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apun arrival at the blacksmiths shop he (the blacksmith) said "why howdy! What can I get for yer'?" Lightning replied " I will need 20 of your finest tipped swords and 1000 of the same quality arrows" the blacksmith replied" Ok should be done in a few days"


*sorry I just realize I'm hogging the characters, you can be the blacksmith/next character we see if you want

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"Great will pick them up when there ready also could you tune up my sword" he asked handing the blacksmith the katana


*Its fine your really good at being them"

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"I know, me too." Arriving at the cake shop a pink pony came sprinting at Lightning and Ryan, Doging he yelled to Ryan "Look out she is going to get you!"


*its pinkie pie

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pinkie pie said in the most annoying tone ever "yes I'm ok! Did you come for cakes? Cupcakes? Did I ask cakes? What about cupcakes?" Lightning exclaimed "please be quiet! We came for a cake, unless you want something else, Ryan?"

sig by Cloud Chaser


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"Hey who's your brother? Or is is a sensitive subject, because believe it or not, but there is a few subjects that I don't like to talk about too...." Said Lightning , surprisingly caring

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"Well my brother is only four if you can believe it I'm the oldest of three me Ty and Willa my sister" he pulled out a picture handin it to Lightning Ty was a small black and dark green hedghog with stripes like Ryan's and Willa a young teenager with long black hair with pink stripes a purple vest an jeans "Man I miss them"

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Lightning thought" I wonder where this guy is from, he has a family? Aww man now he's got me all sad....." Then Lightning asked, " where are you from?"

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"ah sounds.....nice" said lightning ,lightning thought of his hometown " If I had to go back there I'd kill someone"

Edited by F-22brony

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Looking outside thinking "This can't be them he said it would be at least a week before they came" Lightning replies, " It.... It can't be, no I wont believe it is until I get informed that"


Suddenly Lightnings radio (headset) Went crazy with chatter, All he heard was people screaming and running "Oh god, no" Lightning came to the sudden realization that it was the rebels, and they teleported to the palace with magic. Lightning yelled to Ryan "WE NEED TO GO TO LUNA NOW!!!"

Edited by F-22brony

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