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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"I plan on using light weighted gear since we are in the desert, we will need to be able to move faster, we have no cover, except possible sand dunes, moving over sand is already harder than other types of ground, I guess you are wondering why most of us never wear any armour? That is the reason, most of us prefer to be light on our feet, tough the Vernomians have a different case, as they usually fly, it would depend on their build and preference whether they would sacrifice defence or speed when choosing in equipping armour."

 "What we tend to do is place people in different squads and roles depending on their weight and overall skills, the more armoured and more equipped soldiers would be placed in a squad together while the lighter weighted and unarmoured would be placed in a different squad to make combat tactics more efficient," Therisha explained.

But she then saw Windphaser studying his build, so she knew he wanted to know more personally about how she fought.

"But to keep it more at topic regarding your original answer, I am a fast paced person, I prefer to use my signature dual pistols in battle since the firepower is what I favour during fast movement, but when it comes to close combat, I use an adjustable double blade that is holstered in my left arm brace.  I have worn heavy types of armour in the past, but I only wear such types when its required, other than that I don't wear such heavy armour willingly."

"But if you want to get into the more extreme stuff, my leg and arm bracers actually have an attachable wingsuit, and my right arm brace also has a tiny grappling hook build in. I even have gloves that have sheathable claws, excellent for climbing and slashing at my opponents." Therisha said with a smile.

"I hope that is enough? I can tell you more, but there isn't much else to say about me except for the fact that I am a daredevil." Therisha said with a smirk.


Jack nodded as he closed his eyes and squeezed in Evelyn's claw.

He took a deep breath and then open his eyes.

"Come to think of it, what are you going to do once we move out Evelyn? And what you Luna and Celestia? We haven't exactly discussed that yet." Jack mentioned.


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"All of this is helpful... I'm glad you told me that." WindPhaser levitated a small band and tied his hair into a ponytail keeping it out of his face and levitated his Kasa onto his head "You're kit and skills are very valuable if we aim to win here. I know how to utilize your skills quite well! So trust me..." Windphaser nodded determined


Evelyn gave Jack a gentle smile "I'm sure Karthsprire has his own plans for things, Celestia and Lunado need to stay with you, no matter what however. I'm sure you agree with that?" Evelyn said barely feeling Jack's grip.

Celestia worked fast and efficiently removing the bullet in a matter of minutes "There... Got it..." Celestia said wiping the sweat from her head. "See... Not hard..."

Luna sighed "I hope it was... Mostly painless for you..."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Glad to hear that, And I do trust you, as will most of us, we are all together in this, but that teamwork is the only way we can get through these troubled times, though not everyone thinks like that, funny... I used to know someone who could prove that reasoning to shame tough... Hot-headed yet more loyal than anyone else, I sure miss him...  Anyway, I think you should start your patrol soon, best not  to wait much longer." Therisa said as she started packing her stuff.


"Yeah I do, but I do personally think you should come with us too, it hasn't even been a full 2 weeks yet I feel like I just cannot be separated from you for that long," Jack said with a sad smile.

He then laid his head back down and sighed, until Celestia and Luna where done.

"Thank you guys, I really mean it, I barely felt that this time, I guess the first time my body was trying to counter againts that movement of the bullet, but the magic did help prevent that from happening," Jack told the Celestia and Luna.

It was silent for a moment and Jack didn't want to bother Celestia and Luna further after the amazing work they had performed, but he had more to say, something he wanted to get over with right away.

"But guys... How are we going to do things once it is sunrise? I know Karthspire has been planning things, but we haven't exactly been discussing such things ourselves, who else is going to go with me, what about Ember and Festus? I haven't seen anyone talking to them, meaning their plans had not been thought of yet either.  And we haven't yet talked about how we are going to travel."

"Personally I suggest we fly, walking through this desert is just to dangerous, we have all seen how things ended up." Jack suggest

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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"Hehe... Funny. I used to know someone like that... I actually have been watching the bat for a long time. I've seen quite the similar spark in her." He chuckled to himself, the Kasa on his head covered his eyes now. Well to anyone but him that was, he could see rather well from under it. He had a look of ancient mastery to his ensemble so he looked much more skilled. "Trust me... We're not going to lose this battle and the same goes for the war. We will win. How? I've got no idea... But we will."


"Alright. I'll go with you. I've caused enough trouble by not doing that already." Evelyn said to him with a hint of upsetness "Well you can count on me now Jack!"

