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~* No Other Way *~ {1x1 RP with Twofer}

Pripyat Pony

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Princess Celestia glanced at the window, and sighed. She was standing in the throne room with her sister Luna, and she was still unsure as to whether the choice the two of them had made was the best way to proceed. Luna, sensing her sister's reluctance, walked over to her side.

"It is the only way," she said, softly. "Since we are not at war with Saddle Arabia any more, we cannot risk breaking the precious peace treaty by demanding that they return the Frost Diamond. The only way that we can get it back is to send our best mercenaries to collect it and the documents."

The Frost Diamond was a jewel that had once resided in the frozen Northlands of Equestria. Centuries before, Equestria had been at war with Saddle Arabia, and the Saddle Arabians had stolen the jewel. Altho peace had been restored after a long and bitter war, the Saddle Arabians had refused to return the Frost Diamond. Celestia had not pressed for its return, as it seemed that the Northlands remained much the same, even after its absence. But recently, it had become obvious that the snow and ice was receding, leaving patches of barren earth where nothing grew. Worse, there were villages in the Northland which were suffering floods from the melt water caused by the nonseasonal thaw.

There were no unicorns living in the Northlands; the ponies there were deeply suspicious of "magic users" as they called unicorns, so the villages in the North were occupied by earth ponies and pegasi. Tho both tried their hardest to prevent disasters, it was obvious that they could not do so forever. Celestia and Luna had used their magic to divine the cause of the thaw, and had eventually found out that the lack of the Frost Diamond was the reason. The ice had been melting for many years, but since the melt had started well below ground level, it had not been noticable until now. The Frost Diamond must be replaced in the Ice Cave in the North Mountains if the Northlands were to be saved.

Also, the Princesses wanted to get hold of certain military documents that were currently in the possession of the Saddle Arabians. If they decided on another invasion, the documents would prevent Equestria from being taken by surprise, and even stop the Saddle Arabians in their tracks. Both must be taken from Saddle Arabia, and Celestia had sent for the two best ponies for the job. Despite her own misgivings, she knew that her sister was right; there was no other way if the Northlands were to be saved, and peace was to be maintained between Equestria and Saddle Arabia.



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@Pripyat Pony

Crimson had just spent several hours traveling under the grueling Arabian sun. She had caught a ride on a truck that was headed towards her destination, a little village called Zathar. The truck ride had been long and unpleasant, as Crimson was stuffed in the crowded back with several others going in the same direction. Her bandanna had become soaked with sweat, and her clothes under the cloak she was wearing were beginning to suffer as well. 

After what seemed to be an eternity, the truck arrived at her destination. Crimson was more than happy to be out of the truck, despite the ever present oppressive heat. She made her way to a local bar known as the Dune's Head where she was to meet her partner for her mission.

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Sanura sighed heavily as she walked wearily into the village of Zathar. She had traveled on the train as far as it would go, afterwards taking a lift on a cart and walking the last few miles to the village. Sanura had brought plenty of water with her, but due to the immense heat, this was almost exhausted. She was glad that the meeting with the mare who was to be her partner in the mission was taking place at an inn. She wondered idly about what kind of pony her partner would be; she had only heard a rushed description. Sanura was relieved when she finally entered the inn and the glaring eye of the sun was shut off.



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@Pripyat Pony

Crimson was sitting at the bar, rhythmically tapping her hoof in three beats. It was subtle enough that nobody would notice if they weren't particularly paying attention, but someone who was looking for it would definitely see. It was meant to signal to whoever her partner was that she was the one they were looking for.

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Sanura stopped for a moment to recall something important that the Princesses had mentioned in the letter; the signal that the other mare would use in order to show that she was the one who was to be Sanura's partner in this difficult and dangerous mission. As she continued her walk into the inn, she immediately heard that very signal being tapped out with a hoof! Looking over to the bar, Sanura saw an earth pony mare sitting there. The mare had deep red coloured fur, and a golden mane and tail. She wore a red and white bandana and seemed very competent, for which Sanura was relieved. She was also glad that she was to be teamed up with another earth pony; unicorns tended to be superior and pegasi were far too reckless. Sanura walked up to the mare.

"Hi," she said, in a low voice. "I believe that I am who you are waiting for."



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@Pripyat Pony

"Perfect," responded Crimson, briefly glancing at the mare before back at her drink. She had been given no previous information on who her partner was going to be, but Crimson still wasn't expecting a zebra. "So, you're here for the wedding too?" This was another code that Crimson had been briefed on, and she would know for sure that the zebra was on the up and up if she had the correct counter phrase. Not to mention that it wouldn't arouse any suspicion if talked about in public.

