Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 Fluttershy nodded "After this, I think I'm going to denounce violence entirely but I... I can help for now I can help as much as I am able to." Celestia's puplies shrank, once again she hadn't realized the true problem "D... Did you say bullet? I... Could get it out with magic but it would take some time... Let's get out of the desert first and find food and water first, Fluttershy are you ok with that." Fluttershy nodded "Yes let's keep going... I'll manage for now..." 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 "We had better get moving because there is still something ahead that I haven't been able to identify yet." He then stopped for a second. "Actually, it is better if you guys wait here, it's not a good idea if we bring the entire group in an area where might lurk danger." Jack suggested 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 Celestia nodded but Ember disagreed "At least take Festus with you. I don't want you doing anything reckless and Festus is the least likely to get seen as his scales are the same color as the sand... well a bit different but just take him with you..." Celestia agreed with that notion "It's probably for the best. He knows you better than most of us seem to." 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 Jack nodded. "Be sure to stand ready tough, we are technically in no man's land now, which means there could be danger anywhere, and I am not sure what Festus and I would expect up ahead." Jack said as he walked forwards. "You up for checking out that thread? It might be somewhere close, I just have this strong suspicion something is beyond those further hills." Jack said to Festus as he pointed forwards. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 "Yea, shouldn't be too hard." Festus nodded walking up the hill "Though you really can make something to make my wings grow faster?" He said bringing up his conversation A snake approached Fluttershy. "Hello, there little guy." the snake coiled up ready to attack but she gently pat it on the head. The snake was more confused than aggressive, the snake bit at Fluttershy assuming the pat was some sort of attack. Fluttershy of course, moved away "Hey... It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you..." She gently put her hoof by the small snake, which it waited for a second scanning her before coming to the conclusion that it was safe. It slithered up Fluttershy's hoof and wrapped gently around her leg just above the hoof. "Ok!" She said "You can come with me." 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 "I should be able to yes, the method that we could use is not limited to a specific species, you could think it like this. This method is like a speed up method of growing, as in when you become older, your body tends to grow as well. I guess we are very lucky because I helped my father once with this progress, it is like massaging someone with a specific cream and a few types of herbs that are mixed with it. I might not have told you this before but my race actually tends to manipulate their aging process in order to preserve a longer lifespan or stay younger for a longer time, there are some who are even older then Celestia and Luna, this shows just how much can be done if you set your mind to it." Jack explained. "It's pretty funny, I am 13 years old, but due to my imprisonment in the demon realm before I missed out of aging for an entire 3 years, which means I am shorter than I supposed to be." Jack said with a chuckle. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 "So you're 16?" Festus asked crossing his arms "Huh. Wow, you guys really have figured everything out That'd be great if you can find the stuff in Equestria." He looked over a sand dune seeing if he could see anything paying very close attention to space between 2 dunes. "What are we looking for?" 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 "Actually, it's kind of the opposite, while I was there it sort of... skipped my aging so to say, which would make me 10 years old technically.. but I tend to count those missing years with my actual age." Jack said. He then looked around from across the hill. "I am not en-" He, however, gasped as he saw something in the distance. "Dear god.." He muttered as he watched in awe. 2 million infected where crossing the desert like a bunch of animals who were immigrating, they were circling a mile away from where Jack and Festus were looking, but they were circling in a such a way where they would notice anything or anyone passing by. "Festus... You need to get the others here without delay, this is very bad news, and words are not going to be enough to explain the dire of the situation, they need to see it with their own eyes to understand." Jack said as he looked a bit closer. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 "There's no way we can kill THIS many of them. They'll freak out if they see that. We best just tell them to head another way. That looks like our best bet. There's no way we can sneak around them... Trust me on that one. Unless Celestia crashed the sun into the ground we just can't." Festus slid down the dune "They'll believe us we just need to hurry." He lept, making his wings carry him a small distance, in the glide fashion he did before. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 "No wait-" He tried to say but Festus had already left. Jack sighed. "Lying about this is not a good way to handle it either, why didn't you wait for me to hear out my plan first." Jack muttered to himself. 'Well, it cannot be helped now, walking around it is not going to help either, because those infected are circling for a reason, they would be able to spot us trying to walk around.. Damn now what I do.' Jack thought with desperation. But he narrowed his eyes as he inspected their movements. 'Killing had not been my initial plan, but now the situation has changed if I can lure away this herd from the group when they are going to move, then we might just make it out without any casualties. Well.. perhaps except for me, but I am not intending on dying now, i just hope this DNA transfer is going to work, because i did remember something that i have been taught long ago, i pray that this will work for me..' Jack thought as he started sneaking closer, his knife drawing as he was moving closer to one of the infected, he moved at a specific moment, hoping he would not yet be spotted by the infected since they were running still in the circle pattern. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 Festus had heard Jack say to stop and had stopped himself and turned around mid-glide. He saw it was too late. He had to take a right "Jack!" He said loudly but not shouting it super loudly. He really hoped he heard because it looked like he was being reckless again. He was internally debating whether he should go after him or not eventually he nodded and lept after him not wanting him to go alone. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 Jack was trying to sneak upon one of the infected who was furthest removed when he suddenly heard Festus shout which caused him to get thrown out of his concentration. He stumbled back a bit, but he crawled away before the infected could notice him. When he was far enough he talked to Festus. "Sorry about that... but you made me panic when you talked about lying to the others about this, i know you don't want them to be afraid, but walking around it is not going to work, they are circling around for a reason, and if you guys would have tried to walk past them. they would have attacked you all at the same time." Jack said with a bit of shame in his voice, realising what he had just attempted to do. