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Stranded... (rp)

The Pixelated Pony

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Redwood awoke with a yawn as light poured in from the mouth of the cave. She saw Sparkle had nuzzled up closer to her sometime during the night, and lifted her hooves off of her to get a good stretch. Redwood got up from the bed of hay and checked on Sparkle's condition. She seemed to be breathing fine, and she was looking less pale than before.


Redwood nudged Sparkle and said, "Rise and shine, it's mornin'."

Sparkle woke up and looked around her eyes eventually falling on Red. She sat up straight when she realised something. "I can move?" she hugged Red tightly "i guess you we're right by saying that you weren't gonna let me die..." Sparkle stopped hugging Red when she heard a squawking outside of the 'door' 

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After a long while of combat, Karas had returned with its PDA in its wings, "Got it, sir!"


It began using its wings to tap on the screen. It started to get several radar readings, "Now we can tell where our team is, and where hostile animals are. And with the topographic map, we can probably find resources."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Second sight had fallen asleep in a small opening under a rock. He had torn part of his inner cloak to be used as a bandage for his leg.

As morning broke, his eyes slowly opened. He groaned, slowly staggering up.

In the past day, he had also moved what was left of the stingray into the cave.

Looking at the position of the sun, he thought to himself; 'the excitement must have died down by now. They should see my flare now.'

Second had taken the main gun out of the amplifier ( which made the turret altogether ) and modified it to shoot flares, scraping what little ammunition he had to make a single shot.

@everyone @@J.R., ( because pda, the flare would create significant heat readings )

He limped out of the opening, the gun balanced precariously on his back. Second crumpled onto the ground, pointing the gun to the sky.

"Here goes nothing."

He pulled the trigger.

*PHEEWW* A single, white hot flare was blasted out of the gun and hundreds of feet into the air. It could be seen from miles around, as bright as a sun. As it lost it's velocity, it began drifting lazily downwards, it's brightness never faltering for a full 10 Seconds before it dissipated into the wind.

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Sparkle woke up and looked around her eyes eventually falling on Red. She sat up straight when she realised something. "I can move?" she hugged Red tightly "i guess you we're right by saying that you weren't gonna let me die..." Sparkle stopped hugging Red when she heard a squawking outside of the 'door' 

Redwood blushed slightly at the unexpected hug, but the squawking from outside of the cave caught her attention.


"Stay here, ah'm gonna check it out," she said.


Redwood grabbed her multiplas rifle and cautiously walked out of the cave. All Redwood could do was hope it wasn't something else that wanted to kill them.

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Redwood blushed slightly at the unexpected hug, but the squawking from outside of the cave caught her attention.


"Stay here, ah'm gonna check it out," she said.


Redwood grabbed her multiplas rifle and cautiously walked out of the cave. All Redwood could do was hope it wasn't something else that wanted to kill them.

What Red saw was a large two headed, three tailed bird which was just standing there. it noticed Redwood and walked over to her curiously cocking one of its heads like a confused dog. when it got around three feet away it stopped and bowed one of it's heads in a sort of friendly manner.

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Shadow woke up, stretched out his neck, and said as he stood and grabbed his bag and scythe,

"Great, let's keep going then."

He grabbed his pistol, checked how much plasma there was and placed it into his bag. He continued the path they were heading. He said

"Is there anything nearby?"

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What Red saw was a large two headed, three tailed bird which was just standing there. it noticed Redwood and walked over to her curiously cocking one of its heads like a confused dog. when it got around three feet away it stopped and bowed one of it's heads in a sort of friendly manner.

Redwood lowered her multiplas rifle slightly when she saw the friendly nature of the bird. She didn't know a whole lot about animals, and was still dubious of everything on this planet. Redwood cautiously placed a hoof on the bird's head and petted it.

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Redwood lowered her multiplas rifle slightly when she saw the friendly nature of the bird. She didn't know a whole lot about animals, and was still dubious of everything on this planet. Redwood cautiously placed a hoof on the bird's head and petted it.

the bird responded by using the beak on its second head to affectionately tickle the area behind Red's ear. it seemed to have a certain liking towards creatures that were often seen as threatened by the other animals such as the ponies that crash on the planet

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the bird responded by using the beak on its second head to affectionately tickle the area behind Red's ear. it seemed to have a certain liking towards creatures that were often seen as threatened by the other animals such as the ponies that crash on the planet

Redwood moved her head away from the bird's beak and was glad it was friendly. The fact that it had three heads was odd, but she'd take it over the bear any day of the week.


