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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal cocked her head slightly as she pondered Shade's imput. "Yeah... It's a shame she's in deep minority with that open attitude. Imagine how commoners lives would be easier if their lords were more considerate, and just simply cared."


Meanwhile the knight seemed omewhat embarassed by his sudden chivalry. "Ah, uhh, just wanted to show that ah appreciate what you're doing. For me, your sister, the ponies here..." Crystal cut in - "Alright you guys, it's getting dark, and kind of chilly in here, so I say, let's get indoors." She led the other ponies inside the inn, and then brought Dusty's new gear to the common room, and Clare made a presentation.


The stallion didn't know whatto say at first, and simply stared as the high end gear. Crystal laughed sincerely at his sudden loss of words. "A thank you will be enough, I guess, right?" She looked at Shade - it was her handiwork after all.

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@@Raven Rawne


Clarissa smiles "It is as I have said before, you are all under my rule, and I have found that the.. commoners.. ugh I hate that word, live a lot better and happier lives if their ruler treats them with equality, kindness and respect" she says then also looks to Shade.


Shade smiles "I simply did as my dear future cousin asked me to do, yes I created them, but it was all their idea" she says with a soft smile from under her hood "They are also enchanted with protection majick"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Since apparently Crystal was the driving force behind the gift, it was her turn to get a hug. She tried to squirm away from it, but to no avail. All in all, she looked hilarious. "Uff, remind me  to wear a breastplate around you... My poor ribs..." She obviously played for laughs, but it was the tightest hug in her life, and she knew a few strong colts. The red mare sat on a bench and looked up at the knight. "I couldn't let you get killed in action now could I? I guess you could try it on in your room, see if it fits alright till miss Shade is around to make adjustments. I'll just... sit here for a moment."


Dusty thought for a moment and nodded. "Good idea. Thanks again." He smiled at every mare in turn and walked out with his new set of armour to try it on. Crystal pouted. "Nopony trusts in solid steel anymore... I don't use magic and somehow still live. World's gone mad..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Shade smiles "I was told we are going against Minotaurs, they have a magic of their own my dear. It isn't that I don't trust steel, it's more I don't trust the Minotaurs to fight fair. After all, they did ponynap Princess Celeste from right under your noses, did they not? Now how do you think they were able to be around without detection? That's right, magic" she says with a sort of scowl "My apologies countess, but sometimes steel and strength are not enough to battle what we know little about"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal sighed and nodded. "It's okay... I guess living in Raven Rock, without a single wizard within ballista range made me, dunno, magiphobic? And now, all of a sudden, I have to accept that everypony uses magic and it's a normal thing. I hope you see my point of view now? Things are acary when you don;t get them, I guess." She scratched her forehead and looked at her companions. "So... supper maybe? We'll spend the night here anyway... You need a room, Shade?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Both of the other mares nod "Supper and slumber sounds good to me," Shade says then looks to Crystal "Oh I totally understand dear, but come, lets not dwell on that sort of thing." she says as she goes towards the Inn.


Clare nods as she looks around before entering the inn. As she does, they are greeted by the band of knights from the Academy, one of whom she recognized as the recruit who had deciphered the minotaur's note and who had been one of their friends since the beginning of their time there. "Hey guys, been a while, hasn't it?" she asks, as she orders a mug of ale.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal shrugged at Shade's remark. "Ehh, guess you're right. Let's get something to eat then." She got up and followed Clare inside.


The red mare was pleasanty surprised by the appearance of knights - they arrived way sooner than she expected, and it was obviously good news. Some faces and crests looked fammilliar too."Hmm, quite a crowd for this little inn. Something tells me they'll run out of food and drink within a week... Anyway, I'll get myself something stronger for a good night's sleep. And some fresh fish too, they should have today's catch already on the menu. What about you lot?" She took the other mares orders and went to the bar, where she waited for their orders, exchanging a few words with an occasional knight.

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal shrugged at Shade's remark. "Ehh, guess you're right. Let's get something to eat then." She got up and followed Clare inside.


The red mare was pleasanty surprised by the appearance of knights - they arrived way sooner than she expected, and it was obviously good news. Some faces and crests looked fammilliar too."Hmm, quite a crowd for this little inn. Something tells me they'll run out of food and drink within a week... Anyway, I'll get myself something stronger for a good night's sleep. And some fresh fish too, they should have today's catch already on the menu. What about you lot?" She took the other mares orders and went to the bar, where she waited for their orders, exchanging a few words with an occasional knight.

