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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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After a few minutes the siblings arrived back in ponyville "Alright so the ponys here may be a bit weirder out by you but hey that's normal. At least it seems it they freaked out when they saw me and my brother."

Woody nodded "That's true. But they'll accept you after a while like they did us."

Maple sighed "Yea... After a long time."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked around the town and felt rather uncomfortable.

Some ponies were looking at him with shock eyes, while others ran away entirely.

'Their reactions right now are not that inaccurate compared to what might happen eventually... but still, do I look that threatening?' he thought.

Jack seemed to pace back a bit in the forest and sat down against a tree.

"It seems nice here, but how I am I gonna adapt to here if everyone is looking at me like I am some sort of monster? I have seen far more threatening things." Jack said with worry.

"Perhaps i should go back, i seem to be scaring your people rather hard unintentionally." he said

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"Well hey I used to be scary to these ponies purely because of these." Maple responded. "They're easy to frighten but they'll get used to you after long enough."

Woody was unsure of what to do. "Sis should we take him somewhere to rest or to canterlot."

Maple messed with her mane. "I guess it's up to him. What do you think?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, i have nowhere to go really but i could survive in the wilderness if i become to much of a problem, its what i have been doing for most

of life, let alone that i wouldn't want you to waste your resources on me."

"The decision is up to you, i don't have much choice in the matter honestly." Jack replied

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Woody shook his head. "Not gonna let you do that. That's a terrible thing to impose on a friend. Compromise! We should take him to Twilight's castle. She'll let him live there."

"That is true plus it means we'll report him to the princesses at the same time." Maple Agreed "So does that sound fine with you?"

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"If it is what you 2 would suggest for me, i agree." he said with a nod.

"At this point wether it be imprisoment, freedom or any other matter, i can live with it." he said.

'Tough i have to admit, this all seems very unnatural to me. My entire life consisted of living trough the destroyed wastelands and ruine cities that our planets once held, becoming a forder shadow its once great glory. And with those monsters lurking at every corner, all i could do was survive and make the best from it. But here? There are NONE! It is almost like something has decided to have pity on me, but i have to wonder, do i really deserve this?' he tought as he followed them.

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"You don't have to do something to deserve kindness." Maple said reassuring him "As long as someone doesn't threaten me or my family they are welcome to stay in ponyville. We're a rather nice race. You'd understand if you talked with our dad just how forgiving we are." She smiled, Fangs showing.

Woody stepped forward "Lets head to Twilight's castle. It should be over this way." He planed on taking them to the to the castle. When pinkie came near them and bounced right up to Jack.

"Hiyamyname'spinkiepieandIlovemeetingnewpeoplewhat'swyourname?" She said rapidly without pause

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack almost fell over from Pinkie Pie's unexpected greating.

'Talk about unexpected?!' Jack tought with an hin't of big surprise on his face

He quickly regaind his composure.

But even despite from pinkie pie's insanely fast speech, he managed to gather out her name and some of the words.

"Um hey, my name Is Jack Gonriel." he said with an nervous smile on his face.

'I have met many with diffren't personalities, but this one is the most unique one i have ever seen, how can anyone have such a cheery personality? From what i remember even the most severe injections and body modification would not make it possible to have someone become so cheery as her, its astonishing.' Jack tought with interest.

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"IneedtogoplanapartyforyouI'llseeyouinafewhours." She said and then darted off.

The siblings where laughing, Woody was the first one to say something "That's pinkie pie. She's always like that especially around new people. This party she's gonna plan for you may help bring some trust forth but you don't have to go to it. Let's continue to Twilight's."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'A party for me? Huh... that is something new.' he thought with surprise.

"She has a lot of energy, that is for sure." Jack said with a chuckle

Jack followed them to Twilight's castle. He did not know how to act, as this was something really out of character from what he was used to.