"Actually Jack. I was working on a new spell! One that can cloak you and all hurt fighters here too." Celestia roared triumphantly! "Windphaser explained this all to me. Ember is going to be with Wind and his group. Meanwhile, Festus will be with us Maple is going to fight the mech. We had talked about it all with Wind before hoof. You just need to rest for now. Focus on that for me Alright? We can't leave the others that's why for the spell."

"Sister... Won't you need help with a spell that big?" Luna asked, after tapping on 'Tia's shoulder

"Yes and you're the one I need to help me. I know you wish to help as much as you can... but THIS would be the best way to do that." Celestia replied

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You got that one right, though I guess it would depend on to what end we will fight if it means this planet, we will win without a doubt, a  couple of planet we can with good strategies, but everything in this war? That is a dream for most us, but after 5 decades, you do start to wonder if it is just a dream and nothing more. We are sorely outnumbered when we compare our current numbers to their entire armies, and most capable fighters all scattered and leaderless rather than united."

"But I guess the question is, will everyone stand up at this point? It is true that everyone still fights, but rather of their own accord and their very survival rather than for a cause, because those legends who used to lead us into battle are long dead, well, most of them atleast, we still have our current day heroes like Karthspire and some other far away individuals, but that still won't be enough,   because it is a bad sign when traditions are the only thing holding us together, when that is gone, who are we?" Terisha admitted, this wasn't a question on which she really needed an oppinion, because for most of them it was the same situation and story, they all just experienced it in a different way.

"I know you know things better of our kind then your friends regarding your history, but I ought to give you some advice, don't question someone's religion or culture here because they use it a way to cling to hope and imagine a better future ahead, but when you change their on it by adding your own oppinion that might in any way bash or question its logic/existance, you are taking away their hope as well."

"And when you think about the fact that we have all presumed that our 4 species would the only one to survive in the end of the last decades, you can imagine it might be difficult to imagine that a couple of new races have emerged and are already working their way into the events of this war within a couple of months where it took us like... countless of generations I think? Most are just not sure what to think at this point, but then again... We can't really think much beyond how we should defend ourselves and decide how we will spend living our lives in this tragedy."  Terisha said.

She then gave Windphaser a smile.

"But even if I have only met you, I can tell you know what you are doing,"  Terisha said as she left, as Windphaser and Maple would have to start their patrol any moment now.



"You really did a good job on that Celestia, that should really help us. I am glad to have met all of you, I really mean it, but i guess i should not be talking for much longer,  i am already straining myself for longer then need be, i haven't exactly slept much.." Jack said.

He then looked at Luna

"Is it ok if i sleep under your wing tonight? It is already cold, and i don't exactly have fur is made to withstand these kinds of temperatures." Jack asked her.

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Maple returned as Terisha left "Ready Wind?" Maple told him, She had her gun reloaded and her claw where sharpened too. the was still broken but at least it looked better since she'd straightened it out. a lot. "Because I sure am."

Windphaser examined Maple for a second and smiled "Alright Maple. But I'd recommend not using that big gun of yours unless you absolutely have to. Too much attetion you know?"

Maple nodded "Of course. Windphaser, We're scouting. Not fighting You can count on me."


Celestia chuckled "Thank you. I'm glad you agree I did good. I'll keep working hard too... Speaking of which I might need to do more stuff I'll leave you with Luna." Celestia saw several soldiers asking for her at the door, she rolled her eyes and went over to them

Luna chuckled "Sure Jack. I don't mind at all." Luna opened her wing and took Jack under it. "There we go..." She spoke softly and calmly to him. "How's that? Much better?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded to Luna and then closed his eyes, falling asleep rather fast,  his wound had been bandaged and cleaned before he had gone to sleep, but it would take a long time to heal, and thus slow him down considerably.


It was 2 hours later when Jack was vast asleep, but he was not really dreaming as of yet, but then only for a few seconds he had a dream, but all there was only darkness, but then suddenly a voice could be heard in his head, a distorted and ominous voice.

"Can you hear them? They are calling to us, it is beautiful..."


It was a good 5 hours later that the sun had risen, and everybody was already packing up, soldiers preparing themselves and some attended a small briefing.

Jack was stirring slightly, but he then opened his eyes, but quickly closed them again by the blinding sunlight at which he had looked at.

"This sun is to bright.." Jack mumbled.

It was the time that they where going to start their new plan.

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Maple was geared up after her recon mission, nothing interesting happened so she didn't need to re-equip herself. Maple dashed over to where all the troops she'd be with were gathering she ran up and skid into the group waiting for the others to move out.

