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private Diffuse Reflection (1x1 between Nightmare Season and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


As he finished counting up what he had left and examining the new items he found. Crystal came back in with more stuff. "Find anything useful?" He asked her as she laid the stuff down.


By this time the weather outside had turned. To really bad at the moment, but it did begin to snow. Since the tarot cards said the next day the weather would be to bad to travel in. They needed to figure out what they were going to do. Also how to pass the time.


He got up from his bedding and walked over to Crystal that was examining her new things.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal looked up at Nightmare once she got the loot off her back. "Not much, and most is junk for us anyway. Clothes for stallions, tableware, grooming items, some shinies... I found an axe though." She looked around and reached for the tool to show it to the stallion. "It was behind a wardrobe in one of the bedrooms. Weird huh? There was a slingshot too but I covered it up with junk it seems. I guess I could keep searching, there are still places I haven't looked in, but I'm not hoping for much. We could grab those broken spears but they wouldn't be of much use either." She rubbed her chin again, thinking of something. "...unless we use the time we have to make something from what we have here. There's plenty of wood around from furniture, and fabric from those clothes... we could make a sled to get my friend home in case she can't walk all the way, for example. At least we won't get bored sitting in here, right? Anyway, I'll finish the sweep first and we'll see what we've got availible."


She left the axe on the pile and trotted out of the dorm to look for some more "treasures".


The mare was gone for around half an hour, and only the occasional screetch of moved furniture, curses and distant clip-clop oh hooves echoing through the corridors were proof that she was still on the hunt. Suddenly, the brewery was filled with thundering of hooves and soon enough, Crystal barreled through the dorm door, eyes wide and panting hard. "There's.... something..." She pointed outside the room as she caught her breath. "I was... by the entrance, to get those spear points when... I saw something moving outside. I backed away and ran back here. I don't know what it was, but it was bigger than you, and white. Couldn't see much through the snowfall." She sat on the floor and breathed deeply, searching with her eyes for her sabblebags. Once she found them, she leapt to them and grabbed the pickaxe like a safety blanket. "Should we go and look, or stay put and barricade? I don't want to get eaten in my sleep..."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare was laying down on his mattresses when He heard the thundering of hooves coming towards the room. He readied his magic fire and aimed at the door. He relaxed when he saw Crystal bounding through it. He watched as she went over and picked up her pickax in a ready to fight mode.


He remained quiet for sometime listening, awkward silents before he said anything. "I do not hear anything. Lets see....bigger than me and white? Hmmm..... I do not think we need to worry at all." He saw the stare from the mare to explain. "First off if it was bigger than me, than the door way itself will hinder it getting in here. So if we hear a loud crash then we know to move to the caverns. The hallway will also hinder it's movement so we can get the the caverns where it gets even thinner. Secondly, if it was pure white. I suspect it is something that lives in these mountains. So with how the weather is right now, it would know to get to shelter. If it is not heading to a shelter, then it is tough enough to be outside in the condition it is in now. This means it is nothing we want to deal with out in the open. So we do not want to barricade the entrance in fear of it being drawn to us instead."


He got up and went to the door way to get a better view of the main hall and to listen. "It dose not seem to have followed you." He tuned back to the mare. "And also, you have already been eaten in your sleep." He gave her a wolfy grin.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Still laying on her back and clutching to the pickaxe, Crystal Clear was staring at Nightmare as he mulled over the news. She gave him a particularily questioning look when he voiced his lack of concern. In plain equestrian, it would means something like "Are you brain dead!?" Her expression softened as he explained his reasons, however. She got up on her hooves when Nightmare walked to the room's entrance, unsure of his plan but still too shaken to break her silence. She cocked her head curiosiy as the stallion said he didn't hear anything and, by extension, whatever she saw there didn't follow her. The stallion's joke was enough to break the baloon of tenstion inside her - Crystal Clear exhaled deeply, suddenly aware she's been holding her breath. Her hind legs gave in under her and she sat rather unceremoniously, then let go of the pickaxe. "Phew... I got so scared back there..." The mare looked up at the nightmare pony and said to him. "Oh and Nightmare... you haven't done a very good job at eating me in my sleep either, so bite my flank, joker." She smiled deviously at her riposte and got up on her hooves, then turned around to hide her pickaxe.

And show him where to bite.


Once the pickaxe was back in place, Crystal held her foreleg in the air for a moment. It was shaking a bit. Reluctant to come off as a scared foal, she turned back to face the nightmare pony and trotted towards him. "I'm going back for what I've found, but I'll stay away from the entrance. Those spears won't go anywhere. Meanwhie you can sort through that pile, maybe you'll like to keep something." She stepped to his side with fake confidence and bumped him with her shoulder. "Cheer up, big guy, I'll be back soon." With that last remark, she walked out of the dorm, this time more conscious of the noise her hoofsteps made.

Edited by Raven Rawne

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,

He watched the crystal pony show him where X marked the spot on her flank. All he did was just smile. He let Crystal bump him as she left the room to gather up what she managed to get. He then went back to the things they already gathered and pulled out the snow shoes and brush he had found earlier. Most of the stuff was indeed just junk, but one could use bits and pieces here to make other things.


