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private 1x1 with Cherry Bloom


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/147372-1x1-with-cherry-bloom-ooc/




It was just another normal evening in Canterlot. The sun was slowly descending from the sky and the busy streets had already started to slow down from the daily rush hour and had yet to enter the buzz of night life. It was an odd hour, between day and night. There weren't many ponies out, those that were on the broad streets were most likely heading back home after their usual nine to five office hours.


Marquis was on his way to work. As he trotted on the cobblestone streets, he couldn't help but soak in the relaxed atmosphere, bathing in whatever little sunlight that still remained. He was early. He always was, just in case of some unforeseen complications arose. Swimming in his thoughts, no doubt about the night's show, something caught his eye. 


Normally, he wouldn't stop to nosy about but for once he made an exception. The object in question was a brightly coloured cart, filled with all sorts confectionary. He couldn't help but be drawn in by its gay hues and sweet scent. Stepping closer, he browsed through the collection of goods.




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Cherry Bloom was just getting ready to pack up for the evening and was knelt down behind her cart packing up the meager amount of bits she had earned. After she finished she stood to start closing the cart down but was taken by surprise when she saw the stranger browsing her goods.


"Oh! Goodness, you startled me!" She cleared her throat blushing a slight bit. She smiled though and have a nod.


"Hello there! My name is Cherry Bloom I was just getting ready to pack up for the night but I certainly don't mind waiting a few more minutes as you browse. Do you have a sweet tooth?" She asked.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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"Woah!" He was caught by surprise as the cart's owner popped up from behind. A pegasus mare with a coat of vibrant pink and green streaked mane, not too dissimilar to Element of Laughter that he had seen on the newspapers. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't you you there. Apologies."


"It's lovely to make your acquaintance. I'm Marquis, though you may address me as any form of it that may suits you." Her openness with him was rather refreshing from the usual 'hard to get' variety of mares common in Canterlot. "I'm overly fond of candies, but I say it would be a crime not to indulge once in a while, don't you think?" 


Picking out a bar of dark chocolate, he fished out his bits and paid her for it with a few extra bits as he deemed her price to be unreasonably low. He was not one to take advantage of others, especially a mare. "Sorry to take up your time and keep you from going home. Thanks for sweetening up my work night, Cherry Bloom. If you'd like to see me at work, I'll be here." He slid a ticket for a House Seat onto her counter. "It's good till next week, you can come anytime you want."


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She blinked at the over payment he had given her and blushed them smiled happily. "Thank you so much for your generosity!" She said then looked at the ticket. She gapped excitedly and looked up at him. "Oh my!!! You are too kind! I would love to see you work! I haven't been to a show or concert in quite a while!" She googled happily and picked it up. "I'll be sure to come. Thank you so much Marquis!" She said happily with a warm smile. She began to pack up excited to attend.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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"You're welcome!" He was glad to see her light up like a little filly. "It's getting late, I'd better get going. See you backstage after the show." He winked and went on his merry way. It had been a long time since he had met such a nice mare. For once he wasn't the first to arrive for final preparations.


The whole night he found himself thinking back to her, eager to see her again.


As the curtain fell for the final time that night, he took a quick shower and sat in the dressing room nibbling the chocolate bar, wondering if she'd really show up.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Cherry bloom watched in awe as the performance went on and when curtain fell she applauded happily. "That was wonderful!" She said mostly to herself. As three other ponies stood to leave she looked around and made her way towards the back stage area wanting to congratulate him on his amazing performance.


Not having been a theater pony she was unfamiliar with the stage and back stage areas and as she was looking around a security pony stopped her.


"You lost? You aren't allowed back here. Get lost." He said with an annoyed tone. She blinked and started to explain herself but he shook his head and held his hoof up motioning for her to stop talking. "I said get lost. " he insisted then nudged her making her turn around. She sighed softly and started to leave.


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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"Hey!" Marquis heard the kerfuffle and popped out of his room to check it out, things were usually winding down by this time with the audience leaving. He not so gently shoved the security guard aside and beamed at her. The security pony sighed, straightened himself up and trotted out of their way. It wasn't the first time. He knew the drill and left them alone. 


"Thanks for showing up!" He shook her hand. "How was it? Did you enjoy yourself?" He pushed a chair over and offered her the seat. He turned off his vanity lights and stashed away the makeup piling up on the desk.


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Cherry smiled happily and nodded sitting down. "Oh I had a wonderful time! I haven't been to the theater in she's and your performance was incredible!" She complimented. "I wanted to thank you again for the generous gift you have in letting me come tonight. I really enjoyed it!" She added. "I don't mean to intrude by the way. I just wanted to tell you that you are truly very talented."


Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage

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