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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"It should be under the very mountain of Canterlot, which means there should be an entrance somewhere if we fly all the way down." Jack said.

"Once we arrive at the entrance, we should stay together though, I may not know those tunnels out of my head, but from what I can understand, they go very deep and have narrow passages."

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Maple nodded "Alright. Everyone! This way!" She descended to the bottom of the mountain. Looking around it's base for an entrance. She didn't have any luck, She went around the mountain a few times. However she didn't know exactly what she was looking for. Eventually she saw an opening in the bottom of the montain. "Alright this is it guys!" She looked at the others once they where close. "Everyone ready?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I am ready, but like I said, we should stay close." Jack said.

Eventually, the group moved through the tunnels.

Though after a while, they noticed 3 golden eyes in the darkness. 3 Ponies with those golden eyes were eating from a corpse, or at least what was left of it. The once herbivores ponies had now turned into carnivores.

"I see 3 creatures ahead, they have those golden eyes, but there are something wrong guys.... they are ponies." Jack said with concern

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Maple unclipped her bow from the side of her armor, Aiming at the beastly ponies carefully she held her breath, once the string turned red she released the arrow which caused Ember and Luna to draw their weapons, and Luna to Illuminate the area they would be fighting in. Maple's arrow struck one true, Right between the golden eyes.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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One of the creatures died by the arrow that impacted on him.

But then something unbelievable happened.

One of them started talking, but it talked in a very fast and unknown language, its speech seemed very unevolved, only being able to speak certain lines that would even resemble Equestrian.

It started to point at the group, and it kept talking its unreadable words, almost like accusing someone.

The other creature dragged the body out of sight and dragged it deeper into the tunnels.

"What...?" Jack said in disbelief.

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Maple Clipped her bow back on her armor "You know as much as I do Jack."

Luna stepped forward "We recognized their speech as ancient Equestrian speech but We have no Idea how to speak it." She said "How do they know it though... How long have they been down here waiting for us to arrive."

"I agree princess" Discord added confused "Did you see them though? It was almost as if they where accusing us of something."

Woody stepped forward after he had assessed the situation. "Alright, Perhaps these creatures aren't like the other ones. More of sentries that jsut keep watch over an area but are peaceful in nature. Maple potentially just harmed someone innocent..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"There is something weird about tough. We saw the Golden eyes, and for the fact that they managed to shift from herbivores to carnivores, that is a clear sign of the virus.

But here is the thing, the infected victims that turned, lose all their sentience and have no form of talking, yet this actually still had retained some of its former self, and even was able to talk some sentences. This really worries me because this means this particular strain has somehow managed to mutate into its original form. To keep it short, they have succumbed, but they are free of the hive link, there is something bad going on here." Jack said with worry

he was however not able to finish as suddenly a very loud sound boomed across the caverns, and an all to familiar purple glow could be faintly seen from the aftermath of the sound.

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The group flinched, Maple unclipped her spear as she started hovering in the narrow cavern She was angered. "What was that? I don't think it likes our presence..."

Woody flew up by Maple protecting her with a barrier by singing a strong sounding song. "Careful sis, Don't be reckless."

Maple nodded as Luna shielded the others. Everypony was ready to counter whatever was about to happen

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Ash and Cynders are your only concern now, rawhide." sounded a muffled voice from a few tunnels.

There was a shriek on the other side, but mids its cry, it just stopped, it was rudely interrupted and was never able to finish its sound, like it had vanished from thin air.

Only some faint footsteps could be heard afterwards which then became silent altogether.

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The group readied for battle fearing the worst.

Maple wondered what he meant. "Jack? Can you make any sense of that." She asked confused "What does rawhide mean?"


Tresured had followed the group in secret "Well now 2 princesses, 2 dragonequus, My only equal, and that cat that my 'allies' want." He laughed near the entrance to the temple "They seem to just make it too easy for me!" He said triumphant as he walked in.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I- I do recognize that voice, but the tone it has just seemed off... It just doesn't add up."

"Though the term *rawhide* is when someone is going to die in alternate ways, which doesn't include physical attacks or any forms of magic. Which is weird in this situation."

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Maple flinched "That... Doesn't sound too nice..." She sounded intimidated, something she wasn't very often. "I'm ready for the worst!"