By this time the sun was getting low in the sky. Crystal final came back with a hoof full of random stuff. "We can make some weapons tomorrow, and figure out a plan to move forward."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare walked the dark hallway, hugging the walls as her necklace provided the only light. Every now and then, she saw something in the dark, only to discover it was her mind playing tricks on her. Crystal Clear picked up her findings one at the time. Junk mostly, as already stated. Once on her way back, just a few rooms away from the dorm in fact, Crystal Clear noticed something on the floor. At first she thought it was another trick of the light, but as she got closer, she noticed that, in fact, there were some strange grooves in the floor. Nothing obvious, but a practiced eye could see. The mare stopped and took a deeper look. It seemed that the scrapes were curved, led from the wall up to the middle of the corridor... She looked at the wall. It seemed the looters have tore down some kind of a wall tapestry,  the hangers were still there. Crystal decided to dump her stuff and come back.


The mare entered the doorway into the dorm. "Here's the rest of the haul.  Not much to be honest..." Crystal laid down her loot on the pile. "I need to check on something, I've found what could be a hidden doorway by the look of it. On second thought,  come with me, maybe you'll see something I won't." She smiled and waved him over with a hoof.


Once she was back in the hallway and took a few steps, a familiar yellow glow encompassed the whole space. The mare approached the suspect wall section and pointed at it. "There are scratches on the floor,  like they dragged  something heavy, multiple times. As you can see, the pattern looks like ill fitting door, damaging the floor. Now we just need to find the way to open it." Crystal Clear took her necklace in her teeth and rubbed her chin in concentration, thinking where to start. She pushed the stones where she guessed the lock could be and surely, after a few tries, she heard a click and the door opened. "Ahhh, the regular mechanism then. Could you walk in with me? Could use some more light." The mare smiled at the nightmare pony and they walked inside.


"Ooohhhh, somepony's been stocking up for winter." Crystal grinned as she took in the view.


They found a well stocked shelter for the workers.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare sighed. "Guess I am reduced to nothing more than a torch now?" He gave her a slight nudge. Payback. He looked into the room that is well stocked. Not just food, but tools, weapons, and many other different things. One thing that stood out was the safe and the many barrels of fermenting berries. "Great." He said looking at the barrels. "Will I be able to get you out of this room now?" He went over to some shelves and looked at different supplies. "I think I will be able to make me snow shoes out of this stuff. Can give you the small ones I found at the office.


Nightmare eventually noticed the medicine cabinet with several cures and herbs. "Seems you really found the jack pot." He looked over his shoulder as she was looking to see if a barrel had a tap to it. "looking to see if you could get a glass of it?"

Edited by Nightmare Season
  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal wasn't done just yet. As the stallion gave her a nudge, she gave him her most sincere smile she could muster and replied. "Everypony has something they're best at, isn't it true? And you're the best torch I've met." She stood beside him, looking at the shelves and such when the stallion exclaimed about something. She looked at him and followed his gaze - jackpot! The mare smiled widely and ducked below Nightmare's barrel, slightly brushing against his underside as she took a shortcut to the barrels. Crystal walked around them, and even climbed one, looking for a tap or any proof they were already open. She found none, and replied to the worried stallion with a sigh. "I guess you won't have to carry my intoxicated carcass, if that's what you've meant. They're all sealed." She bucked lightly the nearest one for emphasis.


Since Nightmare took interest in different supplies contained in the vault, Crystal decided to do the same. She walked to the nearest cabinet and gave it a look over. "Hmm... several oil lamps with spares... not interesting. Preserved food, that's better." She walked to the next one. "Bedrolls, now we're talking! Not sure if you'll fit in but it's better than laying on the ground. Hmm, some beefy blankets, good." The next one had more preserved foodstuffs, and a small stove. A few bags of what looked like charcoal were resting in the corner.


She took interest in a strange, tall shape by one of the walls. She walked closer, holding the glow-crystal in front of her to get a better look. Once she identified the object, the mare said over her shouder. "Looks like we won't have to try our hooves in carpentry after all. I don't know why, but they kept a pretty big sleigh in here. Should make it easier to take what we want further North."


Crystal Clear walked to the stallion to see what he found, and said. "Looks like we're in luck, Nightmare. We've got lots of food, bedrolls and blankets to keep warm, we could take an oil lamp just in case... We should pack those medical things too. You've mentioned something about snow boots, right? I have a winter getup, but we could try and make something for you too. My main concern is whether you won't accidently burn them with your tail, but I guess you'll be fine." She hugged his foreleg and looked up at him. "I think we should get some rest for now. We won't find anything more in here, and we have tomorrow to make all the arrangements. Come on, I'll get some more berries to bite for us and we'll hit the hay for today." Having stated her plan. Crystal Clear walked out of the secret room into the kitchen, grabbed a big plate and trotted to the berry bushes.