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"Think of it as a welcoming party." Woody said

Maple was still laughing at how confused Jack was meeting pinkie but not as hard as before. "Anyways." She said when they got to the castle "I'll go get Twilight."

A few minutes later the purple-coated alicorn stepped out of the castle and looked a Jack. She flinched when she saw him but quickly recovered. "Hello there. You must be Jack. Maple was telling me about you. Care to come in?" She asked opening the large main door with her magic.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack smiled. "Sure, and it's nice to meet you Twilight." He said as he walked inside.

He looked around with amazement.

'Would you look at that? The inside of this castle seems to be having been constructed with some sort of crystal material? How it was made I don't know, but it does look rather nice.' he thought with interest.

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Twlight looked around "Well I'm not to sure how it was built either. It erupted from the ground when we beat Tirek. We beat him using rainbow powers from a magic box that we opened using things that where really special to us."

Maple Looked a Jack "It sounds weird but yea that's the truth. A box grew a tree-esq castle."

Twilight passed the main rooms and went over them finally ending in a mostly empty guest room. "Here's your room."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, it doesn't that sound weird to me, if there is magic involved, a lot of weird things can happen. I remember when I was very young my dad was able

to transport someone's soul straight into an inanimate and reconstructed body, where the transported person was actually able to move that new body like a puppeteer." Jack said while he followed them.

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"That's weird... I'm not saying it's bad. But I don't know if it's good either." Twilight said.

"It's turning something souless, soulful." Woody added "It's nice but then again someone can't move on since they're immortal. It's  like a bitter sweet victory."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, the person was dying and there was no way for him to recover in his current state, my father did not want him to die, so he spared him from

that fate." Jack explained.

"I am wondering tough, does this place have some kind of library?" he asked with interest.

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The siblings flinched. He had no idea what he had just done.

Twilight's eyes sparkled "Oh my gosh. Yes it's over her." She flew rather quickly, Dragging Jack to the door that lead to the library and threw it open.The library had Thousands of books all of them organized by Genre, Alphabetically and Condition. "I'm glad you asked!" She said exited. "Everything in here is organized by a complex system it should be easy to find whatever you're looking for. What are you looking for? History? Artifacts? General Statistics on the pony races?"

Maple realized something "Oh right. Twilight I still have the book about Darker artifacts. I'll return it later."

Twilight was confused "Which one exactly?"

Maple shrugged "I don't remember. Do you..." She realized that was a stupid Question. "Nevermind."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'Wow, she is really hyped about books it seems.'

When they arrived, Jack thought for a moment.

"Do you happen to have any books on medical conditions? Like, the inner workings of the body?"

'It not might be Pony Biology, but it should do just fine, hopefully, i can continue on my research.' he thought.

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Twilight nodded without needing to think about it. She grabbed 3 books with her magic. "Here's a few different ones but there more in here if you need more info. They're about Ponies but They should be able to help. Need anything more specific? Because the organization of these books is really complex so I can easily find anything." The purple alicorn was practically bouncing she was so excited.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'Il give her credit, she can be more specific then an automated computer ai.' Jack was thinking.

"Do you have anything about Unicorns in particular? I heard they cast magic? I might be able to convert something." Jack said.

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Twilight grabbed 5 diffrent books. "There's a lot of different Magic here in equestria. My magic is Alicorn magic but Woodland's is Chaos magic. There's a few more but these books should go over them in more detail. Once again there are more if you need more information or you could just have a chat with Princess Celestia."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks, ill see what I can do." Jack said as he sat down.

He had been a few hours that passed since he has been doing his research, looking trough notes from his journal while reading a lot of the other books at the same time.

"This interesting, the horn acts as the magical output. Tough i don't want to know how it will come into play if a Unicorn happened to get infected by the virus? That would be terrifying to behold." Jack mumbled to himself.

