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Ponies, magic, and chakra- is there a connection?


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Pony magic and chakras


Pony magic, when cast, comes in a variety of colors. Colors themselves are emotive and have meaning. While many have speculated that the color of magic reflects the color of their eyes, this has proven not to be the case. In early seasons, we see Twilight having a white magic around her horn, while in recent times, Sunset’s has changed from turquoise to red. But why? I believe that while magic is tied to emotion, is is also tied to chakras- or vortexes of energy located within the pony themselves, that they can tap into.


For example- take a look at the Super Saiyan forms, from the Dragon Ball/ Z/ Super franchise. Under the right conditions, a Saiyan can call upon the energy inside of them at any given time, and undergo a transformation. The standard super saiyan has a transformation that is triggered by pure anger, rage and extreme emotional stimuli, that results in a gold/yellow aura and hair. The solar plexus chakra is yellow, and it represents the digestive system, muscles, pancreas, and adrenals. Its the seat of one’s emotional life, and is associated with feelings of personal power, joy, laughter, and anger. Sensitivity, ambition, and ability are also associated with this center. Blockage may manifest itself in anger, frustration, lack of direction, or a sense of victimization. This explains why when this transformation is first obtained, it is the hardest, and most intense to achieve.


Then there is the reddish-pink hair color and aura of the SS God, seen in the Battle of Gods movie. This is the beginning of Goku’s spiritual journey, first touching the power of god-key. Red chakra is a visceral, primitive power. Its the sparking place for big blasts of raw creation; a powerful action propelling you forward. Its the seat of one’s physical/ spiritual birth. When blocked, is associates with symptoms such as sadness and lethargy. While red magic (twinged with pink/ magenta) is seen temporarily in Starlight Glimmer in “All Bottled Up”, it seems to be more prominent in Sunset Shimmer, who has had her magic aura changed completely.


SS Blue, like the throat chakra, is a light blue energy, and is all about key control, calmness, and purity. The blue chakra represents the synthesizing of ideas, healing, transformation, and purification. However blockage of this chakra results in dishonesty, creative blocks, or problems in communicating one’s needs to others. This is seen in Luna’s, Rarity’s, Starlight Glimmer’s, and Sunset Shimmer’s original magic; both of which are light blue/ turquoise. Rarity’s lies more along the vein of calm and purity in her craft; Luna’s is healing though dreams and transforming ponies’s nightmares into good dreams. However, one can make the argument that – given Starlight’s character, this chakra is blocked, resulting in the dishonest means she used her magic in- and why it s often backfires, as well as the communication problems. Sunset, on the other hoof, who had her magic as light blue in the beginning, also had that pool of chakra blocked by lack of communication with her former mentor, and dishonest means of obtaining Twilight’s element. Though it has since become unblocked by the change in coloration of her clothing (now sporting a light blue maxi dress, with blue leggings to represent the positive aspects of this unblocked. free-flowing chakra)


SS Rose- pink/ magenta- is tied to the crown chakra of the same color. This energy is all about information, understanding. Acceptance, and bliss. It is said to be one’s on connection with God, the chakra of divine purpose, and personal destiny. Blockages in this chakra result as psychological problems, all as seen in Zamasu. This is also seen in Twilight Sparkle, who has a magenta magical aura, is show to be a pony of studious learning, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and has become the destined princess of friendship, which is, at its core, accepting others, and having a blissful state of mind in the presence of those friends, and others who could be potential friends.


Many times, ponies (like Coloratura) make the statement “let the magic in your heart stay true”, and I believe that explains why dark magic, in itself, is green. It stems from the heart- or rather, the darker desires and ambitions that manifest within it. Whatever dark intents lie in the heart’s chakra are manifested into a physical energy, when cast, and seen as a green energy. Green (especially when tinged with another color) implies a state of distorted thinking/ sustained emotional trauma. This is seen not only in Sombra (while it was also mixed with red), in Chrysalis, and in Rarity, in “Inspiration Manifestation.”, while her heart's truest desires wanted to manifest, the chakra she was tapping into was blocked by corrupted thinking, which resulted in her magic turning green.


So what do you guys think? Can pony magic, which is tied to emotion, also be tied to chakra as well? Does this theory better lend credibility and explanation to some of the scenes of magic that we see in FiM and EG?

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I'd say that if there is a connection to magic colors and chakra, it might be more unintentional on the creative team's part, since it's usually just based on eye color and/or cutie mark color. Season 1 would be inconsistent, mainly because they were still figuring out things, and can still be expected to mess up every now and then. Rather than be directly influenced by the chakra colors and their meanings, it might be that it's because colors have their own meanings universally, like red being a visual sign of anger. I don't know enough to say whether it's these universal meanings wound up influencing how chakra is depicted, or if the depiction of chakra color helped influence those color meanings

1 hour ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

The standard super saiyan has a transformation that is triggered by pure anger, rage and extreme emotional stimuli, that results in a gold/yellow aura and hair. The solar plexus chakra is yellow, and it represents the digestive system, muscles, pancreas, and adrenals. Its the seat of one’s emotional life, and is associated with feelings of personal power, joy, laughter, and anger. Sensitivity, ambition, and ability are also associated with this center. Blockage may manifest itself in anger, frustration, lack of direction, or a sense of victimization. This explains why when this transformation is first obtained, it is the hardest, and most intense to achieve.

For Super Saiyan, rather than your stomach it's actually the part of your back between your shoulder blades that you're supposed to concentrate energy for, placing it between the green heart chakra and the light blue throat chakra. Oddly tying the light blue Super Saiyan eye color with a color normally more associated with the Legendary Super Saiyan's aura.

Edited by Marimo
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Not to be rude, but this isn't Naruto. Magic is it's own thing entirely, and I believe it's meant to be kept simple. If they wanted it more complex I'm sure theyvwould make it so. However, being a children's show, it's not good to. Be too complex.


The colors vary, and I believe they are individual with the pony, but don't have any major purpose other than looks.

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On 6/2/2017 at 7:13 PM, Foxy Socks said:

Not to be rude, but this isn't Naruto. Magic is it's own thing entirely, and I believe it's meant to be kept simple. If they wanted it more complex I'm sure theyvwould make it so. However, being a children's show, it's not good to. Be too complex.


The colors vary, and I believe they are individual with the pony, but don't have any major purpose other than looks.

I never even mentioned Naruto. Heck, its not even originated from anime, but a spiritual concept of tapping into the energy levels/chakra within us. And the basic concept still applies. The ponies have a magic inside of them- which is repeatedly spoken of in canon- most notably by Coloratura. Even without this theory, MLP FIM is plenty complex, whether you see it as a kids' show or not.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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