Clare nods as she joins a few of their old comrades in arms for a few drinks. They talked about old times and laughed at one of the other Kinght Commander's jokes until one of the newer knights asked about the first and last two attacks "What happened, was there any similarities we could look at? Try to figure out a pattern?" She asks


The jovial that was previously on Clare's face soon changed to one of dread, "i..I'd rather not talk about it right now" she says softly


The knight was about to speak again but a stern look from her commander shut her up.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal joined the congregation with a tray laden with food, and a bottle of grain spirit undr her elbow. "You foals wanna drink on empty stomachs? Suit yourselves, I'm not in the mood for dying tomorrow." She sat next to Clare and put the bottle on the table. "Anypony game?"


The inn was full till late hours, until everypony decided they really should hit the hay. During the conversations it came out that this was just a part of a larger unit, who simply was the closest to the Cove and made it on hoof. The rest would get a lift on the ships and dock nearby, since the tiny Cove was too shallow for those vessels to enter safely. By the knights rough estimates, everypony should be here before noon.


Crystal stayed up till the end, and despite keeping up the steady drinking tempo, she wasn't completely drunk. More like, really tipsy. She retired to the room with her fiance and slept like a filly till she got woken up.

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@@Raven Rawne


The next morning Clarissa woke with a groan as she stretches and yawns *yawn* "Did anypony get the license number of that cart that hit me last night?" she asks groggily as she looks around the room, trying to get some sort of semblance from her memories "O-oh right, we're here to rescue sister and get the antidote for father" she says softly as she rubs her eyes "I wonder how our future brother in law is coping with all of this" she says as she looks out the window, to see that he was training with one of the makeshift dummies the Sergeant had set up for him, "Well, he's taking his new role and title seriously, which is a good sign" she says as she then pens a letter to Lady Onyx:


"Dearest Lady Onyx (and my future step mother),


I am writing this letter to you to let you know that the preparations to rescue Celeste and get the antidote for my father are well under way, the academy sent the very best, which happens to be knights that both Crystal and I know very well and trust with our lives, the sloop has arrived, so they should set out soon this morning or afternoon, I have knighted Dustyhooves and he has taken to his new responsibilities and title quickly and seriously, he will be a great boon to our quest, Also, Princess Luna has sent her daughter Shade Walker to help us. I will let you know of any progress as soon as possible.


Lots of love,

Princess Clarissa Silvermane (your future step daughter)"


She then hails a nearby mailmare and gets the letter delivered to the palace post haste.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal stirred from her sleep, woken by sounds of Clare talking, and movement on the bed. All in all, she felt rather okay, considering the amount of booze that disappeared in mysterious circumstances last evening. Still, she was very thirsty. "Uhh, not so loud 'kay?" She tossed and turned for a bit, then decided it's actually time to get up. The mare looked outside to check if her eyes hurt - just a little, a good sign. "Remember fillies, fish likes to swim..." She mused to herself as she recalled the old trick to eat fatty fish along with the drink. Seems it saved her again.


Crystal noticed Clarissa penning a letter as the red mare got dressed and fixed the mess on her head into a proper manestyle. This time she opted for the padded clothes she wore under her armour - they would set off to day anyway, so why bother with changing clothes. She stood by the mirror and inspected her face to make sure she didn't look like she had a night of heavy drinking behind her. "So, seems we are nearly ready to move out then, right? I sure hope those ships arrived and there's somepony waiting downstairs to take their orders. I sure want to start doing something, not just sit on my plot... You're getting ready, or is the view so great you decided to buy the inn?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare looks at her and then chuckles "Which view are you talking about love?~" she asks in a rather seductive tone and chuckles once more "I know, and I know how you're feeling, I want to get all this drek done with and have things back to normal..well to some sort of semblance of normalcy." she says and gets into her own armor, strapping on her sword belt and holding her helmet under her arm. "Let us go and see if the rest of our reinforcements are here" she says as she opens the door and is greeted by the smell of freshly baked bread and fresh porridge being made. "Hmmm some food first wouldn't be a bad idea though, and we can get our rations from here as well"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


She shrugged. "You tell me, I didn't look outside yet. Just rambling that's all." Crys noticed that Clare opted for a full armour set herself, and followed suit. She moved around in her new gear, and nodded with approval. "Now that's way better than the old one. I was so preccupied with protection I nearly ordered inch thick plates... Now that I know how things work in a real fight, I decided to lighten the load a bit."


