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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Orange Sparks


The pair of older ponies in the dining hall looked at the door when the other pair walked in. Pearl Onyx seemed suddenly very self-concious about the winghug and smiled a bit awkwardly, while the prince pulled her closer to signal it wasn't some coincidence, and said to the mares: "You gals finally showed up! I was starting to think you'll go to the Cove without poor Celeste here... Sit down and finish your breakfast. Oh and don't look so awkward Crystal, we're family now!"


The red mare did feel out of her element, seeing the prince so casual. She'll need some time to adjust.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods and sits down, she then looks to lady Onyx "Sorry about that Lady Pearl, I just had a lot on my mind and I was feeling overwhelmed" she says and begins to finish her breakfast, she then sees how she felt somewhat awkward with her father hugging her and smiles "Please, I'm very happy that father has found love again, he's been moping about a lot lately, or so Celeste has told me"


Celeste giggles at her father's reaction "What? It's true, you have been!"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Pearl looked at the mares with curiosity. "I've been told it's nothing personal, and it's okay. I know how things can seem daunting from time to time." She glanced at the prince, also her love.


Justice nuzzled the mare under his wing after Clare's comment. "You two really need to loosen up, how else can we enjoy the family meetings? Pearl, Crystal, come on...


Crystal shrugged. "Loosen up... like this?" She threw her arms around Clarissa and gave her a passionate kiss. Justice was about to say something when Pearl copied the move on him.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare chuckles but is then surprised by the passionate kiss by Crystal but soon closes her eyes, wraps her arms and wings around her and kisses her back, just as passionately. She then breaks the kiss and laughs "Well..that certainly was...spontaneous" she says and looks at Celeste "Don't worry baby sister, you'll soon be doing that with Dusty if things go well"


Celeste blushes "D-do you really think h-he likes me?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Once Clare finished the kiss, Crys giggled. "The wings part,  you gotta do this more often... So how's that for loosening up sir?"


Pearl broke her kiss and replied: "Trust me girl, he wasn't expecting that."


The prince gathered his wits and formed hus own reply. "Well um, yes... Didn't expect that, but that's a great way to start the day... I'll take my leave then, day court starts in a few hours and I have business to attend before. Lady Onyx, you had something to discuss? 


The mare smiled and rose up. "Why yes, my prince. Ladies, I hope your trip will be... fruitful." She winked at Celeste and left the hall alongside the prince.


Crys scratched her head. "I guess that's one way to get rid of one's parents... You gals finished? Oh and Celeste, there's no way he wouldn't like you.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare smiles and nods "Of course father, Lady Onyx, it was a pleasure to meet you and hope everything fares well for you" she says as she gets up and straightens herself up a bit  "And I'll keep that in mind, but after our trip, you know they're going to need...your special touch later on" she giggles and hooks her arm with Crystal's.


Celeste giggles and gets up "Lets go then, I look quite forward to meeting Dusty..and little Rose, if what Clare has told me is correct, Rose is a real cutie"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crys took a glance at her fiance's glorious flappers and grinned. "Oooh yes. I do love tending to your fluffy wings..."


The three mares exited the dining hall and were about to go towards the stabled when Crys took a detour.  She looked at her confused company and patted her hips. "Missing anything,  lady knight? You two get a proper carriage and I grab our steel. Which one for you Clare?


She nodded at the reply and quickly walked to retrieve their swords.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods "Well..we can never be too sure, especially with what has recently happened, sooo Dragon Blade, but also bring my saber, I think I can dual wield" she says with a smile as Celeste tilts her head "Crys is just gonna grab our gear sis, don't worry, we are Knights after all, and knight should never be without his or her sword" she says as they go to the chariot station and got themselves a nice chariot.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare walked towards their room with a quick pace and was by the door within minutes. She grabbed her sword belt and atattched her hand and a half saber, then grabbed Clare's stuff and left for the stables.


She found the other mares waiting by a really elegant chariot. "*whistle* Somepony knows how to ride with style! Here's your steel  love, let's hope this time just for decoration. Come on girls, climb aboard and let's get going!"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare walked towards their room with a quick pace and was by the door within minutes. She grabbed her sword belt and atattched her hand and a half saber, then grabbed Clare's stuff and left for the stables.


She found the other mares waiting by a really elegant chariot. "*whistle* Somepony knows how to ride with style! Here's your steel love, let's hope this time just for decoration. Come on girls, climb aboard and let's get going!"

Both princesses climb into the chariot and sit down, waiting for Crystal to join them. Clare nods and grunts a somewhat thanks to Crystal as she takes her gear "Hopefully, Father will never forgive me if something happens to Celeste, and I wouldn't forgive myself either"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal Clear looked questioningly at her fiance. "You forgot to pack some optimism for the trip? Come on, even lighting doesn't strike twice in the same place."


She urged the chariot driver to get going and their ride started rolling out of the palace grounds and onto the busy city."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare straps her gear on "Sorry love, just my over-protectiveness of Celeste" she says then smiles as she feels Celeste lay her head in her lap and go to sleep. She gently strokes her mane and smiles up at Crystal "I'll be fine dear, just still got a lot of things on my mind" she leans over and kisses her softly

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear looked at the sisters as Celeste laid to sleep on Clarissa's lap. "Seems like sleeping on the way is a family trait? At least she'll be full of energy when we get there."


