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private Highschool of Friendship and Love (Between Celestial Flight and Lektra Bolt)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@Lektra Bolt

It was lunch time at Canterlot High, and one of the newly transferred students from Crystal Prep High, Lilac Lightning was sitting in the music room, alone as usual, due to her difficulty with making and keeping friends, was just plugging in her electric guitar and as she does, tunes it and then closes her eyes, she then begins to sing and it was a rather lovely voice that she had.




Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/5/2017 at 2:02 AM, Lektra Bolt said:


I was working in my lab after hours, making into headway on the experiment I was performing. Just as I thought it couldnn't get any worse, the entire thing exploded and melted into slag. "Blast! Well there goes my chances of making a new stronger pair of gloves." I got up to get a new circuit board from storage.

Hearing a voice going from the music room and reverberating through the halls, I decided I needed a break. It was a lovely voice. The sound of my boots on the linoleum floor could be heard in the halls, approaching the music room

Lilac was now muttering to herself as she was re-tuning her guitar and looking through her music list of which song she wanted to practice next "Oh what's the point of this? I don't have any friends to listen to me sing or play the guitar, and I just..." she sighs and puts her head in her hands, softly crying to herself, as she was quite excited to make some friends after changing schools, however, it would seem that not even anyone at Canterlot High wanted to give her a chance, yet they were willing to give Twilight a second chance..


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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1 hour ago, Lektra Bolt said:


By this time I'd found the source of the sound and found where it was coming from: the music room. I waited until she was finished, then came up behind her and hugged her, kneeling down and pressing my softness to the back of her head. "You've got me, I could be your friend. I was drawn to your song."

I'd been teaching for years but not a lot of the students actually recognized me as a teacher, especially since I was the same age as them. I certainly dressed like them and had gotten reprimanded by Principal Celestia for my outfit, asked to close my lab coat many times. But this was no time to think about that. This girl needed comfort. I held her close and delicately.

Lilac wiped her tears away as she felt someone hugging her from behind and their softness cradling her head, she then looked up to see her engineering teacher hugging her and smiles softly, though blushing a little at the position her head was in, "I-I'd like that Miss Bolt" she says softly "A-and were you really drawn by my singing?" she asks, still looking up at the teacher's soft face "D-did you know that there's actually a story behind the song? The girl mentioned in the beginning, Sophie, was actually a real girl, she was walking through London at night with her boyfriend, and because of how she was dressed alternatively..or at least it was speculated it was because of that, she and her boyfriend were beaten to death by a gang. The band who wrote the song, wrote it for the parents and helped set up the Sophie Launceston Charity" she explains then blushes "S-sorry, it's just that things like that really fascinate me a-and I tend to get carried away when talking about it" she says. 

lilac smiled a bit more and looked at her guitar "Soon, I will have the new body I had been working on in woodshop finished for her and she will have a custom body" she states to her teacher "Y-you've sen it, haven't you?" she asks.

Edited by Celestial Flight
  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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8 hours ago, Lektra Bolt said:


I felt so bad for her. I pressed in tighter, making sure she felt loved an comforted. Then I blushed and kinda gasped, finally realizing what I was doing. "Very sad origin story, though I'm not sure where London is (real world location)." I was blushing profusely and felt kinda hot. I hoped I wasn't sweating on her. That would be disgusting, at least for me. I changed the subject, still making sure she felt loved but not moving. I ran a hand delicately across the guitar, remembering this girl working on a custom shape for it. "I think I did, and I could help you with the electrical aspects. You mght know, it's not only my job but also my hobby. Teach what you love, and all that hehe."

"But uh, II was drawn to your music in the sense that there's nobody that I know of that stays in school after hours like I do, so your singing was easy to hear echoing across the empty building. I don't mean drawn like in a weird or creepy sense like that.........unless you like weird?" I giggled a little then finally asked the question I'd been dreading asking. "Is this uncomfortable for you?"

Lilac nods "I know it is sad, but it also reminds me that I'm not the only one who is different" she says, and looks up at Lektra some more and smiles a little "I would very much like some help with the electronic part of building my guitar ms. Bolt" she says "I like to think that I am very good at the woodwork part of building it, but the electronics part.." she giggles "I'm not too good at the electronic part, I'm afraid to say that my talent in that area is kind of lacking" she says as she then turns around to take a better look at Lektra and smiles, but she blushed a bit, as she did find the engineering teacher to be quite attractive, she nods "Yeah my auntie always says that too, of course, she teaches me art and music at home, and well with her being a bit of a hippy" she giggles and shakes her head.

"Ms Bolt, I'm kind of weird all over, or so the other students say. I'm just waiting for either my parents or my auntie Rose to pick me up, though it is most likely going to be my aunt as my parents have been away in Whinnypeg" she says but then blinks at her teacher's question "No of course not, w-why would it be uncomfortable?" she asks, tilting her head.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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2 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:


"You definitely have the art talent to carve a new guitar and get the acoustics right." I moved my hand across the smooth waxed surface Lilac had been working on. "I can definitely help on the electrical part. Electrical circuits falls into my expertise, though we might need to check with an electrician to make sure everything is sound, no pun intended. If the current produced is too much or too little, the sound won't come out of the amp and speaker right. I could definitely build the electrical components and hook them up for you though."