Woody noticed the fear in her voice but didn't comment on it. He wasn't worried he had deal with odd situations before while wandering the chaos realm.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It might be best if we keep moving, because with all of us together, we might be able to stand against it."

"It shouldn't be far now i think." Jack said

The hallway went on for a while, but eventually there was a room, but it was full with blood stained art that was created on the walls, and there was a picture of a distorded face on the wall, with in the middle of the room, it almost looked a ritual place.

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Woody looked around. He felt disgusted "Well this isn't quite the nicest place is it." He walked over to the wall forming a sort of face 

Discord moved around a bit. "So Jack what are we looking for exactly?" He flew around a bit giving Jack a good view of the area

"How about a nice spot for your graves!" A voice said behind the group of ponies

Maple turned around and saw who it was, when she did dropped her spear "Wha... How did you find us." She backed up panicked. He had almost killed her and here he was again.

Treasured laughed "Simple I followed you after you left canterlot the first time you returned and then I followed you again. I'm amazed your alive. However I do still have a score to settle with you." He drew the blade from his wings and pointed it at her. One of his wings still had a bit of her Blood on it he was keeping it there as a trophy "Let's finish this!"

Ember stepped in between him and Maple. "You want her, you're gonna have to go through me punk!" He golden armor stood out well in the dark room, Her axe blade shone as if it was freshly sharped.

Treasured smiled even wider "Fine I was here to kill you all anyways!" He flew at ember swinging swiftly. Ember expected that and blocked the strike knocking his weapon away with the heavy blade of her axe. She stepped closer as she swung putting a lot of power into the blade. Treasured's response was simply to catch the axe with his magic and knock Ember away with his magic.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It was a pretty poor choice to plan your personal vendetta here friend, you should be cautious with what you are going to desecrate."

The voice of Montarion echoed through the hallways directed towards Treasured.


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"And you are you to tell me where Equestria's true leader should fight his battles!" Treasured said annoyed "Here there's no chance of them escaping. Once I win here no one will stand in my way."

Woody had to do something quietly he started singing a warm and comforting song his courage went towards Maple giving her the fire in her eyes which had been extinguished for quite some time

Maple felt brave again even in the face of death. She picked up her spear. "That's where you're wrong Treasured Crystal! No matter what or where I will always stand to defy you. Sun shine or Moonlight, Rain or snow. You will not rule Equestria!"

Treasured heard singing and growled "I've had just about enough of you!" He said firing a strong magical blast hitting Woody who had his eyes closed while he was singing. "Enjoy your temporary victory. But for now I do have bigger fish to fry!" He teleported away.

Maple lost her courage. "W... Woody!" Maple ran over to check the damage but nothing seemed to be visibly wrong with him.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"And so the predator runs off to regroup with his nest." Montarion joked, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

Jack looked at Woody.

"Don't assume that he is fine just because of how he now looks, someone scan his body with your magic!" Jack said.

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Woody looked at his body, he felt completely normal 'Guess it just knocked me down.' Is what he said, Actually it's what he tried to say, Treasured's spell had made Woody mute.

"B... Bro come on say something." Maple said on the verge of tears. "Come on I know your ok."

Woody shook his head and stood up. He opened his mouth but no words came out. Woody realized what was happening now and his pupils shrank, He looked down at the ground afraid.

Luna scanned him with alicorn magic and saw what was wrong and lost her breath. "His... vocal cords are paralyzed." she said disappointed. "We are sorry Woodland we should have taken that blast not you. We... I can fix this but not here. We must go back to canterlot!"

Woody shook his head and pointed at Jack. Almost pushing her closer to him, He held his paw against his chest and nodded tell Luna it wasn't her fault and he'd be ok.

Discord flew over and hugged Woody "Son... I'm... I... Guess we should focus. That's what you where trying to say to Luna right?" When his son nodded Discord smiled "Overcoming one of your greatest fears for the greater good. You've grown so quickly!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Don't worry, if it helps, I am pretty good at reading body language."

he looked at woody.

"Just try to make certain gestures when trying to say something, and i will try to translate it." Jack said with an nod

"We should continue tough, but there is something off about this room... Because this is not part of the temple, i mean, the tempel should be close now. But i know for a fact that Moriah would never associate himself with the... Bloodcult.. Ugh." Jack said

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Woody nodded to Jack Smiling. He wanted to be cheerful and happy so he could help the group even though his biggest fear had come true he still needed to be strong for someone else.