The red mare followed outside the room, and also noticed the appetising smell. "I sure wouldn't mind a glass of water. Or several for that matter. A light breakfast wouldn't hurt too." They went downstairs and were greeted by the innkeeper's wife. They asked for something to eat, and Crystal mentioned a large amount of fresh water, which made the older mare smirk slightly. Once seated by a nearby table, Crystal looked around.


The inn was empty, again. Not a hint of troops stationing in the village. She scratched her head. "Have we overslept or something? And where's Shade?"

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare noticed how the knights weren't around, but nor was Dusty she looks up and asks "Have they all set off already or are they all waiting at the docks?" she asks, just then Shade appears.


"They're either training or awaiting your orders, your highness" she says, her eyes glowing from behind the hood "I suggest we get this mission started, I've already spoken to miss Pale, and she has been able to destroy the dagger, and she won't be accompanying us into the forest" she says with what could almost be a sigh of relief.


Clare nods then feels a tug on her tunic "Oh hello Rosie sweetie, auntie Clare and auntie Crystal must be going soon" she hugs the filly "But we will back, with your big sister in law, well your big brother will be" she says and kisses her cheek then looks to the other two "So, shall we?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The crystal mare gave the pegasus a questioning look when she started taking your an empty corner, but only till Shade replied from that location. That mare was weird. As if she liked to stay in shadows and remain unseen for hours on end... Crystal tried to pass what happened as something completely normal, and chipped into the conversation. 'That, or nursing their hangovers... Good to know we have one thing behind us though." She took a bite of fresh bread. No cheese this time though. She saw little Rose Petal sneaking up on Clare and smiled.


The filly looked up at the princess and thought for a moment, then nodded. "Alright... I brought you a flower!" She offered a nice looking clove.


Crystal Clear observed the exchange with some amusement,  finishing her meal. Once Clarissa asked about their readiness, she nodded. "The sooner the better, I guess."


They went outside - the sun was a bit too bright today,  as far as the red mare was concerned, but the weather was good. Few clouds,  small wind. The knights were nowhere to be seen, but the guard sargeant Spearhead saw them and approached - he was giving instructions to training Dusty. The stallion offered a crisp salute and gave his report. "Your highness, the fleet has arrived and docked nearby. The cohort that stationed here moved on board to join the rest of knight forces. Currently,  you have 3 battleships, 2 knight battalions spread evenly on those vessels, the sloop with my team, 30 spears total, and twenty guards stationed in the village." He smirked somewhat and continued "You also have a... guest. Although he insists you trespassed on his land. We stopped a carriage just outside the Cove, to the East. Seems like the local lord finally noticed something is about. He has armed escort, ten ponies at arms. Would you like to see him? Any orders to pass to the troops?"


Crystal was dying to see the meeting between the princess and the local noble. It sure would be A class entertainment.

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@@Raven Rawne


"That's good news about the timely arrival of our reinforcements, all sounds good, and what about Sir Dustyhooves? Where is he?" she asks as she places the clove somewhere safe "As for that lord, I guess we better get that sorted out, come on darling, let us see why this so called noble has finally decided to show himself" she says as she dons her helmet for a bit more intimidation. She unsheathes her Dragon Blade and walks off towards the carriage, her visor down, she says in a demanding and authorative tone "Halt! Who goes there! State your name and business!"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


Crystal pointed off to the side in order to answer the first question - "Over there,  practicing strikes on a wooden pole. All in all, he seems to be doing reasonably well." The stallion was indeed hard at work, practicing in full armour and with his new axe and shield.


The red mare looked at Shade as Clare stomped towards the edge of the village, with an amused smile.  "Trust me, you don't want to miss it. Just keep your distance in case she starts a brawl. " Crystal was joking, of course, but as they followed the princess,  it was quite apparent she was going all out in the noble.


The ponies at-arms saw an armoured figure approaching the carriage and hastily scrambled to form a shield wall, but kept their spears pointed at the sky. Their shields bore a coat if arms - a green shield with a yellow sheaf of wheat. The noble's entourage was dressed in greens with yellow accents, and besides ten spooked guardponies consisted of a carriage driver and a herald sitting beside him. The wagon itself looked rather expensive and was fully enclosed.


