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Stranded... (rp)

The Pixelated Pony

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Karas gave a quick nod, "Give me anything, and I'll make it a weapon somehow, sir."


It looked out over the horizon, still hearing the beeping noise its PDA made off in the distance, "I'll stand here if you need me to do so. But it's best if we hurry and get what we need done before stuff goes wrong."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Shadow said as a portal opened up behind him,

"I need to help Redwood with Sparkle."

He walked into the portal and the portal closed behind him

@@crispy fries,

A portal opened up behind Redwood and he came out of it. He said as he breathed heavy and walked up to Sparkle,

"I see that you did what I ask, about not lighting up the place. Let see what I could do to help. I might be able to slow the venom done, but it'll take a while to finish the antidote."

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Redwood sighed as she saw the captain walk in through a portal and gave a brief salute.


"Sir, you don't know how relieved ah am to see you," she said, "Ah left th' bear goop on th' table over there. Ah can take watch while you tend to Sparkle."


Redwood took a quick sip from her flask and put it back into her vest.

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@@crispy fries,

Shadow grabbed the table and dug his claw into the wood. He shook his head, clearing the tiredness out of it. Tentacles of shadow brought him things that he needed as he worked. He took a small sample of the goop and mixed with a few chemicals. He mixed the stuff in water and stirred it. After a few minutes, he released his claw from the wood, grabbed a needle, and suck it up. He held his breath, worrying about if it will work or not, and injected it into the bloodstream. He set the needle down, then his legs gave way and he fell on his but. 

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Karas took a position right where the captain had left him. While it was standing there, it had decided to take a look at its surroundings.

"...Decent temperature...calm environment--mostly....still no word on resources besides water we'd have to filter before consuming. Hm..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@crispy fries,

Shadow grabbed the table and dug his claw into the wood. He shook his head, clearing the tiredness out of it. Tentacles of shadow brought him things that he needed as he worked. He took a small sample of the goop and mixed with a few chemicals. He mixed the stuff in water and stirred it. After a few minutes, he released his claw from the wood, grabbed a needle, and suck it up. He held his breath, worrying about if it will work or not, and injected it into the bloodstream. He set the needle down, then his legs gave way and he fell on his but. 

Sparkle began to drift in and out of conciousness and her breathing became calmer but she was still in extreme pain from her injuries.


after a while she managed to stay awake for enough time to look around and was confused by her surroundings the last thing she remembered was the forest... the bear

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The bear chased Second Sight through the trees; emphasis on through. It tore down what Second Sight had to weave around. Getting away from the bear wasn't an issue for him; he could weave through the trees easily and quickly enough. The problem was keeping the bear's interest. The laser canon had long stopped firing, it's ammo depleted.


So far, he was making good progress, jumping over logs and boosting to the side to avoid lunges and thrown logs. He wasn't unscathed though: The Stingray's right engine plating had suffered serious damage from a single successful attack.


"I won't be able to keep this up for much longer... I need a permanent solution." he thought to himself as he burst out of the forest into a more... rocky area. His fuel, no matter how efficient his engine was, was running low.


A large and deep ravine came into sight. Second Sight grinned. "Lady lucky's smiling." He charged for the ravine, and at the last second, he activated the boosters for the stingray, sending it into the air to jump over the ravine. 'Almost there....' 


Mid flight, the right engine sputtered and died, between the physical damage and the strain of the boost, it was too much for the scrap engine to handle.




While Second Sight managed to complete the jump over the ravine, his left engine was stilll functional, causing the stingray to spiral towards the ground on the other side of the ravine. It crashed, skidded and flipped on the dry rock, Second Sight ditching the vehicle after the initial crash.


"Arrrgghh! My leg!" he cursed, clutching it as he rolled on the ground. His left hind leg was fractured in more than 1 place, and had large scrapes from when he skidded against the gravel. The bear roared from the other side of the ravine in anger.


Second Sight decided that giving it the middle claw was worth the energy.