Maple stepped over to Jack. She wasn't crying but was on the verge of it seeing woody stay strong gave her strenght too. "Jack how come Montarion helped us? I thought he wanted to stay neutral in all of this but he probably just saved me and my brother."


Treasured walked into canterlot castle. He wasn't going back to chrysalis' hive empty hooved.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is something that i wonder to Maple, Because from what i understand, members of the blood cult hold no such alliances, when they see a living being that isn't associated with them, they murder it brutally and then convert its soul to their master, Yet Montarion has done no such thing yet, i think he has a personal agenda. Because with us finding this temple, it also benefits him. But at the same time....  I have a strong suspicion Montarion might murder us all at some point, i am not sure, but when i look into his eyes... It is feeling that you get when someone is going to erase you completely..."

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Maple understood the feeling completely she felt that looking into Treasured eyes just a bit ago. "Something tells me he want's you dead but he doesn't want to kill yo-" She stopped and thought about it, Then something clicked in her mind "Wait Is this a trap! You said he was the Bloodcult, But earlier you said that the owner of this temple moriah? I think it was would never assoisate himself with the Bloodcult. I think we've been set up!" She started to run away but got grabbed by the tail by Discord 

"Maple? What happened to you. You used to be a brave and reckless soldier. Now you just seem like a scareable little filly." Discor said trying to bring her back to her senses. When she didn't respond he looked at Jack confused.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Maple is probably right, while the Temple might be here, it is very weird that the blood cult has set a remnant here. Because those creatures you saw earlier? I think they were ponies who were going to turn but had under Montarion's or at least something related to his influence. Because the way they spoke, is the exact tone a blood cult member would speak when suffering from mutation.."

"You are right in a sense Jack, but there is a purpose behind it all, something that hard to understand for those who don't follow our path."

"I would speak to you in private, you started to say things that are not appropriate for their ears to hear. Come have a talk with me." Montarion's voice rang through the tunnels.

Jack suddenly started to become transparent and started to vanish.

"WAIT. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he screamed in horror.

"Do not be afraid, this will only go on for an hour at best, it is simply a safety measure regarding our... well, I am not at liberty to say." he said as Jack vanished completely


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"Jack! No!" Maple yelled trying to grab him but she was to late. Maple grew angry. She started shouting at nothing "You DARE! I remember fighting your sick and twisted beast some time ago..." Maple's bravery was returning. "I showed you what I could do now how about you do the same! I won't let you just take my friend away! Earn it!"

Discord stuck a point near her neck with a palm strike knocking her out instantly. Woody motioned as if he was confused. "She's being reckless again. Jack said that he could kill us all including 2 gods something tells me he was right."

"We... I agree with you discord." Luna said positively. "She was putting herself in a lot of danger that way tis best we stay here until he brings jack back like he said he would."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack was in a black void, he started to panic.

"Hello? Is anyone there?!" he said

"There was a time where they were aware of our nature, but that was before they got a claw dug in their smug faces."

"And now you may wonder Jack, what has changed? Nothing has changed, we have stayed the same while others, started defiling the galaxy.."

"It was only when I saw your escape, that I perhaps had found a means to locate the remains of our mutual friend, and my powers did disappoint me, your arrival had started a chain of events caught the interest of not only me.... but some others as well, some who are keen to devourer all of you without a second regard for mercy or emotion."

"I have helped you all thus far but.... It is going to require a payment for their survival, I have already protected them longer than I am allowed to, which raises the question, why am I telling you this? Because of that thing in your body... Is perhaps the very key to fulfilling this entire conquest. You have desperately tried to prevent its birth, but let me ask you this. Do really think it's worth trying to resist something so big? Because the genocide of these ponies is but a mere page in a storybook, and the end chapter is not there yet, which can only be progressed by certain.... conditions."

"The original plan was to let this thing get born, yet you are trying to change history with every fibre in your body, while it is noble, it is not wise to attempt steering faith to your own desires, that is our task, so I am going to make you an interesting offer.

"You let it progress as it should be, or you will prevent its birth, and by that conclusion damning all these ponies which you have grown so fond of. What will it be Eldritch? Because in life difficult choices must always be made." Montarion said with a smirk.

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