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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear woke up, feeling movement in the bed. She had no idea if it's night or day, only that the mare next to her wasn't moving, and she still felt somepony moved in the bed. Weird. She laid still for a moment, but finally her curiosity won over the desider to sleep some more. The mare freed a hand and rubbed one eye to make it open.


"Did I go out at night and bed some random mare?" - she thought to herself as her mind only started working, and alrady had a puzzle to solve - where she expected her finace, there was somepony else. She rubbed the other eye open and took a better look at her surroundings. So she was in her bed, at least that much was correct. It took a moment to registere that next to her was Celeste - been a while since she pulled a stunt like this. Crys took a mental note to sleep decently with Clare with her around... The crystal mare proped herself on her elbows and was greeted with a blinding ray of sunlight directly into her face. She goaned in protest and turned her head away from the light. Only then did she see Clare. "mmm, hello sweetie, seems like we had company this time round." She nodded at Celeste.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles and nods "Just like old times, I guess she missed us a whole lot, just like we had" she remarks and gets up to begin getting dressed "Honestly, it was nice having her here, and I'll admit, she's grown into a really beautiful young mare, many a young colt and stallion will be jealous of her" she says and smiles as she gets into a nice skirt dress and jacket ensemble "there I think this is quite nice, nice enough for one of my status yet not so flashy as to draw attention"

Celeste stirs in her sleep as she mumbles something

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mare sat up in the bed and stretched, looking at sleeping Celeste, then replied: "Guess you're right, we used to sleep together when we were younger... Damn, the memory makes me feel so old." She slid oud of bed and stood on her hooves, stretching some more to get the sleepiness out of her system. Once she was finished, Crys combed her bed-mane straight back with her fingers. "Ahh, much better. Although I doubt she'll keep us company now that she's one step from getting a colt herself." An appraising look at Clare: "Well, you know how I like you most, but this getup is really, really nice." The red mare walked towards the wardrobe, opened it and thought about her ensemble for today.


"Hmm... those charcoal pants and knee high hoofboots are a must. Then a white shirt... ah, what the hay, let's take that nice black underbust corset and this cherry red knee length light coat!" She pouted slightly. "Where's a bombastic feathered hat when you need one... No matter, this will do nicely."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles "Well if things do go well with her and Dusty, she may want to move in with him, she loves the court scene, but she's just like us darling, She'd not want whoever she chooses to be with to be away from who and what makes them happy, and you and I both know how much Dusty adores little Rose Petal..mind you, who wouldn't, she is just so sweet" she says then whistles at what her fiance chose to wear "Perfect darling, suits you very well"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys was still deciding what to wear when Clare mused about Celeste's future. She giggled as a peculiar thought crossed her mind. "Hey, wouldn't it be hilarious if we bought Flounder Cove and they decided to live there? Just think of the double dates! Not to mention once they have a handful of foals, that would be fun."


She stepped into the room, showing her getup. "What do you think, love? Ah, knew you'd approve..." She tapped her chin in concentration and added. "Although a pair of fine gloves would make it even better..." Crys looked at the sleeping mare and sighed. "As much as I loathe waking up sleeping cuties, I guess she needs to get up. Could you give her a nudge while I go to the other room and get myself prepped? My coat needs some brushing, not to mention my bed mane." She blew her fiance a kiss and walked out to an adjacent room.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles as she kisses her fiance on the cheek and then goes  to wake Celeste up. She smiles over at the sleeping form of her sister and gently shakes her "Come on Celeste, wakey wakey, time to wake up, you surely don't want to miss meeting Dusty now do you?" she asks with a soft smile


Celeste slowly opens her eyes then pulls Clare into a snuggle, snuggling into her "mine" she says softly and nuzzles into Clare's fur and mane.


Clare giggles and looks over to Crys with a soft smile

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The crystal mare was about to disappear in the adjacent roomto get brushed and changed, but she just had to "intervene" - She leaned on the door frame and cleared her throat, then said to Celeste in a playful tone. "Nope, mine! Now let go of my marefriend, snuggle fiend! You;ll have your own stallion to keep you warm soon enough..."


She stayed to see if her fiance didn't need a rescue.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste pouts "B-but she's my b-big sister" she says as she lets go of a chuckling Clare, who hugs her and ruffles her mane.


"Come on little sis, you know Crys was just joking, now go on to your room to get changed and ready, I bet father already has a feast waiting for us before we set off, and he's probably already at the dining hall. Don't want to miss breakfast now do we?"


