MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 The assassin raised an eyebrow. "That is quite the offer, but you have caught my interest. But this can easily be arranged, just give a moment." The assassin said as she walked to the leader. "What do you think you are doing Karliah! It disgusts me that you are handing out our own equipt to some backdoor alien! You had better watch out, before you become my next target.." The leader said towards the Assassin in a menacing tone. "Wich is precisely the reason why you are very bad at striking bargains, your master, however, seemed rather pleased with my actions, and i doubt you would dare to go against his will hm?" The assassin said as she grabbed a some sort of device, with an injection needle. She walked back to Treasured and threw the device to him. "Just inject yourself and you will see the wonders for yourself, but i would recommend you keep your worth, breaking such a bargain is not considered lightly in my services~." The assassin said with a playful tone. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 The Unicorn, With metal wings laughed when he looked at the device. "Trust me. The true king keeps his promise unlike those false gods that sit up at canterlot, First my vengance, Then I will make equestira bow it's RIGHTFUL KING!" He shouted as he looked at canterlot castle from where he was, He then teleported away heading to where his followers had last seen Maple. The Crystal Empire. "Soon Maple you will know true fear!" 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 (edited) Jack was lying in his bed, even though his entire underside was still paralysed, his left arm had actually started to heal. 'Damn, I am getting restless, in this state, I barely move which means I cannot do anything in order to get my adrenaline flowing... I just need the rush at the moment...' He looked at the door. 'There is a guard stationed outside the room, it would be utterly crazy for the guard to see an Eldritch crawling over the floor like that... But how can I get outside?' He thought. Jack looked at the window, a smile crept on his face. 'I could just climb out of the window, that should not be that hard.' he thought. 'Let me rephrase how irresponsible that is, you cannot use your legs, you will be putting all of the weight on your arms, which means you could literally fall from exhaustion, and by that extension, pummel to your death from really high in the air, because this castle is built on a mountain mind you.' his conscience argued with him 'Back on Cyril I used to climb the tallest buildings with William, I know what I am doing.' he thought back 'You really are crazy, I think you are taking Luna's word a bit too literally, by starting over she did not mean that you should try to replicate something like this.' 'I guess we will just have to find out how well I can still function in this.' Jack thought back as he rolled out of bed, and crawled towards the window, he lifted himself up to the window and opened it. The wind breezing past his small fur as he looked outside. He climbed through the window and lowered himself to the ledge, hanging on both his arms. 'Alright, just need to figure out how I am going to climb up without my legs.' he thought He thought for a moment and eventually came up with a solution. Jack started swinging a bit with his arms before launching himself straight into the air, he managed to get enough moment to grab onto a higher ledge with his right arm, but barely, as he almost his spot. He groaned as his right arm had to suffer from his entire body weight, he quickly grabbed the ledge with his left arm to even it out. He then started to use the same method every time to advance higher and higher. After about 5 ledges, he was sweating like crazy. 'Damn.. my arms are getting sore, but I guess this is a good way to get some adrenaline, though I wish I had at least claws, this is not exactly easy to climb with just hands.' he thought. 'I had forgotten how it feels to be free, I may not be able to fly but I can still do this, to some extent I guess.' He looked up. 'I still have a pretty long way to go, I have to take up the pace, so I am going to try something new, let's just hope this works.' he thought. Jack climbed up the edge and sat on the edge, he then started gathering magic in his hands. 'This should be enough if I use this force downwards, it should give me a good momentum.' Jack thought. As he fired the spell straight down, it did not fire anything but rather created a vibration in the air that launched Jack straight upwards. Sadly he missed his target by just a few inches as he didn't come high enough. As he fell, he quickly managed to grab onto one of the lower ledges, which caused a searing pain to go trough him. 'Ok, perhaps that was a bit to much.' he tought with a painfull expression Edited August 2, 2017 by Mickey Adaptus 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Treasured landed in the center of the crystal empire. "Maple... Where are you..." He looked around with his now golden eyes not seeing her anywhere Maple and Moonshadow had seen him approach. They both hid away they where alone and the guard was a long ways away. Maple was worried why is He everywhere She thought Treasured started to get impatient. "Fine. Start the party and the fun comes to you." His horn glowed as he shot a spell destroying a building "Come out Maple. I'll spare everyone else if you'll just come out." He began charging another blast. Maple started to move but Moonshadow, who was now his earth pony form, Grabbed her "He's going to kill you. You know that right." Moonshadow whispered scared. "Look into his eyes." Maple shook off his grip. "It's me he wants if I die at least he'll leave the civilians alone." She flew over to him. "Don't drag others into this. It's me you want!" Treasured smiled "It's so good to see you again. However this encounter will be our last." He pulled out his weapon. "At least make this fun for me. Destroying a building is hard to top." Maple nervously pulled out her spear I don't stand any sort of chance. She thought Guess I should try "Oh trust me I'll make sure. I'm not going to lose after all." She wasn't visibly afraid but her fear was taking over most of her. Treasured figured he wouldn't kill her quickly. This is something he wanted to savor he approached her slowly, levitating the blade with his magic 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 Jack was still hanging on the ledge, thinking how he was going to get himself out of this part. 