The same went with Windpahser He nodded to Maple and walked away to go find his group, the ones that would be luring the army but not the giant bot. "Are we all ready to move? Or do you all need more time? We cannot afford to fail otherwise it will be devastating... Please if you need more time raise a hand, tell me. Let me know in some way.Otherwise we march..." Windphaser waited to see if anyone needed time or needed to tell him anything


Luna smiled at Jack "It is... But My sister cannot move it for you so you will have to just hide under my wing for now" Luna had been walking around with her sister but she'd been very careful with Jack. "Me and 'Tia are just working some things out ok? You can go back to sleep." She rose her head again looking at Evelyn who seemed almost jealous that Jack wasn't with her.

A familiar voice was heard before Jack went back to sleep "Hey buddy, you ok?" It was Festus, He looked different now... His scales seemed harder and denser making them darker, and his eyes where a bit of a darker brown but other than that nothing had changed "I was worried about that wound. but you see to be alive so that's a plus."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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One of the soldiers raised his hand.

"Sir, if I may ask, what are our fallback options should we need to undertake them? From what I can gather, we won't have any form of cover and staying at one constant position in the open desert would prove fatal." The soldier asked.

"We have many options, the strategy is like usual if you feel like you need to fall back due to any circumstances from  having wounded to needing to relocate, tough be responsible for your actions, don't cower out and leave your brothers and sisters to fend for themselves unless you absolutely have no choice, and also give your team members a heads up if you fall back. Proper communication between team members is crucial for maximal teamwork,  if one strays away from the flock, the rest will have to take action for the lost one as well, remember that." Terisha pointed to the soldier, she had decided to answer this question as she presumed that Windphaser was not yet aware of how their own strategies were performed.

Then another soldier raised his hand, this one seemed to be a more curious type of person.

"We are now falling under your current command, but we don't know any of your own methods in battle, let alone what type of fighter you are other then what we can presume from your appearance, could you tell us more about yourself? Rather not about your personal life, but about how you fight, if you are to lead us, we must know how strong and experienced you are, we are all qualified to show our skills, so wouldn't it be proper if you did the same, sir?" He asked, in which, a few others nodded in agreement.

"Well, you heard the man, you up for that?"  Terisha asked Windphaser with a laugh.


Jack yawned as he blinked a few times, but he looked up when he heard Festus talk to him.

"I am doing pretty decent, the bullet is out of my body now, and I have been bandaged, tough my ribs and inside damage still need time to heal, I don't know how long, could be weeks, perhaps even months, who knows, but I can sure say I have been sleeping comfortably for the last hours." Jack with a smile as he was half awake.

But then something happenend, when Festus was looking in Jack's eyes, for a brief 2 seconds, Jack had gotten that same effect as to when Festus had noticed Jack was infected by looking into his eyes with that brief glow, only this time instead of just a glow, they are completely golden, only his pupil was still black, the eyes itself where an almost complete copy to those of an infected eyes, but when Jack then blinked 2 seconds later his eyes where back to normal, wich Jack himself was completely unaware of, because only Festus could see it during that moment.

"Luna, could you tell Evelyn that i want to ride with her later on when i wake up? I want to spend some time with her as well." Jack told Luna, but moments after he had told her that, he fell asleep again, unlike other moments where he would have just stayed awake, he was so comfortable right now that he just fell asleep by it, which was a good sign.

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"I fight..." Windphaser smiled and closed his eyes, after removing the Kasa "Well I guess the best way to describe it would be to say that I'm a flowing river in a field, cutting through the field, Swiftly and quietly, The River will flow unbending to the wills of the grass, it will only show the resolve to persist. It will even flow through a large stone should it block the water's path The water will eventually erode the stone yet it never stopped." Windphaser opened his eyes and started to put the Kasa back on "If that makes any sense to you all."


Festus frowned witnessing what he did but he didn't really want to comment anything and make everyone panic. He sighed to himself and stood up. He went somewhere private... Once he was alone he pulled out his shield and start punching it out of anger and sadness it was thankfully durable enough not to get dented. He felt so useless, not being able to help but what could he do?

Luna Smiled and looked up at Evelyn, she'd already know thanks to the link they shared with the armor "I think she already knows."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The person who had asked nodded, to which everyone else agreed, they didn't need to know more about Windphaser to realise what kind of fighter he was, his words confirmed it all.

"My my, you really know what words to use to describe not only your fighting style but your personality as well, colour me impressed," Terisha said with a smile.

"But Windphaser here is right about the fact that we should move out, or rather..." Terisha said as she suddenly got an idea.

