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Forsaken of the Everfree 1x1 with Maple Bat


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After jack got hurt Maple lost her feeling of remorse and fired an arrow straight at his head. Flying to catch Jack before he hit the ground. When She grabbed him she was freezing cold but she ignored that.

Woody arrived in time to see Jack get hit with the blast and he saw Maple's arrow, the arrow would hurt but probably not kill them. "Maple, I can heal him just take care of that pony."

Maple landed next to Woody "Let him run. I don't care about him right now just heal jack." She took off her armor and covered Jack with it and faced the pony in case they weren't running.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The cloaked pony lay death on the ground as his head had been penetrated by Maple's arrow.

On his body lay documents where the orders were written on.

*Murder the 3 interlopers, we cannot risk of them noticing my identity, do as you are told and your reward shall be forthcoming.

The Red Enclaves shall prevail.

-Lord of Sorcerers*



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Maple finished reading the Documents and crushed them she looked at her brother with fire in her eyes "I don't know who this Lord of Sorcerers thinks he is but I personally will see his end."

"Sister! Calm down you're freezing to death right now. While your son is dying." Woody told her "We have significantly more important things right now.

Maple's sense snapped back into her "Right... I'll... I'll set up the tent." She set it up while woody was singing a calm, Healing melody.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Eventually woke up, but his body still sore.

"Man, what happened?" he said with a dazed expression.

He looked around frantically, not knowing what was going on.


"Who is there?!" He screamed. All Jack could see was blackness before his eyes, his horn emitting a dark sort of magic leaking from it.


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"Hey it's ok. The bad pony is gone" Maple said in her usual calm tone of voice  "You're gonna be ok." She lifted her armor off of Jack and put it back on "I'm glad you're ok."

Woody was exited "I did it I healed somepony with my magic. Oh right." He then changed back to the warming melody so Maple didn't freeze.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I'm NOT ok! Something is happening to my sight! I can only see darkness!" Jack screamed in panic.

"That pony must have hit me with some sort of dark magic... DAMN IT!" he screamed as he ran around.


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Woodland looked at the colt he picked him up looking into his eyes "It's magical alright..." He was worried "It may fade or be cancel able with anti-magic but nothing I know could fix this."

Maple looked into his eyes as well "Is it ok if I..."

Woody rolled his eyes "Yes."

"I don't know who this Lord of sorcerers is but I'm not only going to find him but I will make him fix my son then I'll teach him a thing or 2 about manners. I'll show him the true meaning of pain." Maple said once again with the same fire in her eyes "I'll find it by myself take Jack home and see if dad can fix his vison."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Maple, while I don't know what kind of spell he used me, I do know that it cannot be simply fixed by normal magic."

"It can only be fixed by someone who has been corrupted by the dark magic in some way or knows how to use them, it's what I learned the hard way." He said with sadness.


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"Well then if this "Lord of Sorcerers" Values his own life He'll fix you're eyes then I'll personally see to his punishment." She said

"Maple, He's gonna use that against you." Woodland said "It's not a good idea for him to know that you need his help." He stepped away for a minute to read the documents on the dead pony.

"Can't you use dark magic?" Maple whispered "Or is this something new to you."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I only know bits and pieces of it, but even then I don't know a whole yet. I don't know what to do at this point..."

"At least one of us should warn Princess Celestia about what has transpired here, this is nothing something to be taken lightly."  Jack said with worry.


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Maple was still angered "Why waste time 'Tia's not going to do much about this situation. The guard at the crystal empire needs to focus on defending the young alicorn."

"Wait you can't actually believe we can beat this read enclave. Do you?" Woody responded

"I do believe that. You're a dragonequus and I'm a captain of the royal archers" Maple snapped back "Luna chose us for this mission because she knew we'd win and tha- Aww who am I kidding, Jacks right we need to leave and tell the alicorns what happened." She put jack on her back and started to head back to the train tracks Why didn't I take that hit It was obviously meant for me I'm so useless She signed

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Deep into the heart of the Frozen Waste was the hideout of the Red Enclaves.

A group of 8 unicorns were performing a ritual where in the middle stood the leader with his horn glowing a dark shade red.

One of the servants came walking towards him.

"My lord... Grave news." a unicorn servant said.

"What is this *grave news* you speak of welp? Do tell." The leader said.

"The assassination failed, the 3 targets are still alive, and our hitman was been murdered."

"You think that counts as grave news? My my, how deluded you are. They pose no threat to us." The leader replied with a chuckle

"By all means, let them come, Celestia is too much of a coward to attack herself, she would rather send  all her subjects to the grave to save her own hide."





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A few hours after getting on the train they arrived at canterlot. Maple left Jack with Woodland at a small hotel somewhere in canterlot and she appeared at canterlot.

