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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Luna was still asleep for a bit after Jack woke. That is until a guard came through her door saying that Maple, Woody, Flurry, and Moonshadow have returned.

Maple and woody where with their mother and father. Discord told the story of what happened while they where gone making Fluttershy seem way more awesome that she may have been at the time Maple was very skeptical. "Dad we aren't stupid mom wouldn't hurt a fly."

Discord shook his head "You should have seen it when she swung the axe ember had before hand, The axe acted like it had chosen her because a magic effect activated and it shot lightning!"

At this point even Woody was skeptical. "Really? I didn't know that axe blades could shoot electricity."

"It's all true honest I just attacked to protect my family, I would have done the same for anypony else." Fluttershy said meekly

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'They are back, thank goodness.' Jack thought.

"Could you please bring the others in? I need to tell them something." Jack asked the guard.

"Luna? I think i know how we can find the temple, i have been thinking long during my dream and i have an idea, but its going to be tricky since i am not sure if its going to work." Jack said.


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The group that was in the crystal empire, Discord and Fluttershy all walked into the room. Maple stepped up next to Jack "Hey jack 2 things. First how have you been? Been doing better with that whole inner demon Thing. Two earlier did Fluttershy attack Montarion?"

Luna laughed at Maple's second question. "Yes Maple she did it was a wonderful effort and in the end Montarion even decided to stop fighting us! Twas a glorious effort on her part!"

Maple flinched hearing Luna confirm it "Guess it checks out then, sorry dad."

Discord laughed "See your father is always right!" He said triumphant.

Maple ignored that comment. "Back to the first question. How's that inner demon treating you?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, Celestia and Luna had pushed that monster so far that it had resorted to cowardly acts. But in the end, it has been brought low again. And what is even more surprising is when Montarion was trying to drag my soul out, I actually felt some sort of power snapping open because I have found a flaw. The reason why so many are after me is not just for my body, but the secret information that is stored in my head. It's not this kind of information I could just access right now, but it's these memories that are locked away from my mind with very strong magical wards and seals. I suspect that my father had locked away all of his secrets that very place, and it is obvious that the enemy wants to find these things out because they could eventually find the location of the person that most of our race have been looking for since around 4 centuries."

"Of course these wards are protected by some ancient magic, nothing so far has been able to breach it, but once that monster in myself gets born, it will take over my body during the transformation, and that very same knowledge will no longer have an attachment point, which means they will be able to access it then. It would just make the most sense to me." Jack said.


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"That makes a lot of sense." Maple said a bit confused. "Jack your race they seem to have tech that can give them access to magic your... Mother showed them to me. I'd like to know more about those!"

"Maple!" Fluttershy said upset. "He's going through something really serious and that's what you say to him. Honestly sometimes you have quite the nerve."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is alright Fluttershy, I am happy to tell her." Jack said

"As you might know there are 3 subspecies just like yours, but the one I am the one called Eldritch, which is a race that focuses on its own type of magic. Or well, rather, the magic that originates from our birth mother, Ylnera Isha."

"We get our magic from our souls, which directly connects to our bodies, and this allows us to output this magic. It is actually rather similar to the unicorn and alicorn magic that you are all used to, though it is possible for other races to learn this kind of magic, there would need to be a bypass, either the person uses the limited magic that it has received from the caster, or it has to rely on additional machines like machinery that is made for generating these powers. Though there has been one instance where someone actually managed to unify 2 souls together into being, that was performed by one of the strongest magic users that have ever existed."

"Tough our magic has some capabilities that some believe to be downright unbelievable. Some claim that our strongest magic users have the ability to *see the future*, but that is just a massive exaggeration. The spell they use puts them in this state where their minds wander straight into a massless void. The caster then tries to find a certain point in this void, which in most cases is the other caster who uses the same spell. But this is far more than just simple telepathy, the 2 casters actually connect their minds together, where they can actually merge their thoughts temporarily into one, able to extract thoughts and memories without the use of words. But this spell is especially powerful since it is able to communicate with certain beings who are already dead, their spirits either resting in an object or they wander free in the afterlife. It is these powerful ancestors that tend to send out prophecies with their powers, and so these casters are able to hear those prophecies, they are often very vague and full of riddles, but if understood right, it possible to preserve thousands of lives from imminent threats, it's of course never guaranteed, it's only a possibility."

"My father was an extraordinary magic user, and many of student sought his guidance, but what he was most known to use this spell, because, in order for this spell to work at its best, a calm mind is needed, but at same time lots and lots of magic, which only strong magic users are capable off." He explained.


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Jacks explination was significantly more interesting to Woodland than Maple "Wow That's amazing!" Woody said. "Two souls in a single body for an extreme boost in power!" He looked at his father he figured that he only had one soul however it could be made of different souls fragments "Could you perhaps teach me some of your peoples magic?" He asked Jack.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack thought for a moment. "I could do that Woody, but the thing is that I don't know a whole lot of spells for this magic. I sure some destructive spells and some for other purposes, but I don't know how to perform most other spells that are out there. But in one of those temples that we have been looking for, i can defnitly find some, that i am sure of. But then there is going to be problem of being able to generate the magic, bceause like i said, i could only give you a certain amount by drawing it from my own reserves." Jack said.