"I have been thinking, our enemies are tracking us, and we are the group is going to fight them, wouldn't it better if we actually just stayed at this place and turn it into a fortifiable position? The others will move out soon so I don't think that should be a problem, and Karthspire didn't order us to go to any specific direction or place, just that we would have to hold them off and fight them, how does that sound Wind?" She asked Windphaser.


In Maple's thought processor suddenly came a voice, a very familiar one.

'Guess who is coming with you? Me, I would never want to miss out such an opportunity, and I have been inactive for far, FAR too long..   I will keep you up to date, my first objective is to acquire a temporary body of course.' Kiran told her, though there was a slight pause in his words as if he busy doing something at the same time.

'Just don't tell anyone else I am around, not everyone would be happy. Happy hunting.' Kiran told Maple, but the moment Kiran had finished his sentence, it was completely silent again, as Kiran had disconnected his thoughts from Maple's processor very fast as if he was in a hurry for some reason.


Jack was still sound asleep under Luna's wing, as he was lightly snoring, which came out to sound pretty comedic.

But while he was sleeping, he was also dreaming, but he was utilizing something that he remembered for a while ago.

'Evelyn, can you hear me? I remembered last time I was in a dream I could hear your thoughts, so I had figured if I lucid dream, I could still talk to via my thoughts.' Jack thought to her, he personally found this genius that he had found out he could do this while dreaming.

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"Your plan is sound... Except one thing... We are not the group who is engaging the machine and that thing is with them. We could merge with the other attack group... but that puts us at a disadvantage... one we tried to make an advantage. So, Unfortunately, unless we do want to group up with the other group we cannot say here." He looked out at the desert lookig for other, similar locations to the one they were on now.


'Kiran?' Maple thought to herself thinking Kiran was still there 'Kiran what are you doing? W... What do you mean you're coming with me? Do you mean you're taking over a body?... Hello?' Maple kept looking around she seemed insane until Ember's axe impaled the ground near her.

"Hello Maple." Ember said to her lifting the weapon over her shoulder "Decided to come over here. I need a big challenge and that mech is JUST what I wanted so I'm with you now. I know you've got my back." Ember said slugging her metal shoulder


Evelyn smiled over where she was sitting 'Oh! Yes I can hear you! Good work on this kid! you did good! Hmm Where... Did festus go... I'd assume he would've been by you. Ehh, he'll show back up.' Evelyn was now distracted from the smallest groups chatter and had her eyes closed too.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Yeah, that is a shame, this did seem like a good spot..." Terisha muttered.

"Anyway, we should all move out now, we have stood around for far too long." She mentioned as she started walking ahead, of course, this was the sign that the other soldiers of that group had been waiting for and also started moving out.

"You coming as well? We will plan along the way." She mentioned to Windphaser



'Thanks! And I don't know where Festus is either before I closed my eyes he was still there.' Jack thought to Evelyn.

'Could you perhaps ask the others if we can get ready to leave soon? I had seen everyone already preparing, tough i hope Festus shows up soon, we can't leave without him.' Jack mentioned.


The leader of Maple's group had also been mentioning for everyone to gather, as they were going to leave any moment, though it seemed their group was a little smaller then Windphaser's group, but not by much.


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"Yes, yes I'm coming. Just looking for something... out there..." Windphaser lowered the Kasa on his head, so it would block the sand from hitting his eyes and stepped toward the others staying close to Terisha "Sorry about not staying but I have my own concerns. Most of them about that machine... I know you understand well though"


Festus eventually returned, his fist was bruised and there were dark circles around his eyes, meaning he'd been crying He sat down next to Luna with a deep and long sigh.

Evelyn did speak what Jack told her "Guys... The others are starting to move... We best do so as well." She nodded and was hoping the others were paying attention. 

Celestia nodded "Luna... The spell." Luna walked over to her and the two combined their magic, forming a dome around the group that turned them all invisible to anything other than each other.


Maple and Ember looked over at the leader, from where they were they wouldn't have to get closer to see or hear the leader thankfully.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I do, it must not be easy in what the second group will be doing, even though none of us can really destroy such a monstrosity, they can still divert its attention away from everyone else. Because we will have to face the facts, we could shoot, stab, or use some kind of magical trick againts it, but none of that will do anything againts other than perhaps slow it down for a few moments, you need weaponry that is around the strength of the very weapons that thing carries.  Apart from very heavy cannons and ordinance, EMP Bombs or effects could probably help, but then it would be debatable on how big the EMP would need to be in order to work on such a big machine? Who knows." Terisha said as she had her hand on her chin, which was a gesture of thinking.

