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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare rolled her eyes but then at the mention of 'being ordered' her eyes widen "You said you were ordered..does that mean that my father is here?" she asks, as she quickly and nervously holds Crys' hand, she knew her father approved but she was still kind of nervous about it all. Shew as also more nervous about the whole thing with the Count. She looks to Crys, "Come on, if father is here, then that will mean Celeste is as well" 


Celeste smiles as she holds her father's hand and goes to the court yard, "What do you think they look like in armor? I bet they look all strong and brave.." she says with a soft giggle, even though she was nearly of age, she still acted like a filly a lot of the time, she believed there's no fun in being serious all the time.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The guard looked at the princess, puzzled. "Well, where else would he be in not in the capital?"


Crys nodded to her fiance. "Seems plausible. Now let's get going, I have a long talk ahead of me..." She looked at the guard who took the reins of her oxen. "Instruct the stables to give her the best they've got, and if they complain, say I'll pay. Oh and just leave the cart loaded somewhere, we'll pick our things later."


The mares were guided by one of the guards through the maze of corridors inside the city walls until they finally saw sunlight again. It seemed they were in the guard barracks beneath the palace, which rested atop a hill. Their guide led them through some more corridors and staircases and after a little while they found themselves within the familliar walls of the Royal Palace, nearing the main courtyard.


Justice Sword looked at his daughter and couldn't help but share at least some of her enthusiasm. "Well only one way to find out right? But I bet they look good in it, they're knights after all."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Home sweet home" Clare says as she feels a bit more at ease 'And as for your remark earlier dear, you know that father is away at court a lot, so if he's able to command the guards to greet us and lead us to the courtyard, then it means that he isn't at court and is free to see us like this" she says with a giggle, as she holds her fiance close and giggling as there were a few groans from some of the guards, she jokingly shoots them an angry glare "If you've got nothing to do than groan at me and the Countess being taken, then resume your posts" she then giggles and kisses Crys happily swishing her tail and hips just to tease the guards.


Celeste saw from her spot in the courtyard and giggles "Aaw look daddy, big sis and cousin look so happy together, and they look so beautiful in their armors, so strong and brave as well" she says, holding his hand and waving excitedly to them.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear gave Clarissa a curious look as she have her a hug and answered: "How a lowly countess such as myself may know the ways of the princes? You surely seem to be fond on lower classes as of late." She nudged Clare playfully and said "just kidding", but once her fiance gave the guards all the more reason to be jealous, she couldn't help but laugh at such obvious show of her... assets. She quickly regained her composure when they entered the main courtyard, and she saw the prince and Cleleste near the palace entrance. "Look sharp, your father's up there." The crystal mare nudged Clare and said quietly to her. They both walked towards the main entrance, where Crystal Clear curtseyd formally and adressed the ponies before her: "Your highnesses, I brought her highness, safe and unharmed, despite the crimson on her armor."


The Crown Prince keenly observed that the countess straightened up when she saw him. Good she still knew the hierarchy in the realm. He adressed his younger daughter: "Indeed they do, fine knights and a happy couple they turned out..."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare chuckles and then rolls her eyes as she just simply runs to her father and hugs him tightly, "Daddy!" she squeals and continues to hug him tightly "I've missed you and little sis so much, but I've had a lot of things to think about when at the academy" she says gently and nuzzles him, then sees her sister and pulls her in for a big hug "Missed you so much little sis, ooh I found the perfect colt for you! He's hard working, humble and very sweet and gentle! Not to mention he is also quite handsome!" she giggles and dances around with Celeste.


Celeste giggles and hugs her sister back before they start dancing around " Oh? what is his name? I'd love to meet him~"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The Crown Prince had a pretty decent idea what was about to happen, and showed no surprise when his daughter ran towards him and hugged him, then her sister. "Heh, we missed you too Clarissa, we really did. Now that you're back from the academy I bet you have all kinds of stories to tell." He looked at Crystal who looked out of her element in what was a small family reunion. "We knew you were coming and arranged a guest room for your convenience. I bet you're eager to take that plate off. Oh, and your father wanted a word with you. He's around somewhere."


