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Reaper Corps (Private with Digital Blitz)


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@Digital Blitz

The skeleton at the desk took the requisition form and put it in its mouth, then disintegrated it with a burst of flame. "Your requisitions will arrive at your quarters by the time you get back, Junior Agent. Have a nice day."

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She smiles "Thank you" she says before making her way to her quarters, taking in her surroundings. She sighs and finds a bench to sit on somewhere to collect her thoughts for a bit, everything was happening so fast "You know, this isn't what I thought death would be like" she says to herself softly with a sigh.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

Elsewhere, Crimson was off in her quarters doing curl ups by her bed. Since she was technically dead, exercise didn't have much effect on her physical form and health, but she did it anyways to keep herself occupied and disciplined. Along with that, she had a stereo blasting music.

(This is the blasting music mentioned above)


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Digital could hear the music from where she was sitting and smiles to herself "Well, seems we have one more thing in common" she says as she gets up and then goes to her own quarters and saw that everything was there, as the skeleton said there would be. She smiles and lays down on her bed, "At least I've got some things to occupy myself with" she says before closing her eyes and trying to imagine what her mother would look like if she were to be able to see her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

After what seemed like hours or what could have very well only have been minutes, a bell rang throughout the cavern. "Morning has come!" said a voice from some unseen loudspeaker. "Report to the canteen for breakfast and your assignments!"

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Digital stretches and yawns, collecting her things and makes her way to the canteen "I wonder what kind of food I will be eating as a soul?" she asks herself softly before spotting Crimson and smiles over at her "Hello ma'am, did you rest well last night?" she asks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"I slept okay, or at least what qualifies as okay for a ghost. By the way, drop the 'ma'am'. You don't have to be that formal with me." Crimson walked Digi to the canteen, where they were both served a grey blob that had a faint glow to it. "This stuff might seem gross, but it's not so bad. It's supposed to keep your soul energized."

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After pulling a disgusted face, Digi giggles "So I guess this what Soul Food really is" she says and shakes her head "i thought after having all my favorite type of electronics in my quarters, I'd be able to sleep, but I just couldn't help trying to imagine how my mother looks like, all I really had to go off of was the stories my father would tell me about her"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"We all got people waiting for us on the other side, kid. What you're doing in the Corps makes sure that the Afterlife stays safe." Crimson looked down and started on her food. "So, Digi, how about you tell me about yourself? Things got a little rushed yesterday."

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She nods and smiles somewhat "There really isn't all that much to tell really. My mother passed away from cancer soon after I was born, and sadly I was born with that same cancer. My daddy made sure I always had the best doctors in Equestria look after me, but it would seem pointless in the end. He gave me lots of toys, and electronics to play with as I was always stuck in bed when not going through the treatments." she says as she begun to eat her food and closed her eyes in thoughts "My daddy is the best online security officer in Equestria, often working with the Princesses, I kind of inherited my talent with hacking from him, and I often used my skill to hack security cameras around the city to get a sense of being out and about" she sighs "I'd sometimes tell daddy of a crime that was happening and he'd follow up on it, but other than that, my life was pretty boring"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"That sounds rough. It always breaks my heart to see anyone young like you pass on," Crimson paused for a moment to take another bite of her breakfast. "I was born and raised in Manehattan. My dad was a factory worker, and my mom worked part time as a maid. I was the oldest of three kids, and the pressure was always on me to succeed. Of course, it's not like I was planning to let them down. I played varsity hoofball on the girl's team, and I probably could have gone pro if I wanted to. But, I decided to join the guard instead."

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Digi nods and sighs "I could see how heartbroken daddy was when Grim came to take me here" she says and looks down, then sighs "I just hope he doesn't commit suicide, even though I was really sick, I was the apple of his eye" she says sadly "Princesses, please look after him" she utters a soft wish to the Princesses.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"I'm sorry, kid; and I hope your old man gets through this. Really and truly." Crimson paused again, this time just looking down silently. "Y'know, I died almost forty years ago. It was stupid, too. My squad ended up surrounded, and only two made it out alive. I bled out on the evac helicopter, and my soul got taken along with the rest of my boys. They got to go on to the Afterlife, and I decided to take this job. I know they're waiting for me though."

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Digital smiles and gently places a hand on her shoulder "You died doing your job Crimson, it's more than what I can say for myself" she says almost jokingly to try and lift her spirits (no pun intended), "I'm sure daddy will be fine, he's a strong stallion, and I think he had his heart set on a marefriend before I died" she says and smiles at her again "And look at you now, you took down the spirit of a serial killer with little struggle"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

Crimson couldn't help but crack a smile. "Just because I'm dead doesn't mean I can't kick ass. I didn't make Senior Agent in record time by sitting on my undead flank." Crimson finished her food and stood up with her empty tray. "C'mon, kid. I got something to show you."

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Digital smiles and gets up "You're right, I just didn't like seeing you looking sad" she says and puts her tray away before following her "So what is it you wanted to show me? or is it a surprise?" she asks with a cute little giggle and a wiggle of her flank as she wags her tail like a puppy.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"Yeah, it's a little surprise for you." Crimson put her tray away, then began leading Digi out of the cafeteria and back to their quarters. "You're not the first junior agent I've trained, and I always like to give my trainees a little something."

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Digital smiles and nods as she follows "I believe you, you said you died 40 years ago? So that would give you ample opportunity to train newbies like me" she says and continues to follow, still taking in all her surroundings 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"Yeah. Only senior agents get to train new agents though, and it took me a solid twenty years to get there."

As they walked, the two ran into another agent. He was a mountain of muscle, and decked out in studded leather armor. "Crimson, my friend!" he said in a booming voice. "What a welcome surprise!" He gave Crimson a big bear hug, then looked over at Digi. "Is this the new agent I've heard about?"

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Digital squeaks and hid behind Crimson but poked her head out from behind her "H-hello, I'm D-Digital Blitz" she says softly "I-it's nice to meet you" she squeaks and holds onto a small plush of Spitfire she was carrying with her.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

"Digi, it's fine," chuckled Crimson. "This is Valiant. He's another senior agent."

Valiant let out a thunderous laugh. "Come, child! I mean you no harm! I only wish to see Crimson's new apprentice!"

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Digital blushes as she comes out from hiding "Hello Valiant, I didn't mean to offend, it's just I never got much of a chance to...meet many stallions when I was a live" she tries to explain then looks down, still hugging her plush


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

Valiant produced another laugh and put his huge arm around Digi's shoulder, pulling her in for a sort of half-hug. "You are young then, yes? A shame you were never given a chance for conquest in life, but now you've been granted another opportunity!"

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Digit was soon swept into the large stallion's arms and her blush didn't go away, in fact it just intensified and she shot a look at Crimson that says "Why on Equestria am I blushing like this?" she then begins to try and hide her blush behind her mane and just squeaked as she was at a loss for words.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@Digital Blitz

Crimson couldn't help but chuckle. "Alright, Valiant, that's enough. We need to get going."

Valiant laughed one final time, then let Digi go and gave her quite a hearty pat on the back to send her on her way. "Good luck to both of you."

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