I hugged her again and felt a blush. "Oh no reason, I thought it might be uncomfortable to be in a position with me like this. If you need company while you wait we could just kinda hang out I guess?"

I looked toward the music door, expecting a parental figure to magically appear there. "Like when are they coming exactly?"

Lilac smiles and hugs her back "I think auntie Rose knows an electrician, so w-we could ask her" she says and looks up at the teacher, she was different from the other teachers, she also seemed to have a instant rapport with the students, almost as if she understood them more than the other teachers did. Lilac smiles some more  and nods "Thank you, I just want have my own unique guitar, one that was built by me and not some factory" she says "Music is kind of...in my soul" she giggles.

As Lektra mentioned wanting company and asked when her parents would be arriving, Lilac checks her phone and smiles "Seems auntie Rose should be picking me up, and she should be here pretty soon, her shop is pretty close by." she says, and lo and behold, as she says that, a black hummer pulls up with Brian Jonestown Massacre playing on the stereo. "Ooh auntie Rose is here and is playing one of my favorite songs"

And while the song was playing, a middle aged mare, who looked liked she was in her mid to late forties, possibly in her early fifties, stepped out of the car. She was wearing what looked like a black miniskirt, black off the shoulder top and black leather jacket, along with aviators. She also looked somewhat familiar to Lilac, except her mane and tail were longer, raven black with purple and pink streaks and she was of course older. 

The aforementioned mare then walks into the school and immediately found her niece, Lilac "Ah there you are my dear little Lilly" she hugs her niece and then sees Lektra "And who is your lovely friend?" she asks, eyeing the teacher up and down 

Lilac giggles "Hi auntie Rosie, this is Lektra Bolt, she's my engineering teacher, and she's offered to help me create my unique personal guitar, but we need an electrician at some point.. ooh, can she come to the shop with us please auntie?"

Rose smiles "Well miss Bolt it is a pleasure to meet you" she says addressing her before turning to Lilac "Of course she can sweetheart, granted she wants to come of course, why don't you invite her and see what she says" she suggests.

Lilac smiles and turns to Lektra "Miss Bolt, would you like to come with my auntie Rose and myself to her malt and candy shop?" she asks and smiles widely at her teacher, hoping that she would say yes to the invitation.


  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Lektra Bolt said:


As I was introduced I instinctively bowed to Aunt Rose, but said nothing until it was my turn to speak.

Pulling up the holographic UI on my watch I checked my schedule and cross referenced with projects I had due at various lectures and what I was working on, as well as when I had to wake up for work. Finally I made it vanish and shrugged. "I...I guess I could come with you." I blushed a little at this point. I did identify with the students better, given I was still on the younger spectrum of teachers, but still not many seen me as someone to spend time with outside of school.

"But uh if we're going to do this, you'd best cut the formalities. Outside of school I'm just Lektra. Heh." At this point I checked if Sparky on my back was alright and if I had everything I needed in case I ended up sleeping over. Yup I had a change of clothes and the backpack didn't need to be recharged. Shuffling my mane to the side I then nodded and looked around rather sheepishly.

"Well lead the way I guess. Just promise I won't be too late to work tomorrow ok? I rather love candy." My mouth started to water just thinking about this and I had to visibly swallow. Exactly how did I not know there was a candy shop near CHS?

Lilac giggles and squeals as she hugs Lektra before blushing a little "S-sorry, I-I've never had anyone aside from auntie and some of her friends to hang out with after school" she says before brushing a hand through her mane and smiling, She then nods "Alright Lektra, and you really should try auntie Rose's candy then, it's the best" she says as she starts to lead the way to the black hummer alongside Rose.

Rose just smiles "Don't worry about being late to work tomorrow, our Lilac here is quite keen on getting to school early herself, so that she may either practice her guitar or do some of her art. Though she also likes to take time revising schoolwork and homework, though I'm not sure why, she's almost a straight A student" she says as she then opens the doors for the two young mares "Well hop in, and don't mind the guitars, I picked them up for a friend of mine" she says with a big smile.

"Thank you auntie, and does that mean Angel is back? That's cool, I like his music" Lilac says as she gets in and then scoots over to give Lektra some room. Noticing her nervousness from before, Lilac smiles over at Lektra "It's okay to be nervous, I am a little too, I n-never really spent time outside of school with a teacher before, e-except for with miss Cadenza, but that was usually due to extra curricular activities"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Lektra Bolt said:


We hugged and I giggled a little too. "Don't worry this is kinda new to me too. Aside from a couple of times I helped students with their projects I don't get to 'hang out' much either, but if I can afford it with my experimenting expenses I'll be sure to come around the shop."