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 "I wasn't saying we go around... I was saying we just go a completely different way. Just avoid them entirely. Doesn't that sound like a lot of a better plan than what you were doing?" He said laughing "You're safe that's all that matters now, but if we have to fight all of those to keep it that way then we will. Let's head east." He said pointing to his left. "I wasn't saying lie they just... don't need to see it." 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 "Now I feel like an idiot for not even realising we could just move in an entirely different direction." Jack said. "But your plan sounds like a good idea, though I do have to say that we might get off track, as in we might be taking an entirely different route. I am just having a bad feeling about the overall thing with trying to cross this desert on food. I mean, Fluttershy is wounded pretty bad, and I am not sure if any of us will be able to survive an entire 2 weeks without food or water." "I would like to point out that this planet is 3 times the size of Equestria, and I could only imagine how big this desert must be." He looked at the sky. "You know.. i should perhaps come up with this idea sooner, but if we want to get out of this desert alive, we will have to fly our way out of here, because if there is one thing I learned, most of these dangers that are present on the planet are on the ground, but have no way to reach from up there, we will literally be avoiding dangers by a mile." Jack said with a smile. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 15, 2017 Share September 15, 2017 Festus looked a bit saddened for a moment "Yea... That would be the best plan..." He sighed "Let's go tell the others that." He slid down the dune not even gliding this time. He walked over to the others. "Guys we're gonna gly outta here the end of it is just over there the air is much faster anyway." Fluttershy looked worried. "A... Alright, we can do that." She didn't sound very confident in flying. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 15, 2017 Author Share September 15, 2017 "I am afraid it is the only way, but there is the advantage that literly nothing could attack up us from up the air, as the infected have no way to reach us." Jack said. He then walked over to Festus. "Don't worry, if it makes you feel any better, i could already start figuring out where to start regarding the growing process when we make stops." Jack whispered in his ear, hoping to cheer him up a little. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 "It's fine Jack really..." Festus sighed, "I just wish I could do it now because we need it now." "I'm afraid that flying isn't an option Jack," Celestia said regretfully, "Fluttershy got hit below the wing meaning she can't-" "Yes, I can!" Fluttershy said somewhat loudly. "It hurts but I can still move it. I'll probably pass out from pain but... At least I can try right?" Festus's face lit up "Fluttershy what if I got on your back and used my wings to glide us both over the mob and you would just get us high enough to get over them!" He sound happy to be able to help. "It'll work I promise!" 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 16, 2017 Author Share September 16, 2017 Jack gave a thumbs up to Fluttershy and Festus. "That is the way we are supposed to think, that way we will make it out of here for sure." Jack said. He then looked at the others. "Do you guys first want to rest up some more or go right away? That herd of 2 million infected might turn our way, which we definitely cannot be in their way once that happens." Jack mentioned. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 The other was ready and said they were but Fluttershy spoke up, "I'll need a little... I'm sorry but to get that high up it's going to take a lot of effort. I want to be able to make it up there by myself... " She laied on the ground and looked at the small snake she had and pet it at bit resting for a bit. Ember walked over to Jack "Well... How's this gonna work for you and star then?" 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 16, 2017 Author Share September 16, 2017 Jack was thinking deeply. "You guys could carry us? But if that is too difficult... I could try to sneak through the herd, the second idea is perhaps pretty stupid but if it means getting you guys out of this desert... Then I am willing to because let's face it, we are going to die if we keep up a slow pace. It has not been that long since we arrived here and already things already are looking very bad." Jack said with a sigh. "I just don't know... what do you guys think?" he asked the others. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 Ember nodded "Carrying you does seem like the best option. I'll carry you and Celestia can carry Star. I'd drop Star..." Ember chuckled lightly Fluttershy, After a fes seconds, stood up "Ok... I'm ready if everyone else is..." She worried everyone would be because she wasn't fully ready. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 16, 2017 Author Share September 16, 2017 Jack looked at Fluttershy. "If it gets to hard, let Festus glide for a moment, because we really need to do this, i might have gone a bit to far regarding the whole bullet thing, but i just need you to be strong this one more time, and then we can get you proper treatment." Jack pleaded with her. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 "Well... At least I have that to look forward to." Fluttershy said forcing a smile "I... I can do this... One last time..."1 "It's settled then... Let's go." Ember said picking up Jack and Celestia Lifted Star onto her back. Festus Looked at Fluttershy, "Ready?" Fluttershy nodded and Festus got ready to glide but gilding with her he had no idea how well it would work Celestia, and Ember both took off but stopped to see what Fluttershy was going to do. Fluttershy weakly lifted herself into the air as high as she could manage, she was about twice as high as the others were at normal flight height and then held her wings out as Festus did so they started gliding at a good pace. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MickeyAdaptus 2,211 September 16, 2017 Author Share September 16, 2017 "Good going guys!" Jack cheered them on. He then looked down at the herd that was still doing its crazy rotation tactic. 'Just what are those creatures doing? Where they intended for us, or this is one of their feral migrations? I am not sure, but I am glad we escaped those.' Jack thought 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maple Bat 3,568 September 16, 2017 Share September 16, 2017 After a while, Fluttershy had folder her wings trusting Festus with it. Ember looked at the creatures too. "Mindless monsters... They're so dumb... Whatever at least we get to do this and not have to worry about fighting that many of them." Celestia kept using magic to provide small bursts of wind, pushing the Festus and Fluttershy upwards every now and again, She worried that they'd go too far down. 1 My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra. Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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