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Anyone who wants to sign up as a passenger check out the OOC thread: HAS Antigone

No more crew members unless you already have a spot reserved.

Ratchet ran his hoof along the vibrating engine, its iron casing warmed from the friction of the slowly rotating motor. Ever since Kyros had given him a job on the The Antigone he had thought of the spectacular airship as his child and his home. He had become so used to to the rocking of the deck and the steady vibration from the engine room that he got dizzy whenever he stood on the ground. When he first joined the crew, he separated himself from all of the other airponies, preferring to hide away with the machinery in the engine room. Over the years he began to warm up to the other crewmen, and after a while he started to think of them as family. Now was different though, the old crew had left when the war started, hoping to keep from getting involved. The only ones left were him and Kyros, and that crazy cook who had some sort of strange fascination with lemons. Ratchet didn't feel like meeting the new crew members, but Kyros had asked him to be there when they boarded, captains orders. Ratchet sulkily made his way up to the main deck where Kyros would be lowering the boardwalk.

((A little background, The Antigone ​is docked at a mooring mast sort of like a zeppelin or a blimp. No characters save for Ratchet, Kyros, and Lemony Snickers. If your character is an airman or woman then they have most likely been on an airship of some kind before. If you are a recruit then this will be a first encounter of sorts.))

Edited by thesteampunkninja
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Lemony Snickers was working her tail off making enough rations for the oncoming passengers. The lemon supply had been running low so she had to make due with just potatoes, corn and apples. A pot of stew started to boil at the same time as the baked potatoes were done baking. So, she let the potatoes burn a little in order to save the stew. The kitchen was already a mess to begin with and she didn't want it to get any worse.

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Kyros walked out of his quarters on the Antigone. He looked out at the sky welcoming it as his new home for now. The Antigone was a sturdy ship, but 75% of what makes a good ship is a good crew. Kyros walked to the dock and looked at what was being loaded on. He knew that the previous crew couldn't be replaced. Kyros Dreaded what was in store for him. New recruits always had an additude. Not only that, but all of the whole crew was new except for Kyros, Ratchet, and Lemony Snickers. Kyros walked back up to the Antigone. He looked down and saw some very odd looking ponies walking along the dock. "Hrmmmm.... I didn't know there was a circus that travled by boat." Kyros thought. Then, they made an unexpected turn towards his ship and started walking up the gangway. Kyros looked up, "Dear celestia have mercy." He said quietly.

Edited by KingOfIcecream
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SketchBook was walking nervously across the Docks. This would be his first day working on the Antigone, and he's always been concerned with first impressions.

He kept his head down, and boarded the ship hoping nopony would notice him.

On the ship, Sketch breathed in that 'new ship smell' and started to smile. While he was alone, he felt like he could face the world. He began exploring, and started with the kitchen.


In the kitchen, he saw an overworked mare cooking rations for the passengers. He started to walk into the kitchen, praying to make a healthy first impression on the chef

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Lemony Snickers placed each dish on the counter one by one, beginning with small hay sandwiches and ending with a giant lemon meringue pie. The yellow mare began cleaning up the kitchen, mopping the floor and dusting off different shelves. She noticed the recruit out of the corner of her eye. "Can I help you?" She asked a bit snappishly.

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Lemony Snickers disregarded the colt and went back to work. She left the kitchen and rushed off to the loading dock to ask Kyros a question regarding alcohol. She rushed past Lockhart, bumping his side then continuing on without a word.

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Lemony Snickers ignored him and continued rushing. She arrived at the loading area and approached Kyros. "Captain? What sort of drinks should we give the passengers? I'm all out of lemonade and that alchoholic lemon juice." She reported.

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"Well, good ridens to the alcoholic lemon juice, we need our crew on their toes." Kyros replied, "As for the lemonade, damn. That's some good stuff. For now, just give them water, we'll snag some more lemons for you on our next stop. There's not enough time for us to go out and grab some now."

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Lemony Snickers nodded. She would've given the crew some good wine she had tucked away in the cellar, but Kyros was always right. The yellow cook nodded in a short salute and trotted back toward her kitchen. She passed by that strange colt she had bumped into. Snickers noticed the manacles of steel around his forelegs and raised her eyebrow in confusion. A pointless action, considering the top half of her face was hidden by her dark brown mane. "What're those for?" She asked. They didn't seem to assist him in any way, but rather seem ed to weigh him down from her point of view.

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"The ship is in top shape Cap'n, I saw to her myself." Ratchet stood by Kyros and watched the new crew come aboard. He leaned away from Snickers and whispered in his ear, "Did she say were out of alcoholic lemon juice? That's a shame, the stuff tastes nasty but I bet we could use it for fuel if we ran out of refined oil."

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Kyros gave Lemony a salute as she left. He then looked at Ratchet, "Good point. I'll make sure to tell Lemony Snickers to add alcoholic lemon juice back onto her shopping list." Kyros gave him a salute and began to look through the ship to find any recruits or airmen that decided to wonder off into the bowels of the ship. He found SketchBook in the kitchen. Kyros told him, "You know you're not a cook, right? And since you're not, I'd suggest you move to the deck," Kyros gestured to the exit, "Oh, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kyros, Captian of the Antigone."

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"Er.. Hello Captain"

Sketchbook nervously replies as he holds out his hoof for a hoofshake. But then he thought

"No, that's dumb"

and drew his hoof away.

Sketchbook followed through his superiors order and went to the door way that he was being pointed to; slowly. Without saying a second word

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Kyros decided to head out aswell and see what newcommers had come aboard while he was secluded in the kitchen. He found Lemony Snickers talking to a zebra looking unicorn with odd metal braces around his front two hooves. He approached the two, "What's going on here Lemony?" He asked. Kyros then turned to lock-heart, "And... Who are you?"

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"They seem a little...heavy and pointless. Can't use a more effective weapon rather than steel bracelets?" Lemony Snickers sat down, raising her hoof to emphasize her point. "Seems like a waste of good metal to me." She knew she was being harsh on the kid, but high quality steel like that could be a blender, a light, a table or maybe a nice fruit slicing knife.

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Kyros looked at the braclets, "Hrm... Alright then." Kyros left the two ponies and went to the kithen to snag a small little snack. He hadn't eaten since last night's dinner. He was too anxious for the next day to eat. He slipped in the kitchen and helped himself to a biscut. Once he finished snacking, he locked kitchen door behind him to ensure that no pony (except for Lemony Snickers, who had a key) would go wondering off into the Antigone's interior.


((Roleplayers that signed up to this RP! Y U no post?!))

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After several hours waiting for the strangely clad recruit to respond, Lemony Snickers rose and headed to her beloved kitchen. She looked around the dining hall, surprised to find completely empty. With a sigh, she unlocked the kitchen and headed inside. Snickers closed the door behind her and headed to the cellar. Maybe she could bring a few bottles of Merlot to Kyros's mares.

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Lemony Snickers passed by him as she headed to Kyros's quarter pulling a small red wagon of around twelve bottles of Merlot. "Yes. They are. Don't question my logic, youngster." She said flatly, stopping to glare at him through her dark brown bangs. Lemony didn't think very highly of this new recruit with the manacles.

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"I have a spell cast on my hair where I can see through it." She explained, Lemony Snickers approached him, staring into his soul. "And trust me, kid. You don't want too see my eyes." She warned him. Lemony Snickers then continued on her way, leaving Lockhart to his own devices.

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