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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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20th Era, 40 years after Valtrek's return.

It was a sunny day in Equestria, Celestia's sun shone in its fullest glory.

But unfortunately, this perfect day would soon be ruined by the horror that besets all.

A massive wormhole formed in the sky, but instead of sucking things up, it started to eject massive amounts of debris into the Everfree Forest, from small rocks to massive amounts of metal from remains of spaceships, it was All dropped straight into the forest, but among those things was a tiny spaceship, but it looked very rusted, and its engines had died long ago.

In that spaceship was a weird looking creature, a 2 legged cat with a white coat and with lots of injuries, and some sort of cuffs were constructed around his arms and feet, but the chain holding them together was missing, the metal what it was made from had a dark red appearance. On his right arm was a weird mark, it kept glowing red, but it gave off a scary energy.

The spaceship crashed straight into the river.

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Luna had seen the wormhole not long after it had appeared. And had enter Maple's dream to alert the Lunar captain "Maple. There appears to be a problem in everfree and since your mother lives so close to the forest you and your brother need to investigate". Maple had,until this point, been oversleeping in her room at her mothers cottage because. Woodland Orchestra was helping his mother, Fluttershy, with the care of animals. Maple walked by him "Bro, Luna needs us to investigate something."

"Sure." he said getting up "What's it this time."

"No idea." Maple said shrugging the two proceeded into the forest ready for what ever they where looking for,

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack eventually woke up, he had been unconscious for quite a while.

Yet he now realised that he crashed somewhere, he started to violently kick against the latch and it finally broke off.

He climbed out to the ship and climbed the ground.

His entire body felt sore, he looked he had been through hell and back from the appearance of his body.

'Where am I? This is not Cyril, what ha-'  Before he could finish his thoughts and looked up the sky, a look of horror was seen on his face.

"Oh no..."

He got snapped out of thoughts as a piece of debris almost crushed him, he quickly jumped out of the way.

"How that wormhole even get there?! I have never seen one such a size before..." he said to himself.

He looked around, large part of the forest around him was burning while the area where he stood had become a very open space with nothing but rock and broken rubble under his feet.

"This planet must be barren anyway, a chance I will find any sentient life here is is zero chance..." he said to himself.

"I am just going to wait until this wormhole clears up, though I hope that it does, who knows, if this keeps going, it's going to cause major destruction." He said with worry.

He then sat down and closed his eyes.

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As the two siblings got closer they started to get pelted by the debris, it getting worse as they got closer to the center.

Woodland looked at the wormhole then to Maple "Are you sure that we can keep getting closer? Things are getting pretty bad and we are barely have made it to the center."

Maple realized that he was right it was pretty bad at this point and she wasn't sure they would be safe if they kept going. "You're right. Lets take shelter for now and wait for the wormhole to stop."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack suddenly heard voices from afar, his ears able to pick up sounds from a pretty far distance.

'Someone or something is coming here... This is not good.' Jack thought as he quickly took cover behind some of the debris.

'I am not even sure what kind of life this planet holds, for all I know I crash landed on yet another planet that is overrun by Valtrek's forces...'

Jack held his breath as he focused on his hearing, trying to listen for any nearby sounds.

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The two had taken shelter in a nearby area, the trees there where dense enough at the top to stop most debris and if something that big fell they where ready to move. The trees where so dense however that not a lot of light came through.

"So why are we out here again?" Woody asked using basic unicorn magic to light up the area. "Are we searching for ponies?"

"Yea. We need to help anyone who might have survived going through the wormhole. That or got hit with debris or survived." Maple relied. She had kept her head up waiting to see if anything fell through.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack had been listening for a while, but he no longer heard any talking.

He sighed as he carefully went out of his cover.

He looked around him.

'Apart from all the falling debris and destruction that has been caused by that wormhole, this looks so... Peaceful? I don't know, it been so long since I have been in this realm again. It was.... 3 years ago?'

'But I need to get moving, I won't get anything done by just standing around.' he thought as he moved with very sluggish movement.


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Maple was waiting impatiently for the wormhole to stop "We have to go now."

"Why?" Woody asked his sister who had been pacing for several minutes now. He knew she was Impatient.

Maple stopped pacing and looked at him "The longer we sit here the more likely someone is to get hurt... or perhaps even worse... You can stay here but I'm going out there to help people who need me." She ran off to go help ponies who needed it.

"Sis! Wait!" The dragonequus sighed not knowing to follow her or stay there. He eventually and reluctantly decided to stay there.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack had been moving until he saw something in the distance, and what he saw almost stopped his heart for a second.

'W-what?! Is that a.. sentient being? But how?? Did that wormhole send me to the very end of the galaxy??' thought with confusion.

He stared at Maple with caution, but also a hint of fear.

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Maple thought she spotted someone "Hey! Are you ok over there?" She flew over to where he was. When she saw him she froze up for a second. "Well... you don't uhh... Seem like  a pony." She worried he'd find that offensive but she wasn't sure who else to refer to him.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked at her with a surprised expression.

'This is the first time where an unknown species actually doesn't attack me or even faces me with any kind of aggression... It's hard to phantom this is happening right now..' the thought to himself.