Crys stood to the side, waiting for the family moment to pass. She wondered if she'dd ever stop feeling awkward as the third wheel when they bonded with eachother like that. She smiled back at the prince when he adressed her: "Thank you. Truth be told, I got used to wearing all that metal, but a change intosomething more... feminine woudln't hurt." The mare was a bit alarmed by the mention of her father, as if he would walk out of some shadow anddrag her for that "word" he wanted to have with her. Fortunately he didn't show up just yet.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles and nods as she hugs her father again "Plenty of stories, some of which that..are not really suitable for little ears to hear" she says as she looks to her sister who was happily skipping around her fiance and she smiles "Father, we met Quill Dip on the way here, is what he says true? The old mage we came across a few years back has taken his place?" she asks, then shakes her head "regardless, we've offered a place for him with us whenever we find somewhere to settle down" she then smiles wider at Crys' remark "and I agree, I'd love to get out of this armor and into a dress or gown for a change."


Ceelste was giggling and skipping around Crys "So you two finally confessed to each other? That is so sweet! I knew she had feelings for you for ages, but knew she would tell you in her own time, when she was ready~" she coos and hugs Crys tightly. "So, big sister also tells me that you two found a colt for me, who is it? Is he nice? is he cute?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


 Justice Sword knew that look on hus daughter. "Well, they didn't get along at all, and when I had to choose... I chose the more powerful advisor. Not to meanion his vast expierience. I offered Quill Dipsome other position but... you know him. All or nothing for this one. So he packed up and left for the lonesome tower I found him in ll those years ago. Still, I bet he'll be a very good advisor and wizard in your new... home. Wherever that might be."


Crystal Clear shook her head playfully at the younger mare's antics. "Calm down, you, who's going to spar with me if you'll spend your breath skipping around like that? Besides, you know how dense we can both be, no wonder it took us so long but I assure you, your sister is grrrreat. She even put a ring on me, so I gues there's no turning back now. Not hat I ever wanted in the first place." She took off her gauntlet to show the ring. "As for you, I'm no expert in colts so you'll have to see for yourself, but I do have a good feeling abut this whole biz. Give us a bit to feel like civilised mares again and we'll go meet him okay? Now if you'll excuse me, I need to check on our cargo and the trusty animal that pulled it all the way here. I'll be in the guest room if you need me."


And with that, she made herself scarce fro the presence of the royal family. Crystal walked to the stables where she saw to Betsy, and dispatched the goods from the cart - her stuff to her room, Clarissa'a things to her chambers, and food with other supplies to the respective facilities within the palace. No point hoarding kindling and cheese. Onlyonce these urgent matters were resolved did she go to the guest room she was usually given.


The mare walked through the palace, seeing known and unknown faces all around, greeting with some and avoiding others. Finally she made it to her room, closed the door and leaned on them with a deep sigh. "Ohh, so far so good. Let's just hope things go more or less alright with dad too..."


She began unpacking her things, and changed into a nice, beep blue dress that reached all the way to her ankles. Fornow the mare opted against any hoofboots.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste nods and calms down "I'm sorry cousin, it's just I hadn't seen you two in a long time and I'm so excited to meet this colt" she says softly as she walks over to her sister and holds her hand "Older sister, tell me about this colt please?" she asks politely.


Clare smiles and sits down, putting her sister into her lap and hugs her close "Well, his name is Dustyhooves, he is the stablecolt at the inn at the cove.. his father owns the inn by the way. He's vey hard working, honest, caring and loving. Not to mention he is pretty cute too" she says with a giggle


"S-so that's his name, I-I've seen him a couple times when he comes here with his father to get more supplies, h-he is rather cute"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Justice Sword observed his daughters talking about colts and such. He sighed and smiled at them both. "Look at you girls,  it seems like yesterday when all you wanted were plush toys and pretty dresses, and now you're both headed straight towards marriage... How the time flies..."


He extended his arms and announced: "One last family hug before you leave me here alone and start your own families?"



Meanwhile, Crystal Clear decided to clean up herself and her gear. She asked for a bath and some fresh water to clean off the blood off her armor.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare and Celeste hugs him tightly "I know father, but you'll always have a place in our homes, right little sister?" she asks her sister who nods and nuzzles into her chest "Now I'm sorry dear, but I need to clean up before we go to meet Dusty" she says, hugging her sister once more and kissing her forehead before getting up. "I will let you know when it is time to go, but for now..I think my fiance is awaiting me" she says and goes up to her chambers.


She closes the door behind her and smiles "room for one more?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The prince hugged his daughters tightly. "Thanks girls.  It'll be awfully empty in these halls without you so... visit your old father every now and then?"

He nodded to Ckarissa. "Fine, I'll be in my chambers if you need me. We need to talk about your recent 'adventures' dear." He faced Celeste and motioned her inside the palace. "Come on, we need to outfit you for the trip my little dame." They walked deeper into the palace.


