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Stranded... (rp)

The Pixelated Pony

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Karas had gone back into the supply room with all the confusion. It was unable to hear anypony call his name, and tried to create something, "Alright....breaching explosives.....a fire extinguisher...and a slingshot...."


It eventually made something akin to a grenade launcher. There was C4 inside of the barrel of the weapon, made out of a fire extinguisher, and the propulsion/trigger was powered by an ordinary slingshot. The stock handle was one if the throwing stars it used as weapons, "Ok...this should function...."


It flew outside with the weapon it made, looking midst all the chaos, "The heck's happening here?!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Turn around! That thing's goin' fer Sparkle, and ah sure ain't lettin' her die." Said Redwood.


She resumed shooting at the bear in the vain hope that it would go after her and Second Sight.


Redwood then saw Karas fly up with some kind of homemade weapon.


"Karas! You gotta help us get that thing away from th' ship!" She yelled.

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Karas scoffed at the sight of the bear. Was this really all they were whining about?

"Hmph. I won't be needing assistance..."


He prepped the slingshot on the C4, "This is gonna blow it away. Everypony get back. Now!"

After warning everyone, he held the bear down in his sights.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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"Karas, you dumbass! That'll blow up half th' ship and all our supplies. Ah'm tryin' to get this thing away from here with Second Sight so that bear don't end up doin' exactly what yer doin'. Help us get it away from th' ship and then you can blow it into Tartarus."

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Second manoeuvred the Stingray behind the bear, keeping a safe distance all the while.


"Redwood! Aim at the poison sacs!" He ordered, flipping on the stingray' s lights to hopefully catch the bear's attention even further.


His other hoof on the stingray's controls and since Redwood was using the turret, Second Sight took the multiplas rifle and fired a few shots at the bear himself.


His time perception ability gave him perfect aim, and his shots bursted a poison sac

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Redwood adjusted her aim to hit the poison sacs. She fired another barrage and hit her mark, bursting another sac.


"C'mon!" she yelled at the bear, "Come and get some 'o this! Ah know you wanna take a bite outta me! You ain't nothin!"


Redwood let out a yell and kept on relentlessly bombarding the bear with the stingray's gun.

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Karas rolled its eyes. Apparently its intentions were being misunderstood yet again, "Whoever said I was aiming for the bear?"


It loaded a flare into the weapon, and shot it into the shy, creating a bright read light, and a shrill, PHEEEW!


If it worked, the bear would easily be scared off my the bright color, and loud noise it made.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Karas rolled its eyes. Apparently its intentions were being misunderstood yet again, "Whoever said I was aiming for the bear?"


It loaded a flare into the weapon, and shot it into the shy, creating a bright read light, and a shrill, PHEEEW!


If it worked, the bear would easily be scared off my the bright color, and loud noise it made.

the bear growled and looked for the source of the thing that was offending it's ears it turned around whacking the turret with its hind legs and ran towards Karas with the speed of a bullet showing it's large and sharp front claws which it had used to tear one of the turrets from its mountings.

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the bear growled and looked for the source of the thing that was offending it's ears it turned around whacking the turret with its hind legs and ran towards Karas with the speed of a bullet showing it's large and sharp front claws which it had used to tear one of the turrets from its mountings.

Karas flew upwards to avoid the bear's attack. It noticed that its first plan with the flare failed. So because of this, it had to think to another idea on how to in this battle.


It flew back down to the bear, since it was already chasing it, it figured that it would keep running after it, "Over here, fool!" It called to the bear, as it flew to distract it away from everyone else.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Karas flew upwards to avoid the bear's attack. It noticed that its first plan with the flare failed. So because of this, it had to think to another idea on how to in this battle.


It flew back down to the bear, since it was already chasing it, it figured that it would keep running after it, "Over here, fool!" It called to the bear, as it flew to distract it away from everyone else.

the bear continued to follow Karas allowing the rest of the team to land shots on it. Sparkle fired at the bears back but both shots missed the poison sacs and instead went into one of the large trees sending it crashing into the base like a wall of sorts 

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The stingray swerved quickly towards the right, narrowly avoiding the fallen tree as it crashed behind them. The stingray pursued the bear from behind as it chased Karas, Redwood firing lasers relentlessly at it.


"Great work Karas! Lead it away from our base!" he praised. Only Second Sight would have the skill to weave through the treeline with a vehicle like the stingray at max speed.


The vehicle seemed to be gaining on the bear.

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The stingray swerved quickly towards the right, narrowly avoiding the fallen tree as it crashed behind them. The stingray pursued the bear from behind as it chased Karas, Redwood firing lasers relentlessly at it.


"Great work Karas! Lead it away from our base!" he praised. Only Second Sight would have the skill to weave through the treeline with a vehicle like the stingray at max speed.


The vehicle seemed to be gaining on the bear.