Celeste giggles and shakes her head before jumping off the bed and running to Crys to hug her before nuzzling her and running off to her room.


Clare chuckles "Sometimes I think she's more feminine than I am, I can hardly understand her at times" she laughs before getting up and brushing her mane and tail. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys smirked at the young mare's reaction. "She sure is, but she's also my future wife. Guess we'll have to figure it out eventually."


She didn't have much time to react as Celeste tackled her with an attack hug. The crystal mare just spread her arms, still laden with her choice of attire, and braced for it, laughing. Once she was off to her room, Crystal Clear dropped her clothes, along with the nightgown. on the bed and proceeded to brushing her coat. "She's just more spontanious and childlike. Don't worry, you're feminine enough for me anyway." The crystal mare gave herself a quick brush of the entire coat, and proceeded to dress up. She'll take care of her mane and tail once she's dressed.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and nods "That is true, and thanks love" she says as she wraps her arms around her and nuzzles into her neck "We've got a lot of work to do, working off all these hard edges on our bodies that all our time spent at the academy put on us" she says with a giggle, "And you are right, you know, it would be nice to have Celeste close to us if we do end up settling in Flounder Cove, I know father would rest at ease knowing that his baby angel has her big sister and cousin there to protect her"         

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear smiled at her fiance as she approached to her. The mare was halfway done with her preparations, having donned the pants and shirt. She sighed softly at the pleasant sensation the nuzzle gave her, and placed her hands on her fiance's hips, gently pulling her closer. Crys replied with a sly smile: "Oh don't worry about that, you're still hot as forge iron to me. Besides, all we need is good food and rest, and there's plenty of that around..." She moved in to return the nuzzle as Clare kept talking, and let her hands wonder to the base of the pegasus wings, caressing them. "Maybe Celeste would like to be the owner of the Cove? A wedding gift from us to them... Plenty of land to settle, after all. I doubt she'd be mad if we dropped in from time to time."


As much as she wanted to contiune her ministrations towards a happy ending for them both, the crystal mare decided that they had other priorities for today, and slowly wound down her impromptu wing massage.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare moaned softly and instantly fluffed up at the wing massage "Mmm are my wings really that alluring to you?" she giggles as she kisses her fiance on the lips before finishing brushing her mane and tail. "I highly doubt Celeste would mind if we dropped in from time to time" she says softly before nuzzling her and putting on her boots and tying them up. "I have a good feeling about today, I had a discussion with father about Flounder Cove's Lord and he's told me he's had problems with him from the start, and he also said he wouldn't mind giving us the land and the cove to cultivate and look after.." she smiles "Apparently, hes received numerous letters of praise about how we looked after the little ones that one day and how we helped defend the town from the raiders instead of just letting them take it"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


As the mares lips parted, Crystal smiled and replied in tone that left little for imagination: "Mhmm, I sure do love your fluffy flappers darling..." She stood for a moment, admiring her fiance as she fixed her mane and tail, then resumed her own preparations - she brushed her tail and donned her gorset and coat, then walked up to the mirror and styled her mane in her usual way.


She was nearly done by the mirror when Clare walek up to her for a nuzzle, and she returned it with an extra kiss in the neck. "Oh I'm sure they'll let us drop in from time to time, even if just to take care of their foals for a bit. haha!" She giggled at the thought of these two getting to work - something about Celeste being a mother was so surreal.


Crystal sat on the bed and tied her own boots while Clarissa relayed what her father said about the lord of Flounder Cove and their own intervention. Once she was done with the boots, she sighed and looked up at Clare. "Yeah... but they still paid the price of us merely being there. I asked my father to realocate some of my bits to buy building materials and pay the workers, should be enough to repair at least some of the damage... With luck, they'll start by theend of the week once they have the timber." She got up on her hooves and flexed them to make sure they're not tied too tightly. "All in all, I have mixed feelings about our time there."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods and smiles "I can just see that, our Celeste being a mother, but until then, she'd mother and fuss over little Rose Petal, I mean i was so close to adopting her myself if Dusty's family hadn't already" she says with a shake of her head "Maybe you're right, maybe it would be better if Celeste and Dusty were the Lord and Lady of the land, that way they'd have someone local and someone they trust" she muses and smiles "Perhaps there's a better town for us to be ladies of?" she muses once more and walks over to the window "maybe we should also discuss possible land areas with our fathers who would know the best places"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys let go of her conflicted thoughts "Heh, the little one sure is a heartbreaker, isn't she? Kinda hard not to love her from the start." She looked at her fiance - it seemed she really wanted to take this settlement under her gorgeous wings... "Aww, don't be sad, we still have time to figure where we want to live." The crystal mare walked towards the pegasus and gently hugged her midsection and purred into her ear. "We'll have a beautiful house, and I don't care where it'll be as long as you're there with me, okay? You said so yourself - we'll cross this bridge when we get there, right? C'mon, let's go get something to eat and borrow a carriage to the Cove. Betsy could use a break and we both could use a good feast, hmm?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods and smiles "You're right, best to stay optimistic about it" she says with a smile and then nuzzles her "Yeah, I'm starved and will think straighter on a full stomach" she says then winks to her as she skips off to the dining hall, where Celeste was happily and patiently waiting for them.