"Pony? Is that what your race is called? But no, i am not a pony, i am not even from around here. But who are you?" He asked, quickly hiding his mark.

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"Well technically. I'm a bat pony which is a sub race of the whole pony race there like 6 different races. Anyways, I'll tell you who I am but I'd like to know who you are first." She didn't want to seem like she didn't trust him, but she was being a bit cautious.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"My name is Jack Gonriel and i am an Eldritch, or well whats left of it anyway. My spaceship crash landed here as it emerged from that wormhole, i am actually wondering myself why that thing is in the sky as i don't remember flying it in it." he said.

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Maple shrugged. "Names Maple, Maple Bat. Memory loss is commonly associated with heavy blows, You probably don't remember because of the crash. Anyways, You seem lost. After all no pony goes into everfree forest without reason."

Woody, as he waited on his sister to return,  started to get worried to help him calm himself down he started singing. She'll be ok. She's a well trained soldier after all. He reassured himself in his thoughts. "Maybe in a bit I'll check on her."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded

"So what is this planet called? From what I remember I have never been here before, neither has anyone I knew." he asked with curiosity.

'To be honest, i don't even know where this planet is located in the first place, I am just lucky to be alive the hell I've been trough, very very lucky.' he thought

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Maple looked at Jack suspiciously. "Equestria. We've never had visitors quite like you before so no your friends probably haven't heard of it." Maple was unsure how to handle this situation. The guard had no protocol and she'd never seen someone who wasn't a pony before. Well I guess I should be friendly since mom was with dad. She thought eventually saying "Lets get you somewhere safer."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'I knew it, that wormhole sent me somewhere far away. I guess it would be rather  convenient for my well-being, but at the same time... I am walking away

from my goal, I am not sure whether I should be glad or sad about this fact.' Jack thought

"Does your planet by any chance have any... Unsentient beast? I mean, are there like predators that outnumber your world's population?" he asked.

'I hate to ask this question in such a weird way, but she won't understand what I mean if I give the actual name, so hopefully this can get my question answered."

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"No. Well... No but yes. We're in everfree forest at the moment. There are some scary creatures here but they don't out number normal ponies. I need to go let my brother know that we're leaving the forest besides you I think there's no survivors or casualties which is what we where sent to find." She flew over to that denser part of the forest she was at earlier.

Woody heard something approaching and flinched readying his singing only to realize it was Maple.

Maple saw him flinch and laughed. "Your that jumpy? Anyways we can leave now. There's no ponies here."

Woody nodded and started following her, seeing Jack unsettled his nerves. "Maple..." He said quietly "Who's he?..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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As Jack saw Woody looked a bit surprised.

'He seems a lot different from his sister, but at the same time possess some of the same body parts? My father would have loved to see someone who looked so unique.' Jack thought.

He shook himself out of his thought. "Hey there, my name is Jack, who are you?" he asked.

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Woody eyed him a bit suspiciously. "Woodland Orchestra. It's a pleasure to meet you. Anyways let's get you somewhere safer. My sister probably told you how dangerous this forest is already so I'll save my breath. And before you ask Maple it's this way." He started leading the 2 back to ponyville

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded.

As they had been walking for a while a suddenly  large pack of Timberwolf's appeared.

A large one pinned Jack to the ground, but the Timberwolf suddenly got pushed back a lot, as Jack started to put a massive amount of force to push him. He then tilted his legs to kick the wolf straight from him. The Timberwolf hit a tree with a loud crack, creating a small dent in the tree from the impact.


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Maple had her bow with her but not her armor. She was prepared enough in her opinion. She fired an arrow at the one the Jack had kicked the arrow hitting the timber wolfs chest splittering it. She thought it was odd seeing as this person who was with them stood up like Discord but she was mostly used to it.

Woody started to sing a strong, fiery melody. Bringing forth a flame lighting a wolf on fire.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was fighting a couple of timber wolves at ones, while most had been slain some still remained.

While Jack was able to hold his own, once of the timber wolves suddenly managed to draw blood from him, leaving a big cut in his arm.

When the smell of his own blood entered his nostrils, the very same feeling that he wanted to avoid started to enter his senses. While the change was rather a subtle change, it was only visible trough his fighting style, from first being carefull to sudden overwelming melee combat.                                                                                                                                     His senses started to change more as instead of carefull attacks, he was now starting the Timberwolfs with his bare hands, one hit even crushed a part of the timer wolf's body.

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Maple whistled "Nice going there." She yelled taking down another timber wolf with her arrows. She was having a bit of fun taking this many wolves down

Woody was doing the most damage with his fire magic. "How's that for ya. You stupid wolves. If you can't take the heat then don't mess with someone who's 1/3 Dragon."

After they where all beaten the siblings got ready to hurry. "We gotta move. Those things can regenerate and they can do it rather quickly." Maple said as Woody dashed straight ahead.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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As the fight was over, Jack took a deep breath and tried to calm his mind.

"It wen't a bit far there, but I managed to keep it partly in check, I am honestly starting to worry how much time the exposure has changed me over the course of years, how much of myself can I retain is the question in the end? Who knows..." he muttered to himself.

He stared at the pile of broken Timberwolves for a while but eventually followed Maple and Woody.

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