It took a bit, but she finally arrived at the dorm with the berries and found the stallion laying on his bedding. "Chow's here!" The mare laid the plate in front of him and smiled. "Mostly for you, I had my fill at the source. Now let's test that bed." She walked to the bed she chose earlier and dug under the covers, only her head sticking out. "Hmm, nowhere as nice as in my place, but will do. Sweet dreams, Nightmare." With a big yawn, the mare closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


As Crystal set out to go gather up the berries, Nightmare stayed behind to gather up the supplies and get them readied. Using his magic he was easily able to move the stuff around. Pulled the sleigh out to the main hall. He placed all the medical supplies into his saddlebags. After all, they were almost as small as the cabinet. The dried food and the rest of the stuff that could prove useful he stacked in a pile next to the sleigh. After all. He will have to take the sleigh through the front door on it's side to get it to fit through there.


After all was finished he went back to their room. He dug out the snow shoes he had found earlier and placed them over next to the mare's saddle bags. That will help her tread on the snow when they leave the day after tomorrow. The supplies he gathered to fashion his own size shoes he left by his saddle bags. He looked at his count of dream roots. Far to low to be eating one every night. He placed them back into his pack and laid down. He will be a bit hungry tonight. Unless the mare asks him to feed on her again when she is sleeping.


After a few moments he heard Crystal come back into the room. He looked up with her laying the berries next to him. Her lips stained with berry juice. He almost laughed and asked her where she got her lip stick from. She bid him sweat dreams. He has not had a sweat dream in ages. Well one for himself anyways.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal Clear fell asleep rather fast - the day has been rough and the upcoming ones didn't seem any lighter.


In her dream, she was back in the hot spring, laying on her back in pleasantly hot water, a bowl of berries and a glass of brandy close at hoof by the pool's edge. Even though she reached for both rather often, neither became empty. A gramophone was set a few steps away, playing a slow tune. The mare just enjoyed the present, eating, drinking and relaxing. Occasionally, she swam through the middle or did some kind of stunt. She wasn't going anywhere in this dream.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Nightmare entered her dream. She did say feed freely on her. Though he did hate bringing about bad dreams. As soon as he entered it and saw her relaxing in the Hot springs he broke out laughing. Catching the attention of Crystal. "Sorry....Sorry. It is just funny that you dream of this when it is just down the hall from us." He walked over to her in the water. "Makes me not want to feed on this dream and just watch you. I guess you really do love the hotsprings." She gave him the look asking him if she needed to repeat herself. He shook his head. "Alright. Alright. I get the point. I will feed, just don't hate me if your dream turns to sour. Guess you could always relax tomorrow like this anyways."


He walked into the pool with her to talk while he absorbed the nourishing dream. "So what got you started in working with crystal?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


The mare had her eyes closed when she heard laughter.  Not just any too,  but her friendly neighbourhood dream eater's.


"Daaamn, so it's just a dream then? Ice and snow..." She opened her eyes and there he was, coming towards her and trying to regain that stone faced composure.


Crystal Clear shrugged and raised the glass. "I believe Equestrian ponies call it chilling, or something like that. I never read the whole "Abridged Guide to Modern Equestria" the court issued to every household. You could use it as a hammer, it was that big... Anyway, I guess I do like my springs hot, yeah. The dream made a few improvements too." Of course she had to down the whole glass in one swing to prove her point. As previously,  it became full as soon as she laid it down. Besides, I can't spend too much time in the real one or I doze off. And since you can't sleep in your own dream..." Crystal splashed the water with her forelegs, but also gave him her patented look as she finally caught that Nightmare said he didn't want to feed. She smiled when the stallion announced he will oblige to her wish and feed, however. "Remember, it's just a dream, nothing more. And let's be frank, this one holds no importance whatsoever, so feel free to suck all of it if you're hungry. It's on the house anyway. " She made a wide gesture with her forelegs,  as if presenting the entire cavern.


She must've looked funny when she saw Nightmare stepping into the water. Knowing the stallion didn't like putting his fires out she expected him to stay clear if the water. Thankfully he asked her a question before her brain started kicking itself.


"Well, it's a long story... Alright it isn't, it just started ober a thousand years ago. So I was a little schoolfilly, six years old or so, when my parents took me to the Crystal Fair. No big deal, we used to have them a couple times every year, but it was the first time I was old enough to join some new activities for the young ones.  Funny, but I was so reluctant to try my hoof in a little competition set up by the Guild that my parents had to bribe me with sweets. Mom later said she had a hunch, but I guess they tried it randomly. So that was the first time I worked crystal.  With professional help and oversight of course, we had to use real tool, after all. I made a stand for my first pyrite cube that dad bought me. It's in the heart of that golden monstrosity you saw in my apartment, by the way... So I made a thing, but didn't win. They let us keep our creations but instead of grabbing it and dashing home with something new to show off, I began whining how I don't want to keep it, pointing every single flaw it had. Well, I never really finished ranting because I was interrupted with my stupid brother poking my flank and getting all worked up about my new cutie mark. And so my fate was sealed... The Guild member who was keeping watch over me took it as a cue I was a mender and took me in for apprenticeship. ...And a thousand years later here I am, a Master of Crystal with her own workshop. Took me a while if I put it like that." She chuckled at her own remark, and noticed the gramophone was now playing some indistinguishable cacophony instead of her favourite tunes. Nightmare was indeed feeding, good.