Sparkle once again shot a tree attempting to hit the bear having it again fall over and into the path of the stingray "Sorry!" Sparkle said gritting her teeth nervously knowing that she would most likely get her head bitten off by well... everyone on the ground 

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Second Sight's eyes widened as the tree fell in front of him. He slammed on the boosters, and the stingray was thrusted higher above the ground, allowing it to sail above the log. He turned around and called back.


"Whoever is manning that turret can't shoot for shit." he yelled, the stingray grazing the side of a tree as it made it's slightly less than graceful descent.

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Second Sight's eyes widened as the tree fell in front of him. He slammed on the boosters, and the stingray was thrusted higher above the ground, allowing it to sail above the log. He turned around and called back.


"Whoever is manning that turret can't shoot for shit." he yelled, the stingray grazing the side of a tree as it made it's slightly less than graceful descent.

Sparkle's ears flattened against her head and she sank below the control panel "sorry... It's hard to hit a moving target."she said her voice trailing off as she hid herself more until she couldn't go any lower than she had all ready without getting out of the turret

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Redwood swore as the laser turret Sparkle was manning missed the bear, felling a tree that blocked the stingray's path.


'When we're done with this, ah'm teachin' her how to shoot right,' she thought to herself.


"Just how much more do ah hafta shoot this thing before it screws off or dies?" Redwood asked Second Sight.

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Karas was still flying around, distracting the bear far enough away so that it would not hurt anyone, yet close enough so they could land a hit on it.

However, it was getting impatient. How have they not hit the bear yet? What are they, Stormtroopers?

"Any day now, guys!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Redwood looked up at Karas and said, "Ah got this!"


She took aim with the stingray's gun and fired again at the bear. Redwood was less careful and didn't hold back now that they were away from the ship and weren't in danger of destroying anything important.


"Just die already!" Redwood yelled.

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"Just because I've been on this planet longer than you guys doesn't mean I know everything!" Second Sight replied. "Never tried to take one of these down before."


"Anyway, this is far enough. Everypony, give it everything you've got!" He yelled


'Shit...this is actually close to my headquarters' Second Sight mused.

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"Just because I've been on this planet longer than you guys doesn't mean I know everything!" Second Sight replied. "Never tried to take one of these down before."


"Anyway, this is far enough. Everypony, give it everything you've got!" He yelled


'Shit...this is actually close to my headquarters' Second Sight mused.

Sparkle climbed back into the seat nervously and put her visor down. "damn out of range..." She thought grabbing the medium laser rifle which was placed in the turret in case of boarding. Sparkle climbed out of the turret and then ran out through the hole in the living quarters and began pursuing the fleeing bear.


the bear growled and took several swipes at the stingray attempting to bring it down but continued to run ignoring the shots fired from the other crew members   

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Redwood was swearing profusely as the bear clawed at the stingray, undeterred despite their attacks.


She then saw Sparkle chase after the bear and said, "Sparkle, just what do you think you're doin'?! That monster is gonna kill you! Get back to th' ship, right now!"

Edited by crispy fries
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Redwood was swearing profusely as the bear clawed at the stingray, undeterred despite their attacks.


She then saw Sparkle chase after the bear and said, "Sparkle, just what do you think you're doin'?! That monster is gonna kill you! Get back to th' ship, right now!"

"No! I'm helping! " Sparkle argued back running as fast as her injury would allow her. she fired at the bear thing a couple of times before hiding behind a large rock to reload "hey moron!" Sparkle threw a smaller rock at the bears head "over here!" she called out but failed at getting the bears attention.

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Shadow followed the bear, waiting for a good shot. Then after a few minutes, he started firing. Every second, plasma hit the ground around the bear. He stayed in the air to avoid being attacked by the bear, but close enough for to keep the plasma from flying wide

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Karas had by now had just about enough of this bear's foolishness. It wanted this bear gone as fast as possible, and never to return.


"Alright, you know what? Buck this shit."


After a quick charge, Karas flew down to the bear, and stuck C4 onto the bear. He flew back away from it to distract it away from the others a bit more, as it held the C4 detonator in its wings.


"Get over here, ya stupid animal!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Karas had by now had just about enough of this bear's foolishness. It wanted this bear gone as fast as possible, and never to return.


"Alright, you know what? Buck this shit."


After a quick charge, Karas flew down to the bear, and stuck C4 onto the bear. He flew back away from it to distract it away from the others a bit more, as it held the C4 detonator in its wings.


"Get over here, ya stupid animal!"

Once again the bear did nothing about the constant attacks instead it focused all it's efforts on attacking the stingray and attempting to bring it down. Sparkle moved closer and kept firing at the bear until it eventually scratched its claws on her chest creating three long gashes which began fill with the bears poison. Sparkle collapsed and the bear turned around and slowly left the crew behind knowing that in not too long it could feed again.  

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"Turn this thing around! We gotta save Sparkle!" Redwood said to Second Sight.


Redwood decided not to wait for Second Sight to respond, grabbed her multiplas rifle, and jumped off the stingray. She ran as quick as she could to Sparkle, kneeling down and picking her up.


"Ah need a medic right now!" She yelled.

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