"But the terrifying prospect of this machine comes not from just its size and destructive capabilities, but for the fact how they even managed to build such a thing, let alone multiple ones, because none of us would ever be able to build such a thing, atleast not without a minimum of 14 years and lots of resources, but even then... We wouldn't have the technology that they use for these things, but from what I can assume... Our enemies have been known to build fortifications at a concerning speed, building entire coastal defences that would take months to create, yet they have been known to do it in a matter of 2 or 3 weeks... Sometimes I am beginning to wonder if any of this makes sense, perhaps there is a bigger motive behind it?" She speculated

"I guess we will never find out, because few bother to take interest in these kinds of subjects with everything going, yet so many lives could be saved if we at least had more researchers aside from the current ones that we have."



'I think I have slept enough for a while, I am going to wake up now, good thing I have learned how to wake up from lucid dreaming, its one of the things I practice.' Jack thought as he woke up afterwards and crawled underneath Luna's wing.

Jack tried to stand up at first but then decided againts it, as he would be wearing himself out fast from making to complex movements with his own muscle strength due to his current state.

"Evelyn, do you think you could help me up in the saddle real quick? I rather not wear myself out, as I do need to heal.' Jack thought to Evelyn.

He then spotted Festus and looked at him with a concerned expression.

"Festus, are you alright? Have you been crying?" Jack asked him, he did notice the bruises on his fist but he rather not mention those injuries.




"Greetings everyone, I will be leading the second group, and as you all might be aware, this is going to be very dangerous, fighting is one thing, but having to outrun a rain of ordnance being fired towards you is another. And as you all know, we will be trying to lead that war machine away from the first and the third group, but even with first groups effort in holding back the enemy, you can expect a good amount of enemies to  vanguard the Warmachine, which means instead only trying to lure the machine away, we will have a fight on our hands as well, wich means we can only devise a proper plan once we know what we are entirely dealing with, any questions?"  The leader asked towards his group.


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"Actually thanks to... Father... I know a lot about the war machines. Before I found out what my dad really did... Well I actually wanted to make one I could pilot. Anyway... there are some parts of them where they're so flimsy even a metal rod could break them. I would go help. But these places I talk about... Well if you attack them you'll die... No doubt. No matter how strong a machine is the leg joints always have a part... Between the machine and the leg itself... that can easily be penetrated since it can't all be one large piece of metal. Getting close to that? Suicide. I don't want anyone else knowing that... They'll get themselves killed..." Windphaser sighed audibly, Glad he got that off his chest and that no one was near the other group so even if they heard they couldn't tell anyone outside the group.


Festus sighed He sounded down but He smiled to Jack "Of course... Not..." He started to tear up again. "Jack..." Festus looked down for a long time, Evelyn looked at him, Concerned. Luna was nervous about him too. "The one person I finally decided to be friends with... And now this... Friendship is stupid... All of it ends... What even is the POINT!" When he shouted His wings grew again, almost doubling in length, "Why should I bother with friends! They only make me care about something that's going to disappear anyways!" Festus was shacking, holding his head in his claws. 


Maple and Ember both listened to their leader carefully and didn't think of any question they might've had. Maple, however, had an opinion and she wanted it heard "So, You're expecting everyone here to be ready for a very deadly and bloody battle... and you don't even have a plan... we know things about this machine... like the way it fires shells... Maybe we should go over how to avoid those? Or maybe... at least what we're doing to Lure it away but not the whole army at once? Hay! Can we even guarantee that it doesn't follow Windphaser and the other group?"  It was obvious... the lack of a plan had upset her, She was a leader herself and knew exactly what could come from that if they didn't establish... SOMETHING.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Seeing as Evelyn wasn't going to help him climb up, Jack decided to stand up, or atleast partly.

"Festus... I used to say this all so many times as well, back when I had nobody and was living like an animal in the streets while infected where trying to claw off my face and turn me into one of them, but then my group found me, took me in as one of their own, and then I met someone, he told me things that changed my view on it, because deep down I knew he was speaking the truth, no matter how bitter and dark it was." Jack said, then he gave a long pause before talking again, since he was going to say the very thing that he had been told long ago, and was echoing through his head like a cherished memory.

"The truth is that friendship will only have a point if we give it that point, in the end, you would have to decide how strong your bond with your friend is, you would have to decide if it is worth to stay at your friends side even beyond the grave and carry his memories with you forever, or if you see that as a pointless gesture and want to look on the more practical side rather then beliefs and leave your friend behind once he has passed away, that is the choice we all have to make.