"I can tell you a bit about my job, but some things are a secret of the trade, and sharing them puts a practitioner in all kinds of trouble,  so I'll skip some parts,  okay?"

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He listened to her story. Sitting in the hot spring with his tail still there. After all, it was not real water to extinguish it. "Funny how you say over a thousand years, but in reality did you not say it felt only a day had past for you?" He saw how Crystal was starting to get a bit annoyed with the music. Good things about dreams. If they start to turn soar, there is a way to fix it here and there. Have the dreamer think on what they like and turn there attention away from what was getting warped.


"So what kind of music do you often listen to?" With this cue, the mare started to think of something. This caused the machine to start playing that song. He sat there listening to it with her. Keeping his attention on other aspect of the dream that might start to warp. After all, he did not want her to be uncomfortable. "We will have all day tomorrow. What are your plans? Other than coming in here and bathing?"

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear waved a hoof in the air. "The Princess said we were effectively frozen in time, so for us, not a moment passed since the King's curse swallowed the city and spat it out all those years later. Truth be told, it was very confusing at first, on top of that blasted magical amnesia... Even now, few ponies travel outside of the Barrier." She sipped her drink and finished her thought in a darker tone. "I guess they feel so disconnected from the rest of the world, they choose to hide in our safe bubble of familiarity. But even there we can't just have our peace..."


She briefly considered tossing the glass into the gramophone, since it produced some really agonising sounds, when Nightmare inquired about her music taste. "Hmm... I like the music of my homeland, of course! Unfortunately, the only way to enjoy it is to attend a concert or other live performance. Once I discovered these things (she pointed at the gramophone) I tried to get a grip on Equestrian music, since that's what they play. I admit, this modern music is just annoying noise to me, but some pieces they consider "classical" were good enough to make a purchase. So now it's not so eerie and silent in my house anymore. I'm not very knowledgeable about the ins and outs of Equestrian music, but I quickly grew fond of piano and cello duets, and went with that."


The mare batted her ear and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Have you... fixed the dream somehow? It plays normally again. Thanks." She smiled at the stallion, who asked her another question.


"Don't know really. I guess I'll spend some time here, to relax and warm up before the journey ahead but other than that? We'll have to pack our stuff, choose what to take with us, maybe set up a camp so we won't have to forage again when we come back... I guess I'll come up with something to do."


She cocked her head slightly as she pondered over something, and decided to ask a question of her own. "So... while you're here, are you also asleep? I've been wondering how you do it, or whether you sleep at all."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


He gave a yawn before he answered her question. "I basically enter your dream world. Full body and all. So while you are sleeping, I am not." He started listening to the music coming from the gramophone.


Crystal started asking him more and more about how he dose it and what it feels like. However, the music was enchanting and she soon notice that the stallion had fallen asleep. He began to dream himself. Something a nightmare should never do in someone else's dream. For Crystal no longer found her self in that hotspring cave but a land of sand. Nightmare was no longer by her side. She was by herself in this new land.


It was night out, the stars were not in the same place in the sky as her Crystal Empire. Off in the distance she saw a town. Well what looked like a town, could just be rocks off in the distance. Calling out for Nightmare she headed in that direction.


Nightmare found himself as a young colt. Standing watch outside a house. Inside his family was feeding on the dreams of others. The competition in full swing. Several ponies were yelling in their sleep. For their nightmares were bad from the feeders. It was his turn to keep watch, this town had patrols out. They knew exactly what their kind was and kept a look out for them. He was not really paying attention however, but was just digging a trench into the sand. He did not notice the patrols that had spotted him. He only realized it when he heard the warning horns being blown. He called out to his family who then heard him and exited the dreams they had crafted into horrors.


As Crystal got close to the town, now that it indeed looked like a town made from mud and bricks, she heard a commotion. She looked down the street to see five black ponies with manes and tails of fire being chased by other ponies half their sizes, except for the youngest one that was their size. As they drew near her, she jumped out of their way to avoid being trampled and caught a quick glance at the young colt. The same cutie mark on his flank as Nightmare Season.


As the rest of them past her, one of the guards threw a spear at them. It caught Nightmare Season slightly on his flank and cut him before landing to the ground. He tripped from the pain and rolled to the ground. Before the angry mob managed to get to him, one of the older stallions turned and came back, horn a glow. A great flame shot out of his horn and produced a wall of fire between the crowed and the colt trying to stand up. He ran for Nightmare and gave him a shove to his feet before the next few spears were flown at them. They managed to escape into the rocky mountains that were off in the distance. She decided to follow them.


When Crystal managed to catch up to them in the rocky mountains she discovered a cave. Inside she heard yelling. "All you had to do was keep watch. WHY CAN"T YOU DO THAT?" She went in hesitantly at first to see what was going on.