The 3 Alicorns, Shining armor and Maple where all in the throne room discussing this.

"Maple calm down" Luna said "My sister is far to busy to-"

"Too busy to save equestria from a real problem." Maple said "That shouldn't be a possibility, 'Tia I understand this country can't run it's self but we have a real problem on her hooves here. I believe this pony has access to magic only seen before used by King Sombra."

Shining looked at Maple in disgust "There is no way he could have returned and no one understands dark magic as well himself."

"Then how did they know to put an assassin on the train we took!" Maple shouted.

The room fell silent

Celestia was the first to break the silence "We could send your father and the elements of harmo-"

"No one's getting involved but you 'Tia you're the only one strong enough to beat him." Maple interrupted.

Celestia sighed "I would if I could. My magic has weakened since my battle with sombra."

Maple didn't know that she felt bad. She had another Idea though. "Cadence isn't Flurry Heart around 20 now?"

Cadence was confused by the random question. "Yes but why do you ask."

Maple smiled big "No reason. I'll take my leave now. I will come back if I need an army."


She walked back to where she left Jack and Woody "Bad news 'Tia will not be joining the fight... Good news I do know someone who will help us though.  I also know of some pony in ponyville who understands a lot about dark magic too.

"Who are you talking about sis?" Woody asked

"The Great and powerful one." Maple replied mocking the pony

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack sighed.

"You know, I would have expected Princess Celestia to be the first one to step and handle matters into her own hooves, If you remember how she stood up against Chrysalis, her bravery was unmatched, but now she turns her back on all her subjects? I hate to say it but  Equestria will NOT survive if this keeps up. Just think about it, all those centuries where Celestia and Luna have managed to defeat the most powerful beings that Threatened Equestria. if all 4 alicorns would mount up a full-scale assault on the Red Enclaves with a full standing army of Royal guards and Lunar Guards, then a victory would be very likely to us."


"Ok perhaps I expected it from Celestia, but I expected Luna to at least support us, She always has been a hero to me...." he said with a frown.


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Maple was heading towards the train station carrying Jack " 'Tia's a coward always has been Luna is busy with her dream walking as well. Anyways you do remember the 5th alicorn right?" Maple said discreetly "We grew up around the same age so when i was sent there to guard I would always talk with her and play with her. We became besties well of course that's my position though. But we could get her help she hates being cooped up all the time."

"So first we're going to ponyville to get trixie to hopefully fix Jacks sight then we're going to the Crystal empire to get Flurry Hearts Help then we head back to the frozen wastes."Woody confirmed.

"Exactly Let's go" Maple said spreading her wings "Hold on tight Jack."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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As they were flying Jack sighed.

"I wish I could be confident in this plan but I just can't, while we may be strong together, we are assaulting an enemy that I don't even know how many soldiers, let alone how powerful he is. I know I am doubting it too much, but it isn't right to send out such a small group to engage a potential threat that could very well wipe us all out.

Just think about it, she has constantly sent the Element bearers to fight the threats of Equestria, but she didn't even take it into account a single moment that her prize student could very well be murdered at a moments notice, is that how she is going to solve Equestria's problems? By sending small groups like this without even monitoring the situation?!"

"I may be a child, but I can guarantee you that Equestria will NOT survive if this keeps up!" he said


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After a few minutes Maple landed on the ground "I know its dangerous but we have a dragonequus, a vampire fruit bat , an alicorn, and you of course. My father once told me that he defeated queen chrysalis with only the help of a traitorous changeling and 2 unicorns one of which we are going to visit now." Once they where at trixie's home-cart thing She knocked on the door "Trixie!" Maple said loudly "It's Fluttershy's daughter I need your help."

A few minutes after that Trixie opened the door "What could you possibly need from the great and powerful Trixie?"

"Trixie because of your..." Maple paused for a minute "Past I know you have experience with dark magic and a dark magic wielding unicorn put a curse so to speak on my son's eyes here do you think you could remove it?"

"The great and powerful Trixie will see what she can do." She levitated Jack and took him inside.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hold on, do I hear the voice of Trixie?" Jack said confused.

He suddenly felt himself being picked up in her levitation.

"Yeah, it must be Trixie." he muttered to himself.


Somewhere half a mile away from the Crystal Empire stood a big group of ponies clad in red and spiked armour, all of them being Unicorns.

"It is time." came a voice from one of the group members.


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In Trixies home-cart She set Jack down on a desk and flipped through several books. "Alright this should work." She said finding the right spell, She slipped the alicorn amulet ,Which she had taken back from twilight. "Hehe." She giggled "Twilight doesn't know I have this." She began to cast dark magic as more of a countermagic, Her magic started to get overwelmed but the alicorn amulet kicked in her beating the curse on Jacks. "There we go." she said hiding the amulet "Did that work?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack blinked his eyes a few times and to his relief, his sight has returned.