'Well, it there is no other nearby ledge here... but, if I can propel myself in an ark I might actually be able to reach the upper one.' he thought. 'You can't be serious. The moment you are going to attempt that, you are going to DIE.' his conscious scolded him 'You don't know that, if Kiran taught me anything, it is that risk sometimes must be taken.' he thought back. 'Kiran was unstable in the head and you know that Jack, he would throw you in a group of infected creatures unarmed in order to push you past your limits.' 'I am going to pretend I did not you hear you talk about him like that...' Jack thought with such a cold tone that it could make anyone back away. He looked at up. 'It is going to be tricky, but I don't think it's impossible momentum and good balancing is all I need in order to get this done' he thought with determination. 'I will just have to wait for the wind to change its pattern, that will give me an increased chance of success.' 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Treasured stuck at Maple but she blocked the strike with her spear, feeling that her opponents strength hasn't increased by much she had a little hope of beating him. She faced him with new resolve. She kept blocking until Treasured left himself open. When he did she struck quickly her spear head barely even flashed on her strike. She moved into the air to get some distance. Treasured laughed as he followed her up into the sky. "I'm not going to be beat so easily this time" He dashed at her swinging in a full on rage. Maple was narrowly avoiding his strikes, deflecting those that would hit her. She was keeping up for now but she had no idea for how long. Maple landed a hit attacking his wings but he spear was deflected by the metal wings he had. Treasured, in Maple's moment of weakness landed a hit on her, his blade ripped through Maple wing and she plummeted towards the ground. He wanted her as she fell. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 "This is it." Jack said to himself as he started to gather magic in his left hand. He used the same spell as before as the forced launched him in an ark direction when he was in the right direction, he let go of the ledge and made a rotation in mid air, and with both hands, he tried to grab the upper ledge with all his strength, but the force the impact was rather hard as part of the ledge broke off, and that part pummeled all the way down. Jack still managed to hold on to the part that was still there. 'Having any regrets?' his conscious asked him Jack didn't even bother to answer as he looked down. "Heh, I did it.... Well sort off...." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Luna had been wandering the castle all day doing things but always had time to check on Jack, This time when she went to check on him he wasn't there she literally dropped the things she had been working on. "Jack?! Where did you go?" She looked around the room worried that one of the armies many enemies had found him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Maple crashed into the ground the impact shattering the crystal walkways. She couldn't manage to stand up Treasured landed putting his hoof on her back. "Kneel before the rightful king!" He shouted loud enough for the all the crystal ponies to hear. "As for you Captain Maple, It really is a shame to see you go so soon." He flew up into the air. Channeling all of his magic into a blast. When the blast detonated the explosion was able to be felt in canterlot. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 Jack was looking around for another ledge to climb to. "I should perhaps try to get down now, this has been tense enough as it is." he said to himself Suddenly he felt the very same shockwave, and the ledge broke apart from the vibration. Jack cursed loudly as he fell down. 'Like I said, very irresponsible.' his conscious said back to him 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Luna had gone to look out the window to see what that explosion was but instead saw Jack plummeting to the ground. Quickly she lept out of the window and went to catch him, After cacthing him with her magic she started to go back to the window she jumped from "That was irresponsible." She said calmly. ----------------------------------------------------------- Maple knew she was dead no one could have survived such a blast as Treasured had fired. She realized that she could still feel the pain in her wing "I... I'm alive?" Moonshadow had made a magical barrier using his changeling magic. "If you want Maple You're gonna have to go through me!" He said picking up his heavy spear "First Maple defeated then, A changeling protecting her, And here I thought I'd see everything until now but that's new." He said in a rage. "If you want to die then I'll gladly grant you a swift death!" Levitating his blade he attacked Moonshadow full force. The changeling was having trouble keeping up with the fake alicorn. Maple stood up and weakly walked over to where the two where fighting. She stabbed him, while he was preoccupied with Moonshadow, in the back, when she removed her spear however the wound quickly started healing. Treasured spun around hitting maple in the chest with his blade. "Stay down for now Maple. I want to see how well this Changeling fights!" 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 "Sorry about that... I was just wanted to experience some adrenaline. Because in those moments I just need to experience some adrenaline, or I become very restless, it is how our DNA structure works, and since I can't really walk... I was just running out of options.." he said with an ashamed tone. ------------------------------------------------------- "Could you please hurry it up? I am on a tight schedule, if this is going to take to long, I will have to step in as well." The assassin said in a flat tone as she appeared from behind a building. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Luna smiled and laughed "That's quite alright. Imagine how I felt on the moon for a thousand years with no pony to talk to even though I just want ponys to talk with." She flew back into the room where Jack had been. "Too bad we cant use magic to heal you. Woody would beale to fix you real quick." She looked around the room "Speaking of which where is he?" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "If you want your end of the bargain then you better not interrupt my vengeance!" Treasured said angrily. When he was distracted by the assassins comment Moonshadow had the perfect chance to strike. Switching his spear into a large blade with a loud *clang* He swung at Treasured's side. If he hadn't have lifted his wings he probably would have lost one. "You..." He said picking up Moonshadow with magic crashing him with it "You dare hurt a god!" Maple tried to stand up but she couldn't find the courage too. But when ever Moonshadow was about to get killed she stood up and shot an arrow from her bow. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 "He is probably around the Castle or Canterlot somewhere, though to be honest, I haven't seemed him either." Jack said. "I do not know how I am going to get through my adrenaline moments, normally i would always climb very high buildings and parkour from one building to another, but i guess those days are really over heh....." He said with sadness ---------------------------------------------------------------- The assassin rolled her eyes. 'To be honest, i could just get the entire thing done myself, i don't really need his help, but at the same time, i am curious how this little struggle is going to play out.' She tought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 "For now maybe but the doctors say that you'll get better soon so just be patient." Luna said trying to be hopeful "Magic is faster than natural healing but that seems... Out of the question in this situation." ----------------------------------------------------- Maple's arrow hit Treasured only making him drop Moonshadow. Treasured turned to face Maple "Finally my hour has arrived this is the end for you Maple!" A Mare's voice was heard. "Not quite yet. You meany!" A pink blast hit treasured knocking him away. The blast came from non other than... Maple looked at who shot it "Flurryheart! It's good to see you here." Flurry ran over to Maple standing by her. "I know but for now we've got a baddie to fight." the 2 mares readied themselfs. "A... Another Alicorn." Treasured with filled with hatred not only because of his personal reasons but because of the injection he had taken as well, "I'll kill you all!" Moonshadow stepped in his path blocking his path "Not yet you won't" 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 "Your confidence has dropped quite a bit it seems, still going to decline my help? It doesn't seem very good for you at the moment~." The assassin said in a sadistic tone towards treasured. "Would be a shame if you were to get killed before you could complete your vengeance wouldn't it?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Treasured was about to get angry when he noticed another pony come to the battle he regonized that dragonequus and waited before he did anything Woodland landed next to Maple "Are you ok? I felt a large explosion come from here and I feared that..." He had been look around then spotted Treasured who had glowing eyes "That explains it. I'm here now sister we got this." Until the moment Woody spoke treasured had been confident in his victory, now hearing that his voice was back he panicked "Fine. You may help but leave the yellow one Alive." Maple was scared by that comment especially since she couldn't fly right now. "Lets go you 4!" Maple jumped into the air firing several shots at both of the enemies. Followed up by Woody casting a spell that made all of her arrow scatter into 5 more creating quite the blanket of arrows. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 The assassin warped away, before camouflaging herself, but she did not stop there. She used a technique where she created a lot of fake energies around the battlefield, making it look her presence is everywhere, she was hiding somewhere, waiting for the right time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 After blocking the arrows with his wings treasured Ran at the group. Getting cut off by Moonshadow who engaged him in melee combat. The two clashed their weapons not giving one another the upperhand. Each time their weapons collided there was a resounding sound Woody was singing to boost the Moonshadow's strength and speed. Maple was firing at Treasured as well but he blocking the arrows with his wings. Flurry looked at Maple. "Hey come here." She was focusing on finding out where that assassin was before it was too late pouring magic into a spell that was determining which energy was actually the assassin's "Be ready to fight that assassin when I see her alright?" Maple nodded and drew her spear the head was still broken from the clash they had. Flurry looked at it and gave it a magical halberd style head "That should help you." She said smiling 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 'That is right, try to find me.' the assassin thought with a smirk She said pulling her arm back. Then she performed a warp punch that hit Maple straight in the face, it was not a strong one, it was a weak one just to provoke her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was sometime later, Jack was lying in his bed, as he had closed his eyes. When suddenly.... "Greetings Gonriel." A voice suddenly was heard. Jack screamed in pure fear as Montarion as looking him straight in the eyes, his normal purple eyes were giving off some sort of illusion, it was breaking the mental psyche of Jack slowly as he was lured into his power. "It seems you have made your choice and an understandable one at that. But with these choices comes a