Crystal Clear was halfway done with cleaning her armor when the servants readied her warm bath.  She thanked the serfs and decided to take the opportunity while the water was nice and warm. She undressed and settled in the wooden bath. She was already soaking for a couple of minutes when she heard the door open. Whoever just entered couldn't see her - she was in the next room but still, this was no time for visitors.


The familiar voice put her at ease. "Geez Clare, you scared me! But since you're asking, come on in, there's always room for you." Crystal Clear grinned as Clarissa entered the room where she was having a bath.  It was safe to assume the pegasus liked what she saw. Wings don't lie.  "Aww, what a cute wingie you have there. Come on, join me."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare blushes but joins her fiance and closest friend in the tub "ahh, luxury at last" she says in a rather soft and sensual tone "So, how's our bovine friend doing? Enjoying the good stuff I bet" she says with a chuckle and leans back while closing her eyes "I think father is quite excited to meet our young stablecolt, I guess he just wants to meet his prospective son in law" she giggles and falls asleep in the water.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys appreciated the view and replied in a casual tone: "Well, the inn wasn't bad either. Shame it got so wrecked..." She resumed scrubbing away any traces of dirt from her coat and continued adressing her fiance's questions. "Actually, she was resting when I checked up on her. Seems the cart was rather heavy for her this time, loaded with all the Academy stuff. We'll need to get rid of at least some gear to lighten the load, but it shouldn't be a problem - we don't need half of the things they wanted us to bring to the Academy anyway."


She didn't notice that Clare dozed off in the warm water, and continued talking while she cleaned herself up. "I can't blame him for once, at least one of his daughters turned out straight, right? And from what he heard Dusty is good stock, so he has a decent prospect for a handful of healthy grandfoals. Even better that Celeste seems excited abut the prospect of actually meeting him." Crys looked at her fiance, who didn't continue their converation. "Are you...? Asleep, yeah." The mare shrugged and resumed her cleaning routine, mindful not to disturb her companion. All in all, she looked rather cute while sleeping. Once Crystal was done, she gently stepped out of the water and patted herself dry with a fresh towel. Later on, she walked to a mirror and combed her coat, then styled her mane and tail. Since Clare didn't wake up yet, she decided to have a seat on a nearby chair, hiden from sight of anypony who would walk inside her guest chambers, while allowing her to keep an eye on Clare, so she won't drown in the tub. The mare decided against dressing up just yet, prefering to let her coat dry completely.

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@@Raven Rawne,


About twenty minutes later, Clare wakes up and looks at her marefriend sitting on the edge of the bed "Mm thanks for letting me nap sweetie, and yeah you are right, though but he's always been open minded to an extent" she says as she gets out of the tub and starts to dry off "and yeah, poor Betsy, I can't imagine all that gear plus a full grown mare could have been easy on her, but she loyally carried our gear and me every time" she says as she takes out a framed photograph of the oxen and puts it on her bedside table "I'll never forget the moment that we first saw her as a tiny baby calf. the moment that our eyes met hers and she instantly melted our hearts"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


It took several minutes until Crystal Clear decided her coat was, indeed, completely dry. Since Clarissa was still sleeping, and she couldn't bring herself to wake her up, cleaning armor or other noisy activities were out of the question. The mare was sitting cross-legged on the chair, tapping a hoof in the air and considering her options. Crys decided to gove herself a look over in the nearby tall mirror, since she didn't have tne opportunity since the last break in the Academy - that's a few months actually. She walked towards the mirror, trying to keep her hoofsteps quiet on the wooden floor. Clare shifted a little in her sleep but didn't wake up. Crys gave herself an appraising look in the mirror. Well, she still looked more than okay but the Academy left it's mark on her - gentle cueves were replaced by sharp lines as the soft padding dissolved into muscle. She sighed - it will take a while to look what she considered normal again...


She walked over to a nearby bed and sat on the edge, still waiting for Clare to wake up. Sure enough, she did a few moments later. Crys smiled widely at her marefriend and waved a hand dismissively "You know I can't bring myself to just waking you up, you're too damn cute while sleeping..." She smirked at Clare's remark about her father. "Oh come on, give him some credit. He's taking it all really well. His eldest daughter puts a ring on a local noble, who's also a mare. The Houses that vied for your hand will be mad that their colts weren't chosen for marriage." She tapped a finger on her chin, thinking about something, then continiuing in a contemplative tone. "Well the obvious scandal that our relationship will cause amongst the straight laced, prim and proper ponies is also something to consider. A small niusance for me, but for him... Some may hold it against him, as if he somewhat couldn't raise you the right way." Crys brought her arms up in the air and stretched her back, purring slightly, and continued. "As for your cunning plan to hook up Celeste with Dustyhooves, again, the young couple may be the happiest ponies in the world - except us that is - but it's another scandal a-brewin'. Cut him some slack, he's doing really fine all things considered."