"I d-didn't start eating u-until you two got here" she says politely.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal let go of her fiance and nodded enthusiastically: "That's the spirit!" She followed Clarissa out of the room. "Just keep an eye on me in the dining hall, lest I eat as much as the city garrison again!" The mare giggled as they walked the corridors fowards their destination.


When they walked into the dining hall, Celeste was already waiting for them. Crystal offered her a reassuring smile: "it's okay, we took our sweet time to get here anyway." She sat next to her marefriend and scanned the table. "So.... what do we have here, huh?"

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@@Raven Rawne


"This is one big feast, almost as if father is trying to help us get our luscious curls back" Clare says with a giggle as she sits down to look at the spread. There was oatmeal, bacon, sausages, hashbrowns, fruit salads, cereals of various sorts (for that time period), pastries and multiple other things.


Celeste smiles up at them

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The crystal mare giggled at her fiance's remark: "Not sure about you, but I feel like a wolf after some harsh winter, so I'm not complaining on the full table." She took a moment to decide on what to start with and filled her plate with a few sausages with a scoop os scrambled eggs. "How about you too? Celeste? Would you like me to reach for something for you?

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@@Raven Rawne,


"S-some scrambled eggs please cousin, oh and some of those yummy looking hashbrowns" she says as she reaches for the salt but couldn't quite reach it, so she uses her magic shakily.

Clare smiles as she helps with steadying the salt shaker "Have you been going to your classes Celeste? I know I kind of ran away from mine by joining the academy, but one of us has to be responsible" she says with a giggle as Celeste nods


"I-I have, b-but no matter what I do, I c-can't get my magic grip to be s-steady today" she says, blushing somewhat


Clare smiles "I think I know what it is, you're nervous about seeing Dustyhooves today, aren't you? Well, there's nothing to be nervous about, he really is a great colt, and just wait until you meet his little sister" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


 "Scrambled eggs and hashbrowns, got it." Crys nodded and reached for the aforementioned foodstuffs, then passed them to Celeste. The crystal mare seemed content with stuffing herself as fast as decency allowed, and kept quiet as the sisters talked. She chipped in to reinforce Clare's statement about Dusty: "He sure did seem like a good type to me. Besides, keep in mind it's not one of those arranged marrriages where you have nothing to say - either you'd like him and decide to try, or not and come home. Take it at your pace and it'll be fine."

Edited by Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Celeste nods "I-I know, I just want to make a good impression on him, I mean..I know I'm a princess, but I want him to see me as well me. Like, I want him to see me as the young mare that I am, not a princess or some stuck up noble"


Clare smiles "He didn't strike me as the type to let titles get to him, he saw the portrait of you and he seemed quite taken by you" she says and gently hugs her "don't you worry about a thing okay little sis?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare smiled encouragingly. "It'll be fine! He seems to have more than enough common sense, and was, like, completely unfazed by this whole idea. Despite the fact that Clare here used her considerable diplomatic skills and simply asked him if he's down for marrying her sister haha! " She couldn't help but laugh at the memory.  Clare was usually straightforward but that was a record. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare chuckles "Straight forward is best" she says as she begins to eat her breakfast and she looks around "I wonder where father is, maybe he was so exhausted after last night, that he decided to sleep in" she says with a giggle "He took quite a liking to that mare he was dancing with" she says with a big smile and a twinkle in her eye.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal sighed at Clarissa's remark.  "Yeah... we'd hook up years ago if we just talk to each other about stuff... All those years..."


She glanced at her fiance, then at Celeste. Both seemed entertained by this idea, somehow. "You gals aren't concerned that you might get a mother in-law someday?"

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