Nightmare's parents were yelling at him once again. His two siblings just sitting down listening. "I'm sorry. But I did warn you before it got to late." He responded. "That is not the point. You should have seen them a lot sooner a dealt with them before they raised the alarm. Why can't you be more like your brother and sister?" He lowered his head at this response from his father. "You are a nightmare. You need to act more like it and be proud and be like the rest of your family."


As Crystal peeked around the corner she saw the young colt sheepish before the two massive ponies before him. Now that she got a good look at them, she became frightened. Those eyes were eyes of evil. She had seen them before, on Sombra. With them yelling at that poor colt made her want to flee. However, soon the young colt ran out. Right past her and out of the cave. She decided to go after him. At least he did not send a chill down her spin just from the presence the others gave off. As she left she could hear them laughing at the colt and then start comparing the nightmares they cause to see who was the winner.


When she finally found the colt, it had turned to day. The passages in the mountains were like a maze. She came upon a small oasis that was hidden in the cliffs. By the water's edge she saw the young colt. Sad and heart broken, yet no tears came to his eyes. She approached him to speak to him. As she spoke she found out her voice did not carry to his ears. Could he not hear her? She tried to touch him to get his attention instead. Sadly her hoof past right through him. Seems that unlike him in her dreams, she could not interact with him in his. All she could do was catch a ride to see his past in his dream world.


After a few moments he looked around the little paradise of his. Looking to see if he was alone. When the coast was clear he went over to a good size rock and moved it aside. There he pulled out a very old piece of parchment that was rolled up. When he opened it up Crystal could see what was on it. There it depicted a sleeping pony with a dream in her head. Inside it was another pony. Not a black nightmare but instead what looked like a white version of one. The dream looked happy and pleasant as the nightmare looked to be eating the bad parts only. At another place on the parchment looked to be a normal tree. However under the ground the roots were depicted in varying colors. The roots that Nightmare season had.


After a few moments a shadow appeared blocking out the sun over the colt. As soon as she looked up. Fear grabbed hold of her. It was his father, nightmare also looked up after trying to hide the parchment. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" The large nightmare yelled at his son. It was to late, he already saw the parchment and pushed the colt aside. "What is this? The legend of the daymare? You dare try and insult us with this Season? This is just a mare's tale they made up to give them hope against us. Stop trying to dream of being something else. I will not allow it." With that he shot a flame at the paper catching it a blaze. "When you stop being worthless, get back to the house and go to sleep. You worthless son of mine. Also it seems your Sister won the match and will pick which town we head to at twilight. You should congratulate her." With that the stallion left. Crystal hiding behind a rock from the sear presence he had.


Now the young colt was really sad and upset. His little treasure was gone in flames. A rumble from his stomach was heard, seems he had not eaten in a long time. Was this the time he had told her before? Were he almost gave up and just excepted his fate? He got up and ran off, deeper into the mountains. She followed him. At least he made better company than his family. After about an hour of getting lost in the mountains, his path was blocked. A giant cat like creature made of sand was on the ledge before him. Before he had a moment to react it pounced at him. Right before it landed on him. He shot a flame from his horn at it. It exploded violently, for this flame was even stronger than his brother's that created the wall the night before. With the shock it knocked both the colt and Crystal off the ledge.


Crystal found herself at the bottom of the raven. She was perfectly fine. When she looked around she noticed the young Nightmare Season was not. He was badly wounded. Try as she might, there was nothing she could do. It was like she was not even there. A few seconds past that seemed like hours to her. He finally opened his eyes. Struggling to get up, he managed to find his hooves below him and limped off. After a short hike, he found a small tree that he laid under.


After nightmare managed to get his senses back, he noticed the tree and the roots exposed. He broke one off and looked at it. "This......could it be? It looks like the root in the picture." With that he bit into it. His face instantly went into discussed. "Ugg... It is horrible. But...A hint of a dream in it." He went back and forced himself to eat the root. "It is. It has dreams stored in the roots. I need to show my family this. The legends are true after all." As he gathered up the roots, everything seemed to go blurry and fade. After some point Crystal found herself wakening up in the bed. She quickly shot a glance around the room. A cloud of smoke was seen forming into Nightmare Season on his mattress. He then seemed to have woke up.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal  Clear thought about Nightmare's answer. It sounded rather bizzare but you could say the same about the pony before her.


"Interesting... so you can actually get hurt in the dream? It seems scary to be vulnerable in another pony's dream, considering they can contain anything really... Nightmare? Are you okay?" She looked closely at the stallion and saw he was, in fact, asleep. "Huh, that's new..." Crystal noticed that the pool began emptying quickly and she jumped out of it, alarmed at the sudden change. What was even worse, she didn't land in stone,  but sand. Spooked and confused, she frantically looked around. Sand, damn sand everywhere she looked! Crystal looked at the sky but it seemed different, the stars were in different places. She scanned her surrounding do fast she nearly snapped her neck. Sand, sand and even more sand in the featureless landscape, all shrouded in the soft darkness of the night. She cried out in fear. "Nightmare? Nightmare Season! WHERE THE BUCK ARE YOU?!" The mare started to panic. Heart racing, breathing fast, she walked in circles and kept repeating. "I want to wake up I want to wake up I want to wake up". After nopony knows how many laps she tripped on her own legs and and fell flat on her face.


