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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private The first time she blushed at Divine Heart (1x1)


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The day was when the rookies arrived, the ones that were sent to handle the even more rampant monsters that have been appearing. Banner was charged of going out and making sure everypony was there and tell them what they need to do everyday to me in the best shape for when a monster strikes. As she approached the line of ponies she immediately saw a face that she didn't expect, Divine Heart. Her cheeks went red for a second before she shook it off and told them what was going to happen to them, avoiding any eye contact with Divine as possible. Banner dismissed them to the barracks to get there preferred weapon to train with. As she was walking away she looked back to Divine with the same red as before. It was hard trying to forget about you to begin with, now your here. She looked forward to the training grounds hopping that Divine didn't notice her.

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How could he not notice her? How could anyone not?
Among the fighting, daily militia duties, and the rampant questions that were like the rapid fire magic that came from the horn of a combat ready Unicorn about trivial battles was the radiant example that made it all seem meaningful. To Heart, of course, that was Banner. From the scraps of his memory, chunks of it was from encountering her from so long ago. They pieced together to remember her valor, that tough outter shell that shown behind every gesture she ever made, and the certainty that was unparallel from any soldier.
However, even then, something still bothered him.
Maybe it was a small pinch of emotion that reached out to him from her. Maybe it was even his imagination wishing that somepony like her even noticed that he was interested in hearing her story. With anyone who seen that beautiful face on a battlefield carrying out duties instead of being relaxed and walking into the Grand Galloping Gala as one of Celestiia's favorite honorable mentions of being a lady first instead of a warrior would make anyone ask about her story. It all made him think: would she tell her story with a saddened tone or one with that strange passive warrior-like tongue.
Also, why was he even thinking about seeing her at the Gala as a lady...and why was he staring at the same sword for about ten minutes?
"Double-time, one-winged roookie!"
Still an air-head as ever!
Heart had quickly reached out his maw of his mouth and took the handle of his blade into it. He had made haste to not look like a fool as he did so running out, finding he was one of the last soldiers leaving the barracks. He already had trotted outside while beating himself up for being a complete klutz...and with "her" here of all things! The screech of the comrade reminded him one thing as he looked out the window to see Banner in all her glory:
...that he was not at her level when it came to being a soldier, and he certainly was not the most "formidable" Pegasi as he lifted his only set of wings located on his left side of body.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Banner stabbed into the pony dummy as if it was the most intense battle she has had, but it was just how she was showy and effective with her moves. "Hey, Banner right?" Banner turned around to see a rookie with a training sword "Mind picking up a wooden blade and showing us what you can do to an actual target?" The stallion tossed her a spare "This always happens but I'm happy that your not like one of the ponies that gloats about there skill before it, I have dealt with to much of that for a lifetime" She readies her stance "Please, I just want to show how far I've trained by my self...It probably won't beat you but I'm glad you accepted" A few quick blows and its 1 rookie and about 7 Banner. The rookie stumbles back after the last blow from Banner "I think I'm done right now" "Good" She tosses the wooden weapon back "I can get back to my actual bla-" She was cut off by a siren, the lunch siren "Wow, time flies" She grabs her bag she left on a near bench and pulled out an apple and small salad and started eating. She watched the rookies go to the mess hall, she didn't want to see the reactions to what they served.

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"Y-you know...I-I've gotten better too."


His voice was that usual breaking crack around her still. Who could blame him?


She had shown that usual display of lethal force whether the sword was wooden or steel. He watched the whole display from his window and was drawn outside as if a moth to a flame. Heart had not taken his eyes off her, not even from when she had taken herself to solitude away from the others. It was not like he did not expect it. Even he was asking himself what was he thinking approaching Banner.


But now he was here, approaching her just a few meters away.


"Sorry, Banner. I was just wondering if we could...talk. I mean, I know I did not leave the best impression last time." Even the best terms were not even the best words to describe it. He had appeared like some kind of amateur swinging a sword, fighting to help save her from a dangerous situation. Just a pack of Timberwolves that roamed on the outskrits of the Everfree Forest sometime ago where one of the units was patrolling.


If it was not for that day, he would not even have considered being a full-fledged soldier instead of some amateur swordsman. He was praised for his reactions and movements because of the versaility of using his handicap to his advantage. They called it a "resource", something a soldier needed to know well of. But...of course, they also said he was wet behind the ears and he could use some work. If it meant protectng people, especially someone like Banner, he would do whatever it took to improve his sword skills o be on par with his footwork.


