Twofer 45 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 OOC: Death is not a simple matter. After death, the soul will still remain, wandering aimlessly unless given guidance. This is where the Grim Reaper comes in. He provides guidance to the souls of the dead, and he does this through his agency known as the Reaper Corps. One particular individual has stuck out to the Grim Reaper. A pony by the name of Digital Blitz, who's afflicted by a disease that will take her before her time. Our story begins with her on her deathbed, and a cloaked figure approaching... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 Digital Blitz, still quite young looks up from her deathbed, she sees the cloaked figure approaching and she sighs "It's time to accept my fate, isn't it?" she asks as she closes her eyes and her breathing starts slowing down to a stop. She then finds herself looking down at herself before at the cloaked figure "I didn't even really get given a chance to live, you know?" she says somewhat sadly and allows the reaper to sever the tie between her soul and her now lifeless body. Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 @Digital Blitz "Digital Blitz... Your time has come," said the Reaper in his raspy voice. "But... I have greater plans for you. Come..." The Reaper offered his hand out to Digi, waving the other to create a swirling portal in the middle of the room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 @Twofer Digital simply tilted her head before accepting the Reaper's offered hand, following the Reaper into the swirling portal "What exactly is my purpose?" she asks, looking around "I mean, I didn't have much of a purpose when I was alive, couldn't have had one, as i had cancer since I was little" she explains but then sighs a little. Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 @Digital Blitz "Your body may have been broken, but your mind is brilliant. With the technology at my disposal, I'm confident you'll come up with something good." As they walked, Digi could see that her body was still on the hospital bed. Right as the two entered the portal, she began to flatline. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 @Twofer Digital's spirit couldn't help but tear up at the sight of her loved ones gathered around her now lifeless body, but at the mention of technology, her ears perk and twitch "You have technology in the nether realm? what is it like? Anything like in the waking realm?" she asks then blushes "S-sorry sir, I just get really excited about technology and electronics" Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 16, 2017 Author Share May 16, 2017 @Digital Blitz "You will see, all in due time." The Reaper led Digi through the portal, and on the other side came out into a massive, torch-lit cave. The cave was bustling with ponies going about all sorts of things, and resembled a busy office more than anything else. "Tell me, what do you know of souls?" he asked as he led her through the cavern. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 16, 2017 Share May 16, 2017 @Twofer Digital thinks for a moment as they stepped into the cave "I know that the soul is the living spirit of the pony, If a pony is at rest,then their soul or spirit will move onto the nether realm, if it isn't at rest, then it is likely to linger either in the living realm or in limbo. Those that linger in the living realm often become what the living call ghosts, I also know that there are spells for the soul to be transferred to machines.. I was working on one for myself" she says proudly Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "Yes, I am aware of that. I've had my eye on you for quite some time. Now, you see, this organization is devoted to guiding souls to the afterlife, as most require at least some degree of guidance to safely pass on. However, some souls are much more powerful, and will not accept simple guidance. Along with that, there are others that would wish to steal the power of souls. To deal with threats such as these, I formed a special task force known as Echo Squad, and I've chosen you to be inducted." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer Digital's eyes widen "E-Echo Squad?" she asks and looks around the cave some more "W-what exactly would I be doing? Hacking? Electronic and technology upkeep?" she asks "Battle?" she smiles and giggles happily "Or will I be doing something like security?" Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "It will be mostly field work. You'll be assigned a variety of tasks. Now, since you are a junior agent, you'll be assigned to a senior agent for your training period." The Reaper led Digi to a mare. She had a red coat, golden mane, and was clad in military fatigues along with a red bandanna. She stood at about 5'8", and had a skull badge on her chest. "Digital Blitz, meet Crimson Glare. She's going to be your training officer. You will accompany her on all her assignments until she has deemed you fit for full agent status." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer Digital looked up at the mare in awe, "H-hello ma'am, i-it's nice to meet you, my name is Digital Blitz" she says softly and looking down. What was it about her that made her stand out and be so special, what could she possibly do that would help out in this cause. She gulped a little, Crimson looked like a nice mare, but she also looked like the type that wouldn't take nonsense from anypony. Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "Grim, I hope you actually brought someone who's worth my time," said Crimson. "Hmph," was the Reaper's only response before disappearing to Celestia knows where. "Alright kiddo, first things first: we gotta get you outfitted. C'mon." Crimson patted Digi on the back, then began leading her off someplace else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer "Yes ma'am" Digital says as she follows the mare to where she was taking her "What are some things that I should know about field service, ma'am?" she asks "I'm not entirely sure what good I will be, I'm more at home with electronics and the such" she says, then looks down once more. "sorry ma'am, I'm just a little nervous" Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "Just calm down, kid, okay? I know this whole thing is pretty disorienting, but you won't last long if you don't keep your head screwed on right. We'll get to all this stuff soon enough." Crimson took Digi over to a desk where a short, troll like creature sat. "Klath, I need a kit for the new recruit." The creature grunted in response and produced three items, which he put on the desk. There was a badge like the one Crimson was wearing, an ornate bottle that faintly glowed, and a skull talisman with glowing red eyes that was about the size of Digi's palm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer Digital nods and thanks the creature as she takes her things "Yes ma'am, I'll do my best," she says as she continues to walk alongside her and take in her surroundings "The Reaper said that there's technology here that I could find a use for? Can you tell me anything about it ma'am?" she asks, flicking her ear softly and trying her best to stay calm. Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "If you're the techie type, then we can start you right off by going over your gear." First, Crimsom picked up the badge. "This is your standard issue badge and communicator. If you press the eyes, then you'll be given a direct line to headquarters." She handed Digi the badge, then picked up the ornate bottle. "Next up is your soul containment unit. It can hold any soul, and you'll be mostly using it to transport dangerous and unstable souls back here." Finally, Crimson picked up the skull talisman. "This is your weapon. You just press it, and it'll take the form of whatever weapon or tool you were most familiar with back when you were alive. The second you activate it, it's permanently bound to you." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer "I think I follow you, the badge acts like an inconspicuous communicator, like the ones the guard used to communicate with headquarters and each other, like the ones on the lapels of their uniforms?" she asks and looks over it, it was very inconspicuous and looked just like a badge in the shape of a skull, then the soul containment unit "I am guessing some kind of magic is used to make sure those dangerous and unstable souls can't escape and are subdued to some point?" she asks then looks over to her talisman "So, I'm guessing for me, the tool may be..something electrical or technological? Hmm maybe a taser or." she grins almost wickedly "Maybe some kind of scythe that has an electrical current surging through it... and yes I know the scythe is kinda of cliche but I feel it fits" Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "I'm not the person to ask about how all of this bullshit works. As long as it doesn't crap out on me, I don't care. Anyways, lemme show you what the weapons are like." Crimson pulled her own talisman from her belt and pressed the button on the center. It morphed into a large and imposing black revolver with a red finish and a skull emblem carved on the side. "These things can't kill the living, but they'll still be able to hurt them. They're designed to weaken, and if needed kill, souls or other magical beings." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer Digital nods and takes out her own talisman, pressing the center, and indeed it was as she said earlier, a scythe with an electrical current flowing through both the shaft and the blade. "Nice, and I think I understand, it's primary purpose is for spiritual, not the physical living, am I correct?" Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 17, 2017 Author Share May 17, 2017 @Digital Blitz "Yup. You can still do a number on the living though." Crimson holstered her gun, which morphed back into the skull talisman. "Alright, I got one last thing to show you. C'mon, kid." She began leading Digi down another hall, then down a spiral staircase carved into the rock of the cavern. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 17, 2017 Share May 17, 2017 @Twofer "I get it, the blade would likely pass through them but the electrical current could still shock them" Digital says as she continues to follow Crimson through the halls of the caverns "At first I was thinking of maybe a gun like that in one my favorite manga series" she giggles "But then I saw you already kind of did that, it's pretty cool though" she says as she presses a button on the scythe and it returns to the shape of the talisman. Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 18, 2017 Author Share May 18, 2017 @Digital Blitz "It doesn't matter if it's the bullets in my gun or that electric current in your scythe, the power for the weapon comes from the magic in the talisman. The magic is what really gives it its kick. At least, that's what I've heard." Finally, Crimson led Digi to a generously sized room. It was barebones, with only a bed and chest. "Here's your quarters. Feel free to decorate it however you want, and if you want anything like a bookcase or one of those newfangled color TVs, just ask for one in requisitions." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,582 May 18, 2017 Share May 18, 2017 @Twofer "I think I can do something with this, a bit drab right now, but with a bit of tweaking, it'd be just like back when I was alive" she says and sits on the bed. She smiles as she looks up at the older mare, she tilts her head a little, she felt a motherly feeling coming from her, but how could she know what it was like, when she never knew her mother, as her mother passed away from Cancer soon after Dreamer was born. She then asks something "Is it possible to see those who have long passed away?" she asks "F-for example, my mother?" 1 Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twofer 45 May 18, 2017 Author Share May 18, 2017 @Digital Blitz At the mention of this, Crimson turned her head away. It suddenly felt like she couldn't face the poor girl, since she was afraid what she was going to say would be letting her down."That's... Tricky, to say the least. Souls that have been taken by the Reaper to work in the Corps exist in a separate plane from souls that have passed to the afterlife. We're kind of in limbo, which makes it hard to contact souls that have passed on until we're put to rest ourselves." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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