"It worked, thank you. And it seems you possess the Alicorn amulet, wich explains how you were able to drive back a curse of this level." he said with a smile.


Outside barrier of the Crystal Empire stood the big group, in front of them stood the Red Enclave leader clad in a dark red armour.

"Behold brothers, here lies our ancient home, but it is now filled with inferior peasants and weaklings. We will fix this infestation once and for all." The leader said as a massive amount of dark magic was surrounding his horn.

He then shot a massive dark bolt towards the Barrier that was surrounding the Crystal Empire.

The bolt denotated against the barrier with a large explosion, there was a slight crack in the barrier.

The leader then Drew his sword, The Sword looked rather disturbing, faces of ponies screaming in terror were crafted on the blade as a method of inspiring fear, and a red glow came from the blade itself.

He then grabbed the blade with his magic and slashed trough the crack.  A large hole was created inside the barrier, yet it tried to regenerate itself, but couldn't press further as dark powers were blocking the regeneration of the barrier itself.

"Forward my Brethren! Today we will rewrite history. A history that will be remembered for thousands of years to come!" The leader said as he and his Unicorn group moved through the barrier straight into the Crystal Empire.


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Flurry heart was bored in her room. She couldn't leave because of the threat of attack. That was until she actually saw and army approach the castle. She quickly used a magic spell to send a message to canterlot And the she sent on to the only guard memeber she saw as an actual pony, Maple.


When Jack walked back out Maple walked over "Did it work?" She looked into his eyes "I guess it did. Go see Woody." She walked over to trixie "How much?"

Trixie laughed "50 bits should do it." Maple handed her the money and then a letter landed on her head.

"What's this?" She opened it and read it

Dear Maple Bat

My parents where right I need help there's and army here.

I'm scared please hurry I've already sent letter to the others.

Signed, Flurry Heart.

Maple ran over picked up Jack spread her wings Said "We've gotta move quickly, Hold on." and took off like a bullet.

Woody was shocked Maple could move that fast and he had to use his magic to speed himself up to that point.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The army was moving at a quick pace.

The defenders of the Crystal Empire had a strong defence, but they loosing ground faster and faster as time went on.

While the main army of the Red Enclaves was fighting head to head with that of the Crystal Empire's one.

The leader and his Unicorn retune teleported straight into the command post of the officers that let the defence of the city.

They all drew their weapons in a desperate attempt to fight back their invaders but it was for nought as their opponents were barraging them dark bolts at an impressive rate.

The Pegasus commander leapt into the air and tried to cut off the head of the invading leader with a fast thrust from the air.

But to his horror the leader dodged it at a fast speed and dug his own sword straight trough the Pegasus commander, killing him instantly.

"We have taken out their commanding officers, now they will be lambs in a slaughter." The leader said with amusement.

"But let us make for our real target."

His retune nodded as all of their horns started to glow.

They teleported straight into the place where stood the very thing they were after.

The crystal heart.


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Maple was going so fast it was a wonder to anyone she wasn't breaking the sound barrier. When they got close She noticed that somehow the leaders had been defeated She didn't care how she only cared that they where losing. She slowed down and let Woody catch up a bit "Let the army know I'm here and I'm in charge now."

Woodland nodded and flew down to assist the army in it's attack. While Maple headed towards the castle where she saw those ponies about to take the crystal heart "Don't you dare touch that!" she Shouted firing an arrow at the one closest to it.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The arrow was heading straight for the group, but the arrow bounced off as the unicorn retune had conjured a dark barrier around the place, all 10 unicorns using their magic to hold up the barrier itself.

The leader looked at the direction where the arrow had come from.

"What do we have here? A lone lunar guard trying to stop me? What a futile attempt." he said as he walked towards the Crystal Heart.

"Sombra wanted to conquer all of Equestria, but it was his incompetence that led to his eventual defeat, I won't be making the mistake he did."

He drew his sword and slashed straight trough the Crystal heart, the crystal heart broke in countless of pieces and as the energies of the blade where fracturing every piece of it.

And without the crystal heart powering the barrier, it collapsed.

And the entire city was now exposed to the hard snowstorms and blizzards of the frozen north.


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Maple flew back a ways looking like she was retreating set Jack down where he'd be safe flew way up into the air then went full force speed, almsot Breaking the sound barrier, and rammed into the Barrier the unicorns where keeping up it would have taken more than 10 of them to keep it up after that hit.

Woodland saw Maple Fly at them like that he ran up to where the crystal heart was he began to sing a repeating melody. Which duplicated Maple's last action causing a second powerful blow to the shield destroying it completely.

Maple hit the ground and caught herself quickly. Firing another arrow at the one who had broken the crystal heart Then a few more arrows at eh unicorns to prent them from creating another barrier.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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