"Please?" he remarked with a strong raise of his chin. He did not want to look weak, even as he begged.

Edited by Divine_Heart


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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"Yeah...sure" Banner replied. Why am I acting this way, he's lesser than me, both in rank and physically. Banner crossed one of her legs over her chest. So why is my heart pounding from being near him? She thought it was irrational and shouldn't happen but wanted something to draw her attention away from it and a pony was dying to talk with her so she looked at him dead on "What is it?"

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He wished she did not look at him in such a way. Or did he?
Obviously there were mixed feelings about it. The upside he had her complete attention, but then what would he say when he had it? There were many things to say since the day he had seen her fight. She had done so much more courageously and surely than himself. He could not compare to such focus, even when he had focused all his attention on his motivation: protecting somepony like her. He could not imagine the feelings she had behind her eyes as she swung her blade.
"W-well...your body..." wait! That was not right!
"No! I-I mean....my body!" Wait again! Now it just sounded perverse.
The rookie had to regain his composure. His eyes closed for a moment as he taken a deep breath. He swallowed the lump in his throat deeply. It always appeared when he was around almost any pony, but lately her more than any other pony. He lifted his head, meeting her gaze this time without a hint of hesitation. He had dragged his practice sword to his side and placed his hoof upon it.
It gave him courage in an instant.
"I meant, I have been training my body since I met you." he continued, "I don't know if you remember me, b-but I am sorry that I was sloppy when I was fighting off those Timberwolves. I-I could have gotten myself killed...but...you see..." he paused as he taken another breath. This was the part he never got to tell her, and he would do it with a furrow of his brow and pride in his heart.
"I just can't stand aside while some pony is in danger...no matter what. I just...never got the chance to explain myself. I know it was reckless." His pride melted away showing his partial shame as he lowered his head.
Maybe she would think he was crazy? Foolish? It was normal. He did not think with his head after all. Just as expected, it was always with his Heart.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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"I don't blame you...I kind of did the same thing as a kid" Banner didn't want to go over it "Your emotions take over, mine was out of anger but I'm sure yours was different...since then I tried to think of exactly what's happening and not let my emotions take control, it doesn't work perfectly yet though" Her heart beating made her say that, she doesn't know why it's happening "It that all you wanted to say?"

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"Well..." he trailed off.


Sure, there was more he could say, but he was not sure how to express it or even where to begin? She was one of the aspiring examples of a soldier? He liked the philly-like posture even if she was made for combat at heart? Perhaps it was that he wanted to know about her since the day he met her cleaving through the brittle pieces of wood and toppling her enemies in her wake?


"I like you..." he winced as if it pained his heart, "...train me. I mean...I would like for you to help train me. I know, there is a lot of procedure and I am not any special rookie, but...you were the first to notice me, and I think you would be perfect in helping me improve more than any other pony."


Plus, he would get to spend more time with her, but yet that part was left unsaid. He just spoke with a smile that faded the more he talked. By the moment, he felt like he was being some nuisance rather than a soldier. He was looking at her like some sort of nervous love sick puppy rather than a potential soldier. He turned his head, somewhat dejected. Already, he felt like he was rejecteed when he went over his request in his head.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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"Sure, why not?" Banner saw him perk up when she said that. This guy is to hard on himself...I guess he's been thinking about me as I have of him. She starts thinking of how she worded it. That makes you sound like a creep. She got a slight red on her face but shook her head and got it off. "We can do it after lunch" She gives him an energy bar from the bag "I normally have this in the small break I do but really it could provide a meal, it give me energy like it says with out making me crash like coffee...I don't want to talk about when I used only coffee for a pick me up, it got weird and bad" She said in a monotone voice making it sound serious

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"Oh!" he was not sure how to respond. "O-oh!" he was stuck in a loop.


He did not want to take her rations. Already, he felt like he was slacking behind her. Then again, looking into her eyes, he felt like he could not refuse. Not out of intimidating, but because he wanted to take any chance he could get to be near her. He reached out the maw of his mouth, taking the packaged baar graciously before he used his hooves to unravel the packaging.


"Thank you very much." he mentioned. Taking the first bite, he ignored the somewhat grained taste of the energy bar. It was just like any other health considerate piece of food. It however gave him the chance to chew while he thought of the best question to ask out of the many that went through his head. With a swallow and a wayward gaze to Banner, he decided on one.


"You mentioned how you were like me when you were a kid," he began. Somewhat, he was hesitant to go on to ask, "What was your life like, if you don't mind me asking? It's just...you are so strong. I just am curious...and I guess I want to know more about you." his own cheeks burned until the rosy red color appeared on his white furry face.