As she got up, slowly, she noticed something in the distance. A town? Or a huge rock maybe? No matter, it was something in the featureless sea of sand. The mare decided to wall towards it, calling her companion's name time and again but to no avail.


She didn't know how long she walked, buy after a small eternity she was approaching a town, and a strange one too. It seemed to be built from... earth? Or maybe mud and clay... Before she could settle on the right idea she heard a commotion and saw dark shapes running away, chased by ponies.  Nightmare ponies by the look of them,  five in total. Crystal had to jump out of their way to avoid getting run down. With the corner of her eye she noticed the smallest one had the same cutie mark like Nightmare. So it was his dream now? This was so confusing... She saw as the colt got injured and was saved by one of his own.  It seemed nopony noticed her however. Unsure what to do, she followed the nightmare ponies. If that was indeed Nightmare, maybe she could snap him out of it.


It was hard to keep up but finally, the mare reached a cave they entered.  She heard vicious yelling from inside and winced. It took a lot of willpower but she took a peek inside - the young one was mercilessly roasted by what seemed to be his parents. She felt sorry for the colt, knowing it was most probably her friend, dreaming his own dream. Young Nightmare suddenly ran out of the cave and Crystal nearly shouted in surprise. She didn't dare look back inside. Those ponies... she knew true evil. The king was it's essence. And they were the same... Feeling her legs shaking,  she followed the young Nightmare.


When she found him, the sun was up again. Nightmare was in a small oasis surrounded by sheer cliffs. Normally,  Crystal Clear would think it was pretty, but the heartbroken colt was too much to ignore. "Nightmare? Is it you?" She spoke out and slowly approached the colt. No reaction. She walked all the way to his side, talking to him, and still nothing. She tried to touch him but her hoof went through like vapour. She suddenly understood that she couldn't interact with this dream, only witness it and hope it will end. So she looked as the colt reached for his secret posession, much like she did back in her house. Despite knowing she won't be seen, she hid behind a rock when the large nightmare pony arrived. The mare couldn't help but feel sorry for the colt.


It seemed the dream was not yet over. The colt picked himself up after a while and walked deeper into the mountains.  Crystal followed him. Another small eternity if walking, this time on young Nightmare's tail.  At one moment however,  they were attacked by a strange beast the mare never even heard about. It looked like a wild cat from Manehattan Zoo, but was made of sand. Nightmare killed it but the blast of his magic blew them into a ravine...


Crystal shot up on her hooves the moment she could think straight again.  She looked herself over but it seemed she suffered no injury. Nightmare however... Despite knowing she couldn't do anything, the mare ran towards him and tried to wake him up, but her voice was not heard and her hooves passed through him. Finally he woke up with a painful groan, and Crystal exhaled in relief.  The colt got up,  albeit not easily,  and limped off in what seemed like a random direction. The mare was very concerned, but if it was a memory,  then things should end well, right?


She followed the hobbled colt as he took refuge under a small tree. It was... strange, but her dreaming companion looked on the verge of passing out and she was more interested in him than botanical observations. He came around soon enough, thankfully, and took interest in the tree and it's roots. Crystal brought her hoof to her chin and put the puzzle pieces together. "So this is when he found hope for the better life... when he was at the bottom of a pit of despair... So being rejected by his family will be next. I wish I didn't have to see this..."


By some twisted hand if fate, her wish was granted as the dream lost ficus and collapsed,  and she woke up.  She breathed in deeply and shot up in the bed, sitting upright and throwing her covers off herself.  A quick scan of the dorm revealed Nightmare Season materialising in his own bedding, and he also woke up.


Crystal Clear jumped off the bed and threw herself on the stallion's neck. "You're okay! I saw your dream when you dozed off in mine. I couldn't do anything and you didn't see me and I was scared we would get stuck in your dream or you'll get hurt for real and..." She trailed off and just clutched to his neck in a tight hug, but let go as she felt him struggling against her grip. "Sorry for that,  I just got so worried you know..." She looked down and traced circles on the floor, embarrassed by her actions. "So... are you okay?" She asked hesitantly.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


After he managed to free himself from her grip he stood up. Somewhat ashamed of himself. "I am alright now. What you saw was memories of the past. Whenever a nightmare falls asleep in a dream. The dreamer then is trapped in the memory of the nightmare." He walked over to the door and looked out to the main hall. Very very feint light could be seen through the main doors. A storm had indeed picked up in the night. "Seems we have a full day to do what we need to do, or want." He looked back at the pony circling a spot with her hoof. "You need not worry about it. Was my fault for sleeping in your dream after hearing the music."