Crystal Clear shooked her head at Clarissa's remark. "Next time you're walking beside me then. We also need to make some compromises on our luggage and war gear - we're in no shortage of violent surprises as of late, so, sadly, we'll have to haul at least some basic weapons at all time..." She glanced at the picture, then at Clare. "Sometimes I wonder who you love more... But yeah, she's a great friend."


The red mare bit her lower lip as she glanced at the bed, then rose on her hooves. "As much as I'd like to ruffle those feathers a bit, I need to clean up this gear and find my father - if I keep avoiding him, it'll only get worse." She picked up a gauntlet from a nearby table and proceeded to clean it with a wet rag, then patted it dry with another one. She didn't bother dressing up for a potentially messy task - she had only a couple sets of clothes, too few to stain them recklessly. "So what are your plans for the evening, dear?" - She asked over her shoulder.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare yawns and gets into her nightgown as she lays down on the bed "Honestly nap until dinner time, I might visit Betsy and see how she is doing" she says with a nod of her head  She then smiles at Crys' remark about Betsy "you know I love you more," she says, closing her eyes and enjoying the comfort of the large bed, she sighs softly "Best of luck with your father, and you know I give mine as much credit as possible, but you are right, everything is bound to cause some trouble of some sort," she says as she drifts back into a deep sleep, snuggling up to Wolfie.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys was still busy with her armor when Clare decided to sleep some more. She turned around to face her, smiling. "Alright, I'll go see father and pick you up for dinner. Or so I hope. If the meeting gets long, I'll come straight to the great hall okay?" She gazed on her marefriend for a bit, watching her ger comfortable for sleep, then returned to her task - she was nearly done with cleaning her gear anyway.


Some time later, once her entire armor was on the display rack, cleaned up and checked, the mare decided to get dressed and meet her destiny - that is, her father in this case. She opted for the long blue dress again - simple and elegant, just how she liked it. Crystal pulld the ring on her finger, resigning from any other jewelry, lest it might be unnoticed in a crowd. She chose not to wear any hoofboots, she liked to feel the wood and stone under her hooves. Besides, the Palace was a really clean place. She checked herself in the mirror for the last time and quietly walked out of the room, anxsiously spinning the ring on her finger.



It was past eight when she returned to these chambers. The meeting with her father was a long one, and she didn't have the time to pick up Clare, but the princess managed on her own. Now, finally nited once more, they walked inside, chatting.


The red mare let her fiance in first and announced: "A month of feasts like this one and I'll look pregnant! But it was so hard to pass on all those goodies, not after the Academy chow... Suffice to say, I'm spent for today. Least my "little talk" with father turned out okay, more or less."

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys was still busy with her armor when Clare decided to sleep some more. She turned around to face her, smiling. "Alright, I'll go see father and pick you up for dinner. Or so I hope. If the meeting gets long, I'll come straight to the great hall okay?" She gazed on her marefriend for a bit, watching her ger comfortable for sleep, then returned to her task - she was nearly done with cleaning her gear anyway.


Some time later, once her entire armor was on the display rack, cleaned up and checked, the mare decided to get dressed and meet her destiny - that is, her father in this case. She opted for the long blue dress again - simple and elegant, just how she liked it. Crystal pulld the ring on her finger, resigning from any other jewelry, lest it might be unnoticed in a crowd. She chose not to wear any hoofboots, she liked to feel the wood and stone under her hooves. Besides, the Palace was a really clean place. She checked herself in the mirror for the last time and quietly walked out of the room, anxsiously spinning the ring on her finger.



It was past eight when she returned to these chambers. The meeting with her father was a long one, and she didn't have the time to pick up Clare, but the princess managed on her own. Now, finally nited once more, they walked inside, chatting.


The red mare let her fiance in first and announced: "A month of feasts like this one and I'll look pregnant! But it was so hard to pass on all those goodies, not after the Academy chow... Suffice to say, I'm spent for today. Least my "little talk" with father turned out okay, more or less."

Clare didn't quite like the sound of that "more or less? Something wrong sweetheart?" She asks, holding her close and finding it hard not to giggle at her fiancé's temark about the food "i can imagine the scandal that'd bring about" she says, finally giggling "Countess pregnant with unknown stallion" she says rolling her eyes

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The crystal mare hugged back her fiance, feeling her warmth. She stood like that, holding Clare and resting her head on her shoulder. The giggling pegasi made her smirk, "Heh, it would make a funny prank, if it wouldn't mean I haven't been loyal to you dear." She noticed that her armor was draped over with a huge black sheet of cloth, obscuring it entirely. Strange, she didn't cover it like that...