He lay on the ground, looking at the stingray a few feet away from him and assessed the damage. The stingray was.. repairable.. it would take a while, but still repairable.


Second Sight stared at the sky, lost in thought for a while. Suddenly, he smashed his claw on the ground, the rock cracking beneath it. "FUCK!"

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After what seemed like an eternity keeping watch outside the cave, Redwood went back in to check on Sparkle. To her relief, she was up conscious, despite being a bit woozy.


"Thank Celestia yer all right. After that bear did a number on you, ah dragged you to Second Sight's hideout and bandaged you up. The cap'n showed up and made a cure for th' bear's venom, and ah think you'll be alright," said Redwood.


"Ah promised you wouldn't die," she added.

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After what seemed like an eternity keeping watch outside the cave, Redwood went back in to check on Sparkle. To her relief, she was up conscious, despite being a bit woozy.


"Thank Celestia yer all right. After that bear did a number on you, ah dragged you to Second Sight's hideout and bandaged you up. The cap'n showed up and made a cure for th' bear's venom, and ah think you'll be alright," said Redwood.


"Ah promised you wouldn't die," she added.

Sparkle looked around, her eyes were half closed and she didn't feel exactly right but she was living "erm euy okray?" she said quickly covering her mouth in surprise. "meh vocie iz weired" she attempted to talk normally but failed sounding like a drunk.

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@,@@crispy fries,

Shadow placed a claw in the groove that he made earlier, and said as he lifted himself up,

"It's probably a side effect of either the venom or the antidote. It will wear off, but I suggest you rest."

A portal opened up and he walked through.


He came out of the portal and collapsed next to his bag and said as he breathed heavily,

"That might be the last time I go through a portal in an hour or two." 

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Karas was there....in the middle of a battle! Apparently some alien insects that were the size of giant boulders decided to attack it. It was currently throwing its ninja stars at it, "Captain! Thank the gods you showed up!"


It primed its homemade grenade launcher, "My PDA is on the opposite side of the lake that's half a mile out, but these things won't bug off! No pun intended. And they explode when you kill them so watch out!"

The bugs:





Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Redwood sat down next to Sparkle and said, "Yer gonna be fine, Sparkle. Y'know, taking on that bear was a bad move, and you definitely need to work on yer aim," she chuckled slightly, "Ah guess ah've got a few things ah gotta teach you. Tell you what, ah'll stay here 'till you can walk again."

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Redwood sat down next to Sparkle and said, "Yer gonna be fine, Sparkle. Y'know, taking on that bear was a bad move, and you definitely need to work on yer aim," she chuckled slightly, "Ah guess ah've got a few things ah gotta teach you. Tell you what, ah'll stay here 'till you can walk again."

"Ah burt dert...euy cornt moof me lergs...ur winegs fur dert mertter " Sparkle said realising the slight predicament she had gotten herself in to. she smiled at Red "ey dern't worray bert meh euym fern. euy've survoived worese" she looked down at her 'jumpsuit' which was beginning to look more like tattered fabric than clothes. "fer exampel deh craash urn deh wuy dern."

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"You almost didn't survive this one though. Sparkle, yer a maintenance tech, not a soldier, and if you keep pullin' stunts like runnin' at that bear, ah don't know how long yer gonna last. Ah admire yer gumption, and yer definitely smart, but you ain't got th' right trainin'. Soon as you can move all yer parts, ah'm gonna teach you how to shoot right."

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"You almost didn't survive this one though. Sparkle, yer a maintenance tech, not a soldier, and if you keep pullin' stunts like runnin' at that bear, ah don't know how long yer gonna last. Ah admire yer gumption, and yer definitely smart, but you ain't got th' right trainin'. Soon as you can move all yer parts, ah'm gonna teach you how to shoot right."