He walked back over to her. "What part of my memory did you see? It was not a dream I was having, but a part of my memory that you saw."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


The mare just watched as the stallion got up and explained himself. This part she already figured out. The mention of doing whatever they want made her smirk, since they both had a decent idea what her pick would be. The smug expression faded as Nightmare walked over to her, however. She felt like she wasn't supposed to see what she did, despite Nightmare's insistence it was his fault.


She shivered slightly. A normal thing after leaving the warm bed and entering a chilly room but... maybe this time there was more to it?


Crystal Clear walked back to bed and sat on the edge, urging Nightmare Season to sit beside her. "It was rather long, so I'll just highlight the important parts, okay? So I found myself in a strange land of sand, a fair distance off some town made of mud and brick. Once I got near, you and your family were chased out of it by the townsponies. You got hurt but managed to flee. I don't know how old you were back then but you were roughly my height. I followed you into the mountains where your family hid in a cave. Your parents were mad and you ran away into someplace with a little lake between the cliffs, and your dad burned your scroll of the Daymare. Later you wandered the land until some kind of sand monster attacked you, throwing you into a ravine. Wounded and dazed, you limped under a strange tree and later ate it's roots. I presume these were the same dream roots you eat occasionally. The memory faded soon after and I woke up, end of story." She looked up at him, but couldn't read his expression very well. "So, that's what I saw... I'm sorry for what happenned." Unsure what to do, she just hugged him and kept quiet.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"So you saw my memory of when I first discovered the dream roots." He allowed her to hug him this time. This silly Mare. "If it was not for that moment, I would be completely different now. And as long as it was just that part and not my darker memories." He got up and went to his supply pile. "Think I will start to work on some snow shoes for me." He sat down and using his magic he started to weave the criss-cross pattern between some wood he had gathered.


After he had finished his shoes, he went to the wine storage room. There he looked around for a very specific item. He found it. He took it back to the hidden room Crystal had discovered. There he tapped into a barrel. He had found two glasses made out of wood and filled them up. He took both of them down to the hot springs where Crystal had found herself. "Got you something." He said as he past her a cup with her favorite drink in it.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal nodded. "Yeah, I figured as much..." He got up and the mare had to let go, albeit a bit reluctantly. It was... nice... sitting like that, clutched to the tall stallion. SHe stretched some more to get the last tendrils of sleepiness out and looked for a moment as Nightmare worked on his snow shoes. Since hers were already made, being found by him earlier on, she had no pressing duties herself. "Hmm, sometimes I envy the unicorn magic... I'll go for a light breakfast to the berry cavern, in case you'll need me. Promise I won't sleep in the water." She winked at the last remark, then she grabbed the comb and little mirror she found yesterday on the way out. Field conditions were no excuse to let one's coat become all messed up, after all.


Her glow-crystal was low on juice, but she made it to the cavern and hung it on the nearest glowing crystal to rechanrge. There was something strange about them, as if they didn't need a light source to fuel their glow. Or maybe they fuelled eachother? It seemed plausible...


The mare didn't even bother with grabbing a plate, opting to eat straight from the source. Heart knows when she'll eat fresh stuff next time? It took a while but she had her fill. Having satisfied her berry hunger, Crystal Clear sat on the warm stones near the hot spring and began brushing herself thoroughtly, getting rid of any knots and dust off her coat and tail. She refastened the ribbon on her dock too. Now, the main course. She unwrapped the ribbon holding her messed ponytail and let her mane hang loose. Deciding it will be easier that way, she hung the mirror on a nearby bush and began the calming ritual of setting her mane just right. With slow, practiced moves, she combed the mane straight down and to the sides, so she could see what she's doing. Then, she divided the hair into front and back, and tied the ponytail. Checking in the mirror that it's set correctly, only then did she comb the front in the desired style.


She heard hoofsteps as she finished and said without looking back. "I told you I won't sleep in the water... See? Not even a hoof wet." She waved her foreleg in the air to prove her claim. Miraculously, she had a clean snout as well, but this time because she cleaned herself up after wreaking havoc in the bushes. What came as a surprise was a levitating wooden cup that suddenly appeared in front of her, along with Nightmare's announcement. Crystal took it in her hooves and liiked inside, then sniffed. Her nose told no lies - it was her favourite booze. "Looks like somepony tapped into those barrels after all..." She turned around and saw Nightmare had a cup of his own, then smirked. "And who would have thought that you would open them first, huh? Seems like I have really bad influence on you..." Crystal Clear walked towards the stallion and gently clicked her cups in toast. "So what do we drink for? Oh I know, so that our dreams come true. I could drink for that." She sipped her drink, just a bit, instead of taking it all down the hatch like usually. It's not like she was a hoof shaking, delusional alcoholic, after all.


The crystal mare smiled at the nightmare pony and cocked her head a bit. "What? You thought I wouldn't resist and lay under the open tap? I have some measure of self-control." She sat on the warm stone and put her drink down. "So we have the whole day, right? Guess we might start with moving the sleigh near the entrance and deciding what to pack on it. Some foodstuffs, tools, bedrolls and maybe some materials would be my pick. That way we keep the essentials in our saddlebags in case we lost it somehow. I could trade my pick for a maul if they have one in that shelter, for self defence purposes. Also make some pebbled for the slingshot I found, could be useful... What do you think?"