Sparky jumped off my back and transformed into his basic form, jumping into the open trunk. I hoped he wouldn't get locked in there. I usually flew with him if I needed to get around, so riding a car was rather odd to me. I closed my lab coat and buttoned it up, feeling rather exposed to the nighttime passers-by.

I then shuffled in next to Lilac and crossed my legs, looking around. "Hmm if you'd like and could afford the parts and labor, I could probably supe this car up for you Rose." I pulled up my watch and pressed a few floating buttons then drew a model with my finger. "How'd you like it to fly?" I expanded the 3d model for everyone to look at, but once the car started I'd put it away of corse

Rose looked at the model and chuckled "A flying hummer?" she asks and raises an eyebrow "Now that'd be something, question is, what about all that legal stuff, like legal flying, airspace, and all that?" she asks "well see about your finances first, and maybe we can discuss something" she says, starting the engine and begins to drive off. "So Lektra, tell me, you like my niece right?" she asks with a giggle "Can I ask you something? It may be a little awkward for her at first, but it is her own good, can you please look out for her while she is at school?" she asks "It was Dean Cadenza's idea for her to transfer to Canterlot High, thinking she'd have better luck making and keeping friends there, but so far all I've seen is well...you're her only friend" she says "I'm sorry, I'm just worried and some would say over protective of her.

Lilac was very interested in the model but as it was put away and the discussion turned to her engineering teacher looking out for her, she blushed slightly and hid behind her tail, though her ears were flicking cutely every now and then. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...
18 minutes ago, Lektra Bolt said:


I giggled at the thought of a flying car. I hadn't thought about permits. "I uh, just kinda fly with Sparky all the time to get places, so I hadn't really considered a car would need license to fly. Might be fun to do though, but the kind of jet propulsion necessary might be too expensive. I certainly can't afford it on my salary. I have a designs I can't implement laying around." I smiled, thinking of the many ideas that could improve lives but were too expensive or needed legal documents, sighing a bit at that.

"Of course I like her, though we've actually only met 'for real' recently, you see." I sighed at having to explain student-teacher relations, as if reading from a textbook. In fact I was recalling rules from the teacher's handbook. "I like her like I like all my students, but I do find her very interesting." Blushing at this, feeling my face get warm. "I could look out for her and I'd love to be friends, but I have to treat her the same as other students while at school. I can't give favoritism. If Lilac is failing I cannot give her a passing grade, but I could look out for her to try to make sure nothing bad happens to her. No problem." There were stories of students dating teachers and the teachers getting in trouble. I hoped something like this wouldn't happen to me as I twirled a bit of my mane, looking at the scenery speeding past us

Rosie smiles as she listens "Oh of course, I wouldn't suggest you get into relations with her, at least not while at school, but if you two do grow that close to each other, you'll have my support" she says then looks to her "I was also kind of joking about the permits and such, I'm not even sure there's such permits around just yet" she chuckles and then parks outside her shop "Well we're here, as for you looking after my niece, thank you," she says as she then turns the ignition off.

Lilac blushed at the thought of being in a relationship with her engineering teacher, but shakes her head and smiles "I-I guess only time will tell" she says "But it is nice to have a friend, even though you are my teacher, I don't mind and I totally understand about the whole favoritism thing" she says with a smile "Oh, do you like kitties and puppies? I think mummy and daddy dropped mine off before leaving"

Rosie smiles "They did, and are well fed and looked after dear, the puppies are running around out the back and your kitties are in your room" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Lektra Bolt said:


I nodded respectfully at the suggestion, and giggled embarrassed about mention of the permits. "I uh, take things a bit too literally sometimes, sorry about that. I could definitely make this car fly though with the right materials. Just needs some jet engines and a mechanism to flip the wheels." I said this as I recalled the diagram. Flipping was a crude way to say what would happen, but that's about right.

"Prefer cats, indifferent to dogs. I guess they're cute? I don't particularly mind them." I headed out to look over the house, following along. Sparky jumped out of the trunk and attached to my back again, folding the wings away into a relatively normal looking backpack

Rose smiled "That truly sounds awesome though, and very futuristic" she says then listens to Lektra and giggles "Oh don't worry about taking things too literally dear heart, my dear twin sister does too, as does our little Lilly flower here" she says, making Lilac blush a little but smile.

She takes Lektra's hand "come on, I'll show you my room" she says as she then begins to drag her engineering teacher to her room. Once there, she opened the door to her room, showing a nice large room with a plush carpet, a lovely four poster double king size cloud bed, complete with cloud pillows, a plush quilt blanket, plenty of plush animals, and of course her aforementioned kitties sleeping on the bed, purring softly.

Posters of all her favorite bands and the Wonderbolts covered the walls, and just as she was about to speak, it sounded like music was coming from the recording room of the basement, she giggles "Yay! Auntie's band is here! Oh you'll love them!" she says, then taking Lektra's hand and took her down to the recording/music room, where Rose's band was indeed playing, all decked out in jeans or leather, and Rose on the drums.



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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