The chariot was leaving the palace grounds and rolling down the main alley that spiralled through the entire city, all the way to the main gate. Crys leaned back in her seat and sighed. "That's more like it - no walking for hours on end." She glanced at Clare - "You want to talk about something? Brainstorm anything that troubles you? You know I can tell when things bug you."

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare sighs and nods, she takes out a rather decorated dagger "I found this in her belongings, I know I had no right to go through her room, but father had asked me to, as he was worried about her" she says, showing the dagger to Crystal "I have a bad feeling about this, as ornamental as it is, I get this...strange feeling of darkness"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mare looked curiously at the weapon. "So... you found a pretty dagger and your magic sense is tingling. Was it hidden? Did you show it to the wizard? It could be a present and she just tossed it someplace, right?"


Crystal wasn't sure what to make of it just yet.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Father said that she was given it as a 'gift' last month and since then..whenever she had it on her, she was... acting very strangely. Like, distant, quiet, moody. She'd lock herself away and he was worried she may have been self harming, I couldn't find anything and the mage says that something is wrong with this dagger. While Celeste is a Princess, it isn't known for gifts of 'admiration' to come from an unknown sender."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys tucked her hands underneath her thighs - she didn't want to even touch the thing. "So... why are you having it with yourself? Wouldn't it be better to have the mage destroy it and tell Celeste she misplaced it? It sure does sound like a viable option to me..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I don't know Crys, it's just the design of it, the way it looks.. it doesn't look anything pony made.." she says "Plus, he told me there's another mage more suited in the forest nearby, cautioning that destroying this could cause a big explosion" she says and puts it away

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


She whistled "Nasty business indeed... So we take a detour, or send the driver to take care of it while we occupy Celeste with Dusty?" She pused and bit her lower lip, then continued. "...or I could make the trip, I guess... But only if you wrap this thing tightly with some cloth - I don't really want to touch it."

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@@Raven Rawne


"we'll make a detour" she says as she looks out the window "Why now? Of all times, does all this trouble have to happen? Was it destiny for us to find those ruins? For the cove to be attacked by raiders and for Celeste to have this dagger?" she asks with a sudden shudder

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crys exhaled with relief. "Detour it is. The sooner we get rid of it the better..." She gave Clarissa a worried look. "You sure it's not affecting you right now? It's no Fate - just acts and choices that lead us, and everypony else, into our own futures. It just seems that we, or more exactly you - are the center of somepony's unfortuntate attention. Well, not really a pony but you know what I mean. So maaaybe Celeste's secret admirer is the same one who keeps sending sword meat our way? Not a pleasant thought, but it seems to add up for some reason. Not sure what they would achieve by making Cleleste a moody recluse though. Spread rumors that the royal family is touched by insanity perhaps?" She groaned and leaned back her head. "I just want to live happily with my wife, not hide in castles and walk in circles to see my own shadow..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Maybe to try and get her to betray father?" she asks and continues to look out the window "Fat chance of that, no amount of magic or bribery will get either of us to betray father and thus our kingdom" she says with a soft smile "and I know what you mean, I'm probably just overthinking all this, lets focus on Celeste for now" she says, gently rubbing the young mare's ears.  

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The red mare stretched a bit in her seat - "You sure do overthink it, but I can't blame you. I bet I would act the same in your place." She surpresssed a yawn and looked at the sleeping mare. "Carriages always made me sleepy - must me that gentle rocking move they tend to make... Buut I'll keep you company, no worries." She made herself comfortable by putting her hooves up on the opposite seat and puting her arms behind her head, then lazily looked out the window. "Seems we're almost out of town, I can see a confectionery where I sometimes bought a little something. Okay, a little bit more than a little something but whatever. Unless the gate is clogged by merchants, we should be in the clear in like,,, ten minutes?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare smiles and nods with a sigh. She smiles and wraps a wing around her fiance and pulls her close "Good, In all honesty, I think I got so accustomed to being near the forest and the coves when in the Academy that anything bigger than a village makes me nervous" she says and chuckles "Some Princess I am, can't even stand being in the capitol of my kingdom" she says and kisses Crys "Soo..i was thinking, we find a nice house in the Cove while we decide what we want to do...or do you think that might bring more disaster to the poor ponies there?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal Clear giggled slightly at the wing hug and kissed her fiance as a thank you, and gently smoother some ruffled feathers. "Heh, you envy me sparkling from time to time but you're the one gifted with a pair of those awesome wings..." She played with the wing as Clarissa spinned the tale of how much of a wild mare she's become. A kiss brought the mare's attention to her fiance, not just her wing. She wrapped her arms around Clare and stayed like this, mindful not to disturb Celeste. "Aww don't think like you're a beacon for disasters to happen... I dunno, it would sure be a change of scenery, but I don't know if the ponies there would be okay with us as neighbours... not to mention that lord who's land it is. Maybe Dusty and his family will agree to rent us a room for a bit, would that work?" She nuzzled her fiance to ease her mind.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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