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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Woody kept looking around the forest. He started to sing a calm and smooth melody hoping to calm his nerves.

Discord was watching him a bit confused. "Alright I know there's something wrong but you aren't telling me what it is I can help I promise."

Woody sighed. "An 'Cat-Person' is around here I need to find him." Woody thought he saw a glimpse of him and ran through the bushes he got covered in leaves as he did. He emerged at the other side and  saw that it had just been an illusion of sorts.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Both Jack's real body and in his illusion fell on the ground with a loud clang, he looked battered and broken on the ground as he almost literally got

the life squeezed out of him.

The Mannequin let go of the grip eventually, and then looked at the form of Jack, the mannequin then vanished.

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Discord from where he was heard a clang. "Hmm... Metal? That's not normal to hear out here." He flew over there seeing Jack laying there. "Hello." He said waving in his face. "Is somepony there." After a closer examination of the Person who Discord didn't know he concluded that he had taken a beating "Hmm... How's that feel?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack could not answer from his point, he would even be lucky if he could talk after such damage.

However, there were only tiny bits of movement, but those were more automated reflexes from the injured body rather than himself.

The ironic thing was that Jack was not much bigger than an adult pony, perhaps only by a few inches.

But the damage was rather severe, a broken rig cab, bleeding backhead, and most of his bones were either broken or terribly injured.                                                                             That is what happens when you get squeezed almost to death after all.

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Discord after a few seconds said. "Not able to say anything hmm. Am I just that amazing." He laughed anyways my son was looking for ya. I best take you to him. He gently lifted him. "Woodland, I found him."

Woodland Orchestra had popped up from where he was. "Hold on I'm coming." He ran over and saw him. "Wha! What happened."

Discord shrugged. "What I'm certain of is uncertainty. I found him like this. I'm at least 85 percent sure he's alive. Let's go see if Zecora can help us out." he gently flew over back towards the hut.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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It was only about 8 hours later that Jack awoke, but only barely.


he sputtered out as he tried to move his head.

"Please don't  limbo... Please don't limbo... anything but..." he muttered to himself in a fast pace

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Discord was confused by his statement no one had said anything to him for the past few hours. "Are... Are you alright there?"


Maple's wing was making progress on it's healing. Most of the wound had closed up the only problem was it had also hit the part where there was normally feathers. She wasn't sure if it would heal itself. "You sure that's ok?" She asked Fluttershy.

"Bat wings heal it just takes time." She said "I've taken care of enough bats to know so. I do have to go take care of a few animals speaking of. I'll return to check the healing later."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"After getting every bone in my body crushed by some sort of living mannequin, I think I will be able to reach the level of alright." Jack said with a groan/

"I don't know how it precisly happend, i walked into a cave, but some reason the cave was really really long, and the walls started to change colour everytime, and before i knew it, i was walking in limbo the entire time, not being able to escape. Then this THING shows and almost murdered me.."

"I cannot deny this, i am not going to last atnother 2 weeks at this rate."

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Both the dragonequus where confused by his statement. Discord shook his head I didn't see anything when I found you. You where just laying in the middle of everfree."

Woody had a look of shock. His expression changed to a look of anger "Alright somethings up. And this a creature of pure randomness speaking. There's something you're not telling us. Whatever it is you best do it now."


Maple nodded to her mother and laid back down. "I can't believe this." She said after she left.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack sighed.

"Well, to be honest i can't really say how it happened as what i said is what happened in my point of view."

"But to be honest, i think that creature in my body somehow... managed to do something to me, all i know is that the mannequin was trying to kill me, but that could have very well been him. But if i was in that cave the entire time like you said... how was it even possible that i had been walking this entire time? Because there is no way it could have been a dream, you don't feel PAIN in dreams..."

"I guess i could only say that the thing is slowly trying to kill me, or something... more deeper, i don't know, before i came into Equestria i din't even know it had any form of counsiousness.."

"But what worries me the most, it seems to be stronger then before, it might even soon be able to interact with dreams and minds from others as well, but i am not sure. I mean, that thing managed to rip a tree out of the ground and throw it towards me just with its physic powers, yet it doesn't have its own body, I am his body in a sense...."

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"I'm sorry but I don't think you ever told me about this creature." Woody said. His blood boiled a bit. "Grah! Ya know ever since you showed up weird things have been happening and frankly I don't like it. My families in danger now."

"Woodland Orchestra!" Discord yelled angrily "That's quite enough. What's happening would probably still be happening with out him. He however is helping us."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack frowned. "There are countless of innocents out there who no longer even HAVE family. Your family might be in danger but you still have the luxury to even be able to protect them."

"But for us? We can do no such thing, at least not anymore. It might be tense here already but if you go further then this planet, you will see NOTHING but destruction and death, how do you think how i felt when i was forced to venture as a child through these apocalyptic places for an entirety of 7 years? You have to realise that you still have an entire planet left to fight for, family, friends, even your home. Are you willing to let that all go to waste? Because i don't, and i rather die before that happens."