The herald stood up, trying to sound confident. "The Lord of this land,  Sir Golden Wheat of Seven Ponds!" He noticed the bared sword of unknown design and the royal crest, but also two figures walking behind the armoured pony - one seemed like a knight, other more like a wizard. Fortunately, the companions seemed to be at ease and not looking for trouble. 


The passenger of the carriage must've heard the commotion and went outside to take a look. "What is going on?!" He was a tall fellow with broad shoulders,  and he carried himself like a seasoned fighter.  But the most cursory glance told it all - an earth pony stallion, in his forties.  Golden mane and cinnamon coat dressed in overly decorated clothes, and a golden chain that could double as a ship anchor. He walked  with a cane and limped on his right leg, which apparently caused him pain. Crystal Clear decided that it must've been an injury from a fight, probably years ago. Lame and bitter, the type that hates the world for his misfortune. She let out a long sigh.


Sir Golden Wheat pushed through his escorts,  giving them an earful. He stopped in front of them and wiped his brow with a handkerchief, then pointed his cane at the princess. "This us an outrage! My village looks like it's been sacked by an invading army, there are armed soldiers stationed there and nopony tells me anything! I demand answers, and in this instant!" He stomped his cane in the ground and huffed in anger.


Crystal leaned a bit to Shade. "Okay, this will not be funny after all. Let's keep an eye on them so nopony gets hurt, okay?"

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@@Raven Rawne


It wasn't visible due to her helmet, but she half grimaced and half smirked. Clare raises her sword and levels the tip at the stallion's chest, pressing it lightly against where his heart is before banging her shield, to show the crest of her family "I'll tell you what is outrageous Lord Wheat.." she says with a deep growl "Is that first of all, you do not show the Princess, ruler of this entire kingdom the proper respect! And what makes it worse, is you fail to show Princess Shade Walker even more respect, she is Princess Luna's daughter after all!" she growls, then levels her sword at him again, prodding him with the tip. "And from what I have heard from the townsponies, is that they have petitioned and pleaded with you to have a proper guard to protect them, especially when their stallions are out fishing, earning their living, unlike their so-called Lord" she growls.


She then glares at him through her visor, as Shade does under her hood, but with Shade, it was obvious she was rather aggravated. She steps up beside the other Princess and lowers her hood, still holding onto her staff, her hidden blades still unseen "So...you're the one that is supposed to look after these poor ponies, yet you're more occupied with lining your pockets with multiple unnecessary taxes,clothing yourself with the most expensive silks and stuffing your face with feasts while these poor ponyfolk suffer with meager rations of the fish they catch and what little they can afford to trade" she growls, her signet ring with a waxing moon on it glowing with her rage.


Clarissa smirks once more, "And yes, this quaint little town, was not only raided a little while ago, which the Countess and I helped defend, but due to your negligence and lack of want of supporting the very ponies who you were charged and swore an oath to protect, my dear sister, Princess Celeste, has been foalnapped!" she growls, the angry glow of her eyes,showing through her visor.


Shade was somewhat able to shift her mood a little when she receives a letter from her mother, it was a signed order to relieve lord Wheat of everything, have him arrested and have him replaced by Dustyhooves.


"Well, well, well what is this, a order from Princess Luna herself... let us see what it says" she says as she begins to read it just to add to the tension and anxiety of the "Lord"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The noble's entourage seemed positively shaken, but the stallion himself stood his ground, silently bearing the onslaught. Crystal decided that he had a spine, after all.


He replied when both mares fired away, somewhat relieved the third one was holding back, as if she wanted to stay neutral. Sir Golden Wheat frowned, but said in a slow, even voice - it was pretty obvious he was measuring his words and holding back his temper. He bowed his head slightly. "My apologies, Princess, I haven't recognised you, nor Princess Shade Walker, of whom I haven't heard in my life. I am deeply sorry for what happened to your sister, but your anger is misplaced. We are on the Throne Island, the safest of all. Fortifying every village is very expensive, and as the recent years proved, unnecessary. I send detatchments regularly to make sure things are in order though! A patrol was here just a few days ago and everything was fine." He turned to the other princess. "And how, if I may ask, should a noblepony live, your highness? Like a cave hermit? My family held stewardship over these lands for generations. And until now, the Crown had no objections to the way we fultill our duties. You are both entitled to your opinions, but you see only part of the picture, and jump to conclusions."


A scroll magically appeared next to Shade, and she read it's contents. The stallion became pale, red, and pale again, in turn. His entourage shocked. He stammered. "B-but, the Royal Sisters of Equestria hold no authority over the Isles! She can't do this!"