She looked at the stallion expectantly, while fighting the battle of will with the thought to drink the rest of her cup's contents.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I opened up the barrel as a somewhat apology for forcing you to see my memory. So don't worry about being a bad influence on me. It will just be this one cup for me. He smiled to her. As for the sleigh. I already have it moved out to the main hall and the supplies stacked next to it. So today, just relax, feel good. For tomorrow we will begin possibly the hardest trek of our journey." With that he walked over to the hot spring and waded on in. His tail going out once more with a sizzle.


After Crystal had joined him he told her. "That parchment you saw being destroyed. It was the only clue I had to what a daymare is. The root was a step, but I do not know how to proceed from that point on. It is like a great mystery to me." He looked over at the mare reorganizing her cosmetic supplies. "One good thing about having flames for hair. Never have to comb it." He smirk at her. "Bad thing though..." He dunked his head under the water. Mane going out like a candle in the rain. When he came back up, he looked silly with no mane. "Water makes you look bad."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season


Crystal waved a hoof dismissively. "Don't be silly, it was an accident. Besides, I don't think I was in any danger - nopony could see or touch me and when we fell I didn't have a scratch on me."  She smiled back. "I'll give our supplies a look over anyway,  to have the idea what we have and where. Maybe add some stuff too. And I'll break down some rubble from that collapsed wall to have ammo for the slingshot. A well aimed hit to the head will mess up nearly anything I can think of."


The mare was somewhat surprised when Nightmare entered the hot spring and waved her in, but she just shrugged and jumped into the water, then took her spot near the edge of the pool, like yesterday. They had the whole day anyway so she could comb herself later. 


She listened to him speak.  Meanwhile she took the comb and retied her ponytail. It was a bit too tight. Once she was done she laid it by the edge. "I haven't seen what's on the parchment, but if you could tell me what you know about the daymare, maybe we could brainstorm about it..."


Crystal couldn't help but laugh at Nightmare Season's shenanigans. "Haha I guess you're right!" She untied her ponytail and shake her mane loose, smiling. Then she dived into the water and emerged soon after, soaking wet. "Guess I don't look much better when wet? No offence but I prefer hair for hair though." Crystal wiped loose hair off her face and got back on her spot, then with a serious, but warm expression she said. "Okay, so now tell me about the daymare. Everything you know. Maybe I'll give you some pointers."


She made herself comfortable and listened to the story.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"The story of the daymare... It is very short. Not much is known of it. The parchment I had was the only clue I had. So it was rumored that the daymare once was a nightmare. Somehow it discovered a way to eat nightmares and bad dreams and replace them with good dreams instead. So When ever it fed it brought about sweet dreams. Doing so turned his mane white. Somehow the roots from the tree depicted in it was somehow connected. Anything else after that is a mystery lost to the sands of time."


He pulled out a root using his magic from his saddle bag he had brought down to the hotspring with him. "This is the root from the parchment. The leaves of the tree look alike and the root changes colors just like in the parchment." He brought it over and placed it in Crystal's hoof. "This is the only clue I have left. I have found a few of these trees scattered in areas where magic seems to be amiss. Like Down South in a Forest that has those wolves of wood."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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@@Nightmare Season,


Crystal Clear sat comfortably while Nightmare Season told her the story. Well, what was known of it, at least.


Holding the strange root in her extended hoof, the mare took a good look at it, sniffed even, but wouldn't dare taste. As last she spoke. "Alright, take it back to your saddlebags, wouldn't want to make it wet." She sighed and rubbed her mesy mane in thought. "I can't add anything to that, but I do have an idea, however. You said those trees grow in some select places, right? And one is in the, uhh... Everfree Forest, as they call it. I think I recall correctly, the Equestrian ponies warned us about that place. Since the Empire is expecting your return to see the Princess, you could present your case to her and ask for aid in, say, converting your kind into daymares." She waved a hoof at him and chuckled. "I know, sounds far fetched, but believe me, stranger things have happenned. Maybe the Crystal Princess will lend her assistance, or at least grat you access to the library. We used to have the largest library in the known world, so maybe... I can back you up as a respcted citizen, that should make it easier." The mare shifted her position underwater and asked with a raised eyebrow. "So what do you think? Worth a shot, I dareay."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Getting it wet might improve the taste." He grind as he took it back and levitated it back to his saddle bags. "As for getting her to help me convert my kind to daymares. I already gave my family a chance to try and follow with me. They prefer their lif style more. As for me, maybe. But by the looks of my stash of roots. I will have to return to gather more right after we get your friend back." He looked at her. "You don't want to see a hungry nightmare." He gave her a wink. With that he felt his stay in the water was finished. He climbed on out without his tail and mane. He look just silly. He had to wait till he dried up before the flames burst back to life.


"So shall we go up and get everything ready for an early departure?" He asked her as he headed to the passage that would lead them up to the main hall.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC/Ponysona; Nightmare Season

My other OCs; Peony Springs

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