We can deny the fact that our way of living has become nothing more than the struggle for survival, but it won't change the fact that we will have to live as homeless people who will die one way or another, but the way we perceive this is different for each of us, if you think friendship is your biggest desire to have in your current lifestyle, then go for it, make it worthwhile and give it the purpose that you desire,  instead of questioning the purpose of friendship, you create that very purpose, because we created life the way it is, not because of some natural events, WE are the reason things exist, not nature, or any other thing, we shape life the way we wan't, and every single of us has to co exist with the desires of others, that is how we all came to be.

My desire is for this friendship to exist, so despite all the horror among us, all the tragedy an death among us, we still have each other and know that we will never be separated again, no matter the distance or place, whether dead or alive, we will always remain friends Jack, that is my desire in life. It is YOUR choice if you perceive this the same way, it is your life, not mine. My desire about this is so strong that I am even willing to make a scar on my hand just so show how good friends we are, are YOU willing to go so far? There is your answer Jack, we decide our own outcomes, others may influence your desire, but it will always remain yours in the end, and nothing can change that, only yourself."

"Those are the words he told me, I am not sure if you can agree with them, but it really did change me, more then anyone can realise...  And I am going to turn into an empty shell, I know that... But will that really stop us from being friends? We-oof!" Jack paused midsentence as his head was turning red from the pressure with trying stand, previously he had the still leftovers of adrenaline to help him move easily, but all that moving had put to much strain on his body before, it had been very stupid of him to even fight at that time.

He had really hoped she had helped him climbed up as he wasn't going to hold it much longer.

"What I was saying, don't let it get to you too much, I have gone through the same thing so I know how you feel.." Jack said with a sore voice.



"You make some valid points, but there are some things I should mention, our group has done such things before, and we tend to include these things in our training schedules, I would have expected someone to actually inform the 2 of you of how we would do things, but clearly nobody has... If you prefer I can tell you 2 our current methods we use in the situations we are going to face?  And well, we can't guarantee anything, this is not a situation where we have that luxury, we had to little time, and most of all we don't know much except for that war machine, there isn't much we can guarantee if we only know so much." The leader explained.

'Oh boy, what have you done this time Karth? Have you chosen a Rookie to lead your group? Not his worst decision that I have seen him make, but a bad one nonetheless.' Kiran said in a rather mocking and comedic manner.

'Just drop it, for now, I will tell you the plan along the way, and then you can relay it to your friend. Because it seems this guy has been chosen for his knowledge and fast leading skills in battle, but not for his planning skills, and you just happenend to catch on to his weakness.  Just don't start worrying about this factor, because one person is an inexperienced in planning doesn't mean that it will go wrong, heck, I don't even believe this guy is the person who does the planning, it wouldn't make any sense for him, I bet someone else has been assigned to the planning while he is just there to lead the actual attack. But if this still doesn't reassure you about it...'

'Then punch him in the face, hard.' Kiran said.



"I am glad to hear that those machines atleast have some form of weakness, but i do personally think you should have a little more trust in everyone here.  I am not saying you should tell everyone about the machine's weakness, but atleast to the ones who know what they are doing, or to some of the more experienced researchers." Therisha said.

"You are aware of how many lives could be saved if you told them this secret? Entire groups of survivors have been wiped out because they had no way of fending off against such a machine, it has always been the *run* tactic againts it, because how could a bunch of bullets, close combat weapons and explosives even harm such a thing, they can't, I can remember I once saw a 6-year-old child getting killed because one of these machine's legs stepped on the poor kid." Terisha said as she gave Windphaser a confident glance.

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"You... Where the only person who I considered close enough to me to be a friend... You actually started to teach me the value of it... And now YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" Festus drew his revolver and in a swift motion put it against Jack's head, the metal of the barrel setting against him. "I might as well just end this suffering for yo-" Festus was interrupted when Evelyn tackled him

Evelyn looked at him disappointed "Calm down! He's not the only person you've really bonded with. Look at Maple, Ember, ME! You're overtaken by grief. Take a minute and look at everything in a different light... You need to Calm DOWN!" Evelyn let him stand up. Festus picked up his revolver and holstered it the look on the small bronze dragons face was filled with a lot of emotion.


Maple, who'd gotten close to the leader while she'd ranted, growled to the leader, Turning away from them 'Oh hey there again Kiran... I wanted to ask you something actually. You mentioned a body... I was thinking I could help with that for a while. Though... 4 legs are harder to walk on than 2. But that's not my point... Do you think you could use this body for a while? I wanted to see what you could do... But first...' Maple lifted a back hoof and kicked the leader it was no where near as hard as she could've kicked them but it still knocked them down. "We can't just go in without a plan... But... Hey... I'm just a soldier who wants the best for the others." Maple walked back over to Ember 'Ok... That did Reassure me.'