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Woody froze hearing his response. He knew he meant every word of it. "So you're willing to give everything to protect my family huh?" He smiled "Guess I was wrong about you Jack Glad I was." He held out a paw. "I'm sorry. That burst of anger was uncalled for. I'm glad your on our side. Now, how do I help with your... creature problem? I owe you."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It's alright, you know, it's been so long since I met somebody like you, you just really remind me of an old friend." he said with a smile.

"But to be honest, I don't think this creature in my body can be removed, at least... not in any way that would involve my own demise, when that curse was placed on me, it was bound to my soul."

"But what worries the most is how its operates, 5 days ago it lured me out in the open so it could tear me from the inside out undisturbed. It is able to murder me in my dreams, but when i do not sleep, it is able to trick me with these mind illusions... I don't know guys, but unless i could repel it in my dreams via some way, there is nothing that be can done about it sadly. Because unlike the common virus that most have succombed to, the curse that i have is so rare, only 5 other beings in galaxy have this, and the only one know who's the secrets behind them is Valtrek himself, so i am just rather desperate at this point, the situation is so dire there is no way i can repell it, i tried everything, but its like he is acting as the puppeteer and i am hist puppet..."

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Discord thought about the dream thing for a minute and snapped when he did. "Well Equestria does have it's resident dream guardian She could help you that is to say you told her."

Woody knew what his father was thinking, He started singing a soft and relaxing melody. His Horns started glowing a golden color. A similar golden color enveloped Jack and his wounds. It would take a while of singing for his magic to kick in. "♪Well dad Luna's now going to convince the dragons to assist a war effort that we're preparing. So she's a bit busy.♪" He hoped the singing would help.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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5 months later.

Jack had been going through intense training in the 4 months, trying to prepare for any type of invasion that was going to occur.

Last month he had been at Canterlot observing the training of the Guard, sometimes giving out some advice.


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Maple had healed well. It was almost like it had never happened. She had been training diligently after spending a few months with her family. Her form with a spear had gotten much better. She had also been practicing with her bow and commanding skills. She walked over to Jack "Do you think they're ready? We've been training them for I think 4 months." She had mixed feelings about the guard, They where in top condition under her guidance which she gave Jack after a while.

Woody had been listening to different songs. Trying to get different reactions out of them him and Discord had found a good list of spells. "I certainly am sister. We've got this. The Dragons and any Griffons that where willing to help. We also hired a few of there mercenaries."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded "I have seen how Equestrians fight, but over the few months their tactics have improved so much to the point where might have better chances of survival."

"But if i may make a request, it might be best if I lead a group of an few elite ponies where we act as an recon and sabotage group, i am the only one among us who knows about our enemies way of operation.  Having a recon group will be effective againts them, because i know precisly where to strike, but in order to get the group at its best, i need to learn all about the initiates. Normally i would have preferred you for your amazing skills but they will need you in the frontlines without a doubt, do you know wich ponies would be the best for this recon thing?" he asked 

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"I'm with you. As I should be with you." She looked out at the mass of soldiers. "Not a ton of ponies would be quiet. There are enough leaders to handle that anyways." She motioned to a white stallion. "That's prince Shining Armor he can lead most of the army while I go with you."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded  "We will still need around 5 others, because while recon missions are supposed to be in low numbers, the chance is high we might

get into heavy resistance perhaps some of the Night Guard veterans could join? They must be excellent at stealth." Jack asked.

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"As I said before there aren't too many who wish to be quiet. I'll see who I can go find." Maple said walking towards the army the sound of the guards chatter removed the edge from her nerves. The atmsphere almost made it seem like they wheren't about to go to war...

Woody just kept looking a jack. "What do you think I should do? I think I could lead the unicorns, or I could go with yo.. No my magic is music so if I have to use it I'll get us seen..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I think  it would be best if you don't go with us on this particular recon mission. Its only going to be me, Maple and probbly some other ponies. But to tell you the truth, i don't know what we will be finding there, but knowing our enemy, it can either be something small, or downright horrifying. You would fit with the unicorns alot if i may say, since both of you are able to use a form of magic." Jack said.

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Woody nodded. "Alright I'll go inform them that they are under my command for now." He walked over to a large group of Unicorns and waved at them to get their attention. He notified them of his new leader role. A few of them just nodded but one stepped towords him.

"And Who gave you permission to be in charge huh?" The pony said. "Why would they let somepony who we can't trust in the army anyways."

Shining armor was behind the group. "Me. That's who. Woodland is Maple's magicly strong brother and I doubt you few would be questioning why Maple is in command so treat him with the same respect."


Maple was looking for a few ponies to join the scout team but wasn't having a lot of luck,

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack eventually walked up to Maple "I hate to say it but even with our combined strenght we are still not going to be lasting very long if the enemy is to ewll equipped.

That is what i a afraid off, i dont know what we will find there and without any additional backup we are taking to much a big risk." Jack said with concern.

"The only thing i could think off is that we improvise, but that won't help us much in the situation this time."


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"We're two highly trained individuals." She said smirking "We can handle it. At least enough for you to get away because if it gets down to that... Well you have more knowledge on the enemy and you are the same strength as me and that's just how it is sometimes. I completely intend for us not to be in that situation at all though." She walked over to the next group of ponies. To see if they wanted to join.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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