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"Yes, that's correct," Sanura replied, choosing her words carefully. "I'm with the bridal party." This was the countersign that Sanura had been instructed to reply to the wedding question, which her partner would give. Once they had confirmed that, then they could begin making plans together.

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@Pripyat Pony

"Great. I have a room booked for the night here at the inn. I've gotten all the things we'll need for the big day too. How about I show you up to the room?" Their operation would be delicate, no doubt, and secrecy and caution would be everything.

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On 5/24/2017 at 5:39 AM, Twofer said:


"Great. I have a room booked for the night here at the inn. I've gotten all the things we'll need for the big day too. How about I show you up to the room?" Their operation would be delicate, no doubt, and secrecy and caution would be everything.

"That would be lovely, thank you," Sanura replied cautiously. One never knew who might be listening in, and it was important that their mission stayed exactly how it was planned; ie, secret. Plus, the two of them needed to get to know each other due to having to work together for a considerable amount of time, cuz who knew how long the mission would last?



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1 hour ago, Pripyat Pony said:

"That would be lovely, thank you," Sanura replied cautiously. One never knew who might be listening in, and it was important that their mission stayed exactly how it was planned; ie, secret. Plus, the two of them needed to get to know each other due to having to work together for a considerable amount of time, cuz who knew how long the mission would last?

Crimson gave a nod in response and led the zebra upstairs and to a room at the end of the hall, then produced a key from her cloak and unlocked it. The room had been booked and prepared in advance, so all their gear was waiting for them in two unassuming suitcases.

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Sanura did not relax til both she and the earth pony mare were inside the twin bed room, with the door locked. She then sat down on one of the beds and turned to face Crimson.

"I think that we ought to introduce ourselves," she said. "My name is Sanura, and, as you probably have guessed, I'm a half zebra. Since you are to be my partner on this extremely delicate mission, I will assume that your credentials are as good as mine."



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@Pripyat Pony

"You'd be right," said Crimson as she took off the cloak. "I'm Crimson Glare, former Royal Guard Speical Division." Crimson knelt down and began looking through one of the suitcases to see what gear they had been provided.

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"Pleased to meet you," replied Sanura. "I worked as a spy for the Princesses for a long time, and have been on many missions. Tho I normally work alone, I'm not adverse to working with a partner, preferably a mare and even more preferably, a fellow earth pony. We tend to be more resourceful, in my experience, than unicorns and less reckless than pegasi."



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@Pripyat Pony

"Since I left the guard, my dig has usually been mercenary work, but I've had enough training in espionage to pull this off. Besides, we have something valuable to the princess: deniability." Crimson pulled a piece of paper from the suitcase and laid it on the table. It was a floor plan of the Saddle Arabian military command center. "How much have you been briefed on the mission?"

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"Only the bare bones," Sanura replied. "Namely, that we are to retrieve important military documents along with a special jewel called the Frost Diamond from  Saddle Arabia. Neither of these items can be taken in normal diplomatic ways, as the Saddle Arabians refuse to comply. Tho seeing as they stole the Frost Diamond in the first place, I call that pretty hypocritical of them. Anyway, Celestia told me that you would brief me on the rest of the mission, and that I was to get myself with all speed to the meeting point."



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@Pripyat Pony

"Well, you're right about that." Crimson stood over the floor plan, examining it as she spoke. "Tomorrow morning, we'll be taking a train to the capital as just regular tourists. The day after that, we'll be taking a civilian tour of the military command building, which is where the diamond and those documents are being held. We're going to break off from the tour here for a 'bathroom break'," Crimson pointed at a spot on the floor plan. "From there, we're going to sneak through a vent and make our way to the diamond."

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"I expect that the diamond will be guarded," Sanura said, nodding in approval of Crimson's briefing so far. "Probably by unicorns. I'm sure that the two of us can put our heads together to outwit any guards."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@Pripyat Pony

"We wouldn't have been hired for the job if we couldn't," said Crimson with an ever so slight smirk. "Now, we know where the crystal is, but we don't have any intel on the kind of security we're looking at. It's gonna be a little touch and go."

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"Perhaps first we ought to do a recon, to scout out the area and look for any weaknesses," Sanura suggested. "After all, when we take the jewel, we will only get one chance at doing so. If we make an attempt to take it and fail, then the Saddle Arabians will know that somepony is trying to take it and will triple their security, making it difficult if not impossible to have a second go. We could disguise ourselves as ambassadors or tourists and have a wander around the palace, which is open to the public on certain days."



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