Windphaser turned away. "If I told everyone they'd die trying to get to that spot to hit it... and if it happened enough... they'd find a way to protect it. This secret is something I told one other person... I hope he remembers it... If he does then that other group is safe... Trust me. It's not that I don't trust you all... It's just better not everyone knows... Let's just get our job done ok?" Windphaser trotted away from Terisha quickly, Drawing and test swinging his blade as he trotted off.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was very grateful that Evelyn had saved him from that because he knew what anger and grief could do to a person, even if he was not sure Festus would have really pulled the trigger or hesitated at the last moment. It had scared him greatly, but he did understand why Festus did it, he could relate all to well and did not blame him for that.

Seeing as he really couldn't stand anymore with his current strength, he decided to sit down in the sand and take deep breaths.

"She is right Festus, you really need to calm down... But I do know how you feel, I have felt this before as well. And yes, I am going to die, I can't and won't lie about that, but it has always been this case for me, I will always be hunted down, get kidnapped or killed in one way or another, its how it will always be for me. But that doesn't mean we will stop being friends, I know its hard... I really do, I won't have to explain to tell you how I can relate to this as you already know.   Listen..." Jack said carefully, he then paused for a second.

"If I do end up dying, and I won't be there anymore, can you do one thing for me? Find my friend William, I know deep in my heart is still somewhere out there.  Just please remember we will always stay friends, no matter what happens, even if I am death, our friendship won't break.  I don't know what to say further, I am not good at such talks... But he really is, he showed me, I think he can show it you as well..." Jack said, but it was obvious that Jack was very scared, he didn't know what to do further, he wanted to hug and comfort Festus, but at the same time he was too afraid.

Jack was giving everyone else pleading glances.




'Use your mechanical body? That does sound like an interesting challenge, though for me it won't be that much different from piloting stolen Mech's, so it won't be that unnatural for me. You know what? You have got yourself a deal, just tell me when you are ready to switch and I will give you one heck of a show. Tough preferably at a place with lots of enemies, I can't exactly show off if I have no unwilling participants.' Kiran told her.

He couldn't help but chuckle when Maple had kicked the group leader, as he somewhat enjoyed the fact that she had done it instead of questioning him about that.


Some of the soldiers started laughing when their group leader got kicked, it was obvious that they had no shortage of humour, which was especially useful in these desperate times.

"Fair enough, I deserved that one." The leader muttered as he stood up and dusted the sand off him.

He then started to form a plan.

'Don't feel forced to listen to his plan, I can instead explain it in greater detail. I am already starting to gag about the fact that he is trying to explain it regardless despite he knows that he is not good at it... The frog should have asked somebody else to do it instead..' Kiran said with a sigh.

'I will just go ahead and tell you in a bit, but in the meantime...'

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Festus sighed "Yea... I promise.  William. I'll make sure he doesn't meet the same fate you do but JAck..." Festus looked at him heavily, His appearance seemed to continue changing. "Maybe the adults were right... You coming was a mistake. They were right... Like they always are... I'm going to find Ember. She'll know what I should do about this. I just can't handle this... Greed... Err, grief on my own. Good luck but I can't go with you anymore..." Festus left the group looking around for Ember the only person he trusted to get him through this.

Evelyn helped Jack up onto her saddle "Sorry about that. I don't want to be mad at him but he... Well, I don't think I need to say it."


'I just want to see if I really think you training me is worth the time... and time isn't something we have a lot of so this better be good. However with all the talk about you I honestly really do trust that it will be.' Maples thinking was interrupted by Ember hitting her in the shoulder

"Hey, that was funny, Maple. What's with the sudden confidence?" Ember said to her she'd noticed Maple was less strict on following the chain of command she was standing on her own more.

"Well... Let's just say... I've got someone keeping me in a different line than what this... soldier is planning." Maple replied being vague.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'I guess it comes to down to what you want to see from me? Do you want me to fight hordes of enemies or rather see me infiltrate somewhere and bring the place to the ground? I can do it all, just be specific about what you want to see from me. Actually, hold on to that answer for later.' Kiran told her.

'But first... Watch that body bag over there, i had asked someone to bring something special before the army left the city.' Kiran said, with a hint of enjoyment in his voice 

The artefact started to glow violently, and after that one of the body, bags started to tumble over like something was moving inside of it.

Slowly but surely, the body bag was opened from the inside, and a black with brown coloured Terran climbed out of it, the Terran had a very familiar set of orange eyes.