"Hey, Sparkle!," she called, "You gotta come check this out."


Redwood turned to the bird and said, "Well, ain't you friendly."

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Redwood moved her head away from the bird's beak and was glad it was friendly. The fact that it had three heads was odd, but she'd take it over the bear any day of the week.


"Hey, Sparkle!," she called, "You gotta come check this out."


Redwood turned to the bird and said, "Well, ain't you friendly."

Sparkle came out cautiously and looked at the large bird and immediately turned around attempting to go back into the cave but the bird picked Sparkle up by the tail and placed her on its back. "well this is a... new experience... I have to say I've never rode giant multi-headed bird before... "

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Sparkle came out cautiously and looked at the large bird and immediately turned around attempting to go back into the cave but the bird picked Sparkle up by the tail and placed her on its back. "well this is a... new experience... I have to say I've never rode giant multi-headed bird before... "

"Whoa, careful there; we don't know what this thing is doin'. It could be fixin' to take you back to its nest and feed you to its kids. Ah think we should be careful with it. We sure don't wanna go through that again," Redwood said, pointing at Sparkle's bandages.

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"Whoa, careful there; we don't know what this thing is doin'. It could be fixin' to take you back to its nest and feed you to its kids. Ah think we should be careful with it. We sure don't wanna go through that again," Redwood said, pointing at Sparkle's bandages.

"Naw it's okay i trust him. animals with feathers tend to understand each other better than those without. or at least I told myself that." Sparkle said tickling one of the bird's necks "you have to admit he is adorable though. " she said as the bird copied her by tickling her

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Redwood heard something in the distance, and turned around to see a flare arc up in the sky. 


"Sparkle, look! A flare! We gotta go check it out. Somepony might be in trouble," Redwood pointed towards the flare.


A flare couldn't be good, and it was coming from not too far away from where they had fought the bear.

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Redwood heard something in the distance, and turned around to see a flare arc up in the sky. 


"Sparkle, look! A flare! We gotta go check it out. Somepony might be in trouble," Redwood pointed towards the flare.


A flare couldn't be good, and it was coming from not too far away from where they had fought the bear.

"QUICK ONTO THE BIRD MOBILE! " Sparkle face hoofed. "why am I so....Sparkle J Sword?" She questioned extending one of her hooves to Redwood "anyway we should definitely help whoever that is right Roger?" the bird nodded accepting it's name as Roger even though it looked more like a Steve. 

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Karas swiped its wing across the transparent screen to look for resources, "Ok...apparently there are some mountains several hundred miles away from here. Let me close in..."

It used its wings to zoom in on where they were, "Wait....I'm getting a ping reading. There's some large life forms near our location!"


Suddenly, fireballs flew towards them both. Karas dodged them, "What the--?"


There were giant plants with mouths breathing fire a few feet ahead of them.





Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"QUICK ONTO THE BIRD MOBILE! " Sparkle face hoofed. "why am I so....Sparkle J Sword?" She questioned extending one of her hooves to Redwood "anyway we should definitely help whoever that is right Roger?" the bird nodded accepting it's name as Roger even though it looked more like a Steve. 

Ignoring Sparkle's odd comments, Redwood asked, "Are you gonna ride that bird? Because if you are, make sure you ain't gonna fall off. Ah don't wanna drag you back here again."


Redwood slung her multiplas rifle over her shoulder and set off towards the flare.

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Ignoring Sparkle's oddness, 


Ignoring Sparkle's odd comment, Redwood asked, "Are you gonna ride that bird? If you are, make sure you ain't gonna fall off. Ah don't wanna drag you back here again."


Redwood slung her multiplas rifle over her shoulder and set off towards the flare.

"Suit yourself..." Sparkle said holding Roger's left neck as the dragon sized bird took off and headed in the direction of the flare creating a massive shadow on the tree line underneath it. Roger knew where he was going he had seen a pony fall off a floating... thing earlier which to the bird meant nothing but to someone on the planet meant an ally. 