Crystal let go of her marefriend, albeit regretfully, took a step back and smoothed her dress on her belly, looking at the small bulge. "Daamn, I really overdid myself by the table..." She took a seat on a nearby chair, slready she felt rather sleepy from overeating. With a sigh, she started: "Well... for the most part, we kind of... agreed to disagree." She bit her lower lip as she considered her next words. "So, he's not mad at me and won't renounce me or whatever, but he made it pretty obvious that this isn't what he wanted for me. Seems I messed up a lucrative marriage deal he was nursing for some time, you know. But it seems your social status softened the blow for him - marrying a princess isn't half bad in his grand scheme it seems, and he made it plain that, despite the dissapointment he feels from being robbed from the opportunity to have crystal - or any, grandfoals from me, he'll respect my life choices." She scratched her ear and looked at Clare, unsure of herself. "So, I guess it could've been worse, right? Least I have a non-agression treaty with him, and maybe with time he'll warm up to the reality."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods as she flops onto the bed with a sigh "Well, it's a start, I'm just glad he wasn't going to tear us apart, I'd be totally devastated" she says and cuddles up to Wolfy and slowly closes her eyes "So, how are we going to dress for tomorrow when we go to let our little Celeste meet our Dustyhooves? Like actual princesses or like the knights that we are?" she asks with a small giggle "though I'm sure our fathers would want us to be all prettied up"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys chuckled humorlesly: "Like I'd allow THAT to happen..."


She slowly rose to her hooves. That drape over her armor bugged her. "I'd like to wear something nice, but casual enough not to stand out too much... Maybe just shirts with jackets for warmth? With pants of course. We could take a blade each just in case too. I just don't feel like visiting Flounder Cove with enough gold on me to buy the village tenfold, and neither am I thrilled with wearing plate for nothing. What do you think?"


The mare slowly walked over to the armor stand and pulled the fabric out of it. She announced with a whistle: "Well well... seems he didn't lie, it is a fine graduation present."


Her eyes saw a new set of armour - a mix of plate and sturdy jack, jet black metal with red cloth and gold accents. It had a visored helmet, much like the previous one, but with added protection for the back of the neck. The breastplate was a unique design, based on the old set she found in the ruins. Segmented midsection allowed movement with her waist without compromising protection. The gaps between shoulderpads, elbow guards and long gauntlets weren't secured with mail, but the gambeson underneath had leather straps for added protection. The legs weren't as covered either - only plate sabatons and greaves, leaving the thighs unprotected if not for the ankle long, padded coat reinforced with leather strips and sewn mail up to the knees. This time there was no wolf cloak.


Crystal stood in front of her graduation gift, speechless.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare whistles at the gift "Wow, that's amazing love" she says and closes her eyes 'Not as amazing as the gift I got..." she says then smiles "wanna know what it was? Take a look on your finger darling"  she says softly "well that was part of it at least" she says and snuggles up to Wolfie as she slowly drifts off to sleep, dreaming of her wedding to her beat friend now fiance.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal turned to face Clarissa, with a wide grin on her face. "I know right! Told You Master Vice Grip knows his trade. And this set will be that much ligher than my Academy one too!" She looked a bit puzzled as Clare mentioned her gift, until it dawned upon her when she mentioned the ring. Crys brought her hand up and lookd at it, oblivious to the fact that Clare was already drifting off to sleep. "Heh, I can't argue with that now can I? Although if you put it tnat way, your gift is way better than my dad's, and I mean waaaay better!" She looked at the pegasus and noticed she fell asleep. "Already? Well guess I'll be joining you soon enough then."


A big yawn and the overall fleeling of tiredness after an eventful day, and a huge meal, were enough evidence that it was high time to catch some Z's. Crystal stripped off her dress and hung it in a wardrobe, then took her nightgown out of it and put it on. She walked to the bed and snuggled to Clare, then fell asleep.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and says in her sleep "That ring darling, was actually partly my father's gift to me, as it belonged to mother, that is how much I love you" she says as she then closes her eyes.


Some time later, she stirs in the middle of the night and as she opens her eyes, she sees that Celeste and crawled into the bed in between them.  She smiles and gently holds her close and strokes her mane "just like old times" she says sleepily and closes her eyes again.


*the next morning*


As the sun managed to peek through the curtains, Clare opens her eyes once more and yawns "Mmm morning again?" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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