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"Well not all races use their horns" Woody said turning visible from where he was. "Sorry that I was spying on you but I'm curious about your race just as you are curious about ours. I was trying to learn more about you but all I know id your know to study about theses things and that there's some sort of virus. Could you explain what that is. Uhh... I mean if that's ok."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was a bit surprised when he suddenly saw behind him, buit quick relaxed.

"Don't worry about it, curiosity is something that everyone has. If i am going to talk about it, i might as well start from where it all began, that should also cover up the confusion." he said.

"There are actually 3 subspecies of my race. There used to be only one, a very very powerfull being. But when said being died, it caused a chain reaction that split her soul into 3 seperate entities, wich would become the forth bearers of our new species."

"After that events, millions of years had past, and the 3 races resides on multiple planets, their populations numbering in almost perhaps a billion per planet? The birth rate was just very high back then. But on these planets, there was a event to come that would change our view point of life forever."

"Among the Population of the Terran subspecies there would rise one person to power, we all know him As Valtrek. While the most evil persons in existance perhaps had some sort of good in their heart, Valtrek was born pure evil, his methods of manipulation where so unique that he managed to gather almost half the planet's population under his banner. From the other side would rise a person we know as Aliah, everyone still venerate him as a god because of his deeds to this very day."

"While it was true that our races where in a very high number the galaxy, we where still a peacefull race, even those with the need to battle would only fight those who would pose a serious treath to the galaxy."

"But when Valtrek rose to power, he tried to convince us all with lies, telling us that we where superiour to everyone else and conquer anything if done right.  In a sense he was right about us being capable of such feeds, but most of us had no desire in such barbarity. And then a massive civil war broke out that lasted for around 7 centuries. The life span of our species is incredibly diffren't from most, some die at the age of 120, while there are some are still alive after 1100 years, it is something i was never able to figure out how this was even remotely possible."

"But nearing the end of the civil war, things had become bleaker, this entire civil war had been nothing more then a mask ochestrated by Valtrek, he was using this war as a deception so that he could power some sort of weapon that was fueled by every death caused during the battles."

"To this very day we don't know what techoligy was used to make that weapon, but Valtrek possessed some sort of bomb that was capable of revering the life cycle, undoing any monocule life that started to exist slowly, such a weapon was terryfing to comprehend, as our race was not even close to getting understand such technoligy during that time, even to this very day.   In the end Aliah sacrificed himself as he threw himself straight into the bomb's detonation, every monucle of his body was shredded but for some reason because of the impact, his body fused togheter with the bomb before it died off. This caused the rest of the implosion to falter, by wich he saved over countless of lives. But i think everyone praise him more then just his heroics, he had alwasy been a symbol of hope, he had abnormal feats on the battlefield, he was already know as a very deadly marksman, but his actions had caused so much hope among us that a very high member among the Eldritch council gave up all his magic essence and sended it straight to Aliah, making him the very first Terran that possessed Eldritch magic."

Jack then sighd. "The story has already been massive so far, but this only the beginning, you want to hear more?" he asked Woody.

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13 minutes ago, Mickey Adaptus said:

"In the end Aliah sacrificed himself as he threw himself straight into the bomb's detonation, every monucle of his body was shredded but for some reason because of the impact, his body fused togheter with the bomb before it died off. This caused the rest of the implosion to falter, by which he saved over countless of lives. But i think everyone praise him more then just his heroics, he had always been a symbol of hope, he had abnormal feats on the battlefield, he was already know as a very deadly marksman, but his actions had caused so much hope among us that a very high member among the Eldritch council gave up all his magic essence and sent it straight to Aliah, making him the very first Terran that possessed Eldritch magic."

Woody listened to the whole story absorbing most of the things he talked about"I don't know who this Aliah is but I like him. Sounds Familiar." He said "I think Maple and him would get along quite well." He heard the last part "I would like to hear more but I'm more concerned about that Virus you talked about earlier." The dragonequus added. "I see that it could be a bit of a sensitive topic for you so feel free to say" He changed his head to look like Jack's "I don't want to talk about it." He changed it back.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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