"aruit burt eym gerttin terid rits laet ernd euy reed tu furgert whut herpened tonite. "Sparkle yawned realising how sleepy the fight had made her "ey wolud tek meh visur urff burt euy cornt moof me lergs ro ey guss irts sturk dere." she said once again yawning 

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Redwood chuckled again and took off Sparkle's visor for her, and couldn't help but think about how Sparkle was kind of adorable when she yawned.


"You oughtta get some rest," she said.


Redwood realized she was tired as well and laid down on the bed of hay next to Sparkle.


"You mind if ah sleep here too?" she asked, "Ah ain't too keen on sleepin' on th' stone floor."

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Shadow grew frustrated and pulled out his pistol. He fired at every single one, even when they moved around. A chain of explosion went off one by one until a clump of them were gone. He dropped his pistol, wrapped his wings around him like a coat or a blanket, and started to snore lightly.

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Karas looked at the captain, "Uh...sir. I don't believe now is the time for a catnap." It tapped its wing on the captain's shoulder, "We still have more exploring and research to do."


It looked into the shy and found a cloud. It decided to see if its natural abilities would work here. It flew up to a cloud, and kicked it, causing water to fall from it to keep the captain awake.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Redwood chuckled again and took Sparkle's visor for her, and couldn't help but think about how Sparkle was kind of adorable when she yawned.


"You oughtta get some rest," she said.


Redwood realized she was tired as well and laid down on the bed of hay next to Sparkle.


"You mind if ah sleep here too?" she asked, "Ah ain't too keen on sleepin' on th' stone floor."

"n...nu ey dern't moind " Sparkle said attempting to stop herself from blushing as Redwood lay down on the hay bed next to her. now that Sparkle thought about it Red seemed a lot more... caring of her then before... maybe it was the circumstances and Red wanted to keep the one pony from maintenance alive. after all Sparkle doubted any of the other crew members could get a fusion reactor working again. or even knew what a fusion reactor did.   

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Redwood pulled her bandana over her eyes as she drifted off into sleep as she had done before. More and more, Sparkle reminded Redwood of that old girlfriend. She was smart, tenacious and brave like she had been. Redwood's thoughts began to dissipate as she fell asleep and rolled over a little closer.

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Redwood pulled her bandana over her eyes as she drifted off into sleep as she had done before. More and more, Sparkle reminded Redwood of that old girlfriend. She was smart, tenacious and brave like she had been. Redwood's thoughts began to dissipate as she fell asleep and rolled over a little closer.

Sparkle went fully red before sleep eventually overcame her. she nuzzled her way into Red's hooves and stayed there dreaming of ways that the group could save themselves from the harsh creatures of this planet, and get the ships radio working again if they were to have any chance of escaping it would be through the radio or learning to tame the creatures that roamed the planet

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 Shadow opened his eyes halfway and said as he grabbed his scythe to help him stand on his hind legs,

"Why don't ya go get your PDA, I need to rest for a bit."

His metal wings drooped to the ground. He didn't have a lot of energy to get mad for water getting on them and to shake the water off, but he didn't show any bit of tiredness.

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Karas gave a quick nod to its captain, "Yes sir." From there, it flew off as fast as it could to find its security PDA, "Now where is that damned thing? Ugh. If I don't find it, we won't have any ideal mapping system, and that would just leave us stranded..."

It kept flying, until it saw its PDA in a tree. It had landed there when they touched down. Unfortunately, it was surrounded by large birds of prey that were asleep, "Hm..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Shadow sat down on the ground and leaned against the rock. He tried to stay awake, but the stress of holding a portal open for him to go through was tiring. He could hold portals open for a long amount of time, but after the crash, he couldn't hold them open for a very long time. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

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Redwood awoke with a yawn as light poured in from the mouth of the cave. She saw Sparkle had nuzzled up closer to her sometime during the night, and lifted her hooves off of her to get a good stretch. Redwood got up from the bed of hay and checked on Sparkle's condition. She seemed to be breathing fine, and she was looking less pale than before.


Redwood nudged Sparkle and said, "Rise and shine, it's mornin'."

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