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Woody laughed "That's alright." He waited until the others where out of earshot "Hey Jack wanna see what I'm really capable of. Here." He handed him a rock "Throw that as far down the corridor as you can. I know it's a odd request but just do it."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Alright, tough the rock might not get very far, because i am using my arms so often, they must be getting tired after a while." Jack joked.

"Hold on a second, why did everybody else just leave? I was about to tell them my plan!"

He gave a really big sigh.

"So much for being taken seriously... O well, here it goes." Jack said as he threw the rock through the corridor, it still managed to go at a reasonable distance.


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Woody froze time flew over and grabbed the rock during the peak of it's arch bringing it back over to Jack before unfreezing time. To anyone else it looked like the rock had just hit the peak of it's arch and disappeared. "Here ya go." He said handing it back to him. "I'll go get the others again thought Luna might be busy now..." He stepped out of Luna's room to go gather the others. He stopped time again moving them all near the door. Unfroze time and said "Guys Jack has a plan he'd like to discuss." He said happily as he walked back into the room followed by everyone that was in here earlier.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked dumbfounded at Woody. "D-did you just manipulate time? Or did you move extremely fast? I couldn't sense any form of movement from you!"

"I do have a plan that might us help find the Temple, though it's going to be tricky because I am not sure if it's going to work."

"Remember how I was talking about having this *vision* spell? There is a chance i might be able to pull it off, and perhaps even find the location of that temple by some source. But the thing is, my level of magic is just puny compared to what i have seen others do, and normally it would take decades or a century for anyone to master this spell to a certain extent, i was wondering if anyone would want to aid me in powering the spell? The matter of the fact is that while none of you possesses Eldritch magic, i do know how to convert Unicorn and Alicorn magic straight into my spell, i have done it to power Luna's magic before after all. Tough i have to say, this is going to require alot of magic, so perhaps multiple people will even be needed in order to make this succeed, but once we find the location of that temple, we will be able to change the course of this war to our favour, i can guarantee you all that." Jack said with determination.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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Woody laughed  adn flew above Jack's head. "Time manipulation. It's my strongest spell takes a bit of effort but usually worth it." After lsitening to his idea he gave a thumbs up with his paw. "You can count me in."

Discord, after hearing his statement, Shrugged "Sure why not. Anything that may help right?" He sat down next to Luna's bed cross legged

Luna smiled "We could try it. We do after all wish to experience you kinds magic!" She said with praise.

Fluttershy and Maple both kinda just stood there for a second, unsure. "Can we help at all Jack? We can't exactly use magic but we could still do something..." Fluttershy paused crossing her front legs and looking away from him "Right?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks you guys." he then looked Maple and Fluttershy.

"You 2 might not be able to power the spell, but there is an important thing, I must not be thrown out of my concentration or else it's going to backfire horribly, if you 2 could sure the spell does not get interrupted from any outside interference, whether you have to prevent others from coming into the room to covering my ears from too loud sounds, anything is really appreciated." he said with a smile.

"By the way, are Celestia and Twilight around? We will need all the magic we can get, and those 2 are very strong magic users from what i have heard, if we are all together in participating with this spell, the chance we pull this off is really high." Jack said with a smile.


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"Celestia's really busy at the moment" Woody said "I checked earlier but I didn't go try to find..." He paused time with the melody again and unfroze it after leaving the room. So he just vanished.

Maple laughed "Don't worry he'll be right back. I'll just go get my gaurd armor and not let anyone in the room. Mom you can handle inside the room in case something starts to fall over or something

"W... Will it kill you if it backfires?" Fluttershy didn't want to take on that much responciblity but felt she had to for him since he did save her daughters life. She started brushing the fur on he left front leg with her right front one nervously.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"If it backfires, it won't kill me, but it there is a high chance that it will put me in a coma if it goes wrong, I am in theory moving with my mind outside my body, which is a very dangerous thing to normally do unless you have experience with it."

"But if something is happen to wrong, i would like to ask of someone to act as a backup, because normally when trying to cancel out this spell, there are certain runes used on the caster's armour to drag their mind back, because trying to find your way back to your own body is like walking in an never ending maze."

"This person must then focus his/her magic on my body and then put a sleeping spell on me, that way my mind will have time to get used to being in its place again, and if it something goes wrong, try to do the same thing, that way i can safely complete the spell without harming myself in the process." Jack said.


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Discord scrathed his head confused "I thought it was also bad when we used spells on you."

Luna sighed. "Risking himself with that is better than his soul wandering forever, would you not agree discord?"

Discord thought about it and a light bulb appeared above his head, He gabbed it "Agreed. Though I've never seen one of these before..."

Woody popped back up in the room holding Twilight "Hey Jack I brought Twilight."

Twilight was super confused "Wait how exactly did i get here."

Maple laughed and fell over from laughing so much. Fluttershy eventually said "Woodland learned how to stop time a long time ago and I guess he used it."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Hey um, guys, I don't want to sound annoying, but is there someone would want to act as the backup?"