consequence, I have given you a lot of freedom but there are bounds to this matter, and you broke them. I am merely here to fix this error that you made, but you don't have to worry, there is no pain involved in this, it is a fast process." "You have been telling your friends things that were not meant for their ears, and for that, I am now forced to wipe your entire mind, but sadly it can only wipe everything, which means you will become a motionless shell. But do not fred, I have still had that offer laying around, your soul will still be in fact." "N-no!!" Jack screamed. "I am sorry Jack, but you broke the rules, this is something that cannot go unpunished, I may be lenient towards others, but even I am allowed to do only so much, I have my own rules to follow." Montarion said calmly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Maple realized she was being provoked and stayed calm "Flurry you got it yet?" "Not... Quite yet. Narrowing it down though." She said focused. Her horn glow was getting dimmer as it was affecting less and less as she hunted for the assassin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord heard Jack scream after taking a peak at what was happening he decided to do something about this 'Montarion'. A small portal opened up underneath Montarion a large fist, resembling that of discords claw hand emerged from it uppercutting him. Afterwards the portal closed and Discord walked into the room. "As much as I'd like to believe you where helping us back in the temple I can see now that you where only using many of us for your personal gain. Don't play dumb with me either I'm the god of chaos, Spirit of Mischief and Deception after all." Luna too had heard the scream After seeing discord engage Montarion as he did she went to go get her sister. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 Montarion's head got flung back a great deal, his neck bending over his body, yet his actual body stood still like a statue. His neck repositions itself as Montarion turned around. "That title of yours has expired ever since you became reformed. But you are half life right, I used you all to get closer to someone, but I am merely doing what my master wishes me to do." His face turned into a frown. "I politely ask you to stay out of this Discord, this is none of your concern." Montarion simply stated as he cast a strong barrier around the room and turned back to Jack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 2, 2017 Share August 2, 2017 Treasured knocked Moonshadow back and went over to woody "How about I silence you PERMANENTLY!" He slashed at the dragonequus' throat. Only for his blade to be pulled away from him but Moonshadow's magic. "I've had it with you! Quit saving them!" Flurryheart had finally managed to narrow it down to two energies and higlighed both of them for Maple to see. "I can't narrow it down farther Just go after one of them." As she finished saying that one of the energies went away. "Alright so now you know where she is go get her! She sounded tired. "Alright!" Maple said charging after the source of the energy --------------------------------------------------------- Discord waited, He couldn't stand for this, but he couldn't beat him alone he knew help would arrive eventually. Fluttershy saw Discord standing by a shield "Discord what's going on?" Luna ran to her sister who was with ember at the moment She said to the two panicked "Jack need help, Quickly, Discord has already engaged Montarion but he doesn't stand a chance against him." 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 2, 2017 Author Share August 2, 2017 (edited) Montarion placed his hand on Jack's head. "You hold untapped knowledge, that you yourself are not even aware of. You believed your father's secrets to be lost when he died no? But he merely tapped all of that knowledge into your head, sealed away from the darkness." "But what are you hiding Amohith? What are you hiding, which disturbs you so?" Montarion said with a weird tone. Jack's body started to get enveloped by a purple aura, before becoming transparent and giving off an ethereal feeling. Energy signals could be felt all over the place like something was constantly multiplying. "Share your secrets with me Amohith, you know more than a single life form should." ----------------------------------------------------- The assassin stood completely still in her camouflaged form as Maple came closer. But the assassin then pointed 2 fingers at a specific point, Maple's heart. She was waiting for the right time to fire, analysing every movement that Maple made, not holding her sight off her for just a moment. Edited August 2, 2017 by Mickey Adaptus 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 August 3, 2017 Share August 3, 2017 Discord looked at Fluttershy nervously "Perhaps it's better if you don't know." Fluttershy looked determined "Y... You always say that! I want to help with more than just my element... Please! Ember, Luna , and Celestia all had arrived at the room. Ember moved closer to the shield "I got this one." She drew a odd-looking lance and thrust it at the shield. The shield that was around Montarion and Jack disappeared from a single strike of Embers special lance getting almost absorbed into it. "Spell breaker still works I see!" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maple moved closer to the source of energy She held her breath as she approached. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 August 3, 2017 Author Share August 3, 2017 Montarion was almost in some sort of trance, he did not notice the shield breaking, he was so concentrated in his own thing that he did not notice what was going on around him. He removed his hand from Jack's head and started to talk to him in an odd manner. "You do not have to worry further, you still have a purpose, at and a rather big one at that." Montarion said a smile crept on his face ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eventually, the assassin fired, before quickly warping to a different place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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