This was the time Crystal decided to step in. She put on her helmet, but kept the visor open. She wanted to have free hands. She stepped between the princesses and the noble. "Alright that's enough for now, I don't like it when revenge is sold as justice." The crystal mare looked at Shade first. "He's right about the order. I appreciate the Princess's opinion on the matter, but her word is not the law here." Then she looked at Clare. "Hold your blade for the minotaurs who caused this mess, alright? He may very well have his share of misdeeds, but that's what trials are for, remember? You wanted to be a fair ruler, now you have the chance." Finally, she turned to the noble, hooping she won't feel a blade or two in her spine, courtesy of the princesses. "And you, Sir Golden Wheat, better make a pretty damn good case, or I'll execute you personally. Don't expect a clean cut."


Crystal Clear stepped away, to see both sides of the argument. "So... can we start this again, and this time, come up with something productive? Like, lending some coin to rebuild and improve the Cove?" She was looking expectantly at the ponies before her, and the noble nodded enthusiastically. "Y-Yes, that c-can be done."

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@@Raven Rawne


Both Clarissa and Shade nod wit ha soft sigh "Very well" she says then looks to Golden Wheat, "Do not expect as much lenience from us though, we won't execute you nor will we strip you of your lordship and station just yet..for that, we will wait until all of this over. but do not expect the courts to be light on you, just because you are a Lord.. We do have a knew knight in our midst who is more than likely going to be marrying my sister once she is returned safe" she says then eyes the entourage up and down "tell me, are these stallions the best you've got, because if you've got better. they'd be better helping with tracking down the minotaurs and destroying them, that would go a long way with redeeming yourself"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Crystal observed as the princesses laid out their new terms. She wasn't happy with the threats, but decided not to intervene.


Sir Wheat nodded slowly as the princess finished speaking. "Thank you, I will defend my name and actions in court, when the time comes." He turned to his armed escort. "I have fifty ponies at-arms, most are currently on patrols. they're good folks, well equipped, but never saw battle. Just training and some minor issues. If you think we could aid your cause, I will do what I can."


Crystal tisked under her breath. Green leaves, just what they needed...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"Hmpf, they'd be better protecting the cove then, greenhorns will just get in the way of the voyage" she says and then smiles softly "Please forgive my earlier hostilities, Lord Wheat, but this whole situation has gotten me somewhat shaken up and stressed out. First when the countess and I were still at the academy, we were ambushed by the Minotaurs, nearly killing us. Then there was the raid earlier this week, and now this..my sister being foalnapped and my father being mysteriously poisoned" she sighs "but what I don't get, is this, after all these years with the truce, why would they start a war now?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The noble was surprised by the sudden change in the princess's narration. He nodded and said unsurely - "I', uhh, I'm sorry to hear that... With your permission, I would like to enter the village amd assess what is needed the most, then make my bay back to Seven Ponds and organise some aid."


Crystal chipped in. "A good idea. We took liberty and made some arrangements ourselves - in about a week, our hired builders would arrive, together with materials. I guess we could write you a permission to divert these resouces to make improvements, not just rebuild what was destroyed. I'm sure the ponies who live there would provide some pointers on what they could make use of."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare nods "That is a good start, but it isn't really me that you need to impress..well, in the short run it is, as I will be there at your trial, but for now, you need to make things up to those under your care. Trust me, I understand how tiring and taxing that being a Lord let alone a princess, but a Lord is only as strong under him or her. Both the countess and I studied history when we were at the academy, and there have been cases of lords not doing anything for anyone but themselves and the towns ponies revolted against them. Not a pretty picture" she says then smiles somewhat "I'll be so happy once all of this is over with.." she then looks to Lord Golden Wheat "you live fairly close to the forest, can you tell us anything of the elven ponies?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The mention of elven ponies seemed to make more of an impression on him than the reminder of his duties. The stallion nodded solemny andlooked at his cane. "Yeah, don't come even remotely close to their Forest. I wanted to trade with them, years ago. They offered arrows for payment..." He looked back at the mares. "If you really want to venture into the Forest, good luck. You'll need it. There are no roads there, and nopony from outside had any luck with tracking their settlements. the only way seems to run at the patrol and get lucky enough to avoid being stuffed with arrows long enough to state your business. I sure hope you know what you're getting into..."


Crystal Clear nodded at the warning. "I see... Maybe we could come back into the village then? Those ships won't sail wothout orders, after all."

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