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After a bit of a trek, Redwood came upon a wounded Second Sight. The stingray was trashed and Second Sight was clutching his leg with a laser rifle at his side.


"Aw hell, what happened to you?" she asked, "Looks like you were on th' business end of a buffalo stampede."

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After a bit of a trek, Redwood came upon a wounded Second Sight. The stingray was trashed and Second Sight was clutching his leg with a laser rifle at his side.


"Aw hell, what happened to you?" she asked, "Looks like you were on th' business end of a buffalo stampede."

"THIS IS ROGER AND SPARKLE WE ARE REQUESTING PERMISSION TO LAND, IN WHERE EVER WE ARE RIGHT NOW. " Sparkle shouted down as Roger circled the area looking for a place to go down where the injured could access his back easily. Roger squawked seeming to like how strange Sparkle acted.  

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"THIS IS ROGER AND SPARKLE WE ARE REQUESTING PERMISSION TO LAND, IN WHERE EVER WE ARE RIGHT NOW. " Sparkle shouted down as Roger circled the area looking for a place to go down where the injured could access his back easily. Roger squawked seeming to like how strange Sparkle acted.  


Redwood looked up at Sparkle and Roger, and realized why she hadn't heard any steps beside hers.


"Uh... ah guess you can go ahead and land wherever you want," she said. 


Redwood still couldn't believe she hadn't realized Sparkle was flying on that thing, though it made sense since Sparkle probably didn't have full use of her wings yet.

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Redwood looked up at Sparkle and Roger, and realized why she hadn't heard any steps beside hers.


"Uh... ah guess you can go ahead and land wherever you want," she said. 


Redwood still couldn't believe she hadn't realized Sparkle was flying on that thing, though it made sense since Sparkle probably didn't have full use of her wings yet.

"ROGER THAT, ROGER HEAD DOWN"Sparkle said to her feathered friend, Roger did as he was told and began the decent before landing softly a couple of feet away from a large cluster of rocks which Roger nestled down in to rest for the next couple of minuets whilst Sparkle dismounted tickling Roger's heads behind the ear's

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Shadow grabbed his blade and swung at the fireballs, cutting them in half. He said as he brought his wing out to use like a shield,

"Try to find a way  around them or something. I don't want to charge in there and start cutting them up. Besides, there is probably a lot of them."

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"ROGER THAT, ROGER HEAD DOWN"Sparkle said to her feathered friend, Roger did as he was told and began the decent before landing softly a couple of feet away from a large cluster of rocks which Roger nestled down in to rest for the next couple of minuets whilst Sparkle dismounted tickling Roger's heads behind the ear's

"Well, if we fixed up Sparkle, ah'm sure we can fix you up," Redwood said as she picked up Second Sight and set him down on Roger's back.


"Ah'm gettin' real tired of cartin' y'all around," she muttered to herself.


"Hey Sparkle, can that bird carry all three of us?" Redwood asked.

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"Well, if we fixed up Sparkle, ah'm sure we can fix you up," Redwood said as she picked up Second Sight and set him down on Roger's back.


"Ah'm gettin' real tired of cartin' y'all around," she muttered to herself.


"Hey Sparkle, can that bird carry all three of us?" Redwood asked.

"what bird?" Sparkle said crossing her front hooves. "he has an a name, in case you forgot he's called Roger. and as a matter of fact no he can't carry all of us and the Stingray. so I'll have to come back for that at some point in time. also remind me to get some vines on the way back. I really should tie the Stingray to Roger"

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"what bird?" Sparkle said crossing her front hooves. "he has an a name, in case you forgot he's called Roger. and as a matter of fact no he can't carry all of us and the Stingray. so I'll have to come back for that at some point in time. also remind me to get some vines on the way back. I really should tie the Stingray to Roger"


Redwood hopped onto Roger with Sparkle and Second Sight.


"So th' plan is we're gonna take Roger back to Second Sight's cave, maybe see if we can fix his leg, and then we'll head back to th' ship. We've been away fer too long and we gotta check back in with th' cap'n and th' rest of th' crew."

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