It was Kiran, or rather it was him in his remade body, it turns out he had asked Jack to contact someone, and then this person had placed Kiran's remade body into one of the body bags, he had then used the same method as when he had controlled Jack's body, since his remade body had this same DNA as the one that Jack had injected himself with before.

When he had crawled out of the body bag, he started to sneak out of the camp, where only Maple and Ember would be capable of seeing him, since all the other soldiers were to busy with gathering up.

He then sneaked over to the area where the supplies were stored and started to arm himself, grabbing things like Assault Rifles, Pistols, grenades, and even grabbed what looked like to be some sort of Machete. But he was also grabbing explosives, LOTS of explosives.


"You don't have to apologize for that, you saved my life because even though deep down he wouldn't want to pull the trigger, he might have actually done it, not willingly, but more like a forced feeling, he is just having trouble with handling all of this, I don't blame him for that." Jack said to Evelyn as he was still shaking a bit.

"I.. I just didn't know what to say, I have tried helping people before with words, but this was just hard for me, seeing my friend going through this devastating feeling.  But I do personally think Ember can help him through this better then I can since she knows Festus alot better." Jack said with sadness, but he couldn't deny that he felt bad about Festus leaving him, it felt really bad.

"So... What are we going to do now?" Jack asked everyone.



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When Ember saw the body bag open she watched as Kiran got out, She didn't know about Kiran however, She'd heard small things about him but not that he was going to get a body. She followed him and saw him getting a lot of explosives "Hey!" Ember shouted pointing her axe at him "Who are you? What're you planning with all those bombs... Who are you workin for?!" Ember was ready to attack she got into a battle stance with her axe.

Maple hadn't gone with Ember, She thought she knew already...


"Continue the plan. We need to move otherwise that Machine will turn us into dust." Evelyn said to him "Luna Celestia. The spell?"

The two alicorns nodded and crossed their horns both channeling energy. "Everyone who isn't fighting gather around us now please," Celestia said loudly

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Kiran stopped gathering things but didn't look at Ember yet, but during this, an unseen smile crept on his face.

"Who? Me? I am just a mere refugee passing through the area, and then I saw all these people over here, so I thought, why not scavenge anything that I can find? We are all victims in the end, so there is no harm in doing that."

"But my name is Theodor, i am gathering these explosives to excavate an area,  i am planning on burying to those surviv- erm infected alive under all that Ruble. I need to keep my sick sister safe after all... Family is everything, am i right?"  Kiran told her, but he was lying about it all, he wanted to see what Ember's reaction would be, because he enjoyed to play these kinds of pranks on others, even if it would go wrong, he was confident he could handle it.

But he had a feeling she wouldn't recognize him, he purposely had talked in a more deeper voice and had mimicked a small accent, making it look like he was not from around here.



Around 15 people gathered around the 4 of them, most of them not being soldiers but rather voluntary travellers or those who needed to go somewhere and had decided to travel with this group in the meantime until they could head out again.

"I sure hope everything will be ok, despite the spell that will make us invisible to any outside eyes, there are some enemies who can find us by smell and sound, so we cannot lower our guards." Jack noted


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Ember drew back her axe and swung it, stopping before actually hitting, the force of the swing was still felt though despite her not actually hitting "I think we need those more than you... especially if you're going to blow up a bunch of people... especially not survivors... And don't lie about family... I saw you get up out of a body bag!" She gripped the axe tighter. "Now... Wanna try again?"


Celestia smiled, "Actually. That would be true if it was just me but with my sister's power, the spell is potent enough to block everything... Well except loud noises... At least... That's the plan" Celestia then grinned rather awkwardly. She'd been convinced about it 30 seconds ago but now... Not as much

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Kiran was silent for a moment, but his smile had widened, he had felt the force of the axe and knew he better not keep this prank going on any longer.

'She sure does let not let herself get fooled that easily, tough a bummer I couldn't keep this joke running longer.' Kiran tough.

"I have to give you credit, you are not one to let yourself get fooled by such excuses, I like that." Kiran said as he used his normal voice again.

He then stood up and looked at Ember's face with a wide grin.

"Do you recognize the voice and orange eyes? If you don't, you might remember that one person who gave you that little performance a while ago where your friend Festus to came to my aid? You sure realise who I am if you put those puzzle pieces together." he said.



"I guess you are right then, Perhaps we should get moving? Like Evelyn mentioned, we cannot wait any longer." Jack mentioned.

He then into the far distance behind him and gulped.

"Yeah... We really should get moving fast, I can't tell why but I don't have a good feeling if we stay around here any longer." Jack said as he nervously shifted around the Saddle.


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