"I mean, only one mistake and I am done for, it is making me a bit uncomfortable now." Jack said nervously.

"Because the timing needs to be good, and needs to keep a cool head at all times, because once it goes wrong the action can only taking within a fraction of seconds."

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"S...So your saying that whoever does the rescue spell only has a fraction of a second before it's too late?" Fluttershy said.

Woody held up a paw. "I nominate Twilight!"

She pushed herself out of Woody's grasp. A bit agitated she said "I think I need a summery of what we're doing here. And how i can help."

Maple put a hoof on her shoulder smiling said "Just be quiet and focused if something goes wrong put jack to sleep with a spell not hard right?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is not that easy Maple because once I use the spell, my mind won't be in my body, which I cannot talk or move my body in any way, because the only way I know how to check is by feeling my heartbeat, since my mind still is part of my body, my feelings should still flow with my thoughts. But the timing also needs to be good, only being around 5 seconds too late can mean I won't be able to return."

"This is why i am worried because i need to depend entirely on a single person when it goes wrong or when i want to cancel out the spell. If you guys want to vote, it is fine by me, though I am not sure how i should feel about the entire situation, this spell is the only way if we want to get a chance of finding that temple's location." Jack said with concern.

"I mean, if i don't keep a cool head in this, things are going to mess up for sure... Normally i don't wan't to do this but... There is just no other way, but yet at the same time i just cannot freak out!" Jack said, starting to panic about the whole unsure situation.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Luna agreed with Jack, shacking her head. "This is way to risky. This temple we are looking for is somewhere in equestria. We can find it without you doing this." She looked nervous she was almost shacking

Discord looked over at Luna "Unfortunately Luna I'm beliving that Equestria doesn't have that much time. It could take us a millennia or longer to find that temple." He looked down at the ground "After all we didn't know the first one existed until today."

Woody realized something. "Wait would time stop work? Like it fails so then I freeze time and then put you to sleep? It could work right?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked at Woody.

"I am sorry Woody, but I don't think it's going to work when you stop time, it will stop here, but my mind is in theory in another place, and so your time stop will be only affecting this reality, but where my mind is present at, it will just continue flowing. You would be throwing my mind and body off sync, that is something we cannot risk because manipulating time is a very risking thing to do in the first place, using this method on yourself is fine, but doing it during such a spell? It could have dire consequences." Jack said.

"We need to make a choice guy because for every minute we don't do it, lives are on the line during this entire war, and the sooner we do this, the more lives we could preserve."

"But if everyone is too afraid to do it, then perhaps I could try without it... I mean, I shouldn't be asking any of you do to this in the first place!" Jack said with desperation.

He gave Luna a pleading before making up his mind.

"I have left my life on the line so many times by now, it is perhaps my duty to do it, it is like Father, like Son after all." Jack muttered

"Alright I am ready guys." he said.

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Luna was unsure how all of this worked "Fine but give me some sort of sign if this starts to mess up."

Discord had an idea that he figured he'd share with the rest of the group. He pointed at jack nonchalantly and spoke as though he didn't care "So you said your father locked some  sort of memories in your head right? Well I could step inside of you mind and take a look around for you see if it can open those memories up for you."

"There's no telling if that seal is strong or not" Twilight disagreed starting to pace in the room "You may use you magic to get rid of it and lose you magic trapping you inside his mind."

"Well I don't see any better options. After all I don't want Jack risking himself again. I'm over 1000 years old and for once I need to challenge my immortality to actually live a little" He said about to use his magic, Fluttershy tapped him on the shoulder.

"How about... um... we get Jacks opinion on that matter." She smiled awkwardly "It might make a bit of a diffrence." 

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Actually Discord, it might be better if you do not attempt that, i mean, that *thing* is going to get really aggressive once it notices your magic in my body, but i think trying to breach those memories is really difficult, when those enemies captured me for an entire years, they tried everything in their power to access those memories if i think about it, but they never succeeded either, but i think how it can be unlocked, perhaps not entirely, but i do know from how these things unlock in the first place. It is like a speech driving magical barrier, where it opens up after a certain word enters my ears, but it also needs to be spoken in a specific tone or accent, these methods are extremely useful to store things away."

"But i think it might be best if we get started guys, i guess i will have to see how everything will turn out, it is the only way." Jack said with determination, as he climbed out of bed and sat on the ground.

"Alright, for those who are going to use the magic, please sit in a circle around me and focus your magic straight at me, because while performing the spell, i will be using another spell that will convert your given magic into my own, if we keep that up, the spell should be able to be handled. But when you suddenly hear voices in your head or see sudden images in your mind, do not be afraid, it is part of the process as you might see or hear the things that i will experience as well." Jack said. as he closed his eyes and started to calm hs mind.


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Woody, Luna and Discord all channeled energy into Jack. Maple went outside the room waiting the door which Fluttershy locked from the inside. Lasty Twilight gently put her hoof on Jacks chest feeling his heartbeat. Ready to cast a sleeping spell the instant his heart stopped.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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