sneaking up on him, but decided not to touch them and let Jack do her magic

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Jack clinched the pipe in her teeth and took her first shot. Hitting two monsters at once. She then quickly shot three others each hitting their head. As she watched GM fight she took out the monster that tried to sneak up on him. When the gun went empty she reloaded quickly and went back to shooting till there were barley any monsters left. 

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It didn't take long before the monsters where cleared out. G.M sended a thumbs up, towards Jack and spitted out his cigar. Suddenly, a silhoutte og a hundred, or maybe thousand of mutans appeared just behind the mountain. "Mother of god..." Muttered G.M and aimed his explosive shoutguns at them. He aimed and started raining hell on them. He did however not expect that some of them where extremely fast and where already up on his face. Out of desperation he swung his shotgun at it that had an attached knife, impaling them both "THESE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE EVERYWHERE, COVER MY ASS JACK"

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Jack spat out her pipe and loaded some high explosive round in her rifle. She then start bombarding them, tanking a chunk out of their numbers with each shot. As she shot and reloaded with one arm she used another to click on the walky-talky. "Get to higher ground shithead! You'll take the them out better from there." 

Edited by Gloomfury
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"WELL I WOULD LOVE TO GET SOME HIGH GROUND, BUT I'M KIND OF SURROUNDED" Just as he shouted that, a strange glowing mutate locked eyes with G.M. This wasn't no ordinary light, it was pure magic that looked like it has the potential to blow up a continent



(That's our ticket to equestria)

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Jack was still blowing up monsters left and right to always keep an eye on GM. Some of the monsters spotted her and was now running towards her. She was able to pop a few more shots of before she could pack her stuff and grab her shot gun. On her last shot she finally see the glowing mutate. With not knowing anything else to do. She took her shot. Then everything went white.


((Will that help you set things up?))

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G.M noticed Jack take the shoot at the magic infused mutant. "Fuck my li-" He was cut off by the explosion indulging him in white light, that knocked him unconcious.


He woke up with a groan, and looked at his hands. He still had his weapons, good. He looked up and came face to face with a horse head.


(That's perfect. Now time for out characters to go apeshit)

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Jack passed out as well. Clinching her guns and boombox like a security blanket as she slept. As she started to wake up she started taking in her surroundings.  Being half blind all the time without your glasses your other senses get stronger. The first thing she noticed was the smell. The lack of radiation, dust and wreckage.


The air smelled clean and fresh. She could also feel that she was lying on grass and not baron ground.


She slowly opened her eyes to be greeted with her normal blurry vision without her glasses. But far away she could see a mountain and trees. When she put her glasses back on she looked around to find herself in a grassy filled. "Am I dead?" She asked herself. 

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G.M's perfect vision soon returned and this time he noticed that the horse had a horn and a pair of wings... He took out his weapon and pointed it at himself "Looks like that explosion has given me an effect that's like a drug. If i just kill myself then i should awake in real life" He pressed the trigger and nothing happened. He noticed a purple aura stopping the weapon from shooting. "Now there's magic as well? Bloody hell i've definetly gone insane"

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