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The Inn is open Twilight Forest side quest (RP)


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Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/146792-the-inn-is-open-twilight-forest-side-quest-ooc/


The Inn is open: The Twilight Forest.

This RP is part of 'The Inn is Open' RP. This takes place in a different thread as to avoid crowding the original RP.


I, Enzo, am the DM. I will control the environment and the encounters.




Shadow Beast ( Reader8363 ) seeks a chemical in the forest that is found in the dried poison spit of a great wrym. He goes through a portal in the Inn's basement together with Melody Strike.


Characters currently participating

Melody Strike






It Was dawn in the forest when the ponies emerged from the portal. They stepped into a clearing littered with dead leaves, surrounded by trees of various sizes. Various rocks and streams littered the surrounding area. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, a calm wind glided through the trees. The forest seemed to be filled with some kind of zen, intangible energy. Only 1, clear cut path that led deeper to the forest was visible. A single red cardinal flitted through the trees. It came closer to the ponies, let out a short series of chirps, and proceeded to fly deeper into the forest through the path, as if beckoning you to follow.

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Shadow came out of the portal and looked around. He sat down and took a deep breath of air. Then he stood up on his hind legs, pulled his weapon of his back and headed after the bird, while dragging the weapon behind him, but ready to swing at any creature that came at him

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melody came out of the portal for real this time. "oh there you are shadow. so how long do we have to be here this place is creepy" she said. she stepped in a puddle of what looked like slobber. "ewwww!" she yelled. as she backed away from the puddle and bumped into shadow.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

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( The forest has a calm and peaceful atmosphere )


As the pair trotted forwards, a giant toad slowly emerged from the ground in front of them, blocking the main path. It was camouflaged as a bed of rocks. It eyed the ponies warily, letting out a low croak. Soil and water trickled down from its back. It has not shown any sign of aggression.



( Here's a quick word: taking inspiration from undertale, killing monsters will cause the atmosphere of the forest to change. The more monsters you kill, the more hostile the forest will be towards you. Sometimes, it's better to run away, even if the monster strikes first. Incapacitate the monster does not count as killing the monster. Please, try to spare your enemies. )

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Shadow sighed and said, 

"Great, a giant toad. Doesn't look tasty."

He grabbed his sword, tossed it up into the air, caught it by the blade, then he brought the hilt down on the toad's head. Then he turned to melody and said, 

"Come on, let's go. try to watch your step, or you might step in poop."

  • Brohoof 1
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melody nodded and followed keeping her eyes on the ground. she was beginning to wonder if she made the right choice when she saw a shine rock in the ground. she went closer to find that it was blutonium! what is blutonium doing here? she thought. its only supposed to be in the anthem galaxy!  she looked up to find that shadow was way ahead of her and tried to catch up but a giant snake stood in her way. she looked in its eyes and noticed it was hunting. she sang a song and the snake fell asleep. she never wanted to cause trouble unless it was needed. by the time the snake fell asleep shadow was nowhere around. i am lost! she thought "shadow where are you" she called standing near the snake.


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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Shadow walked back to where melody was and said as shadows lifted the snake's head and moved it around, 

"Hm, It looks kinda good. I'm going to keep it for later."

A portal opened up underneath the snake and it slowly sank into the portal.

"Let's keep going and try not to get lost."

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melody nodded and followed shadow to where ever he was going. but pretty soon she got hungry. "hey shadow is there anything we have to eat?" she asked. she was hoping he found what he was looking for soon for she could go for a burger and fries. she saw something glowing in the distance. "is that it?" she asked hoping it was and not some big animal that breathes fire. 


                            i am kris or bree and i would love to make friends. i am a person of many answers...

                                                                         answers to your questions...

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( I hate to be a downer but... You guys are kiiinda godmodding. In the future, I'll be creating the encounters with monsters and I'll decide the effects of your attacks on the monsters ( e.g you attack a monster, I describe that your attack hits and the monster reels back in pain, etc ))


( The forest has a calm atmosphere )


As they moved closer to the glow, they emerged from a main path into a wooded clearing. An extremely large oak tree stood at it's centre, it's gnarled roots spreading all around like tentacles, weaving in and out of the ground.


The source of the Glow sat on one of it's large roots. It was a small creature, the size of a foal.


Reference image of the creature:



It's fur glowed with a white light. eyes on the ponies, it hopped off its perch and crept closer to the ponies, curiosity in his eyes. It reached out with a paw, as if to touch Shadow.

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Shadow looked down at the little creature, then he slowly placed his sword down and carefully knelt down, trying not to scare it. He took off his hat and placed it on the sword, then he said as he reached out with the back of his metal claw,

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt ya."

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