He tried to hide it with a turn of his cheek as he chewed. It was not like he was use to talking to mares...especially one beyond the ordinary like Banner.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Banner sighed "Well I guess I'm with quite a few ponies in that my parents are gone" She sighs "Been living with my step family and you would not believe there house, it was decorated with weapons everywhere" She paused "they were old and caring but what they loved was Equestria, they fought in battles that some consider small scale but if they didn't help out then I certainly would not be here and perhaps order in a few places. I looked up to them and wanted to fight like them, after a bit of reluctance they allowed me to use some of there dull weapons on some stuff around the house" She looked saddened at the end "Anyway, what about you?"

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"Oh! M-me?"
He was caught off guard. The only thing that was on Heart's mind was the story that Banner had spoke to him. He was not sure, but there was a hint of sadness in her tone that he caught at the end. It puzzled him. Did she not want to be a warrior? Did she not like being a dependable soldier admired by Equestrian recruits that wished to fight on the frontlines? She seemed to understand why her step parents had to fight, but Heart had looked at her thinking perhaps there was something more.
Something he just could not see.
"I am...nothing special." he said, stretching his dual wings on his left side of his body. "My parents are around and alive. They live in Ponyville. After I was born, Cloudsdale...was not an option for them to live in anymore." he was sad himself saying this, feeling ashamed. Long ago, he felt like an anchor, just like now, sitting by banner. His one side with wings and the right side seemed to be as plain as the flank of an Earth pony. 
He truly felt like a burden. A disgrace to Pegasi!
"I just spent time learning about others. Trying to learn as many skills as possible so I won't drag anyone down...and I've become real good at it too. It took my almost forever to learn what my Cute Mark meant. I guess...I just had to accept I am the way I am, but I have the potential to be better everyday if I just wake up and apply myself. I guess...that's kind of why I like to get to know ponies like you."
He looked at her with a weak and awkward smile. He could not help it! It some way, he was trying to express his feelings, no matter how on edge he was teetering to do so. There was more, so much more he could have mentioned: like her hair, that expression of hers that he wanted to fix just to see her smile, and the way she had this strong walk of hers filled with resolve. She was everything he wished he was..
Maybe that was why he had such admiration for her? Admiration that he could not speak of...not yet at least.

Edited by Divine_Heart


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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"Yeah? Well that's good, most ponies typically don't like my serious nature so much...and that's a good goal, everypony can do better if they try there hardest" Banner gave a light chuckle "Sounds cheesy doesn't it? But its kind of true" The alarm for lunch rang. The ponies that exited the mess hall looked sick "Oh my Celestia, they had to have a casserole today? Anyway, see you at 8:00 in front of the barracks, you won't forget will you? Great I got go" Banner ran off to how knows where.

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@@Yoshikupo ((Sorry...been busy.))


It was still enough for Heart to gawk...at least for a moment. He continued to do so in the inside. Maybe he was imagining seeing those perfect teeth of hers? Or probably he finally was delusional? This place had been stressful and he didn't hink he would cut it. His rough hooves that still was stained with dirt wass not a common thing for him. He was a gentle touch that was light on his feet and swift to boot!
Heart pressed his hooves into the ground not believing he had come at least this far. His eyes went to Banner who was beisde him right now for that moment. His own smile coming his face as she spoke about how she sounded saying such things to him. It did not sound corny at all. If anything, hearing Banner talk like this, it was relaxing and breaking him away from his disbelief.
Along with the bell that did not save anyone...not even this moment.
It went just as quickly as it came, and Banner going with it before Heart could even give a response about the barracks. The time of the meeting was to be at eight hundred hours (I am assuming 8 AM). Before he could gather his thoughts, already he was trying to process the moment they had and more to come as she acstually agreed to train him.
"S-sure! I'll be there!"
...she agreed to train with him?!!
Now that was an alarming thought. In hindsight, it sounded good at first, but the thought of disappointing her was set in. He just hoped he could sleep tonight as he walked away to the barracks with his practice sword.
It was time to call it a night. 


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Banner went throw the rest of her day with very little going on that wasn't normal and slept the night away. Banner got up bright and early for Divine but stopped herself from being early, in her weird mind it seemed that if she did then to him it would seem that Banner really cares for him then anything else in the world...it was stupid considering what Divine is like. Banner got there 5 minutes late to see Divine "Good, you didn't ditch me. Most ponies wouldn't do anything me if I asked"

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